If I create a new project with
lein new quil foo
then reduce the src/foo/core.clj to
(ns foo.core
(:require [quil.core :as q]
[quil.middleware :as m]))
(defn draw [state]
(if (< (rand) 0.5)
(q/line 0 0 500 500)
(q/line 0 500 500 0)))
(q/defsketch foo
:title "Try this at home"
:size [500 500]
:draw draw
:features [:keep-on-top]
:middleware [m/fun-mode])
and evaluate the program in lein repl with (use 'foo.core), both lines are drawn (i.e. I get a big X). (if (< (rand) 0.5) true false) works as expected, so what am I missing?
Presumably draw is called many times - it wouldn't be a very interactive framework if it only drew the screen once! Some of those times, you randomly choose to draw one line, and sometimes the other; and you never erase either. As a result, both of them are visible on the screen.
I want to check if the right instance is used.
But while the repl gives me true, the actual test returns nil.
Idk why
(ns my-app.queue)
(def queue (atom clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY))
(ns my-app.queue-test
(:require [my-app.queue :as sut]
[clojure.test :refer :all]))
(deftest queue-type-test
(is (instance? clojure.lang.PersistentQueue #sut/queue)))
;repl output
;(instance? clojure.lang.PersistentQueue #sut/queue) ;=> true
The command lein test gives me:
FAIL in (queue-type-test) (queue_test.clj:6)
expected: (instance? clojure.lang.PersistentQueue (clojure.core/deref sut/queue))
actual: nil
I know the test itself is not really useful, but I can't figure out why this behaves like this.
tl;dr: both is and # are macros. Most obvious fix would be something like:
(deftest queue-type-test
(let [queue #sut/queue]
(is (instance? clojure.lang.PersistentQueue queue)))
clojure.test docs don't make it immediately obvious, but is is a pretty tricky macro that looks inside its body. Here's a snippet from the docstring:
user> (is (= 5 (+ 2 2)))
FAIL in (:1)
expected: (= 5 (+ 2 2))
actual: (not (= 5 4))
Notice actual: (not (= 5 4)). It's clear that it did not evaluate = so that it can show us the result of (+ 2 2). Here are all the special cases for assert-expr multimethod.
I am trying to find out how in Reagent with Hiccup make an element with takes all available space. So an resize parent I will get :component-did-mount call back.
(defn chart [id col-width row-height]
(let [dimensions (atom {})]
(fn [e]
(let [thisComponent (aget (js/document.querySelector ".app") "parentNode")
width (aget thisComponent "offsetWidth")
height (aget thisComponent "offsetHeight")]
(swap! dimensions {:width width :height height})
(println "----did mountwdth" width "--" height col-width row-height)
(.log js/console thisComponent)))
(fn [id col-width row-height]
[:div {:style {:background "gray"}} "--drag handle--"]
[simple-bar id]
[tchart id col-width (int (- row-height controls-height))]]])})))
I want the chart element to take all the space available.
React lifecycle callbacks like ComponentDidMount does not react to component size changes.
If you want to fire a callback whenever the component size changes - you'll need to use some third-party React libraries like react-measure or react-sizeme
The other strategy is to add an event listener on window resize and get your component's parent size from there.
I use React Virtualized's AutoSizer for this. Example of integration with Reagent:
(ns example
[goog.object :as gobject]
[reagent.core :as r]))
(defn autosizer-example
(r/with-let [width (r/atom 500)
_ (js/setTimeout #(reset! width 1000)
[:div {:style {:width (str #width "px")}}
[:> js/ReactVirtualized.AutoSizer
{:disableHeight true
:disableWidth true}
(fn [props]
(let [width (gobject/get props "width")]
"Width of parent: " width])))]]))
Docs: https://github.com/bvaughn/react-virtualized/blob/master/docs/AutoSizer.md
Take the following program as an example:
(defn echo-ints []
(doseq [i (->> (BufferedReader. *in*)
(map read-string)
(take-while integer?))]
(println i)))
The idea is to prompt the user for input and then echo it back if it's an integer. However, in this particular program almost every second input won't be echoed immediately. Instead the program will wait for additional input before processing two inputs at once.
Presumably this a consequence of some performance tweaks happening behind the scenes. However in this instance I'd really like to have an immediate feedback loop. Is there an easy way to accomplish this, or does the logic of the program have to be significantly altered?
(The main motivation here is to pass the infinite sequence of user inputs to another function f that transforms lazy sequences to other lazy sequences. If I wrote some kind of while-loop, I wouldn't be able to use f.)
It is generally not good to mix lazyness with side-effect (printing in this case), since most sequence functions have built-in optimizations that cause unintended effects while still being functionally correct.
Here's a good write up: https://stuartsierra.com/2015/08/25/clojure-donts-lazy-effects
What you are trying to do seems like a good fit for core.async channels. I would think as the problem as 'a stream of user input' instead of 'infinite sequence of user inputs', and 'f transforms lazy sequences to lazy sequences' becomes 'f transform a stream into another stream'. This will allow you to write f as transducers which you can arbitrarily compose.
I would do it like the following. Note we use spyx and spyxx from the Tupelo library to display some results.
