I'm working on a simple OpenGL project and I'm new to C++. I've been slowly adding features to a very simple primitive 3D "engine" and I've worked to make sure it compiles cross-platform.
I have a make file that I run for OSX and Linux (Ubuntu) and for Windows I have a Visual Studio solution file modified to work with the directory structure of the project.
Each time I make changes I make sure to compile and test on each platform, and its been all great until I added support for load models using Assimp. More specifically, loading models was fine but loading textures is what caused the issue- or rather, reading the texture file name.
What's peculiar is that this code actually runs and compiles properly on all the platforms I'm targeting: Linux (Ubuntu), OSX, and Windows 10- except that in Ubuntu (and only in Ubuntu) the aiString object from Assimp does not seem to be returning the name of the texture file.
This is the code snippet I've narrowed it down to that really displays my problem:
aiString path;
mat->GetTexture(aiTextureType_DIFFUSE, 0, &path);
fprintf(stderr, "Loading texture '%s'...\n", path.data);
std::string full_path = _model_load_path + std::string(path.C_Str());
fprintf(stderr, "Full path: '%s'\n", full_path.c_str());
This is the output on OSX and Windows 10:
Loading texture 'glass_dif.png'...
Full path: 'resources/meshes/nanosuit/glass_dif.png'
This is the output on Ubuntu:
Loading texture ''...
Full path: 'resources/meshes/nanosuit/'
Sure enough the textures are loaded and applied to the model correct in OSX and Windows 10, but not in Ubuntu. Everything else seems to work, including loading the model (it just shows up as black colored since the shader can't sample the texture color).
The only think I can think of is the version I have installed of libassimp-dev, which is 4, versus 5 on OSX. But I'm a skeptical v4 and all before couldn't load textures. Could it be how I'm compiling it?
What should I start looking into to troubleshoot this? I'm using gcc on Ubuntu and clang on OSX.
Alright, so trying to do due diligence I decided to rule out the libassimp-dev version first, since that's really the only thing that's different. I was skeptical this was this problem, because how else did the previous versions of libassimp-dev work on Linux?
Well, I don't know but that was what the problem was. I was avoiding doing that because version 5 on Ubuntu was not available for my version of Linux: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libassimp-dev
With the help of a friend I was able to force install version 5 by temporarily adding the "focal" package repository, install the relevant packages from that new repository and then remove that repository so Ubuntu doesn't upgrade every other package on the system.
1.) Append the following config to /etc/apt/sources.list:
# FIXME: remove me after installing libassimp5 and libassimp-dev
deb http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu focal main universe
2.) Update the package registry and install the relevant packages (and their dependencies):
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libassimp-dev libassimp5
(I also had an issue where I had to run the recommended fix install command or similar after running this)
3.) After that has installed successfully, then remove the lines added to /etc/apt/sources.list
Make sure you do not run sudo apt-get upgrade now, as it will try to upgrade all the packages on your system to that new version of Ubuntu, which may have unforeseen consequences.
4.) Update your package registry again (to remove traces of the new repository)
sudo apt-get update
Recompiling my project after that worked- the string correctly displayed the material file path and the application loaded textures and applied them to the model correctly.
Credit for those steps and instructions to Dominic Barnes: https://stackoverflow.com/users/188702/dominic-barnes
FIRST, it's not the issue that Qt CANNOT found target .so, qt can found it, but it failed to load it and produce not logs... on both terminal and gdb. It seems that qmake/make is using wrong library but I have only one qt installed in my cross compile environment that generated by make install.
I'm struggling for cross compiling qt5.10 for raspberry pi on Windows. I'm using msys2, gnutoolchains's raspberry chains.
The problem here is the examples built by the compiling process runs almost no problem, I only needs to add a qt.conf to fix the prefix override by msys2 and it can run and display something on my pi.
But when it comes to qt creator, or qmake out of cross compiling, it starts to show me:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"
Here are two problems, first, the platform plugin should not be xcb since I'm running without x, cross compiled version will use eglfs by default.
And, second, even I specific platform plugin to eglfs, it still tells me it cannot load eglfs.
I'm putting two version of programs in the same place.
qt5pi/examples/opengl/2dpainting $ ls
2dpainting glwidget.cpp helper.h widget.cpp window.h
2dpainting.pro glwidget.h main.cpp widget.h
2dpaint_my helper.cpp qt.conf window.cpp
2dpaint_my is compiled by qmake && make and 2dpainting is by qt's cross compiling process uses the same source.
