How I change the resolution one monitor only - c++

For example, my computer has two monitors, the primary monitor's resolution is 800*600, the other monitor's resolution is 1600*900.
I would like define the resolution on one monitor only ?
The function 'SetDisplayConfig' change the resolution screen on the two minotors...
public static extern int SetDisplayConfig(
uint numPathArrayElements,
[In] DisplayConfigPathInfo[] pathArray,
uint numModeInfoArrayElements,
[In] DisplayConfigModeInfo[] modeInfoArray,
SdcFlags flags
private static Boolean SetDisplaySettings(int Id_Monitor, uint Width, uint Height, uint Scaling)
CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigPathInfo[] pathInfoArray = new CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigPathInfo[0] { };
CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigModeInfo[] modeInfoArray = new CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigModeInfo[0] { };
CCDWrapper.MonitorAdditionalInfo[] additionalInfo = new CCDWrapper.MonitorAdditionalInfo[0] { };
bool Status = GetDisplaySettings(ref pathInfoArray, ref modeInfoArray, ref additionalInfo, true);
CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigPathInfo[] pathInfoArrayCurrent = new CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigPathInfo[0] { };
CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigModeInfo[] modeInfoArrayCurrent = new CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigModeInfo[0] { };
CCDWrapper.MonitorAdditionalInfo[] additionalInfoCurrent = new CCDWrapper.MonitorAdditionalInfo[0] { };
bool StatusCurrent = GetDisplaySettings(ref pathInfoArrayCurrent, ref modeInfoArrayCurrent, ref additionalInfoCurrent, false);
if (StatusCurrent)
for (int iPathInfo = 0; iPathInfo <= pathInfoArray.Length-1; iPathInfo++)
//for (int iPathInfo = 0; iPathInfo <= pathInfoArray.Length - 1; iPathInfo++)
for (int iPathInfoCurrent = 0; iPathInfoCurrent <= pathInfoArrayCurrent.Length - 1; iPathInfoCurrent++)
if ((pathInfoArray[iPathInfo] == pathInfoArrayCurrent[iPathInfoCurrent] && (pathInfoArray[iPathInfo] == pathInfoArrayCurrent[iPathInfoCurrent]
pathInfoArray[iPathInfo].sourceInfo.adapterId.LowPart = pathInfoArrayCurrent[iPathInfoCurrent].sourceInfo.adapterId.LowPart;
pathInfoArray[iPathInfo].targetInfo.adapterId.LowPart = pathInfoArrayCurrent[iPathInfoCurrent].targetInfo.adapterId.LowPart;
pathInfoArray[iPathInfo].targetInfo.scaling = (CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigScaling)Scaling;
for (int iModeInfo = 0; iModeInfo <= modeInfoArray.Length - 1; iModeInfo++)
for (int iPathInfo = 0; iPathInfo <= pathInfoArray.Length - 1; iPathInfo++)
if ((modeInfoArray[iModeInfo].id == pathInfoArray[iPathInfo] && (modeInfoArray[iModeInfo].infoType == CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigModeInfoType.Target))
for (int iModeInfoSource = 0; iModeInfoSource <= modeInfoArray.Length - 1; iModeInfoSource++)
if ((modeInfoArray[iModeInfoSource].id == pathInfoArray[iPathInfo] && (modeInfoArray[iModeInfoSource].adapterId.LowPart == modeInfoArray[iModeInfo].adapterId.LowPart) && (modeInfoArray[iModeInfoSource].infoType == CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigModeInfoType.Source))
modeInfoArray[iModeInfoSource].adapterId.LowPart = pathInfoArray[iPathInfo].sourceInfo.adapterId.LowPart;
modeInfoArray[iModeInfoSource].sourceMode.height = Height;
modeInfoArray[iModeInfoSource].sourceMode.width = Width;
modeInfoArray[iModeInfo].adapterId.LowPart = pathInfoArray[iPathInfo].targetInfo.adapterId.LowPart;
uint numPathArrayElements = System.Convert.ToUInt32(pathInfoArray.Length);
uint numModeInfoArrayElements = System.Convert.ToUInt32(modeInfoArray.Length);
long Result = CCDWrapper.SetDisplayConfig(numPathArrayElements, pathInfoArray, numModeInfoArrayElements, modeInfoArray, CCDWrapper.SdcFlags.Apply | CCDWrapper.SdcFlags.UseSuppliedDisplayConfig | CCDWrapper.SdcFlags.SaveToDatabase | CCDWrapper.SdcFlags.NoOptimization | CCDWrapper.SdcFlags.AllowChanges);
if (Result == 0)
return true;
return false;
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
EventLog.WriteEntry("ResolutionEcran", "Erreur SetDisplaySettings : " + ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error);
return false;
private static Boolean GetDisplaySettings(ref CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigPathInfo[] pathInfoArray, ref CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigModeInfo[] modeInfoArray, ref CCDWrapper.MonitorAdditionalInfo[] additionalInfo, Boolean ActiveOnly, [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional] int ID_Monitor)
uint numPathArrayElements;
uint numModeInfoArrayElements;
CCDWrapper.QueryDisplayFlags queryFlags = CCDWrapper.QueryDisplayFlags.AllPaths;
if (ActiveOnly)
//queryFlags = CCDWrapper.QueryDisplayFlags.OnlyActivePaths;
queryFlags = CCDWrapper.QueryDisplayFlags.OnlyActivePaths;
var status = CCDWrapper.GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes(queryFlags, out numPathArrayElements, out numModeInfoArrayElements);
if (status == 0)
pathInfoArray = new CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigPathInfo[numPathArrayElements];
modeInfoArray = new CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigModeInfo[numModeInfoArrayElements];
additionalInfo = new CCDWrapper.MonitorAdditionalInfo[numModeInfoArrayElements];
status = CCDWrapper.QueryDisplayConfig(queryFlags, ref numPathArrayElements, pathInfoArray, ref numModeInfoArrayElements, modeInfoArray, IntPtr.Zero);
if (status == 0)
for (var iMode = 0; iMode < numModeInfoArrayElements; iMode++)
if (modeInfoArray[iMode].infoType == CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigModeInfoType.Target)
additionalInfo[iMode] = CCDWrapper.GetMonitorAdditionalInfo(modeInfoArray[iMode].adapterId, modeInfoArray[iMode].id);
catch (Exception)
additionalInfo[iMode].valid = false;
return true;
//Erreur : Querying display;
//Erreur : Taille Buffer;
return false;

