Lambda Low Latency Messaging Options - amazon-web-services

I have a Lambda that requires messages to be sent to another Lambda to perform some action. In my particular case it is passing a message to a Lambda in order for it to perform HTTP requests and refresh cache entries.
Currently I am relying on the AWS SDK to send an SQS message. The mechanics of this are working fine. The concern that I have is that the SQS send method call takes around 50ms on average to complete. Considering I'm in a Lambda, I am unable to perform this in the background and expect for it to complete before the Lambda returns and is frozen.
This is further compounded if I need to make multiple SQS send calls, which is particularly bad as the Lambda is responsible for responding to low-latency HTTP requests.
Are there any alternatives in AWS for communicating between Lambdas that does not require a synchronous API call, and that exhibits more of a fire and forget and asynchronous behavior?

Though there are several approaches to trigger one lambda from another, (in my experience) one of the fastest methods would be to directly trigger the ultimate lambda's ARN.
Did you try invoking one Lambda from the other using AWS SDKs?
(for e.g. in Python using Boto3, I achieved it like this).
See below, the parameter InvocationType = 'Event' helps in invoking target Lambda asynchronously.
Below code takes 2 parameters (name, which can be either your target Lambda function's name or its ARN, params is a JSON object with input parameters you would want to pass as input). Try it out!
import boto3, json
def invoke_lambda(name, params):
lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda')
params_bytes = json.dumps(params).encode()
response = lambda_client.invoke(FunctionName = name,
InvocationType = 'Event',
LogType = 'Tail',
Payload = params_bytes)
except ClientError as e:
return None
return response
Hope it helps!
For more, refer to Lambda's Invoke Event on Boto3 docs.
Alternatively, you can use Lambda's Async Invoke as well.

It's difficult to give exact answers without knowing what language are you writing the Lambda function in. To at least make "warm" function invocations faster I would make sure you are creating the SQS client outside of the Lambda event handler so it can reuse the connection. The AWS SDK should use an HTTP connection pool so it doesn't have to re-establish a connection and go through the SSL handshake and all that every time you make an SQS request, as long as you reuse the SQS client.
If that's still not fast enough, I would have the Lambda function handling the HTTP request pass off the "background" work to another Lambda function, via an asynchronous call. Then the first Lambda function can return an HTTP response, while the second Lambda function continues to do work.

You might also try to use Lambda Destinations depending on you use case. With this you don't need to put things in a queue manually.
But it limits your flexibility. From my point of view chaining lambdas directly is an antipattern and if you would need that, go for step functions


Patterns for HTTP endpoint Lambda calling other Lambdas and returning value to user

i have a question about lambda anti patterns, and how to address my specific situation.
My current setup is this:
user/webpage -> ApiGateway -> Lambda1 -> synchronously calls Lambda2 (my other microservice) -> back to lambda1 -> back to user
Currently my lambda2 is behind an apigateway as well, but I toyed with idea of invoking directly. Either way it's basically another microservice that I control.
I understand that generally, lambdas calling other lambdas are considered an antipattern. All the blogs/threads/etc online mention using stepfunctions instead, or sqs, or something else.
In my situation, I don't see how I could use stepfunctions, since I have to return something to the webpage/user. If I used a stepfunction, it seems like I would have to then poll for the results, or maybe use websockets; basically in my webpage I would not be able to just call my endpoint and get a result, I'd have to have some way to asynchronously get my result.
Similarly with a queue, or any other solution I saw online, it's basically all asynchronous.
Is there any other pattern or way of doing this?
While invoking a lambda from another lambda, everything will work fine except when the second lambda timeouts or it throttles. If your business logic is built in such a way that failures are handled gracefully and has idempotent behaviour built in, then a lambda calling another lambda (via API gateway or direct invocation) should work fine. Having said that, AWS has come out with Synchronous Express Workflows for AWS Step Functions. The linked blog has detailed examples of using it. The only caveat here is that your entire operation should get over in 5 minutes. The maximum duration an express workflow can run is 5min. So if your application flow is completing within that time limit then this is the recommended way of orchestrating services.

