How can I find or generate a sample LLVM project? - llvm

In LLVM documentation regarding how to start a project, it mentions:
There are two ways that you can set all of these variables:
You can use the pre-made LLVM sample project. This sample project
includes Makefiles, a configure script that can be used to configure
the location of LLVM, and the ability to support multiple object
directories from a single source directory.
The problem is, I am not sure where this is located or how to generate this sample project within my LLVM installation - I have cloned LLVM project and compiled it.
In another place in documentation it was mentioned to be placed in llvm/projects/samples, however I was unable locating this, since the fonder does not contain any project (However, it contains a CMakeLists.txt and a LLVMBuild.txt, making me think I might be able to generate this).
Do I miss something very obvious here?
Thank you in advance.

It was removed since release/3.5.x branch, however you can still find in release/2.4.x branch or lower.


CMake specifying Native Build System Options in CMakeLists.txt(managed C++ Project)

i got stuck with a problem which has to do with a managed c++ Project.
Currently we have a working Build and we are about to use CMake to generate our Solution Files in the future.
In our solution we have some Managed C++ Project and C# Projects. I tried to generate/build the Managed C++ Projects and it works. But there is one key thing that is different which atually breaks the build.
In our working build the managed C++ Project has the Xml Tag <TargetFrameworkVersion> but when I use CMake to configure/generate the Project I end up having <TargetFramework> and this breaks the build ( I confirmed by manually changing the Tag).
I got stuck with this Problem for 2 days and the following things I already tried:
I tried setting VS_DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK_VERSION which actually is deprecated but makes sense because of the name. I ended up having in the Project file.
I also tried the newer Variables DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK, DOTNET_TARGET_FRAMEWORK_VERSION but I ended up again with in the Project file.
I thought to myself I could change the Project file after I configure/generate but thats pretty hacky (but works)
There is a second solution which actually works but is not what I really want. I can tell cmake.exe to pass some options to the native MsBuild tool to build the managed C++ target. This works but I would prefer to some how tell the CMakeLists.txt to do this or even better have the right Xml tag when generating the Proect files because we don't want to use the command line when building our projects.
The approach looks like this (Target Name is NotifierLib and .NET Framework Version is 4.7.2)
cmake --build . --target NotifierLib -- /p:TargetFrameworkVersion=v4.7.2
Did anyone came across this exact issue? Or maybe has an idea how to solve this via CMakeLists.txt?
Thanks in advance.
I finally came to a pretty Solution which was there initially.
This post helped my to get on the right Track:
How can cmake add custom entry in a project's vcxproj PropertyGroup?
Basically I don't need to iterate over the .xml File myself to edit the Tag.
I can tell CMake to set it for me as a global option with:
set_target_properties(NotifierLib PROPERTIES VS_GLOBAL_TargetFrameworkVersion "v4.7.2")
This way the initial <TargetFramework> Tag is still in the .xml File but it does not bother because it is not being used.

