Best Way To Destruct Global And Static Objects? - c++

What is the best way to end the lifetime of an object with static storage duration?
Current implementation finds the caller of __run_exit_handlers which then will be used to determine the __exit_funcs.
However this would easily fail since offset to __run_exit_handlers can change easily even in glibc with the same version. Another thing that could be done is to resolve the address of __run_exit_handlers first then use it in finding the caller rather than using a hardcoded call offset.
Current Working Code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <execinfo.h>
struct A
A(std::string pName)
: mName(pName)
std::printf("%s %s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, mName.c_str());
std::printf("%s %s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, mName.c_str());
volatile int i = 0;
std::string mName;
A a{"a"};
A b{"b"};
A c{"c"};
class StaticDestroyer
std::ifstream maps("/proc/self/maps", std::ios::in);
char line[1024];
uint8_t* magic = nullptr;
while (maps.getline(line, sizeof(line)))
char perms[4];
uint8_t *magicbegin, *magicend;
std::string lsv(line);
if (std::string::npos == lsv.find("/libc-",0,6)) continue;
std::sscanf(line, "%lx-%lx %4s", &magicbegin, &magicend, perms);
if (perms[0]==114 && perms[2]==120)
magic = findMagic(magicbegin, magicend);
if (magic==nullptr)
throw std::runtime_error("magic not found!");
mHead = *(HakaishinNode**)magic;
bool destroy(void* pTarget)
HakaishinNode *current = mHead;
while (nullptr != current)
for (size_t i = current->idx-1 ; i>0; i--)
const Hakaishin *const f = &current->fns[i];
if (4 == f->type && pTarget == f->arg)
void (*destruct) (void *arg, int status) = f->fn;
asm ("ror $2*8+1, %0\nxor %%fs:%c2, %0" : "=r" (destruct) : "0" (destruct), "i" (48));
destruct (f->arg, 1);
if (current->idx-1 != i) for (size_t j = i; j < current->idx ; j++) current->fns[j] = current->fns[j+1];
return true;
current = current->next;
return false;
struct Hakaishin
long int type;
void (*fn) (void *arg, int status);
void *arg;
void *dso_handle;
struct HakaishinNode
struct HakaishinNode *next;
size_t idx;
Hakaishin fns[32];
uint8_t* findMagic(uint8_t* magicbegin, uint8_t* magicend)
const void* const begin = magicbegin;
int32_t ptr;
while ((magicbegin+7) <= magicend)
if (magicbegin[0]==0x48 && (magicbegin[1]==0x8b || magicbegin[1]==0x8d))
std::memcpy(&ptr, magicbegin+3, sizeof(ptr));
uint8_t* magicp = magicbegin+ptr+7;
if (ptr==0x38a5c1) return magicp;
return nullptr;
HakaishinNode* mHead = nullptr;
A& getA()
static A a{"getA"};
return a;
A& getA2()
static A a{"getA2"};
return a;
int main()
StaticDestroyer d;
auto& ga = getA();
A::A(std::string) a
A::A(std::string) b
A::A(std::string) c
A::~A() a
A::~A() b
A::A(std::string) getA
A::~A() getA
A::A(std::string) getA2
A::~A() getA2
A::~A() c

Static objects will be destructed with the termination of the program.
If you like to manage the resources don't make it static or use a static pointer. Here you can allocate and de-allocate the corresponding resources. This approach comes very close to a singleton, which is considered to be an anti pattern.
If you need to manage a resource don't make it static.

The need to mess around with the default behavior of life-time in such a way indicates that you have a design flaw in your application.
So you should either consider restructuring your program to not use globals. Or at least change the way how you handle the globals. So if you really need globals and release them earlier, then switch to unique_ptr:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
struct A
A(std::string pName)
: mName(pName)
std::printf("%s %s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, mName.c_str());
std::printf("%s %s\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, mName.c_str());
volatile int i = 0;
std::string mName;
auto a = std::make_unique<A>("a");
auto b = std::make_unique<A>("b");
auto c = std::make_unique<A>("c");
auto& getA()
static auto a = std::make_unique<A>("getA");
return a;
auto& getA2()
static auto a = std::make_unique<A>("getA2");
return a;
int main() {
a = nullptr;
b = nullptr;
c = nullptr;
getA() = nullptr;
That way you can release the objects managed by the unique_ptr earlier, but they will be released on exit automatically if you don't set them to nullptr manually.


