Accessing a Lua table within a table from C++ side - c++

I'm trying to transfer a table where there may be nested tables from the lua and write to a .ini file. But I just can not how I need to go on the stack to get data from nested tables. This code does not work as it should. Function setData work not correctly. What could be the problem?
C++ code
int sasl::LuaUtilities::luaWriteIni(LuaState inOutState)
string path;
boost::property_tree::ptree iniTree;
LUA_CHECK_NARG_EQ(inOutState, 2);
LUA_GET_PARAM(inOutState, 1, path);
int nargs = lua_gettop(inOutState);
for (int i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) {
if (lua_istable(inOutState, nargs)) {
setData(inOutState, nargs, iniTree);
return 0;
void sasl::LuaUtilities::setData(LuaState inOutState, int index, boost::property_tree::ptree & inIniTree)
// Push an initial nil to init lua_next
// Parse the table at index
while (lua_next(inOutState, index))
if (lua_istable(inOutState, index))
setData(inOutState, index, inIniTree);
string key = lua_tostring(inOutState, -2);
string value = lua_tostring(inOutState, -1);
// Pop value, keep key
lua_pop(inOutState, 1);
Lua code
t = {}
local fileName = findResourceFile("test.ini")
t = readINI(fileName)
writeINI(fileName, t) --this not work in c++ side

There are two problems. lua_istable(inOutState, index) is wrong, because index is not the value of the key retrieved by next. That index is always the table you're iterating over. So you'll infinitely recurse over the same table when you call setData with that index.
In fact, passing index to setData itself is almost certainly wrong. Or at least, it's probably not right. You want to use relative indices here, but calling next pushes an extra value onto the stack.
What you probably want to do is have setData assume that the table to iterate over is at index -1 (ie: the top of the stack). That way, you're just calling lua_next(state, -2) (this is -2 because the key to get the next one for is at the top). And when you recursively call setData for a table value, you don't need to provide an index, because the table value is already at the top of the stack.
The second problem is that you never write the key/value pairs. You also never check to see if the value is something which can be converted to a string. It could be a Lua userdata.


How do I implement linear probing in C++?

I'm new to Hash Maps and I have an assignment due tomorrow. I implemented everything and it all worked out fine, except for when I get a collision. I cant quite understand the idea of linear probing, I did try to implement it based on what I understood, but the program stopped working for table size < 157, for some reason.
void hashEntry(string key, string value, entry HashTable[], int p)
key_de = key;
val_en = value;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(HashTable); i++)
HashTable[Hash(key, p) + i].key_de = value;
I thought that by adding a number each time to the hash function, 2 buckets would never get the same Hash index. But that didn't work.
A hash table with linear probing requires you
Initiate a linear search starting at the hashed-to location for an empty slot in which to store your key+value.
If the slot encountered is empty, store your key+value; you're done.
Otherwise, if they keys match, replace the value; you're done.
Otherwise, move to the next slot, hunting for any empty or key-matching slot, at which point (2) or (3) transpires.
To prevent overrun, the loop doing all of this wraps modulo the table size.
If you run all the way back to the original hashed-to location and still have no empty slot or matching-key overwrite, your table is completely populated (100% load) and you cannot insert more key+value pairs.
That's it. In practice it looks something like this:
bool hashEntry(string key, string value, entry HashTable[], int p)
bool inserted = false;
int hval = Hash(key, p);
for (int i = 0; !inserted && i < p; i++)
if (HashTable[(hval + i) % p].key_de.empty())
HashTable[(hval + i) % p].key_de = key;
if (HashTable[(hval + i) % p].key_de == key)
HashTable[(hval + i) % p].val_en = value;
inserted = true;
return inserted;
Note that expanding the table in a linear-probing hash algorithm is tedious. I suspect that will be forthcoming in your studies. Eventually you need to track how many slots are taken so when the table exceeds a specified load factor (say, 80%), you expand the table, rehashing all entries on the new p size, which will change where they all end up residing.
Anyway, hope it makes sense.