Wrong path for Qt mkspecs when generating Makefile for VTK under Windows 10

My current task is to set up a working environment for an application using (static) Qt and VTK, under Windows 10.
I successfully installed the Qt 5.11.1 static and now want to build VTK. Any version of VTK does, as long as it is compatible to Qt 5.11.1, and the Qt Modules (VTK_Group_Qt) have to be build. For my version, I decided on VTK 8.1.1, but as said, any version would do.
I used the CMake GUI to configure VTK, using MinGW Makefiles (I use a MinGW64), which worked. Then I wanted to proceed generating the Makefile, having turned on VTK_Group_Qt. The paths and version of Qt were already correctly recognized:
Qt5Core_DIR       C:/build_environment/qt-everywhere-src-5.11.1/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5Core
Qt5Gui_DIR          C:/build_environment/qt-everywhere-src-5.11.1/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5Gui
Qt5Widgets_DIR C:/build_environment/qt-everywhere-src-5.11.1/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5Widgets
Qt5_DIR               C:/build_environment/qt-everywhere-src-5.11.1/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5
Made sure that all of those exist. After that, I hit Generate and got the following error:
The imported target "Qt5::Core" references the file
but this file does not exist. Possible reasons include:
* The file was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.
* An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.
* The installation package was faulty and contained
but not all the files it references
Now, we see that it goes one folder upwards from qtbase and then into the very folder it currently is in, which of course is not a legitimate path. That is, for some reason it tries to go up and then down again, but not with the right amount of folders.
I could try to move the contents of my Qt installation so that the path would be legitimate, but I'd consider that to be pretty much of a smell. Fiddling around in a folder structure that should be correct is not what I understand to be a good solution. I'd rather be willed to change one of the .cmake files of Qt, but that would also be more of a makeshift approach than a real solution as far as I am concerned.
One thing I tried so far was to look at all the CMake variables (checking Advanced in the CMake GUI) in order to see if everything appear to be in order, and especially to see if that faulty path to mkspecs is to be found somewhere there. Found nothing of particular interest.
Does anybody have an idea what went wrong? Tell me if additional information is required. In parallel, I will try to build other versions of VTK, but I'm not too confident that this will solve the issue.
I found a solution which I want to present here, but I consider it a makeshift approach rather than an actual solution, and I hope to see a better answer.
I went to qt-everywhere-src-5.11.1/qtbase/lib/cmake/Qt5Core/ and changed the file Qt5CoreConfigExtrasMkspecDir.cmake (after making a copy).
The original file contains a single line
set(_qt5_corelib_extra_includes "${_qt5Core_install_prefix}/.../qt-everywhere-src-5.11.1/qtbase//mkspecs/win32-g++")
which leads to the faulty path. I changed it to
set(_qt5_corelib_extra_includes "${_qt5Core_install_prefix}/mkspecs/win32-g++")
And it now works fine. Still, I don't feel good about having to change a file of Qt, since I consider the answer the question "Is this famous library at fault?" to be "Most likely I used it wrong."
A possible explanation would be that I used the wrong install prefix when configuring Qt, but shouldn't I be allowed to put any valid writeable path in there? Plus, the prefix is still in the cmake file and thus has some validity.
While this is an answer since it fixed the problem, I'd really like to read comments about what could have originally went wrong.

Solving DL4J compilation error

I am trying to download DL4J source without error.
I cloned
and imported using existing Maven project in Eclipse.
Tons of dependencies are downloaded but it's bombarded with errors.
Anyone who knows which branch version is free of compile error?
The site says 0.9.1 is most stable version, but it still generates errors.
So there's a few things here:
No major open source project in today's day and age operates without a build system. This can be maven,gradle,sbt,..
You ignored all of our docs about building from source and the like. You don't need to do that. Use the build system like it's intended.
My suggestion here:
Learn what the rest of the java world did and use maven:
Our quick start is here:
Follow our examples for the latest versions:
Chances are you do not need to build from source (this involves 5 other projects you probably do not want to do that) - but if you absolutely must be prepared to use c++ among other things.
The guide for that can be found here:

How to convert a cmake project into a Visual Studio equivalent?

