web service can be browse from remote iis but not on internet - web-services

There is a web service that currently is published and can be browsed on internet.
I have copied the service folder located in wwwroot and I paste it in the same location changing the name.
Both were hosted on the Default site.
From IIS Manager I have converted the copied folder as application, if a browse it locally, works, if a browse it remotely within the same domain, works
service works
But if I try doing it from internet can not be access and I receive the message
service doesnt work
Server Error in '/' Application.
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
I've checked the Virtual Path and I have created another application pool, but it have not worked yet.
if somebody could suggest me something. Thanks
J Fuentes.


Click once application to connect to remote server

I have added this question on ServerFault but no one replied.
I have a .net application which calls a webservice deployed on my local windows server 2012 on IIS, and the sql server database resides on that server too. All employees connect to the same service and DB since we're all on the same domain, and I publish the app and webservice to the server through visual studio (2012).
Now I need to make employees access this application when they are outside the company's network, so I deployed the webservice on IIS on one of our remote windows 2012 servers, I created a public shared folder in my remote server and added to app webservice files to it and in visual studio I changed the publish method to web deploy and filled in the information as below:
Server: https://x.x.x.x/
Site Name: https://x.x.x.x/PublicFolder
Destication URL: https://x.x.x.x/PublicFolder/Application
When I click Validate Connection, it fails with the following message:
Could not connect to the remote computer ("x.x.x.x"). on the remote
computer make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required
process ("Web Management Service") is started. Learn more at:
Unable to connect to the remote server
Note that I tried to replace https with http and I got another error:
Could not connect to the remote computer ("x.x.x.x"). on the remote
computer make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required
process ("Web Management Service") is started. Learn more at:
the remote server returned an error: (401)Unauthorized
I went to the previous link and I did what they suggested:
Create a separate user group MSDepSvcUsers on remote computer.
Create an local account A on both local & remote computer.
Add A to MSDepSvcUsers on remote computer.
Use account A to publish, this will allow you to publish without
needing to use built-in admin account.
but the same error (NOT_ADMIN) remained
UPDATE: I found another possible solution:
Add/modify windows registery key
and set it “1”.
After I added this registry key, the error changed to:
site 'http:' does not exist ... #ERROR_SITE_DOES_NOT_EXIST
So now if I put wrong credentials, I get the unauthorized error, if I use correct credentials I get side does not exist error.
What should I do?
It worked!!
I mean the connection, it's now validated, all I had to do is change site name from "http://x.x.x.x/PublicFolder" to "Default Web Site\SiteName" !!
This was really confusing, finally got it!

change port in wso2 sample

I am executing sample programm of wso2. I have installed wso2is on different machine and tomcat is on local machine. I have changed localhost:9443 to my ipaddress(eg 192.168.1.xxx) from travelocity.properties and avi.properties. But when I execute sample from click on login button it always redirecting me localhost and giving error.
I think you need to try the following,
While the tomcat is running,
Open the travelocity.war with an archive manager
Edit the travelocity.properties file,
update SAML2.IdPURL value
eg : SAML2.IdPURL=
Save and update the travelocity.com web app
Restart the tomcat server just to be sure (You don't really have to do this since tomcat hot deploys once it detects a change)
I tried this locally and it redirected me to the IP address I put in SAML2.IdpURL. Clearly the problem seems to be a configuration error on the travelocity.com web app side :)
You need to change <HostName> and <MgtHostName> attributes at repository/conf/carbon.xml of your Identity Server with your IP address. By default they are set as localhost, so when logging it will be redirected to location specified there.

Shibboleth bypass for IP range

I have Shibboleth configured on an IIS server and am using it protect a .NET application.
I need authenticated access for users accessing the application over the web and for that Shibboleth is working fine.
The application also hosts web services which need to be accessed by other applications in the same server and for that working with Shibboleth is a challenge since web service clients cannot deal with the log in page.
Is it possible to configure Shibboleth to ignore requests coming from the same server for example by checking the IP address?
It won't directly answer your question, but I can share a workaround I found and hope it can help with your problem too.
Define another website in IIS pointing to the same folder as the initial one, and make it only respond to a different domain (like something.local). Then in IP Address and Domain Restrictions, make sure only is allowed to access it.
In C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc open the file "hosts" in Notepad (running with Administrator privileges). Add the line " something.local" (no quotes; make sure the domain is the same one you defined before)
Now, make the webservices call the application by the new domain.

Windows Integrated Authentication fails ONLY if web svcs client is on same machine as IIS server

I have a web service running under IIS7 on a server with a host header set so that it receives requests made to http://myserver1.mydomain.com.
I've set Windows INtegrated Authentication to Enabled and everything else (basic, anonymous, etc) to Disabled.
I'm testing the web service using a powershell script, and it works fine when I run it from my workstation against http://myserver1.mydomain.com
However, when I run the same exact script on the IIS server itself, I get a 401-Unauthorized message.
In addition, I've tried installing the web service on a second server, myserver2.mydomain.com. Again I can call my test script fine from BOTH my workstation and from myserver1.
So it seems the only issue is when the client is on the same box as the web server itself - somehow the windows credentials are not being passed or recognized.
I tried playing with IE settings on myserver1 (checked and unchecked 'Enable Windows Integrated Authentication', and added the URL to Local Sites). That did not seem to have an effect.
When I look at the IIS logs, I see the 401 unauthorized line but very little other information.
I see basically the same behavior when testing with IE (v9) - works from my workstation but not when IE is running on the IIS server.
I found the answer after several hours:
By default, there is something called a LoopbackCheck which will reject windows authentication if the host header used for the site does not match the local host's name. This behavior will only be seen when the client is on the local host. The check is there to defeat possible reflection attacks.
More details here:
The kb item discusses ways to disable the Loopback check, but I ended up just switching from using host headers to ports to distinguish the different sites on the IIS server.
Thanks to those who gave assistance.
Try checking the actual credential that is being passed when you are running on the server itself. Often times you will be running on some system account that doesn't have access to the resource in question.
For example, on your box your credentials are running as...
and the server will be something like...
and so this will fail because 'SYSTEM\SYSTEM_ACCOUNT' doesn't have credentials.
If this is the case, you can fix the problem in one of two ways.
Give 'SYSTEM\SYSTEM_ACCOUNT' access to the resource in question. Most people would avoid this strategy due to security concerns (which is why the account has no access in the first place).
Impersonate, or change the credentials of the client manually to something that does have access to the resource, 'MYDOMAIN\MYNAME' for example. This is what most people would probably go with, including myself.

Steps to create Webservice/WCFservice and host in sitecore folder

Could anyone point me to the steps to host/publish the webservice/wcf service in sitecore/shell/webservice folder.
I have created the service and published to /sitecore/shell/webservice folder it throws authentication error and after that service host error. The need is to deploy the service in a folder where all the sitecore contents are accessible.
Two good resources for this: