Hello i am trying to get page level insights and post level insights in the same request but cant seem to get the syntax correct.
page id /published_posts?fields=permalink_url,created_time,message,shares,reactions.limit(0).summary(1),comments.limit(0).summary(1),insights.metric(post_reactions_by_type_total,post_impressions_unique,page_posts_impressions_organic)&since=yesterday
This is my request for now but i wanna add page insights like page_fans and page_fans_city.
How can i do that?
You are using the published_posts endpoint there already, you can not go back “up” to the page object from there. You need to rewrite the whole thing so that you use the page id itself as the basic endpoint, and then request everything else via the fields parameter. The trick is to get the syntax and nesting right …
should work, inside the {…} you then put all the original fields you requested from the published_posts endpoint before, so
And &since=yesterday then just goes at the end again, after all that.
To have the since limitation still apply on the post level, it apparently needs to be added on that “field” again, syntax similar to .metric():
I always have the doubt that you can see below when i need to create theresource URLs for a REST API. I wonder if some one can help me.
Let's suppose that i have two models.
User can submit his own posts and can comment his own and another posts.
Main resources URLs for User would be:
GET /users # Retrieve all users.
POST /users # Create a new user.
GET/DELETE/PUT /users/{user_id} # Get, remove and update an user.
Main resource URLs for Post would be:
GET /posts # Retrieve all posts.
POST /posts # Create a new post.
GET/DELETE/PUT /posts/{post_id} # Get, remove and update a post.
My problem come when for example i want:
Top 10 submitters (filter for a parameter(external link, discussion, all)). The URL should be:
GET /users/top?type=ext
GET /users/top?type=disc
GET /users/top # for all
Or maybe it should be:
GET /users?top=ext
GET /users?top=disc
GET /users?top=all
The same but with posts:
Top 10 commented post (filter for a parameter(external link, discussion, all)). The URL should be:
GET /posts/comments?type=ext
GET /posts/comments?type=disc
GET /posts/comments # for all
Or maybe it should be:
GET /posts?top=ext
GET /posts?top=disc
GET /posts?top=all
Any of above options are good for you or it should be another way?
I like to think of the REST URI as a model representation in itself.
So /users/top doesn't make a lot of sense but /posts/comments seems to be fine (as comments could also be a different model). But for your case, I recommend other set of query parameters as they're widely used for filtering & sorting requests. So in your case, I'd recommend something like:
GET /users?sort=ext&order=desc&limit=10
which would help me understand that I'm requesting 10 user resources which have been sorted for ext in the descending order. (you can even change it to type=ext if you want)
As usual; REST doesn't care what spellings you use.
One place you might look for inspiration is... stack overflow itself. Do these URI look familiar?
The API has pretty decent documentation, which will also offer hints at decent spellings to deal with paging and search ranges.
That said, IMDB takes a different approach - The Shawshank Redemption uses a straight forward "I am an element of a collection" spelling
But the top rated titles of all time? they appear as a chart
But i want to know if there is a standard according to #Hawkes answer or there is no standard at all.
No standard at all; just local spelling conventions. Which is, to some degree, part of the point of REST: the server can use whatever spellings for URI make sense, and the client just "follows its nose" based on its understanding of the processing rules for the media type and the data provided by the server.
I am currently in the middle of doing a Laravel tutorial on Youtube and I've been catching on pretty quickly but I hit a snag and I have absolutely no idea what the problem is. I'm trying to route to a view and I am receiving an error saying that the page does not exist. Here is what I got (forgive me if my terminology is lacking):
The web.php file in the routes folder is configured for 'companies' to go to the 'CompaniesController':
Route::resource('companies', 'CompaniesController');
The create function located in the CompaniesController only purpose is to return the view 'companies.create' located in the appropriate place, 'resources/views/companies/create.blade.php'
public function create()
return view('companies.create');
If more information is needed let me know but this should be pretty straight forward. Other functions in the controller work fine, its only the one that is the most simple that isn't working.
Appreciate any help I get.
If your http request is GET:
Route::get('/companies', 'CompaniesController#create')
Else if request is POST:
Route::post('/companies', 'CompaniesController#create')
create would respond to a POST request by default, e.g., the endpoint of a creation form. It sounds like you're trying to display a simple view with a GET.
See https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/controllers#resource-controllers
I am using the SeatGeek API to pull some data for sporting events. The results of the call I get show 145,000+ results returned in the metadata:
meta : {u'per_page': 10, u'total': 145419, u'geolocation': None, u'page': >1, u'took': 7}
in_hand : {}
When I look at the "Pagination" section of the API documentation, it gives examples of how to format the syntax in order to see more results per page, or to return a different page than the first one:
$curl 'https://api.seatgeek.com/2/venues?per_page=25&page=3'
But I can't get it to call successfully with the authorization I've been given from SeatGeek:
$curl https://api.seatgeek.com/2/events?client_id=MYCLIENTID&client_secret=MYCLIENTSECRET
I have tried using curl and python requests. I have tried putting the pagination syntax first and the "clientid/secret" second. I've tried putting the "clientid/secret" first. I've emailed the mods for the API to no avail.
This is the first API call I've ever made, so I'm sure there's some tiny formatting error I'm making.
The calls return successfully when I'm not using pagination. I just can't view more than one page of the results, and I'd like to view everything.
Thank you.
For sake of completeness and closure, I'm posting this as an answer:
OP used ? instead of & between the URL parameters. The correct URL is https://api.seatgeek.com/2/events?client_id=<CLIENT_ID>&client_secret=<CLIENT_SECRET>&per_page=25&page=3.
I need to get the Page ID from the Page URL. This is NOT from inside a page tab, that's easy. This is similar to what is being done here: http://findmyfbid.com
Any help would be appreciated as I have been searching for over an hour! Bonus points for showing how to do this in classic ASP. I have no issue getting signed requests & parsing them, the URL to ID portion is what is throwing me.
thanks :)
As noted above in 1st answer commments, that does work, but it's not the data that we want since it's an external url. THIS is the correct way to do it:
This works too:
This is the way to do it: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.0/url
if you are using a GET request, be sure to append access_token=appid|appsecret to the URL you are requesting and it will work.
Thanks for the tip to point me in the correct direction Alex!
I'm building an app which allows users to post articles to their facebook wall. When an article is posted, I retrieve the post id and store that in the database along with the rest of the article details. Now I want to be able to show the comments made on that post when someone views the article in my site; I would also like to allow users to add comments to the post from my site.
I know that the user is always logged into Facebook when they are viewing the article, as the system checks for that earlier on.
I've been using the PHP SDK, and thought all I had to do was something like:
$post_comments = $facebook->api('/' . $post_id . '/comments');
However, when I do this, I get the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught GraphMethodException: Unsupported get request. thrown in /APP_PATH/facebook/src/facebook.php on line 560
I really don't have much of a clue what I'm doing here, to be honest, as I'm very new to the Facebook Graph API, and I can't seem to find a lot of documentation on it.
Can anyone tell me what I should be doing here, or point me to some documentation I could read about it?
It should work.
Here is the code I am using which is working for me.
$comments = $facebook->api($postid . '/comments');
Make sure your postid is a valid one.
Alternatively, you can directly type that url in browser to get details like this
Please refer this link for further reference
I don't know what your PHP library is doing, but you can actually access comments by reading graph.facebook.com/<post_id>/comments. Indeed, try with this one from the doc.
Are your sure of your post id? Try to call the buggy function with 19292868552_118464504835613 as post id. It has to work.