Boto3 invocations of long-running Lambda runs break with TooManyRequestsException

Experience with "long-running" Lambda's
In my company, we recently ran into this behaviour, when triggering Lambdas, that run for > 60 seconds (boto3's default timeout for connection establishment and reads).
The beauty of the Lambda invocation with boto3 (using the 'InvocationType' 'RequestResponse') is, that the API returns the result state of the respective Lambda run, so we wanted to stick to that.
The issue seems to be, that the client fires to many requests per minute on the standing connection to the API. Therefore, we experimented with the boto3 client configuration, but increasing the read timeout resulted in new (unwanted) invocations after each timeout period and increasing the connection timeout triggered a new invocation, after the Lambda was finished.
As various investigations and experimentation with boto3's Lambda client did not result in a working setup using 'RequestResponse' invocations,
we circumvented the problem now by making use of Cloudwatch logs. For this, the Lambda has to be setup up to write to an accessible log group. Then, these logs can the queried for the state. Then you would invoke the Lambda and monitor it like this:
import boto3
lambda_client = boto3.client('lambda')
logs_clients = boto3.client('logs')
invocation = lambda_client.invoke(
# Identifier of the invoked Lambda run
request_id = invocation['ResponseMetadata']['RequestID']
while True:
# filter the logs for the Lambda end event
events = logs_client.filter_log_events(
filterPattern=f'"END RequestId: {request_id}"'
).get('events', [])
if len(events) > 0:
# the Lambda invocation finished
This approach works for us now, but it's honestly ugly. To make this approach slightly better, I recommend to set the time range filtering in the filter_log_events call.
One thing, that was not tested (yet): The above approach only tells, whether the Lambda terminated, but not the state (failed or successful) and the default logs don't hold anything useful in that regards. Therefore, I will investigate, if a Lambda run can know its own request id during runtime. Then the Lambda code can be prepared to also write error messages with the request id, which then can be filtered for again.

Does AWS Lambda cache API responses?

My Lambda function invokes CloudWatch describe-alarms API.
Then those alarms are removed.
I'm using CloudWatch Cron Event as a trigger.
The impression I have is that responses with alarms are cached, that is even if they are deleted are still being appeared.
Is there any caching system within AWS Lambda?
It's your code that's caching the response. Not Lambda.
To fix it, you have to fix your code by making sure that you invoke the API inside your handler and return it without storing it outside your handler function's scope.
For illustration purposes,
const response = callAnApi()
async function handler(event, context, callback) {
// No matter how many times you call the handler,
// response will be the same
return callback(null, response)
async function handler(event, context, callback) {
// API is called each time you call the handler.
const response = await callAnApi()
return callback(null, response)
Reference: AWS Lambda Execution Model
Any declarations in your Lambda function code (outside the handler code, see Programming Model) remains initialized, providing additional optimization when the function is invoked again. For example, if your Lambda function establishes a database connection, instead of reestablishing the connection, the original connection is used in subsequent invocations. We suggest adding logic in your code to check if a connection exists before creating one.
There is no caching mechanism in AWS Lambda to my knowledge,
That said, after a (successful) request the container Lambda created is "frozen" to preventing it from doing "async" or "background" work. A subsequent request will reuse the container and pass the new event to your function handler. This container will remain in the cluster, ready to be reused and serve requests so long that it isn’t idle for too long, after which it may be discarded entirely. These details are unspecified by AWS.
Because the container sits around waiting for subsequent requests and the memory allocated to it does not magically disappear each time, we can store data for future requests. (But would not recommend it)
Complementing: If you are reaching your AWS Lambda through the API Gateway, then you can activate cache on the API Gateway level, which is great for speed and reducing costs with Lambda. That caching system allows you to use the params, request headers, etc, as keys for the calls, making it simple and efficient.
Thanks to Noels answer, I was facing similar issue where API GW was using lambda(python runtime) functions(with api gw cache disabled).The problem was that i defined the db connection outside the lambda handler. The result of the code below was old data(even after database table updates) from api.
db = pymysql.connect(host=DB_HOST,user=DB_USER, password=DB_PSWD,database=DB_NAME,cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
cursor = db.cursor()
def lambda_handler(event, context):
cursor.execute("SELECT id, product FROM repository")
return { "body":json.dumps(cursor.fetchall()), "statusCode":200}
except Exception as e:
return { "body":json.dumps(event), "statusCode":500}
To fix this i moved the db connection inside lambda handler:
def lambda_handler(event, context):
db = pymysql.connect(host=DB_HOST,user=DB_USER, password=DB_PSWD,database=DB_NAME,cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT id, product FROM repository")
return { "body":json.dumps(cursor.fetchall()), "statusCode":200}
except Exception as e:
return { "body":json.dumps(event), "statusCode":500}