First, write a simple version with canned test data:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.test)
[tupelo.core :as t] )
(:import [java.io BufferedReader StringReader]))
(def user-input
bye" )
(defn echo-ints
(let [lines (line-seq (BufferedReader. (StringReader. str)))
data (map read-string lines)
nums (filter integer? data) ]
(doseq [it data]
(spyxx it))
(spyx nums)))
(echo-ints user-input)
This gives us the results:
it => <#clojure.lang.Symbol hello>
it => <#clojure.lang.Symbol there>
it => <#clojure.lang.Symbol and>
it => <#clojure.lang.Symbol a>
it => <#java.lang.Long 1>
it => <#clojure.lang.Symbol and-a>
it => <#java.lang.Long 2>
it => <#clojure.lang.Symbol and>
it => <#clojure.lang.Symbol a>
it => <#java.lang.Double 3.14159>
it => <#clojure.lang.Symbol and-a>
it => <#java.lang.Long 4>
it => <#clojure.lang.Symbol bye>
nums => (1 2 4)
So, we see that it works and gives us the numbers we want.
Next, write a looping version. We make it terminate gracefully when our test data runs out.
(defn echo-ints-loop
(loop [lines (line-seq (BufferedReader. (StringReader. str)))]
(let [line (first lines)
remaining (rest lines)
data (read-string line)]
(when (integer? data)
(println "found:" data))
(when (not-empty? remaining)
(recur remaining)))))
(echo-ints-loop user-input)
found: 1
found: 2
found: 4
Next, we write an infinite loop to read the keyboard. You need to terminate this one with CRTL-C at the keyboard:
(ns demo.core
(:require [tupelo.core :as t])
(:import [java.io BufferedReader StringReader]))
(defn echo-ints-inf
(loop [lines (line-seq (BufferedReader. *in*))]
(let [line (first lines)
remaining (rest lines)
data (read-string line)]
(when (integer? data)
(println "found:" data))
(when (not-empty? remaining)
(recur remaining)))))
(defn -main []
(println "main - enter")
And we run it manually:
~/clj > lein run
main - enter
found: 1
found: 2
found: 3
further more
found: 4
~/clj >
~/clj >
I am implementing an app using Stuart Sierra component. As he states in the README :
Having a coherent way to set up and tear down all the state associated
with an application enables rapid development cycles without
restarting the JVM. It can also make unit tests faster and more
independent, since the cost of creating and starting a system is low
enough that every test can create a new instance of the system.
What would be the preferred strategy here ? Something similar to JUnit oneTimeSetUp / oneTimeTearDown , or really between each test (similar to setUp / tearDown) ?
And if between each test, is there a simple way to start/stop a system for all tests (before and after) without repeating the code every time ?
Edit : sample code to show what I mean
(defn test-component-lifecycle [f]
(println "Setting up test-system")
(let [s (system/new-test-system)]
(f s) ;; I cannot pass an argument here ( https://github.com/clojure/clojure/blob/master/src/clj/clojure/test.clj#L718 ), so how can I pass a system in parameters of a test ?
(println "Stopping test-system")
(component/stop s)))
(use-fixtures :once test-component-lifecycle)
Note : I am talking about unit-testing here.
I would write a macro, which takes a system-map and starts all components before running tests and stop all components after testing.
For example:
(ns de.hh.new-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[com.stuartsierra.component :as component]))
;;; Macro to start and stop component
(defmacro with-started-components [bindings & body]
`(let [~(bindings 0) (component/start ~(bindings 1))]
(let* ~(destructure (vec (drop 2 bindings)))
(catch Exception e1#)
(component/stop ~(bindings 0))))))
;; Test Component
(defprotocol Action
(do-it [self]))
(defrecord TestComponent [state]
(start [self]
(println "====> start")
(assoc self :state (atom state)))
(stop [self]
(println "====> stop"))
(do-it [self]
(println "====> do action")
#(:state self)))
(deftest ^:focused component-test
[system (component/system-map :test-component (->TestComponent"startup-state"))
test-component (:test-component system)]
(is (= "startup-state" (do-it test-component)))))
Running Test you should see the out put like this
====> start
====> do action
====> stop
Ran 1 tests containing 1 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
I'm trying to make a game using clojure and libgdx. The information at Using Libgdx with Clojure was immensely helpful but now I'm stuck on the simple step of displaying a sprite. In my screen I have this
(def main-screen
(let [stage (atom nil)]
(proxy [Screen] []
(show []
(reset! stage (Stage.))
(let [style (Label$LabelStyle. (BitmapFont.) (Color. 0 1 1 1))
label (Label. "Hello world!" style)]
(.addActor #stage label)))
(render [delta]
(.glClearColor (Gdx/gl) 0 1 0 1)
(.glClear (Gdx/gl) GL20/GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)
(doto (SpriteBatch.)
(. begin)
(. draw (ship-texture) 10 10)
(. end))
(doto #stage
(.act delta)
(hide [])
(pause [])
(resize [w h])
(resume []))))
and that references a simple function above
(defn ship-texture [] (Texture. (.internal Gdx/files "AShip.PNG")))
But no matter where I put the file libgdx can't seem to find it. I've placed it in resources, src, assets and the base directory. I feel like I must be misssing something tremendously simple.