c++: Program crashes with parameter (by value) passed to a lambda

I simplified the code, so pardon my style.
I was wondering what happens to an object that is constructed by a constructor that actually allocates memory, and passed to a lambda by value, when this lambda itself, is being a callback by another thread.
It didn't surprise me to see the program crashes when the destructor is called. This was test#1.
test#2: I removed the "new" and the "delete[]" from c'tor and d'tor of A, and now - it worked fine.
I brought the "new" and the "delete[]" back as before, but now I changed every place with "A objA" (by value) into "A& objA", and now, it didn't crash as well.
Now, I can rationalize it by waving my hands but I'd like to understand what really happened here, and for that matter - what would happen if an object that is passed into a lambda by "capture", also ceases to exist.
and last question: is there a good practice or tip what to do (or what to avoid) in such cases?
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
class A {
A() : x(1) { ptr = new char[1024]; }
~A() { delete[](ptr); }
int getX() { return x; }
int x = 0;
char* ptr = nullptr;
std::function<void(A objA)> myCb;
int myThread()
static int counter = 0;
auto a = new A;
while (true) {
if (myCb)
std::cout << "myCb is still NULL: counter = " << counter << std::endl;
if (counter++ == 5)
return 0;
void registerCallback(std::function<void(A obj)> cb)
myCb = cb;
int main()
std::thread t1(myThread);
int val = 5;
registerCallback([&val](A objA) {
std::cout << "here lambda is called with " << objA.getX() << " and " << val << std::endl;
val = 6;
val = 7;
val = 8;
class A is violating the Rule of 3/5/0, as it does not implement a copy-constructor and/or move-constructor, or a copy-assignment and/or move-assignment operator.
So, when an instance of A is passed around by value, a shallow copy is made that shares the same char* pointer to a single char[] array in memory, and thus the code MAY crash (ie, undefined behavior) when trying to delete[] that same array multiple times.
What you need is a deep copy instead, so that each instance of A allocates its own char[] array, eg:
class A
A() : x(1), ptr(new char[1024])
std::fill(ptr, ptr + 1024, '\0');
A(const A &src) : x(src.x), ptr(new char[1024])
std::copy(src.ptr, src.ptr + 1024, ptr);
A(A &&src)
: x(src.x), ptr(src.ptr)
src.ptr = nullptr;
delete[] ptr;
A& operator=(A rhs)
std::swap(x, rhs.x);
std::swap(ptr, rhs.ptr);
return *this;
int getX() const { return x; }
int x;
char* ptr;
A simpler way to implement this is to use std::vector instead of new[], since vector is already compliant with the Rule of 3/5/0, and so compiler-generated constructors, destructor, and assignment operators for A will suffice to make copies/moves of the vector for you, eg:
#include <vector>
class A
A() : vec(1024, '\0') {}
int getX() const { return x; }
int x = 1;
std::vector<char> vec;
You should use unique_ptr. deleting a void* is undefined behavior
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
class A {
A() : x(1)
ptr = std::make_unique<char[]>(1024);
int getX() { return x; }
int x = 0;
std::unique_ptr<char[]> ptr = nullptr;
std::function<void(A& objA)> myCb;
int myThread()
static int counter = 0;
auto a = new A;
while (true) {
if (myCb)
std::cout << "myCb is still NULL: counter = " << counter << std::endl;
if (counter++ == 5)
return 0;
void registerCallback(std::function<void(A& obj)> cb)
myCb = cb;
int mymain()
std::thread t1(myThread);
int val = 5;
registerCallback([&val](A& objA) {
std::cout << "here lambda is called with " << objA.getX() << " and " << val << std::endl;
val = 6;
val = 7;
val = 8;
return 0;

