Angular 6 unit test - TypeError: Cannot read property 'ROOT_API' of null - unit-testing

I am getting an error while running a unit test in my angular project
TypeError: Cannot read property 'ROOT_API' of null
I am using "app.config" for the environment files to keep its assets folder and call the service. In the component call the API and work without any problem but while running unit test getting the error above mentioned.
Here are my files and folder structure
Here is the adaptor service file get method
Here is the service file
Unit test error screenshot below
Please help me out with the issue. Thanks

Make sure to Provide AppConfig, in the TestBed configuration of your test.
(It would be helpful if you post your test, as well).

In your AppConfig File changed the private value for empty and remove the null value.
private config: Object = '';
private env: Object = '';
It's working fine for me....


BigQuery - How to instantiate BigQueryTemplate without env variables? getting The Application Default Credentials are not available

I'm trying to instantiate BigQueryTemplate without the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.
Steps tried:
Implemented CredentialsSupplier by instantiating Credentials and setting location to service account json file.
Instantiated Bean BigQuery using BigQueryOptions::newBuilder() and setting credentials and project id.
Instantiating Bean BigQueryTemplate using the BigQuery bean created in step 2.
spring-cloud-gcp-dependencies 3.4.0 version is used.
The application executing in VM (non-gcp env).
Another option I tried is adding below properties
I'm getting below error,
applog.line=299, applog.msg=Error:
The Application Default Credentials are not available.
They are available if running in Google Compute Engine.
Otherwise, the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS must be defined pointing to a file defining the credentials.
Please let me know if I have missed any thing.
Thanks in advance.

AWS Amplify Duplicate Error: Duplicated files or mocks

I set up a new amplify, added auth, and a post confirmation lambda function to move user data into DynamoDB. When I run NPM start, I get this error:
Failed to construct transformer: DuplicateError: Duplicated files or mocks. Please check the console for more info
at setModule (C:\Users\cjfew\Desktop\Fresh\MyDemo\node_modules\jest-haste-map\build\index.js:543:17)
.js:426:22 {
mockPath1: 'amplify#current-cloud-backend\function\FreshAuthPostConfirmation\src\package.json',
mockPath2: 'amplify\backend\function\FreshAuthPostConfirmation\src\package.json'
Based on what I have read, #current-cloud-backend gets created by amplify, based on the files in the backend folder. It seems like that package.json is supposed to be there, but I am not sure why it is an error. I saw somewhere that I should just delete the subclass duplicate file, which I assumed to be the one in #current-cloud-backend, but amplify is going to keep producing this error every time I push to it, how do I avoid this from happening at all?
There is a discussion about this error in this Amplify GitHub Issue. The file package.json appears twice to jest-haste-map, and the solution is to explicitly ignore the #current-cloud-backend folder when building and starting your app.
The solution to the problem depends on your version of React Native: here you find an overview of how exlusion of files work for different versions. For example, you can create a metro.config.js file with the following contents to exclude the #current-cloud-backend:
const exclusionList = require('metro-config/src/defaults/exclusionList');
module.exports = {
resolver: {
blacklistRE: exclusionList([/#current-cloud-backend\/.*/])
And install metro-config as a dev dependency. If that doesn't work there are some other solutions in the links that you can try out.

Google Cloud Data Catalog - Node JS Library giving Error: 5 NOT_FOUND: Project does not exist

I am trying to use Nodejs Library for Google Cloud Data Catalog. For one project, it is working perfectly fine but for others it is giving me Project does not exist error, while I can see the project with that ID in GCP.
Example error received in application code
Error: 5 NOT_FOUND: Project "tech-mktg-wwc" does not exist.
Project in GCP
Here is a sample code that causes this error:
const locationPath = datacatalog.locationPath('tech-mktg-wwc','us-central1');
const req = {parent: locationPath};
const [resp] = await datacatalog.listEntryGroups(req);
Auth is happening via key generated for service account. I tried comparing roles/permissions for the working project with non-working one but couldn't find anything obvious. I am sure I must be missing something.

Loopback - Setting Up environment specific configuration

Hi can I get some help with setting environment specific configuration.
I have two files for datasource
I use the script "SET NODE_ENV=test && mocha test/**/*.test.js" on WIndows to run my test cases and set the node environment to test.
Loopback does not load server/datasource.test.json instead the datasource from server/datasource.json is loaded.
I have confirmend the environment using process.env.NODE_ENV which logs "test
I have tried to change server/datasource.json to server/datasource.local.json, But then I get an error
WARNING: Main config file "datasources.json" is missing.
I dont understand what I am doing wrong.Am I supposed to create all the config files for the test environment like *.test.json.
Or is there a different config file where I have to define envrionment specific files.
Please check this repo
From the code If you run npm run test It loads data from local.json which is the data source for development environment.It should load data from test.json(datasource for test environment)
Looking on your repository, I can see this note from LoopBack documentation particulary relevant for you:
A LoopBack application can load multiple configuration files, that can potentially conflict with each other. The value set by the file with the highest priority will always take effect. The priorities are:
Environment-specific configuration, based on the value of NODE_ENV; for example, server/config.staging.json.
Local configuration file; for example, server/config.local.json.
Default configuration file; for example, server/config.json.
In your model-config.json all models have datasource set to db so in your case LoopBack application loads first datasources.test.json. It cannot find datasource db there (only testdb), so it falls back to datasources.json. There it finds datasource db and it uses it. Try renaming testdb in datasources.test.json to db and it will take a precedense.

Unable to upload to S3 with Grails S3 Demo Application

I am trying to run a demo project for uploading to S3 with Grails 3.
The project in question is this, more specifically the S3 upload is only for the 'Hotel' example at the end.
When I run the project and go to upload the image, I get an updated message but nothing actually happens - there's no inserted url in the dbconsole table.
I think the issue lies with how I am running the project, I am using the command:
grails -Daws.accessKeyId=XXXXX -Daws.secretKey=XXXXX run-app
(where I am supplementing the X's for my keys obviously).
This method of running the project appears to be slightly different to the method shown in the example. I run my project from the command line and I do not use GGTS, just Sublime.
I have tried inserting my AWS keys into the application.yml but I receive an internal server error then.
Can anyone help me out here?
Check your bucket policy in s3. You need to grant permissions to the API user to allow uploads.