Power BI calculate Measure for previous working day - powerbi

in Power BI I need to write a measure, which returns yesterdays Sales Amount. I can use PREVIOUSDAY() for Tuesday to Friday. However, for Monday I would like to return Friday's Sales Amount. I know I can do this with DATEADD(Calendar[Dates], -3, DAX).
My problem is that I cannot seem to get the two conditions working together. Is it even possible to do something like this with a measure?:
Yesterdays Sales =
Var TueToFri = CALCULATE([Sales Amount], PREVIOUSDAY(Calendar[Date])
Var Mon = CALCULATE([Sales Amount], DATEADD(Calendar[Date], -3, DAY)
IF WEEKDAY(Calendar[Date]) = 1
Return Mon,
Return TueToFri
If not, do you have any other ideas?

This solution works for me:
Sales Amount PD =
IF (
WEEKDAY ( SELECTEDVALUE ( Calendar[Date] ) ) = 2;
[Sales Amount];
DATEADD ( Calendar[Date]; -3; DAY )
IF (
WEEKDAY ( SELECTEDVALUE ( Calendar[Date] ) ) = 1;
IF (
WEEKDAY ( SELECTEDVALUE ( Calendar[Date] ) ) = 7;
[Sales Amount];
PREVIOUSDAY ( Calendar[Date] )
I believe the problem was caused by the calendar table returning multiple values. By using SELECTEDVALUE() only one date is returned, which can be used to do the comparision required.

I haven't tested it, but this should work:
Yesterday Sales =
VAR Mon = CALCULATE([Sales Amount], DATEADD(Calendar[Date], -3, DAY)
VAR TueToFri = CALCULATE([Sales Amount], PREVIOUSDAY(Calendar[Date])
VAR SatSun = BLANK()
WEEKDAY(SELECTEDVALUE(Calendar[Date]), 2) = 1;
WEEKDAY(SELECTEDVALUE(Calendar[Date]), 2) >= 6;


Show cumulative SalesAmount column chart to max date in slicer

I am looking to build a column chart in Power BI that displays cumulative sales by month up to max date selected in date slicer. I have a supplementary Date2 table that is related to Date table (inactive relation). Tried something like this, but I keep getting all the months irrespective which one is selected in slicer:
Sales to date selected =
VAR ReferenceDate = MAX ( 'Date'[Date] )
CALCULATE ( [SalesAmount],
ALLEXCEPT('Date', 'Date'[Year]),
FILTER( all(Date2[Date]), Date2[Date] <= MAX( Date2[Date] )
&& Date2[Date] <= ReferenceDate),
USERELATIONSHIP ( 'Date'[Date], Date2[Date] )
This is what I get as a result (Slicer selects month 7):
It looks like CALCULATE does not honor filter Date2[Date] <= ReferenceDate . What am I doing wrong here?
OK, looks like this scenario solves my issue. I removed inactive relationship between Date and Date2 and introduced active relationship from Sales to Date2.
Sales to date selected =
VAR ReferenceDate = MAX ( 'Date'[Date] )
IF( MAX(Date2[Date]) <= ReferenceDate,
CALCULATE ( [SalesAmount],
ALLEXCEPT('Date', 'Date'[Year]),
Date2[Date] <= MAX( Date2[Date] )
I made a correction to your code; but It seems that It takes a long time for it to be approved by community members:
So test this:
Sales to date selected =
VAR ReferenceDate =
MAX ( ALLSELECTED ( 'Date2'[Date] ) )
FILTER ( ALLEXCEPT ( 'Date2', 'Date2'[Year] ), 'Date2'[Date] <= ReferenceDate )
Or This:
Sales to date selected =
VAR ReferenceDate =
MAX ( ALLSELECTED ( 'Date2'[Date] ) )
FILTER ( ALL ( 'Date2'[Date] ), 'Date2'[Date] <= ReferenceDate )

How to construct measure that checks to see if data is from current month?