c++ Copy constructors and destructors

I am learning constructors and Destructors in c++; Help me grasp my mistakes even if they are silly...
HERE is a code I have written to perform addition using classes in c++; This creates two summands of datatype num and employs the constructor sum() to perform sum of the two numbers; However when everything was goin' alright, I stumbled upon creating a copy constructor for num , (Although not necessary but still for practice)... without the dynamic object of the class sum it is not possible to run the code anyway(without removing the copy constructor)... Help me improve my code and my mistakes in the code below; Also I wanna know how to make use of the copy constructor in this program; the problem being that in the destructor the delete operation is being performed multiple times on the same piece of memory (I suppose)
Here's my Code
using namespace std;
class num
int *a;
num(int x)
a=new int;
catch(bad_alloc xa)
num(){ }
num(const num &ob)
a=new int;
catch(bad_alloc xa)
delete a;
class sum:public num
int add;
sum(num n1,num n2)
int getsum()
return add;
int main()
num x=58;
num y=82;
sum *s=new sum(x,y);
delete s;
return 0;
I may miss something - didn't use new/delete for too long, but tried to correct all what I noticed.
P.S. always use smart pointers.
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
#include <new>
using namespace std;
int* allocate(const char* err_msg, int exit_code)
int* a = nullptr;
a = new int;
catch (bad_alloc&)
cout << err_msg << endl;
return a;
class num
int* a = nullptr; // always should be initialized here
num() noexcept : a(nullptr) // or here
/*explicit*/ num(int x) : a(allocate("1", 1))
*a = x;
num(const num& ob) : a(allocate("1''", 2))
*a = *(ob.a);
// rule of zero/three/five
// default copy assignment will copy pointer and one int will be leaked and one will be deleted twice
num& operator =(const num& ob)
if (&ob == this)
return *this;
*a = *(ob.a);
return *this;
cout << "Destruct!!!";
delete a;
a = nullptr; // usefull for debug
int value() const
if (a == nullptr)
throw runtime_error("a == nullptr");
return *a;
class sum
int add = 0;
sum(const num& n1, const num& n2)
add = n1.value() + n2.value();
int getsum() const
return add;
int main()
const num x = 58;
const num y = 82;
const sum* s = new sum(x, y);
cout << s->getsum() << endl;
delete s;
return 0;

Shared memory in Linux

I want to implement class in way that different processes can access the same static data:
class Shared()
static int GetValue();
static void SetValue(int value);
How to do this using shared memory to store internal data. Could anyone help me to do this? Any answer will be appreciated.
Sample code is as shown below, this is a very basic implementation. Class will explain how to create, set/get single value and destroy shared memory. Error checks, notifications etc can be added as policy classes using templates.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>
#include <string.h>
template <key_t KEY, typename T, int COUNT = 1>
class Shm
if(shm_ != NULL)
shm_ = 0;
//Set one element
void SetValue(const T* data, int count = 1)
if(sizeof(T)*count > sizeof(T) * COUNT)
throw std::runtime_error("Data size greater than shm size");
memcpy(shm_, data, sizeof(T)*count);
//Get pointer to element
const T* GetValue()
T* ptr = new(shm_) T;
return ptr;
static void create()
if ((shmid_ = shmget(KEY, COUNT*sizeof(T), IPC_CREAT | 0666)) < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed create shm");
static void destroy()
if(shmctl(shmid_, IPC_RMID, NULL)<0)
throw std::runtime_error("Error cannot remove shared memory");
shmid_ = -1;
static void get()
if(shmid_ == -1)
if((shmid_ = shmget(KEY, COUNT*sizeof(T), 0666)) < 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Shared memory not created");
void attach()
if ((shm_ = shmat(shmid_, NULL, 0)) == (char *) -1)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed attach shm");
void* shm_;
static int shmid_;
template <key_t KEY, typename T, int COUNT>
int Shm<KEY, T, COUNT>::shmid_ = -1;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
if(argc == 2)
if(std::string(argv[1]) == "server")
int val = 50;
Shm<0x1234, int>::create();
Shm<0x1234, int> shm;
else if(std::string(argv[1]) == "client")
Shm<0x1234, int> shm;
const int* ptr = shm.GetValue();
std::cout <<"Val = " << *ptr <<std::endl;
Shm<0x1234, int>::destroy();
std::cerr<<"Usage shm [server][client]"<<std::endl;
return 0;
You really don't want to hand-roll a solution for this (specially if it has to be portable), but fortunately boost::interprocess that will give such features and more (e.g. allocators) for shared memory.
Minimal example (untested):
#include <boost/interprocess/managed_shared_memory.hpp>
using namespace boost::interprocess;
void* allocate(size_t bytes)
static managed_shared_memory segment(create_only, "MySharedMemory", 65536);
return segment.allocate(bytes);

