After running permission commands AWS giving 503 error - amazon-web-services

In AWS EC2 instance 2 applications are running 1 is Django app and other react app. I run these two commands to give read/write permissions on Filezilla.
sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu /var/www/html
sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html
I run them successfully and also change files for the react app through Filezilla. but the Django app gets effected after running these 2 commands throwing 503 error.
what I'm getting on opening url
How can I troubleshoot AWS for this error?

Have you tried with:
sudo chown -R ubuntu:www-data .
When you're inside html folder?
That worked for me. (Made a clean install of Apache2 and PHP and got 503 error everytime until this).


getting "memory error" during aws elastic beanstalk docker deployment

I have a machine learning model with flask api dockerized and when I am trying to deploy it gives me a vague error but checking the expanded logs I can see that it was a memory error when installing tensorflow
As an aside, I also have included the model.h5 file within the docker image, should I not be doing this? Otherwise it is just the .py and config files (no venv in directory)
This is my Dockerfile (it works locally btw, but beanstalk has a memory limit which is getting hit and im not sure why)
FROM python:latest
COPY . /app
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
ENTRYPOINT ["python"]
CMD ["", "--host="]

Deploying Rails 6.0 to AWS EB, Webpacker requires Node.js version error

I am attempting to upload a rails app that was recently updated from rails 5.2 to 6 to AWS Elastic Beanstalk. We had someone else working on this, but with the pandemic he had to step away - and now our site is kind of in limbo and I have not been able to update it. I have searched many different variations of my problem but no solutions have worked yet.
The app was working on EB with rails 5.2. I have the app running in 6.0 locally. When I eb deploy I get this error:
MacBook-Pro:app $ eb deploy
Starting environment deployment via CodeCommit
--- Waiting for Application Versions to be pre-processed ---
Finished processing application version app-0e294-200420_110159
2020-04-21 00:22:24 INFO Environment update is starting.
2020-04-21 00:23:07 INFO Deploying new version to instance(s).
2020-04-21 00:27:59 ERROR [Instance: i-0e613ac1fe175f3f6] Command failed on instance. Return code: 1 Output: (TRUNCATED)...-- : Writing /var/app/ondeck/public/assets/application-06fe3df6175ba0def3d0e732489f883d0c09de.css.gz
Webpacker requires Node.js ">=10.13.0" and you are using v6.17.1
Please upgrade Node.js
Hook /opt/elasticbeanstalk/hooks/appdeploy/pre/ failed. For more detail, check /var/log/eb-activity.log using console or EB CLI.
2020-04-21 00:27:59 INFO Command execution completed on all instances. Summary: [Successful: 0, Failed: 1].
2020-04-21 00:28:00 ERROR Unsuccessful command execution on instance id(s) 'i-0e613ac1fe175f3f6'. Aborting the operation.
2020-04-21 00:28:00 ERROR Failed to deploy application.
ERROR: ServiceError - Failed to deploy application.
It was giving me a bundler error before this, that I was able to fix by adding a file into .ebextensions that installs the correct version of bundler. I figured the solution to this would be similar.
This post was close to my problem:
Deploy rails react app with webpacker gem on AWS elastic beanstalk
So I added this file to my .ebextensions based off the selected answer of that:
command: curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
command: yum -y install nodejs
However, it did not appear to do anything, I still get the same error. I tried a couple variations of the file based off a few other blog posts about the issue, but the error remains. Is anyone able to point me in the right direction or offer any insight into the problem? I apologize for not being very familiar with AWS or EB yet, but I will do my best to answer additional questions.
Maybe it is caused by yarn install later.
I try the following scripts and remove yarn install then set RAILS_SKIP_ASSET_COMPILATION=false and it works for me.
command: "sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo && curl --silent --location | sudo bash - && sudo yum install yarn -y"
command: curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
command: yum -y install nodejs
command: sudo yum install -y yarn
This is how I did it on Amazon Linux 2:
Create this file in .platform/hooks/prebuild/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
sudo yum -y install nodejs
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo
sudo yum -y install yarn
yarn install
Give it the right permission: chmod +x .platform/hooks/prebuild/
And the error is gone, while you assets still compile (unlike with accepted answer)