Finding / removing a row from a QStandardItemModel by item data

I have a QStandardItemModel with a single column (represents a list). Each item in the list has a unique integer ID stored as the QStandardItem's data (via QStandardItem::setData which I guess is into Qt::UserRole+1 by default).
Given one of these IDs, I'd like to find and remove the corresponding row from the model. Right now I'm doing this:
void NetworkManager::removeSessionFromModel (QStandardItemModel *model, int sessionId) {
foreach (const QStandardItem *item, model->findItems("*", Qt::MatchWildcard)) {
if (item->data() == sessionId) {
It works fine, but every single line of that function makes me cringe. Is there a cleaner way to do any of this?
How about traversing the QStandardItemModel directly? Something like this:
void NetworkManager::removeSessionFromModel (QStandardItemModel *model, int sessionId)
for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(); ++i)
if (model->item(i)->data() == sessionId)
Not sure how QStandardItemModel behaves with random access, maybe your method is more efficient.
Actually, there is a function to do what you want: QAbstractItemModel::match
It returns a QModelIndexList with all entries that have matching data in a given role.
void NetworkManager::removeSessionFromModel (QStandardItemModel *model, int sessionId)
QModelIndexList list = model->match(model->index(0, 0), Qt::UserRole + 1, sessionId);
if (!list.empty())
model->removeRow(list .first().row());
Setting data to a specific role can be done as follows:
model->setData(model->index(row, col), QVariant(13), Qt::UserRole + 1);
You need to get the row index from your item id.
A more effective way could be to use a QMap with the row index as value and the item id as a key.
In this case, you also need to maintain the map values every time you add/remove a row.
If you don't have 3 millions items in your list, just keep it simple and use your code.
By optimize this code, you probably also add complexity and reduce maintainability, and you get is 0,05 ms instead of 0,06 ms.
In GUI code, I often have code like this : it's simple, everyone get it immediatly and it does the job. It' also fast enough.
You're using findItems wrong, it can already return the item you want just by passing the value you're searching for. If you call it like you're doing right now you're looping through your items at least two times, since findItems must iterate through all the items to find those that match your pattern, in your case all items match, then you iterate the returned items again to find the sessionId.
void NetworkManager::removeSessionFromModel (QStandardItemModel *model, int sessionId) {
auto items = model->findItems(QString::number(sessionId));
if (!items.empty()) {
auto row = items.first()->index().row();
Alternatively you can use the match method since findItems uses that internally, so you avoid allocating the StandardItem just to get its index. Also match returns right after the number of items matching the pattern, in this case the value of sessionId, are found so it doesn't always iterate all the items; that's more efficient. Obviously if the value is not found after iterating all the items it returns an empty list.
auto start = model->index(0, 0);
auto indexes = model->match(start, Qt::UserRole + 1, QString::number(sessionId), 1, Qt::MatchExactly);
if (!indexes.empty()) {
auto row = indexes.first().row();

