searching a string substring using regex in python - regex

hello i'm trying to search a string for its substrings and return "yes" if found.
for exp : i have string Deracu876, substrings are {D,d,e,E,r,R,A,a,c,C,u,U,8,7,6} so here is the result :
deracu876 :yes
Dderacu876 : yes
here is the code i wrote using regex but not working
import re
def match(text,pattern):
# regex
# searching pattern
for w in text :

Your for loop is putting a | at the beginning of the pattern, e.g. if text is abc, the pattern is |a|b|c. This will match an empty string, which is a substring of every string.
You can simply wrap [] around the characters, e.g. [deracu876]'. This matches any of those characters.
You also need to make another pattern that rejects characters that aren't in text. You can do this by putting the characters in [^], e.g. [^deracu876].
def match(text, substring):
if'[' + substring + ']', text, re.IGNORECASE) and not'[^' + substring '], text, re.IGNORECASE):
return "True"
return "False"
text = input()


Python: Regex matches in Windows but not in Linux 4.4.59+

I have this code, trying to replace curly quotes with straight quotes
quoteChars = [u'\u2018', u'\u2019']
pattern = u'({0})'.format('|'.join(quoteChars))
matched =, myString) # match against whole string
if matched:
self.log('SELF:: Search Query:: Replacing characters in string. Found one of these {0}'.format(pattern))
myString = re.sub(pattern, "'", myString)
self.log('SELF:: Amended Search Query [{0}]'.format(myString))
self.log('SELF:: Search Query:: String has none of these {0}'.format(pattern))
I set the variable myString to the following (‘Pop‑Up’ Edition)
In windows it correctly detects that there are curly apostrophe's but when I try it on a Mac whic reports its OS as Linux 4.4.59+ it does not match the pattern..
Do I have to set the regex pattern differently on Linux? And what are the rules? in relation to curly apostrophes both single and double, opening or closing?
I'd use regex escapes:
quoteChars = [r'\u2018', r'\u2019']
pattern = '|'.join(quoteChars)
myString = re.sub(pattern, "'", myString)

convert string to regex pattern

I want to find the pattern of a regular expression from a character string. My goal is to be able to reuse this pattern to find a string in another context but checking the pattern.
from sting "1example4whatitry2do",
I want to find pattern like: [0-9]{1}[a-z]{7}[0-9]{1}[a-z]{8}[0-9]{1}[a-z]{2}
So I can reuse this pattern to find this other example of sting 2eytmpxe8wsdtmdry1uo
I can do a loop on each caracter, but I hope there is a fast way
Thanks for your help !
You can puzzle this out:
go over your strings characterwise
if the character is a text character add a 't' to a list
if the character is a number add a 'd' to a list
if the character is something else, add itself to the list
Use itertools.groupby to group consecutive identical letters into groups.
Create a pattern from the group-key and the length of the group using some string literal formatting.
from itertools import groupby
from string import ascii_lowercase
lower_case = set(ascii_lowercase) # set for faster lookup
def find_regex(p):
cum = []
for c in p:
if c.isdigit():
elif c in lower_case:
grp = groupby(cum)
return ''.join(f'\\{what}{{{how_many}}}'
if how_many>1 else f'\\{what}'
for what,how_many in ( (g[0],len(list(g[1]))) for g in grp))
pattern = "1example4...whatit.ry2do"
The ternary in the formatting removes not needed {1} from the pattern.
If you now replace '\t'with '[a-z]' your regex should fit. You could also replace isdigit check using a regex r'\d' or a in set(string.digits) instead.
pattern = "1example4...whatit.ry2do"
pat = find_regex(pattern).replace(r"\t","[a-z]")
print(pat) # \d[a-z]{7}\d\.{3}[a-z]{6}\.[a-z]{2}\d[a-z]{2}
string module for ascii_lowercase and digits

Finding single escaped characters

I would like to replace some escaping character in a given text. Here what I've tried.
_RE_SPECIAL_CHARS = re.compile(r"(?:[^#\\]|\\.)+#")
text = r"ok#\"
search =, text)
if search:
print(_RE_SPECIAL_CHARS.sub("<star>", text))
print('<< NOTHING FOUND ! >>')
This prints :
What I need to have instead is ok<star>\
You can use lookbehind and just match the special character:
Or you can capture the part before # in group 1 and replace with \1<star>
print(_RE_SPECIAL_CHARS.sub("\1<star>", text))

RegEx pattern returning all words except those in parenthesis

I have a text of the form:
können {konnte, gekonnt} Verb
And I want to get a match for all words in it that are not in parenthesis. That means:
können = 1st match, Verb = 2nd match
Unfortunately I still don't get the knock of regular expression. There is a lot of testing possibility but not much help for creation unless you want to read a book.
I will use them in Java or Python.
In Python you could do this:
import re
regex = re.compile(r'(?:\{.*?\})?([^{}]+)', re.UNICODE)
print 'Matches: %r' % regex.findall(u'können {konnte, gekonnt} Verb')
Matches: [u'können ', u' Verb']
Although I would recommend simply replacing everything between { and } like so:
import re
regex = re.compile(r'\{.*?\}', re.UNICODE)
print 'Output string: %r' % regex.sub('', u'können {konnte, gekonnt} Verb')
Output string: u'können Verb'
A regex SPLIT using this pattern will do the job:
and ignore any empty value.