IF ([Sales Budget] < 100,"",
[Sales Budget] * [Adj Factor - STB MTD]
This is the measure as it stands. I would like to add an IF statement that checks to see if data is from a past month or if it's current. If data for the month is complete then Adj Factor is unnecessary and it should just divide [Bookings]/[Sales Budget].
How do I do this?
I think This is something you can expect to have.
VAR CurrentMonth =
VAR Result =
IF (
MONTH ( YourTableName[DateColumn] ) = CurrentMonth,
IF (
[Sales Budget USSC PWC] < 100,
DIVIDE ( [Bookings], [Sales Budget] * [Adj Factor - STB MTD] )
IF ( [Sales Budget USSC PWC] < 100, "", DIVIDE ( [Bookings], [Sales Budget] ) )

Power BI- Query Edit

I am trying to create new measures that will only show the data value of the Last day every month and another measure will show the data value of every week Saturday in Power BI.
Many thanks in Advance.
The data is continuing and the next series of data will appended data wise
Need to create a measure which will show only last day of the Week value ( Example- Saturday is my Last of the Week and Count numbers I need to see as output)
Similarly for Month - Last day of the Month I need to see the Numbers of each service.
Do you have Calendar table mark as "Date Table", which is connected by relationship to your Table? If so, then you can use ENDOFMONTH ( 'Calendar'[issue_date] ) to get lastDateOfMonth
then simply:
ShowValueAtLastDayOfMonth =
calculate( sum(Table[Total sale]),
'Calendar'[issue_date] = ENDOFMONTH ( 'Calendar'[issue_date] )
ShowOnlyOnSaturday =
calculate(sum(Table[Total sale]), KEEPFILTERS( FLITER(ALL('Calendar[issue_date]),
WEEKDAY ( SELECTEDVALUE('Calendar'[issue_date])) = 7 )))
Without a "Date Table" we need to replace 'Calendar'[issue_date] with your Table[Date] and ENDOFMONTH with:
VAR LastDateVisible =
CALCULATE ( MAX ( 'Table'[Date] ) )
VAR LastYearVisible =
YEAR ( LastDateVisible )
VAR LastMonthVisible =
MONTH ( LastDateVisible )
VAR DaysInMonth =
ALL ( 'Table'[Date] ),
YEAR ( 'Table'[Date] ) = LastYearVisible
&& MONTH ( 'Table'[Date] ) = LastMonthVisible
VAR LastDayInMonth =
VAR Result =
VALUES ( 'Table'[Date] ),
'Table'[Date] = LastDayInMonth

DAX time intelligence functions with nested filters

I have a data structure like this
DateRoll Dataset Date Value Customer
Month Online 1/1/2018 10 Cust1
Month Online 2/1/2018 11 Cust1
Month Online 3/1/2018 12 Cust1
Month Online 4/1/2018 22 Cust1
Quarter Online 1/1/2018 33 Cust1
Quarter Online 4/1/2018 22 Cust1
I have to calculate previous quarter value, I tried different ways but it's not working
1 - Not returning any value.
SUM ( 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[Value] ),
DATEADD ( 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[Date].[Date], -1, QUARTER ),
FILTER ( Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR, Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR[DateRoll] = "Quarter")
2--Nested - Returning overall total
SUM ( 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[Value] ),
DATEADD ( 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[Date].[Date], -1, QUARTER )
FILTER ( Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR, Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR[DateRoll] = "Quarter" )
3--Nested --Returning overall total
SUM ( 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[Value] ),
FILTER ( Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR, Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR[DateRoll] = "Quarter" )
DATEADD ( 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[Date].[Date], -1, MONTH )
Tried PREVIOUSQUARTER function too, but its not returning any value.
To take advantage of built in DAX time intelligence functions you will need to to have a contiguous set of dates. I would recommend using a date table. The following code can be used to create a date/calendar table in your model:
Celndar =
Var MinDate = MIN(Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR[Date])
Var MaxDate = MAX(Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR[Date])
Var BaseCalendar = CALENDAR(MinDate, MaxDate)
VAR BaseDate = [Date]
VAR YearDate =
YEAR ( BaseDate )
VAR MonthNumber =
MONTH ( BaseDate )
VAR YrMonth =
100 * YEAR ( BaseDate )
+ MONTH ( BaseDate )
VAR Qtr =
CONCATENATE ( "Q", CEILING ( MONTH ( BaseDate ) / 3, 1 ) )
"Day", BaseDate,
"Year", YearDate,
"Month Number", MonthNumber,
"Month", FORMAT ( BaseDate, "mmmm" ),
"Year Month", FORMAT ( BaseDate, "mmm yy" ),
"YrMonth", YrMonth,
"Qtr", Qtr
Once this table exists, mark it as a 'date' table and create a relationship with
Then, you can write the following measure to obtain the results you are searching for:
PQSum =
SUM ( 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[Value] ),
PREVIOUSQUARTER ( 'Calendar'[Date] )
Hope that helps!
You can also create a ranking column to index in a measure:
Rank =
'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[DateRoll] = EARLIER ( 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[DateRoll] )
Then you can reference a previous quarter using something like the following:
PQSum2 =
SUM ( 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[Value] ),
= MAX ( 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[Rank] ) - 1
'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[DateRoll] = "Quarter"
but this is hard coded and just plain nasty!
Echoing #steliok that a date dimension is the proper way to handle this; there are plenty of date table templates out there, and a date dimension will work with your data model. If you really really can't add to your data structure for some reason, this should work:
BaseValue = SUM ( 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[Value] )
PriorQuarter =
VAR CurrentDate = MAX ( 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[Date] )
VAR CurrentYear = YEAR ( CurrentDate )
VAR CurrentMonth = MONTH ( CurrentDate )
VAR FirstMonthOfCurrentQuarter =
TRUE (),
CurrentMonth IN {1,2,3}, 1,
CurrentMonth IN {4,5,6}, 4,
CurrentMonth IN {7,8,9}, 7,
CurrentMonth IN {10,11,12}, 10
// DATE() does the right thing with negative month args
VAR PriorQuarterDate = DATE ( CurrentYear, FirstMonthOfCurrentQuarter - 3, 1 )
ALL ( 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[DateRoll], 'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[Date] ),
'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[Date] = PriorQuarterDate,
'Data_Rollup_KPI_DNR'[DateRoll] = "Quarter"
This relies on DATE being clever, which it is. DATE ( 2019, -2, 1 ) = DATE ( 2018, 10, 1 ).
Ultimately, my question is why can't you just source the un-rolled up data from the same place that the ETL process is sourcing it?
Date functions are working well when you are using # Day level.
Following link would be helpful to resolve your issue,