Make Lambda function execute now, and/or in an hour

I'm trying to implement an AWS Lambda function that should send an HTTP request. If that request fails (response is anything but status 200) I should wait another hour before retrying (longer that the Lambda stays hot). What the best way to implement this?
What comes to mind is to persist my HTTP request in some way and being able to trigger the Lambda function again in a specified amount of time in case of a persisted HTTP request. But I'm not completely sure which AWS service that would provide that functionality for me. Is SQS an option that can help here?
Or, can I dynamically schedule Lambda execution for this? Note that the request to be retried should be identical to the first one.
Any other suggestions? What's the best practice for this?
(Lambda function is my option. No EC2 or such things are possible)
You can't directly trigger Lambda functions from SQS (at the time of writing, anyhow).
You could potentially handle the non-200 errors by writing the request data (with appropriate timestamp) to a DynamoDB table that's configured for TTL. You can use DynamoDB Streams to detect when DynamoDB deletes a record and that can trigger a Lambda function from the stream.
This is obviously a roundabout way to achieve what you want but it should be simple to test.
As jarmod mentioned, you cannot trigger Lambda functions directly by SQS. But a workaround (one I've used personally) would be to do the following:
If the request fails, push an item to an SQS Delay Queue (docs)
This SQS message will only become visible on the queue after a certain delay (you mentioned an hour).
Then have a second scheduled lambda function which is triggered by a cron value of a smaller timeframe (I used a minute).
This second function would then scan the SQS queue and if an item is on the queue, call your first Lambda function (either by SNS or with the AWS SDK) to retry it.
PS: Note that you can put data in an SQS item, since you mentioned you needed the lambda functions to be identical you can store your first function's input in here to be reused after an hour.
I suggest that you take a closer look at the AWS Step Functions for this. Basically, Step Functions is a state machine that allows you to execute a Lambda function, i.e. a task in each step.
More information can be found if you log in to your AWS Console and choose the "Step Functions" from the "Services" menu. By pressing the Get Started button, several example implementations of different Step Functions are presented. First, I would take a closer look at the "Choice state" example (to determine wether or not the HTTP request was successful). If not, then proceed with the "Wait state" example.

Send a request if Amazon Lambda function is successful or unsuccessful

My Amazon Lambda function (in Python) is called when an object 123456 is created in S3's input_bucket, do a transformation in the object and saves it in output_bucket.
I would like to notify my main application if the request was successful or unsuccessful. For example, a POST if the processing is successful and if its not.
One solution I thought is to create a second Amazon Lambda function that is triggered by a put event in output_bucket, and it to do the successful POST request. This solves half of the problem because but I can't trigger the unsuccessful POST request.
Maybe AWS has a more elegant solution using a parameter in Lambda or a service that deals with these types of notifications. Any advice or point in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.
Few possible solutions which I see as elegant
Using SNS Topic: From your transformation lambda, trigger a SNS topic, with success/unsuccess message, where SNS will call a HTTP/HTTPS endpoint with message payload. The advantage here is, your transformation lambda is loosely coupled with endpoint trigger and only connected through messaging.
Using Lambda Step Functions:
You could arrange to run a Lambda function every time a new object is uploaded to an S3 bucket. This function can then kick off a state machine execution by calling StartExecution. The advantage in using step functions is that you can coordinate the components of your application as series of steps in a visual workflow.
I don't think there is any elegant AWS solution, unless you re-architect, something like your lambda sends message to SQS or some intermediatery messaging service with STATUS and then interemdeiatery invokes POST to your application.
If you still want to go with your way of solving, you might need to configure "DeadLetter queue" to do error handling in failure cases (note that use cases described here are not comprehensive, so need to make sure it covers your case) like described here.