String separation in required format, Pythonic way? (with or w/o Regex)

I have a string in the format:
t='#abc #def Hello this part is text'
I want to get this:
l=["abc", "def"]
s='Hello this part is text'
I did this:
a=t[t.find(' ',t.rfind('#')):].strip()
s=t[:t.find(' ',t.rfind('#'))].strip()
l=[i.strip() for i in b][1:]
It works for the most part, but it fails when the text part has the '#'.
Eg, when:
t='#abc #def My email is'
it fails. The #names are there in the beginning and there can be text after #names, which may possibly contain #.
Clearly I can append initally with a space and find out first word without '#'. But that doesn't seem an elegant solution.
What is a pythonic way of solving this?
Building unashamedly on MrTopf's effort:
import re
rx = re.compile("((?:#\w+ +)+)(.*)")
t='#abc #def #xyz Hello this part is text and my email is foo#ba.r'
a,s = rx.match(t).groups()
l = re.split('[# ]+',a)[1:-1]
print l
print s
['abc', 'def', 'xyz']
Hello this part is text and my email is foo#ba.r
Justly called to account by hasen j, let me clarify how this works:
/#\w+ +/
matches a single tag - # followed by at least one alphanumeric or _ followed by at least one space character. + is greedy, so if there is more than one space, it will grab them all.
To match any number of these tags, we need to add a plus (one or more things) to the pattern for tag; so we need to group it with parentheses:
/(#\w+ +)+/
which matches one-or-more tags, and, being greedy, matches all of them. However, those parentheses now fiddle around with our capture groups, so we undo that by making them into an anonymous group:
/(?:#\w+ +)+/
Finally, we make that into a capture group and add another to sweep up the rest:
/((?:#\w+ +)+)(.*)/
A last breakdown to sum up:
((?:#\w+ +)+)(.*)
(?:#\w+ +)+
( #\w+ +)
#\w+ +
Note that in reviewing this, I've improved it - \w didn't need to be in a set, and it now allows for multiple spaces between tags. Thanks, hasen-j!
t='#abc #def Hello this part is text'
words = t.split(' ')
names = []
while words:
w = words.pop(0)
if w.startswith('#'):
text = ' '.join(words)
print names
print text
How about this:
Splitting by space.
foreach word, check
2.1. if word starts with # then Push to first list
2.2. otherwise just join the remaining words by spaces.
You might also use regular expressions:
import re
rx = re.compile("#([\w]+) #([\w]+) (.*)")
t='#abc #def Hello this part is text and my email is foo#ba.r'
a,b,s = rx.match(t).groups()
But this all depends on how your data can look like. So you might need to adjust it. What it does is basically creating group via () and checking for what's allowed in them.
[i.strip('#') for i in t.split(' ', 2)[:2]] # for a fixed number of #def
a = [i.strip('#') for i in t.split(' ') if i.startswith('#')]
s = ' '.join(i for i in t.split(' ') if not i.startwith('#'))
[edit: this is implementing what was suggested by Osama above]
This will create L based on the # variables from the beginning of the string, and then once a non # var is found, just grab the rest of the string.
t = '#one #two #three some text afterward with # symbols# meow#meow'
words = t.split(' ') # split into list of words based on spaces
L = []
s = ''
for i in range(len(words)): # go through each word
word = words[i]
if word[0] == '#': # grab #'s from beginning of string
s = ' '.join(words[i:]) # put spaces back in
break # you can ignore the rest of the words
You can refactor this to be less code, but I'm trying to make what is going on obvious.
Here's just another variation that uses split() and no regexpes:
t='#abc #def My email is'
tags = []
words = iter(t.split())
# iterate over words until first non-tag word
for w in words:
if not w.startswith("#"):
# join this word and all the following
s = w + " " + (" ".join(words))
s = "" # handle string with only tags
print tags, s
Here's a shorter but perhaps a bit cryptic version that uses a regexp to find the first space followed by a non-# character:
import re
t = '#abc #def My email is #extra bye'
m ="\s([^#].*)$", t)
tags = [tag[1:] for tag in t[:m.start()].split()]
s =
print tags, s # ['abc', 'def'] My email is #extra bye
This doesn't work properly if there are no tags or no text. The format is underspecified. You'll need to provide more test cases to validate.