Multiple Hash Tables for the Word Count Project

I already wrote a working project but my problem is, it is way slower than what I aimed in the first place so I have some ideas about how to improve it but I don't know how to implement these ideas or should I actually implement these ideas in the first place?
The topic of my project is, reading a CSV (Excel) file full of tweets and counting every single word of it, then displaying most used words.
(Every row of the Excel there is information about the tweet and the tweet itself, I should only care about the tweet)
Instead of sharing the whole code I will just simply wrote what I did so far and only ask about the part I am struggling.
First of all, I want to apologize because it will be a long question.
Important note: Only thing I should focus is speed, storage or size is not a problem.
All the steps:
Read a new line from Excel file.
Find the "tweet" part from the whole line and store it as a string.
Split the tweet string into words and store it in the array.
For every word stored in an array, calculate the ASCII value of the word.
(For finding ascii value of the word I simply sum the ascii value of each letter it has)
Put the word in Hash Table with the key of ASCII value.
(Example: Word "hello" has ascii value of 104+101+108+108+111 = 532, so it stored with key 532 in the hast table)
In Hash Table only the word "as a string" and the key value "as an int" is stored and count of the words (how much the same word is used) is stored in a separated array.
I will share the Insert function (for inserting something to the Hashtable) because I believe it will be confusing if I will try to explain this part without a code.
void Insert(int key, string value) //Key (where we want to add), Value (what we want to add)
if (key < 0) key = 0; //If key is somehow less than 0, for not taking any error key become 0.
if (table[key] != NULL) //If there is already something in hast table
if (table[key]->value == value) //If existing value is same as the value we want to add
else //If value is different,
Insert(key + 100, value); //Call this function again with the key 100 more than before.
else //There is nothing saved in this place so save this value
table[key] = new HashEntry(key, value);
countArray[key][1] = key;
So "Insert" function has three-part.
Add the value to hash table if hast table with the given key is empty.
If hast table with the given key is not empty that means we already put a word with this ascii value.
Because different words can have exact same ascii value.
The program first checks if this is the same word.
If it is, count increase (In the count array).
If not, Insert function is again called with the key value of (same key value + 100) until empty space or same value is found.
After whole lines are read and every word is stored in Hashtable ->
Sort the Count array
Print the first 10 element
This is the end of the program, so what is the problem?
Now my biggest problem is I am reading a very huge CSV file with thousands of rows, so every unnecessary thing increases the time noticeably.
My second problem is there is a lot of values with the same ASCII value, my method of checking hundred more than normal ascii value methods work, but ? for finding the empty space or the same word, Insert function call itself hundred times per word.
(Which caused the most problem).
So I thought about using multiple Hashtables.
For example, I can check the first letter of the word and if it is
Between A and E, store in the first hash table
Between F and J, store in the second hash table
Between V and Z, store in the last hash table.
Important note again: Only thing I should focus is speed, storage or size is not a problem.
So conflicts should minimize mostly in this way.
I can even create an absurd amount of hash tables and for every different letter, I can use a different hash table.
But I am not sure if it is the logical thing to do or maybe there are much simpler methods I can use for this.
If it is okay to use multiple hash tables, instead of creating hash tables, one by one, is it possible to create an array which stores a Hashtable in every location?
(Same as Array of Arrays but this time array store Hashtables)
If it is possible and logical, can someone show how to do it?
This is the hash table I have:
class HashEntry
int key;
string value;
HashEntry(int key, string value)
this->key = key;
this->value = value;
class HashMap
HashEntry * *table;
table = new HashEntry *[TABLE_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++)
table[i] = NULL;
I am very sorry for such a long question I asked and I am again very sorry if I couldn't explain every part clear enough, English is not my mother language.
Also one last note, I am doing this for a school project so I shouldn't use any third party software or include any different libraries because it is not allowed.
You are using a very bad hash function (adding all characters), that's why you get so many collisions and your Insert method calls itself so many times as a result.
For a detailed overview of different hash functions see the answer to this question. I suggest you try DJB2 or FNV-1a (which is used in some implementations of std::unordered_map).
You should also use more localized "probes" for the empty place to improve cache-locality and use a loop instead of recursion in your Insert method.
But first I suggest you tweak your HashEntry a little:
class HashEntry
string key; // the word is actually a key, no need to store hash value
size_t value; // the word count is the value.
HashEntry(string key)
: key(std::move(key)), value(1) // move the string to avoid unnecessary copying
{ }
Then let's try to use a better hash function:
// DJB2 hash-function
size_t Hash(const string &key)
size_t hash = 5381;
for (auto &&c : key)
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + c;
return hash;
Then rewrite the Insert function:
void Insert(string key)
size_t index = Hash(key) % TABLE_SIZE;
while (table[index] != nullptr) {
if (table[index]->key == key) {
if (index == TABLE_SIZE) // "wrap around" if we've reached the end of the hash table
index = 0;
table[index] = new HashEntry(std::move(key));
To find the hash table entry by key you can use a similar approach:
HashEntry *Find(const string &key)
size_t index = Hash(key) % TABLE_SIZE;
while (table[index] != nullptr) {
if (table[index]->key == key) {
return table[index];
if (index == TABLE_SIZE)
index = 0;
return nullptr;