Total month to date for last year until a specific day of the month

I want to calculate the sum of MTD sales per day for the same period of last year, only until a specific day - the day of the last sales transaction.
So for example, if the filter is year= 2019 and month= 2, I need the MTD sales for february 2018 until the 5th, calculated day by day:
VAR MyDay = 5
TOTALMTD(SUM(Sales); Calendar[Date]);
//here I need another filter to stop on the 5th!
Please have a look at this link to see the sample data.
The measures I'm trying to build are:
Sales MTD CY
Sales MTD LY
Sales MTD CY*
Sales MTD LY*
Sales MTD CY**
Sales MTD LY**
Thanks for helping!
I'm assuming that you are using 5 since today is February 5th.
You can get MTDSales for the current month like this:
MTDSales =
VAR DateRange = DATESBETWEEN( Calendar[Date], EOMONTH(TODAY(), - 1) + 1, TODAY() )
RETURN CALCULATE( SUM( Sales ), DateRange )
To match that up with the previous year, just use SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR.
LastYearMTDSales =
VAR DateRange = DATESBETWEEN( Calendar[Date], EOMONTH(TODAY(), - 1) + 1, TODAY() )
If you want to use a different date than TODAY, just specify that date as a variable and pass it into the DateRange variable where TODAY appears.
If you want to find the MTDSales up to the 5th day of the month (assuming you have the month in your filter context), try this
MTDSales =
Var MyDay = 5
VAR MyDate = MIN( Calendar[Date] ) + MyDay - 1
VAR DateRange = DATESBETWEEN( Calendar[Date], EOMONTH(MyDate, -1) + 1, MyDate )
RETURN CALCULATE( [Sum of Sales], DateRange )
Then for the previous year, you can reuse that measure, but shifted:
PrevYearMTDSales =
CALCULATE( [MTDSales], ALL( Calendar ), SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR( Calendar[Date] ) )
Edit: After looking at your PBIX, I realized that I had made the wrong assumption about your filter context. Since you are looking to write a measure at the date level, try this instead:
Sales MTD CY =
VAR MyDay = 5
VAR CurrentDate = MAX ( 'Calendar'[Date] )
VAR MyDate = EOMONTH ( CurrentDate, -1 ) + MIN ( MyDay, DAY ( CurrentDate ) )
TOTALMTD ( SUM ( Sales[Sales] ), 'Calendar'[Date] ),
FILTER ( 'Calendar', 'Calendar'[Date] <= MyDate )
The previous year measure can still be done referencing this measure and shifting.
Replace my column names for yours and it should work
The formula remains the same:
MTDSales =
VAR MyDay = 5
TOTALMTD([total sales], 'Calendar'[DateKey]),
Sales[DateKey] >= STARTOFMONTH('Calendar'[DateKey]) && Sales[DateKey] <= DATEADD(STARTOFMONTH(Sales[DateKey]),MyDay-1,DAY)