The situation is the following: I have the source code of one programm (lets call it programA) (written in C and C++), as well as the CMakeLists.txt and CTestConfig.cmake files. I already installed programA using CMake's graphical user interface and, as it is obvious, it worked. It created the .exe file (I'm working on Windows 7 OS).
The problem is that, right now, I've been asked to edit the program (and so, I must be able to edit the code and degugging it as changes are made). I also need to compile it but not in .exe anymore but in .dll so I can add it to a website we have.
I've read in forums that CMake can compile programA into a .dll if I need to, but as I would need to make some changes I consider that CMake debugging is not as useful and easy as using entirely VS. From the little I know from CMake language, the CMakeLists.txt is mainly used to check the OS of the user as well as adding some libraries in case they are not found.
I have to admit I have no idea in programming CMake directives, as I have been working with ASP.NET, C, C++ and C# mostly. Then, my idea is to try to work only in visual studio 2010 instead of using cmake as well, so once I have the program 'adapted' to VS and can be compiled just using VS, I'm ready to start my job. So the question I have is how can I perform the same task CMake did just using Visual Studio (Is there any way of implementing CMake directives in VS?), can VS compile by receiving as an argument something similar to that CMake.txt file (though it needs to be translated into another language)?
To skip the use of CMake I tried to copy the source code into a new project in VS. However as it does not use the CMake directives when compiling, it gives several errors, most of them related to the fact that some headers.h can't be found (cause they might be in a subfolder). And there are so many subfolders to add the paths to the predefined directories of search that it would take ages.
I'm sorry I can't be more precise in my explanation. I'm good at programming little projects on my own, but it's the first time I have to work on other's programm. Please don't hesitate to ask if anything was not properly understood
I would appreciate a lot any suggestion / advice /guidance you can give.
To make a dll, use add_library command and the SHARED keyword
add_library(mylib SHARED ${files})
this is easy with CMake, don't go back in visual that will be harder at the end
The Good News
Fortunately, cmake can generate VS Projects automaticaly for you (this tutorial s specific for OpenTissue, but Steps 1 to 3 should be the same for you).
The [not so] Bad News
Depending on the complexity of the project, VS Projects automaticaly generated by cmake can get pretty nasty, to the point of illegibility. It will, for example, hard link any library dependencies using the specific paths of your machine, so the project will most certainly not be portable across setups. In any case, that's the intended bahavior, because the primary idea of supporting this generator is simply making it work, thus allowing users to easily compile projects using MSVC, so there's not much you can do here. Nonetheless, it should work in your machine and will certainly be a great starting point for you, just create a project yourself from scratch copying the relevant parts out of the automatic generated version.

Finding unused files in a project

We are migrating our works repository so I want to do a cull of all the unreferenced files that exist in the source tree before moving it into the nice fresh (empty) repository.
So far I have gone through by hand and found all the unreferenced files that I know about but I want to find out if I have caught them all. One way would be to manually move the project file by file to a new folder and see what sticks when compiling. That will take all week, so I need an automated tool.
What do people suggest?
1) It is C++.
2) The files are mixed. I am looking for files that have been superseded by others but have left to rot in the repository - for instance file_iter.h is not referenced by any other file in the program but remains in the repository just in case someone wants to compile a version from 1996! Now we are moving to a fresh repository we can safely junk all the files that are no longer used.
3) Lint only finds unused includes - not unused files (I have the 7.5 manual in front of me).
You've tagged this post with c++, so I'm assuming that's the language in question. If that's the only thing that's in the repository then it shouldn't be too hard to grep all files in the repository for each filename to give you a good starting point. If the repository contains other files (metadata, support files, resources, etc) then you're probably going to need to do it manually.
I can't offer an existing tool for it, but I would expect that you can get a lot of this information from you build tools (with some effort, probably). Typically you can at least let the build tool print the commands it would run, without actually running them. (E.g. the -n option of make and bjam does this.) From it you should be able to extract at least the used source files.
With the -MM of g++ you can get all the non-system header files for the given source files. The output is in the form of a make rule, but with some filtering this shouldn't be a problem.
I don't know if this helps; it's just what I would try in your situation.
You can actually do this indirectly with Lint by running a "whole project analysis" (in which all files are analysed together rather than individually).
Configure it to ignore everything but unreferenced variable/enum/function etc warnings and it should give you a reasonable indicator of where the deadwood lies without those issues being obscured by any others in the codebase.
A static source code analysis tool like lint might do the job. They will tell you if a piece of code will never be called.
Have you taken a look at Source-Navigator? It can be used as an IDE but I found to be very good at analyzing source code structure. For example, it can find out where and if a certain method is used in your source code.
I don't know if it's scriptable but it might be a good starting point for you.