For Looping Link List using Templates

Having used the various search engines (and the wonderful stackoverflow database), I have found some similar situations, but they are either far more complex, or not nearly as complex as what I'm trying to accomplish.
C++ List Looping
Link Error Using Templates
C++:Linked List Ordering
Pointer Address Does Not Change In A Link List
I'm trying to work with Link List and Node templates to store and print non-standard class objects (in this case, a collection of categorized contacts). Particularly, I want to print multiple objects that have the same category, out of a bunch of objects with different categories. When printing by category, I compare an sub-object tmpCategory (= "business") with the category part of a categorized contact.
But how to extract this data for comparison in int main()?
Here's what I'm thinking. I create a GetItem member function in LinkList.tem This would initialize the pointer cursor and then run a For loop until the function input matches the iteration number. At which point, GetItem returns object Type using (cursor -> data).
template <class Type>
Type LinkList<Type>::GetItem(int itemNumber) const
Node<Type>* cursor = NULL;
for(cursor = first;
cursor != NULL;
cursor = (cursor -> next))
for(int i = 0; i < used; i++)
if(itemNumber == i)
return(cursor -> data);
Here's where int main() comes in. I set my comparison object tmpCategory to a certain value (in this case, "Business"). Then, I run a For loop that iterates for cycles equal to the number of Nodes I have (as determined by a function GetUsed()). Inside that loop, I call GetItem, using the current iteration number. Theoretically, this would let the int main loop return the corresponding Node from LinkList.tem. From there, I call the category from the object inside that Node's data (which currently works), which would be compared with tmpCategory. If there's a match, the loop will print out the entire Node's data object.
tmpCategory = "Business";
for(int i = 0; i < myCategorizedContact.GetUsed(); i++)
if(myCategorizedContact.GetItem(i).getCategory() == tmpCategory)
cout << myCategorizedContact.GetItem(i);
The problem is that the currently setup (while it does run), it returns nothing at all. Upon further testing ( cout << myCategorizedContact.GetItem(i).getCategory() ), I found that it's just printing out the category of the first Node over and over again. I want the overall scheme to evaluate for every Node and print out matching data, not just spit out the same Node.
Any ideas/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Please look at this very carefully:
template <class Type>
Type LinkList<Type>::GetItem(int itemNumber) const
Node<Type>* cursor = NULL;
// loop over all items in the linked list
for(cursor = first;
cursor != NULL;
cursor = (cursor -> next))
// for each item in the linked list, run a for-loop
// counter from 0 to (used-1).
for(int i = 0; i < used; i++)
// if the passed in itemNumber matches 'i' anytime
// before we reach the end of the for-loop, return
// whatever the current cursor is.
if(itemNumber == i)
return(cursor -> data);
You're not walking the cursor down the list itemNumber times. The very first item cursor references will kick off the inner-for-loop. The moment that loop index reaches itemNumber you return. You never advance your cursor if the linked list has at least itemNumber items in the list.. In fact, the two of them (cursor and itemNumber) are entirely unrelated in your implementation of this function. And to really add irony, since used and cursor are entirely unrelated, if used is ever less than itemNumber, it will ALWAYS be so, since used doesn't change when cursor advances through the outer loop. Thus cursor eventually becomes NULL and the results of this function are undefined (no return value). In summary, as written you will always either return the first item (if itemNumber < used), or undefined behavior since you have no return value.
I believe you need something like the following instead:
template< class Type >
Type LinkList<Type>::GetItem(int itemNumber) const
const Node<Type>* cursor = first;
while (cursor && itemNumber-- > 0)
cursor = cursor->next;
if (cursor)
return cursor->data;
// note: this is here because you're definition is to return
// an item COPY. This case would be better off returning a
// `const Type*` instead, which would at least allow you to
// communicate to the caller that there was no item at the
// proposed index (because the list is undersized) and return
// NULL, which the caller could check.
return Type();

Lua Accessing a table's Keys and Values

I would like to read a Lua file in a level editor so I can display its data in visual format for users to edit.
If I have a Lua table like so:
properties = {
Speed = 10,
TurnSpeed = 5
Speed is obviously the key and 10 the value. I know I can access the value if I know the key like so (provided the table is already on the stack):
lua_pushstring(L, "Speed");
lua_gettable(L, idx);
int Speed = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
lua_pop(L, 1);
What I want to do is access the key's name and the corresponding value, in C++. Can this be done? If so how do I go about it?
This is covered by the lua_next function, which iterates over the elements of a table:
// table is in the stack at index 't'
lua_pushnil(L); // first key
while (lua_next(L, t) != 0)
// uses 'key' (at index -2) and 'value' (at index -1)
printf("%s - %s\n", luaL_typename(L, -2), luaL_typename(L, -1));
// removes 'value'; keeps 'key' for next iteration
lua_pop(L, 1);
lua_next keys off of the, um, key of the table, so you need to keep that on the stack while you're iterating. Each call will jump to the next key/value pair. Once it returns 0, then you're done (and while the key was popped, the next wasn't pushed).
Obviously adding or removing elements to a table you're iterating over can cause issues.