OK to update hugo? - r-markdown

I am running a 2 year old version of the Hugo academic theme with blogdown. The latest version of hugo on Ubuntu 19.10 repos is 0.58. The newest version is 0.65 if downloaded from the Hugo website. Is updating a good idea for my use on .Rmd and .Rmarkdown files? Newer versions of Hugo have richer markdown such as the ability to handling floating table of contents.

Just in case someone stumbles onto this question, I would like to describe what I have found. Updating Hugo has broken a site for me! This was from version 0.58 to v0.72
The solution was quite lengthy involving trying versions via binary sort (simple process of using a "middle" version, ie v0.65 and if it works, split the upper half. If it does not work, split the lower half. Then repeat ). The versions of Hugo are available on Github https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases (hope this url is allowed! If not you can Google for it)
The theme, however updated without problems (meghna-hugo).
Hugo Academic theme has been "taken over" by Wowchemy and has got tied up in their ecosystem. Check wowchemy [dot] com
Some themes have a specified minimum Hugo version. If the min version is hard coded into the config.toml file, just lowering the min version could get it working like it did for me. YMMV


Is there any way to bookmark a Django "current" documentation page, without version numbers?

The point of this is to keep notes/urls pointing to particular parts of the documentation that people want to refer to in the future. For example, when something is a complex feature that requires a little bit of review most of the times you work with it.
Let's take an example. I search for Django STATICFILES_DIR:
Pretty quickly I get exactly what I want:
which has a STATICFILES_DIR configuration entry.
But, notice from the url, this is for Django 4.1. And it says so on the page too.
But maybe there are a current version? Let's look.
There isn't.
Contrast with Python, which points to a very generic, 3 version. Not to Python 3.10 or 3.11.
Or postgres (looking for create table):
OK, yes, I have a version 14, but...
I can click on that current and that will NOT pin me to a particular version.
In the case of Django, Python and Postgresql, I am pretty confident a generic, version-less documentation page will serve my purposes just fine 90% of the time - those are pretty stable APIs by now.
Often searching gets you to ancient postgresql versions like 9.2, but you can always find a current link.
Am I looking in the wrong places for a permanent link for Django docs?
Yes, there is dev link on the Django versions, but that's living a bit dangerously, I assume people are potentially working updating the docs on the current version on that URL. Or should I use that after all?
Going to use the dev tag for now. Django is stable enough that I expect minimal problems there and I can always go back to my version of interest from there. But at least I don't have bookmarks pointing to a bunch of different historical versions.

Is there a modification of django framework in the last 24 hours?

We experienced strange behaviour. Especially under chrome, some items are missing. Anyone ?
Which version are you using? You should always pin the version you use, which means that once it's published, it will never change.
The code is open source, you can check yourself from the github repository and there are other more appropriate channels than Stack Overflow, IMO:
The Django weblog, where a post is published each time there is a new release.
The Django users mailing list/google group is another place where you can keep up to date.
PyPI gives you the release history.
Finally, with any open source software, don't be afraid of digging into the source code and see what has changed. Github has a great way of comparing between 2 tags, for instance for the latest 2 1.11.x relases: https://github.com/django/django/compare/1.11.16...1.11.17
There was 2 new bugfix relases published on each 2.1.x and 1.11.x branches yesterday, so if your dependencies aren't pinned, you might have auto-updated, but without further details it's hard to tell you more.

Django A/B Split Testing Packages (None I've found are well-documented and up-to-date.)

There are two main schools of thought for doing A/B (Split) Testing:
Javascript-based solutions such as Optimizely, Google Analytics Content Experiments.
Server-side solutions such as Django-AB, Splango, and django-lean. (Also, writing your own.)
My understanding is that Javascript-based solutions are spectacular for "which color button converts better," but not so great for switching out entire page layouts, and completely unworkable for trying out large functional changes such as the sequence of pages in a funnel.
That leads me towards a server-side solution. I'm not crazy about coding my own, and will do so only if there is no other option. I'm trying to add value by improving the core functionality of my site, not by creating a better split-testing framework.
The Django apps I've found for split testing are various mixtures of unmaintained, undocumented, documented incorrectly, and incompatible with Django 1.5. This surprises me, because the Django and Python communities seem to have a strong focus on good documentation. I'm also very surprised that none of the testing frameworks I've tried has been compatible with Django 1.5 -- is testing not as core a part of the philosophy in the Django/Python world as it is in Rails?
Here's what I've found:
Splango https://github.com/shimon/Splango -- Not compatible with Django 1.5 (although most compatibility bugs I found were trivial to fix). Largely un-touched since October 2010, except for a fix August 2012 which claims to make sure templates get included in the install. Since templates don't get included in the install when Splango is installed via PyPI, either the fix didn't work or didn't get submitted to PyPI. Documentation is largely accurate, but doesn't completely cover how to set up tests and get reports. It tells you how to configure the template to gather the data, but there appears to be additional steps required in the admin interface which are completely undocumented, and I'm not sure I've done them properly.
Django-lean. Original at https://bitbucket.org/akoha/django-lean has not been updated since July 2010. There is an apparently "blessed" fork at https://github.com/anandhenry2002/django-lean which has not been changed since May 2012, when it was copied over from the original. The original's documentation is incorrect in ways that make following the examples impossible. (Though you can probably muddle your way through, as I did.) The new version's documentation has formatting problems that make it difficult to read on github. (This appears to be because it's the unchanged documentation from the old project, and BitBucket syntax doesn't work on Github.) The django-lean Google Group has not had a message since July 2012.
django-mini-lean https://github.com/DanAncona/django-mini-lean -- Updated as recently as February 2013, but undocumented.
Leaner - https://bitbucket.org/brianjinwright/leaner -- Last updated July 2012, and no docs.
Django-AB -- Last updated May 2009. Is not a package, and can't be installed via PIP or PyPI. After placing the checkout in my django app folder (and renaming the folder to ab) and following the installation instructions, I get an error loading the template loader that I have not tracked down further.
So far Splango appears to be the winner, as I've actually been able to get it more-or-less working (by manually installing the templates, and then editing them to fix Django 1.5 incompatibilities).
Can anyone point me to anything I've missed?
You have missed this app : https://github.com/mixcloud/django-experiments + https://github.com/disqus/gargoyle/
And then there's waffle: http://waffle.readthedocs.org/
It's simple, updated, maintained, but not very feature rich, it doesn't have any analytics/reporting stuff integrated. But then again, google analytics or mixpanel type of service is better for this.
I first looked at Django-AB and that is almost what I wanted, but I couldn't get it to work either. After looking at django-experiments and deciding I didn't want to mess around with redis yet, I decided to roll my own. I've tried to package it up nicely and make it easy to use for the beginner. It's super basic.
You can swap out entirely different page layouts with Google Analytics Experiments (their default experiment setup will redirect users to a different URL for each variation you have), although in general its much easier to interpret why something is more successful if you test smaller things against each other.
You are right that testing different funnels and user flows against each other using Google Analytics would require a lot of manual setup; although theoretically you could do it by swapping out different links and tracking your users with UTM campaigns.
For smaller A/B tests within the same page, I ended up using Google Analytics Experiments and writing a custom Django CMS plugin for adding a few variant options to a template, which queries the Google Analytics API and displays the correct variant using Javascript.