I'm suspecting qt is adding something during it's cross compiling, but I'm not sure how it happened. Qt'wiki about raspberry pi contains nothing about this issue.
It looks even wired to me. I copied a running example from its folder to another and it also crash, things look like this..
pi#raspberrypi:/usr/local/qt5pi/examples/qt_test $ cp ../opengl/2dpainting/2dpainting .
pi#raspberrypi:/usr/local/qt5pi/examples/qt_test $ ./2dpainting
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb"
in "".
Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen,vnc, webgl, xcb.
Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
pi#raspberrypi:/usr/local/qt5pi/examples/qt_test $ ../opengl/2dpainting/2dpainting
qt.qpa.egldeviceintegration: EGL device integration plugin keys: ("eglfs_brcm","eglfs_emu")
qt.qpa.egldeviceintegration: EGL device integration plugin keys (sorted): ("eglfs_brcm", "eglfs_emu")
qt.qpa.egldeviceintegration: Trying to load device EGL integration "eglfs_brcm"
qt.qpa.egldeviceintegration: Using EGL device integration "eglfs_brcm"
qt.qpa.input: Initializing tslib plugin "TsLib" ""
qt.qpa.input: tslib device is "/dev/input/event0"
I'm not sure, but it seems that the this step on qt'wiki introduced some qt5.7 files into lib folder.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get build-dep qt4-x11
sudo apt-get build-dep libqt5gui5
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev libinput-dev libts-dev libxcb-xinerama0-dev libxcb-xinerama0
The problem is, qt's examples, when it on their own folders, can magically find (maybe qmake install did something?) and use the correct *.so, and so it works without problem.
But, when compiling with qmake, the program won't find the correct libraries so, newer libq*.so with older libQtXXXXX.so lead to this probleam. And that's how it uses a different qt version with compile.
And, that indicates the optional 00- in step 13 from the wiki:
[on RPi] Update the device to let the linker find the Qt libs:
echo /usr/local/qt5pi/lib | sudo tee /etc/ld.so.conf.d/qt5pi.conf
sudo ldconfig
If you're facing issues with running the example, try to use 00-qt5pi.conf instead of qt5pi.conf, to introduce proper order.
should be taken even the examples run without problem.
I am a new to python. I am have installed Python27 and Vpython on my windows 64-bit W8.1 laptop.
The python version was Py27 32-bits and Vpython 32-bits. After installation I thought I could directly run an example program from the VIDLE (File -> Open -> bounce). But I realized there is lot more to install to get this working.
So I googled the errors and found that I has to install Numpy and WxPython which I was able to complete successfully. But now I have this error shown below
"The Polygon module is not installed,
so the text and extrusion objects are unavailable.
The ttfquery and/or FontTools modules are not installed,
so the text object is unavailable."
I googled for this but was not able to arrive at anything.
Should I install Polygon module, FontTools and ttfquery module?
I was not able to fond a proper link to do any of the above. Kindly help me out. I have a hit a wall.
Hopefully was able to solve the issue.
The problem was with the way how I installed Vpython. I should have accidentally selected "custom installation" instead of "full installation".
Also the version of numpy that comes with default set-up did not support for me. Hence I used the pip to update the version and now everything is up and running.
I am able to get the example programs to work.
Also the 64-bit version is not working still. So its always safe to stick on to 32-bit version even if your machine is 64-bit
You're working with an older version of VPython that is no longer supported. See the first page of vpython.org.
As title,
Build successful, but the exe can't run. can not found msvcr100.dll.
I can put msvcr100.dll with exe in the same dir, the exe can run.
But I just want only one exe file.
Anyone know how to do?
Has solved. This is a bug of pyinstaller3.2, the new in the git has solved this bug. Down the newest source in the github, erverything works fine.
Has solved. This is a bug of pyinstaller3.2, the new one in the git has solved this bug. Down the newest source in the GitHub, everything works fine.
This is correct, I cant tell you how much that answer helped me out. I have been trying to build a single exe Exploit to execute on Windows XP with-out it crashing for my OSCP Labs/Exam. I followed so many tutorials and nothing seems to work. I was able to build the EXE but could not get it to run under a single EXE.
