AWS - Not able to monitor free tier usage - amazon-web-services

I'm new to AWS and wanted to give it a shot with the free tier offer. I'd like to monitor my usage, especially so I'm aware how many free hours I've left so I don't exceed them. The documentation (and some Google results) say I can find a table called Top Free Tier Service by Usage - but I can't. The Billing & Cost Management Dashboard, where it's supposed to be, does not show this table.
My account is eligible for the free usage tier - I paid attention to it while registering and the dashboard also says that. I've created (and already terminated) the following three instances:
2 EC2 t2.micro
1 Elastic Beanstalk Web Server
They all ran for approx. 10 minutes each.
Does anybody know the reason? Is it just that I have to wait and the data is not in real time or did I screw up something?
I've already done research on my own and was not able to find a solution.

As John suggested, waiting 1 - 2 days solved the issue.


AWS Free tier exceeded, How to stop the services

I recently got this email from AWS budgets, saying I have exceeded the usage of AWS free tier. And when i check the Billing Dashboard -- > Free Tier , it displayed following table.
I have terminated all the instances and released all the AMIs . Still it shows the same status on my Billing dashboard.
How can I make sure that I am no more using any services that will cost me?
It can take up to around 24 hours to reflect changes on the billing dashboard.
In the meantime, I'd make sure there are no more EBS volumes or snapshots remaining as well. If you're worried that you may have missed any resources, go into cost explorer and drill down by daily spend. This should show anything still accruing costs.

my instance is getting billed even after buying a reserved instance (AWS)

Thanks for looking into this
I have purchased 2 reserved instance on AWS t3a.xlarge + windows and t3a.xlarge + windows + ms SQL for one year with no upfront as the payment method and region as Mumbai(ap-south)
Post the purchase I have launched the 2 instances in the same region with the same configuration AS I checked a day later I was getting billed for those new servers-where the reserved instance was not used.
How should I proceed here?? and where did I made the mistake
thanks in advance
Best way to look at this is through the AWS Cost Management service (Billing). In there you'll find the utilization dashboard and the coverage dashboard of your Reserved instances. That should give you a good idea why the RIs weren't applied.
Because there is a lot of missing information from your question, I'd suggest to check the following:
Regional vs AZ RIs - make sure that you didn't purchase RIs for a specific AZ and then deployed in in a different one (even if the region is the same)
See your hourly usage patterns. It's not attached to an instance, and calculated on a hourly basis.
Check carefully that the RIs you purchased are aligned with exactly what you deployed as you talked about a Windows machine which has several different offerings.
Good luck!

AWS is charging me but the Billing Console doesn't show what the issue is

AWS is charging me but the cost reports aren't showing enough detail to figure out why. I think it might be one EC2 instance I created for the tutorial but I can't figure out how to delete it. Can you help?
I signed up for Amazon free tier and I'm doing the tutorial on
It says on the first page "Many of the services used are included in the AWS Free Tier. For those that are not, the sample application will cost, in total, less than $1/day." So then I finished the first two modules of that tutorial and quit for the day -- I didn't shut down any services (cause the tutorial didn't tell me to) but today I got an email saying I've exceeded my $5 AWS threshold in only e days! The email has a link to a Cost Report that says it's spending $2.16 per day, but it won't tell me what!
I've gone through all the cost explorer reports and they confirm I'm spending money on EC2 but I can't find why. Can you help?
Here's a screenshot of the "Billing Management Console" -- says I spent that money on "EC2". But then when I drilled down into EC2 it wouldn't tell me exactly what.
So I clicked on the AWS Cost Management report and it says I'm spending $2.16 a day but it won't give any more granularity that that because all the advanced reports are monthly and don't yet show the last three days. (Apparently it lets you opt-in to daily/hourly reports but it says it charges a fee for that too so I didn't). So I don't know what specifically is charging.
So I clicked on the EC2 Dashboard. It said I'm using one volumne, 2 elastic ip addresses, and 4 security groups. I figured out how to delete the volume but I can't figure out how to delete the IP address or the security group. Are those charging me money? How do I delete them?
I went to the EC2 Instances and there is one "Volume" in use (basically a docker container created for the tutorial) so I deleted that, but that was well below what the Free Tier provides, so was that the source of my charges? Then I went to the Instances and it says there is one instance so I deleted that too. But it still says I have two IP addresses and comments below say I'm being charged for that.
How can I delete this IP addresses? There is no delete button.
How can I be 100% sure everything is deleted and I'm not getting any more charges?
Turns out the answer was actually a NAT Gateway VPN. That doesn't show up on the billing report screenshots above, but I eventually found it mentioned on the billing and then shut it off.
Unassigned ElasticIP will cost you money.
You delete ElasticIPs by Releasing them.
Security groups does not cost money. In general, for advanced users it is better to create all resources with CloudFormation stack so they can be all cleaned by deleting the stack.
If you have an Elastic IP assigned, and it's not in use, AWS charges you for it, if it's actually assigned to an EC2 instance and used, it's free. (To discourage people from hoarding Elastic IPs.)
When you're in the EC2 web console, click 'Running Instances'. What do you see? How many instances? How many stopped? How many running?
I don't think the security groups can be deleted, and I don't think AWS charges for them.

How to shut down AWS test environment on a particular time

We have a test environment on a AWS elastic beanstalk and I would like to shut this down on weekends and hours not using.
When inquired I got information about a third party tool that does that which I have to pay extra 50$ a month.
Does anybody any how to automatically shutdown/restart ec2 instances/elastic-beanstalk on AWS ?
Please note I am fairly new to AWS and I tried finding out to see if I can do this easily but unable to.
Thanks for any directions.
You can use a solution from AWS: Instance Scheduler
It's based on instances tags.
If you have an AutoScaling Group in your stack, you can use:
With a simple cron expression, you will schedule the size of your ASG.
Skeddly offers 100 free events free tier which would cover your use case
I manage a small development account with 8 EC2 instances, 2 autoscaling groups, and 2 RDS instances, and I schedule them for use about 200 hours a month (approx 50 hours a week.)
I get significant savings over demand and even reserved instances by this type of scheduling tool. I pay about $10 per month. This is a good value, compared to building an maintaining your own scheduler.
Usual disclaimer: Just a happy customer.

AWS: can i use all the 18 free tier eligible products at the same time

Based on the information posted in aws website at, AWS Free Tier is designed to enable you to get hands-on experience with AWS at no charge for 12 months after you sign up.
After creating your AWS account you can use any of the 18 products and services, listed below, for free within certain usage limits. I have create one EC2 instance and i also want to create Orace RDS at the same time.
The thing that is confusing me is , whether i could use only one of the 18 products or one from each product at the same time?
I created a thread at aws forum and get important information i thing i should share.
You can use any of the 18 products and services offered under free tier at the same time. For example, you can use EC2, RDS and S3 at the same time as long as you stay within the usage limits. Note that if you don't use the full benefits provided by the free tier in a given month, they don't roll over to the next month. To maximize your benefit from the free tier, be sure to spend time with AWS each month, investigating the services that you're curious about.
If you exceed the usage limits of the free tier, use a service that does not provide free tier benefits, or continue to use AWS after you are no longer eligible for the free tier, you are charged at the standard billing rates for your AWS usage.
You can use all of them, each has its own free-tier limits.