Linode/Django Can't see site when I runserver at ip:8000

I had started a fresh linode running ubuntu 19.04 and the first time I used the directions at:
To install Mezzanine CMS it worked just fine, I could run the runserver command and see the django website. Eventually it started giving me a problem after trying 50 ways to deploy the site using apache and mod_wsgi.
I gave up and rebuilt the server and then still couldn't see the new install at the IP when I ran run server. I figured maybe it was because I accidentally installed some things using "python" and others with "python3" so I rebuilt the server.
This third time I followed the direction perfectly, the only difference is I didn't install a mysql server just kept the default SQLlite server and created a DB and Django Superuser.
I have added my ip as a host in and
I have already ran makemigrations and migrate
I did check to see if maybe the IP had changed when I rebuilt, it hadn't
My local environment on my laptop works fine, just not the linode
Any suggestions on anything I'm missing?
Deployment Guide
Step 1 (Installation)
Install apache2 mod_wsgi
Install virtualenv
Install virtualenv
Install Nginx for asynchronous event-driven approach to handle multiple client requests
Install mysql
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
sudo apt-get install virtualenv ufw
sudo apt-get install nginx
sudo apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev
sudo mysql_secure_installation
Step 2 (Apache & Hostname & User)
Set hostname and add it into /etc/hosts with hostname and your Server IP
Create new user and give add to the group sudo for safety
sudo adduser username
sudo usermod -aG sudo
Enable SSH authentication for login & Edit default port of ssh in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Edit /etc/apache2/site-availabledefault-000.conf for your new Django configuration
Step 3 (Firewall)
sudo ufw allow 8000
sudo ufw allow http
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw default deny incoming
Enable all other required port numbers
ssh sudo ufw enable
Step 4 (Django configuration)
Chown static and media forlders and edit it's permission recursively
Add allowed host in
Checkout deployment checklist in django official website and do it.
Step 5 (Please checkout)
For apache configuration please visit
Edit the path given in your apache configuration (path for WSGI Script,python-path, python-home ) if any errors found like Internal server error, miss configuration etc
For reference of python-home path please refer Get virtualenv's bin folder path from script
You can also add python-path to WSGIDaemonProcess
Additionally, you can visit puttygen for public and private key generation to login through SSH
For this particular problem turned out I just needed to suddenly bind dev server to
the command to do so was
python runserver
Rinshans answers is definetley the details for deployment, I've followed those steps just kept making some mistake in the config and wsgi scripts. I'm going to try deploying with Gunicorn or use the Fabric self-deployment tools built in to Mezzanine CMS, just haven't done so yet.

Restream a mp3 stream over https with ssl

I need to restream several existing mp3 streams over https.
I have a current stream with the url :
and I would like to have it as :
I have seen several solutions such as :
rebuild my own cast with icecast
nginx proxy
cloudfront (could be expensive)
or a paid service :
But couldn't find an simple tutorial with a cheap solution using AWS.
Is there any way to secure an existing stream in a cheap way using AWS ?
If you are running Debian or Ubuntu, just install Icecast from the official repositories:
It has TLS support built in.
The certificate needs to be provided as a combined file, with both public and private key in the same file. In case of Letsencrypt - some ACME clients can natively produce that sort of output.
As you don't specify if you control the origin server or need to relay an external server I won't venture into further explanations, please clarify your question if you need specific aspects covered.
With the help of a freelancer, here is what I ended up doing.
I register a domain and pointed it to a ubuntu machine hosted Hertzner to get a good value for money on network traffic.
So is pointing to the ip of the server
run this on the machine :
cd /usr/local/bin
chown root:root /usr/local/bin/caddy
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/caddy
setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /usr/local/bin/caddy
groupadd -g 33 www-data
useradd -g www-data --no-user-group --home-dir /var/www --no-create-home --shell /usr/sbin/nologin --system --uid 33 www-data
mkdir /etc/caddy
chown -R root:www-data /etc/caddy
mkdir /etc/ssl/caddy
chown -R root:www-data /etc/ssl/caddy
chmod 0770 /etc/ssl/caddy
cp caddy.service /etc/systemd/system/
chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/caddy.service
chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/caddy.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start caddy.service
create the file /etc/caddy/Caddyfile with this content {
proxy /
Then run these one to run caddy to add autostart, start and check status
systemctl enable caddy
systemctl start caddy
systemctl status caddy
Access to

PHP Fatal Error on 'php artisan migrate' on remote AWS EB instance: laravel.log: Permission denied

When I SSH into my AWS EB instance to run php artisan migrate, I get the following error message:
Link to bigger size of picture below
I am completely confused. First, I don't get this error on the local server. Second, what does a simple log file have to do with migrations anyway? They are ignored by git by default, so no log files are uploaded.
Sigh... Any ideas on how I can be allowed to run my php artisan migrate?
It's always the storage folder. Blank pages or permission denied, it's the darn storage folder.
I don't know how EB works, if it's a regular distro or what, but you should change ownership of the storage folder to the web server (www-data most likely) so it can build the views then set 775 permission so you can write/read logs.
So something like:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data storage/
sudo chmod -R 775 storage/
I've gone through the same error
As stated here,
AWS AMI uses webapp as the web user, not apache or ec2-user as the
file shows. In that case, the webapp user has no access rights over
those files.
So, going through the steps mentioned in there fixed the problem
sudo chown $USER:webapp ./storage -R
find ./storage -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
find ./storage -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
Depending on what you're aiming to do afterwards you might need to go through this too.