If anyone who reads this is getting "This Program cannot be run in DOS mode" try running it from another machine with the same build (Windows XP). There is not much info out there on how to solve that from a Reverse Shell on a End Of Life Operating System using an EXE exploit built with Pyinstaller. (Lots of Trial and Error and determination)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (or some other version depending on python version) is needed in any case, python27.dll requires it
I was also receiving an error about msvcr100.dll when ran from the GUI on my build machine(WinXP SP2). This is corrected in the 3.3 Dev version on GitHub.
I installed the C++ 2008 Package but this didn't solve my problem when I re-built the EXE, the 3.3 Dev Pyinstaller was the solution.
What I did was:
Zip down the Dev version of Pyinstaller 3.3 Dev(GitHub) is the newest for 11/14/16 that I could tell. Make sure you have Python 2.7.x (I used 2.7.11) and pywin32 installed that matches (Python 2.7.x) version. (And it does matter if its 64-bit or 32-bit) Use the setup.py to install Pyinstaller, make sure you do not have a previous version already installed, if so use pip or etc. to remove. I installed with pip first and this was my whole issue.
I was able to get all of my 32-bit Single EXE Exploits to run on 64-bit/32-bit Windows machines up to Windows 10.
Once that is completed, make sure Pyinstaller is in your $PATH and follow the standard tutorials on creating a --onefile EXE. Copy to your Windows Target machine and it should work with-out error. I did not need to pull any dependencies over but you may have to include some with the --hidden command. Its greatly detailed in the Pyinstaller documentation on how to include hidden .dlls
If this still doesn't work for you try using py2exe. Its a little more complicated but it your determined you will figure it out.
If you have code written in python 2.x.x and 3.x.x you can have multiple environments of Python and have Pyinstaller installed in each. This is in the documentation as well.
Thank you jim ying. Your 2 sentence answer was exactly what I needed.
Just recently I have begun to review the code for a project produced by a friend roughly 4 years ago. However, to compile this project I need an outdated version of Qt (version 3.3.8). Much of the code used in this project isn't supported in the same style as Qt4. So I'd first like to obtain Qt3 before I transition to Qt4.
Ubuntu has decided to no longer carry "qt3-dev-tools". Ubuntu has limited the selection to "qt4-dev-tools" in its repository. So installing via the command line option (sudo apt-get install qt3-dev-tools) results in an error:
"Unable to locate package qt3-dev-tools."
So, from here I did some digging for a manual installation? I found a great website to help me through the process, but I'm not very knowledgeable about Ubuntu, or Linux in general. Step 1 was simple. But step 2 and onward stumped me. I'm supposed to be both adding the environment variables listed in step two to the .profile file and then setting them, correct?
In step 2, is logging in again just meant for users with the .login shell? When I type in $HOME/.qt-license of step three, I suppose I'm typing this into the terminal?. Same with the ./configure? Both of these commands return no such file exists.
Does anyone know a better walk through to install Qt3 files, or can give a quick breakdown of this tutorial?
The website tutorial:
If u can get .rpm package then open it in ubuntu software centre . It will get installed.
http://download.qt.io/archive/qt/3/ try downloading the package for qt3 from this qt archive & install it.
I'm using Fedora 17 and compiling cocos2d-x. I've got an error at the compilation when I'm launching ./make-all-linux-project.sh.
G++ tells me that GL/glfw.h does not exist and then I yum install glew but it wasn't solved. So how can I solve this?
The package glew is actually the OpenGL Extension Wrangler. In this case your error is referring to a different package - GLFW. The problem with the build script you are trying to run is that it was made for deb-based systems, not rpm-based systems like Fedora. What's going to make this more difficult is that if you use YUM to download glfw and glfw-devel, they are not the version Cocos2d-x needs, so the build will fail. What you will need to do is first download a legacy version of glfw from Git Hub and build it from source.
git clone https://github.com/glfw/glfw-legacy.git
Once you build this package, you will need to modify the Cocos2d-x make file: $COCOS_ROOT/cocos2dx/proj.linux/cocos2dx.mk to include the legacy headers and also link to the legacy lib. The build should go smoothly after this, assuming all of your other dependencies are installed. You can refer to a blog post I put together for the detailed instructions: http://voidfuture.wordpress.com/2013/10/08/building-cocos2d-x-on-rhel-fedora-centos-linux/