Is libdmtx dead, suggested replacement?

I've been using libdmtx in a project and looking to update to a newer version, but it seems the project hasn't been updated in well over a year. The last update/version was June, 2011. The Git repository shows that the last commit was August, 2011. Finally, the author's web site, which previously promoted libdmtx, Dragonfly Logic, is dead with a 404 Not Found error.
Is there another data matrix library that can meet this criteria?
Open source
Platform-neutral C/C++ (i.e. can build for Windows, POSIX environments)
Encodes/decodes data matrix
Actively maintained
Alternatively, did libdmtx move somewhere else and continue to get maintained somewhere that I'm not aware of?
I can't say that I'll never develop on libdmtx again, but it certainly wouldn't be anytime soon. I simply don't have the spare hours anymore to even keep up with the correspondence, let alone to perform any meaningful development.
So if you wish to fork it, you have my blessing. :)
Unfortunately I'm not aware of any other open source packages that do exactly the same things as libdmtx (which is why I created it in the first place), but I tried to list any similar projects I came across at http://libdmtx.sourceforge.net/resources.php
Good luck!
As libdmtx is currently unmaintained (I wouldn't say dead, as there are several users of the library) one should have to look at options.
zxing-cpp is a viable alternative. It can code and decode both DataMatrix, QR codes and barcodes. It compiles both on windows and posix, and are open source (Apache 2)
My only complaint about the zxing-cpp library is that is doesn't support dot peen generated data matrix images.
This Github project has revived libdmtx in 2016 with sporadic but ongoing activity since then: https://github.com/dmtx
(I am not affiliated with this project, just wanted to add an update to this question after finding it in a search.)

What is the most straightforward path to move a project from Pinax 0.5.1 to 0.7beta3?

I'm updating a 0.5.1 complete_project to 0.7beta3 + virtualenv + pip + fabric.
I have converted my project into multiple stand-alone applications and I have everything being pulled down by pip from a requirements.txt file.
I am now moving the code over and so far can get the Welcome page and perform a log-in, but then it breaks, due, it appears, to the introduction of Group support and the refactoring of Tribes into Tribes and Topics.
Has anyone successfully made this move? If you did, how did you handle migrating your data? What should I be looking out for? Anyone have a checklist or list of steps? What other exciting challenges do I have to look forward to?
The short answer as far as I'm aware (and I've been following Pinax development for some time now) is that there is no straightforward path to upgrade the project from 0.5.1 to 0.7beta3. I'm not sure how familiar you are with the code, but this is the process I would use based on my limited experience:
Start by using the social_project/ that ships with the latest version of Pinax. Copy into it any changes you made to the settings.py file as well as any custom apps you have.
The templates and media have moved to folders outside of the projects, but if you customized any of them (I'm sure you did) take the custom ones and drop them into the template folders in your project to override those in the default theme folders. You should compare them to those in the theme folders to see what changes may need to be made to keep up with changes in the apps.
The next step would be to do the same thing with urls.py copying any customizations over the one provided by the project.
Try getting it running at this point with a fresh DB. Hopefully any errors will point you in the right direction to stuff that you might have missed or not known about.
Once you gotten it running most of the DB tables should be the same (I believe) except as you mentioned the Tribes stuff. Migrating the data, though, is still beyond what I've had to deal with.
Disclaimer: I've been following development but never had to perform an upgrade quite this big. Good luck and (obviously) back up your work and data before trying to port it all over.
See the documentation and code ( http://github.com/pinax/pinax/tree/master ) for more details. The code is a convenient (though tedious) way to watch the evolution between 0.5.1 and 0.7beta3, for what that's worth.