Decrease operation in fibonacci heap, boost

I'm trying to use in my implementation the fibonacci heap from boost but my program crashes, when I calling decrease function, this the example (W is a simple class):
struct heap_data
boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<heap_data>::handle_type handle;
W* payload;
heap_data(W* w)
payload = w;
bool operator<(heap_data const & rhs) const
return payload->get_key() < rhs.payload->get_key();
int main()
boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<heap_data> heap;
vector<heap_data> A;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
W* w = new W(i, i + 3);
heap_data f(w);
boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<heap_data>::handle_type handle = heap.push(f);
(*handle).handle = handle; // store handle in node
return 0;
The problem is quite trivial.
You have two containers (vector A and heap heap).
The heap contains copies of the data in the vector:
A.push_back(f); // copies f!
handle_type handle = heap.push(f); // copies f again!
You set the handle only on the copy in the heap:
(*handle).handle = handle; // store handle in the heap node only
Hence, in the temporary f and the vector A's elements, the value of handle is indeterminate (you just didn't give it any value).
Therefore when you do
you invoke Undefined Behaviour because you depend on the value of A[5].handle, which is uninitialized.
Simpler, correct, example:
Live On Coliru
#include <boost/heap/fibonacci_heap.hpp>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp>
struct W {
int a;
int b;
W(int a, int b) : a(a), b(b) { }
boost::tuple<int const&, int const&> get_key() const { return boost::tie(a, b); }
void decr() { b?a:--a, b?--b:b; }
struct heap_data;
using Heap = boost::heap::fibonacci_heap<heap_data>;
struct heap_data
W payload;
Heap::handle_type handle;
heap_data(W w) : payload(w), handle() {}
bool operator<(heap_data const & rhs) const {
return payload.get_key() < rhs.payload.get_key();
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
int main()
Heap heap;
std::vector<Heap::handle_type> handles;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Heap::handle_type h = heap.push(W { i, i + 3 });
(*h).handle = h;

Getting crash while calling a function which need reference to vector

I want to know is there something wrong in passing in passing vector reference to a function as in the example below. This code is running well and nice. But the same type of code in my project gives me crash. I don't know why.
In that case whenever I calls the function which need std::vector & . then in the called function the size of the vector reaches some millionsss.... I have attached screenshot where I am actually getting this crash.
I just wants to know is there something wrong in these type of implementations...
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
class A {
A() {}
~A() {}
void GetVector(std::vector<std::wstring> &in) {
std::wstring s = L"Hello";
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
class B {
B() {}
~B() {}
void GetData() {
A a;
std::vector<std::wstring> s;
int main() {
B b;
return 0;
Real code where I am getting the crash...
void SCPreferenceComp::PopulateComboBox()
SCConfig *config = SCConfig::GetInstance();
std::vector<std::wstring> languages;
for(size_t i = 0; i != languages.size(); i++)
mLangListComboBox->addItem(languages[i].c_str(), i+1);
if(mLangListComboBox->getNumItems() > 0)
bool SCConfig::GetAllLangugesName(std::vector<std::wstring> &outLangNames)
bool retVal = false;
xercesc::DOMNodeList *langNodeList = mXMLDoc->getElementsByTagName(strToX("language"));
const XMLSize_t langCount = langNodeList->getLength();
for(XMLSize_t i = 0; i < langCount; i++)
xercesc::DOMNode *curLangNode = langNodeList->item(i);
xercesc::DOMElement *curLangElem = dynamic_cast<xercesc::DOMElement*>(curLangNode);
wxString s = strToW(curLangElem->getAttribute(strToX("name")));
retVal = true;
return retVal;
I can't see anything wrong in that implementation other than the fact that it doesn't have any visible end result which leads me to believe it may not exactly match your failing code.