Use ChangeDisplaySettingsEx function to change the settings of the specified display device to the specified graphics mode. The following is an example you can refer to.
#include <windows.h>
int main()
for (DWORD devNum = 0; ; devNum++)
dev.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE);
if (!EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, devNum, &dev, EDD_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_NAME))
wprintf(L"Display name: %s \n", dev.DeviceName);
DEVMODE dMode = { 0 };
dMode.dmSize = sizeof(dMode);
if (!EnumDisplaySettings(dev.DeviceName, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dMode))
wprintf(L"EnumDisplaySettings error: %d \n", GetLastError());
wprintf(L"Display old settings: \n");
wprintf(L"dmBitsPerPel: %d \n", dMode.dmBitsPerPel);
wprintf(L"dmPelsWidth: %d \n", dMode.dmPelsWidth);
wprintf(L"dmPelsHeight: %d \n", dMode.dmPelsHeight);
wprintf(L"dmDisplayFlags: %x \n", dMode.dmDisplayFlags);
wprintf(L"dmDisplayFrequency: %d \n", dMode.dmDisplayFrequency);
dMode.dmPelsWidth = 800;
dMode.dmPelsHeight = 600;
ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(dev.DeviceName, &dMode, NULL, 0, NULL);
DEVMODE dModeNew = { 0 };
dModeNew.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE);
if (!EnumDisplaySettings(dev.DeviceName, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dModeNew))
wprintf(L"EnumDisplaySettings error: %d \n", GetLastError());
wprintf(L"Display new settings: \n");
wprintf(L"dmBitsPerPel: %d \n", dModeNew.dmBitsPerPel);
wprintf(L"dmPelsWidth: %d \n", dModeNew.dmPelsWidth);
wprintf(L"dmPelsHeight: %d \n", dModeNew.dmPelsHeight);
wprintf(L"dmDisplayFlags: %x \n", dModeNew.dmDisplayFlags);
wprintf(L"dmDisplayFrequency: %d \n", dModeNew.dmDisplayFrequency);
I set dwflags to 0 let the graphics mode for the current screen change dynamically. Refer to dwflags parameter part of ChangeDisplaySettingsEx's document for deciding how you would like the graphics mode should be changed.

Sorry for my late response...I was absent.
I also need to change the scaling of monitor (Black bars removed on certain resolutions).
public enum DisplayConfigScaling : uint
Zero = 0x0,
Identity = 1,
Centered = 2,
Stretched = 3,
Aspectratiocenteredmax = 4,
Custom = 5,
Preferred = 128,
ForceUint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF
The function 'ChangeDisplaySettingsEx' may change the scale of monitor ?
Thank you very for your help.


Basler Pylon camera parameter set command causing image grab timeout

I have code to control the settings of and grab images from a Basler acA720-290gm camera. After a period of running, if the exposure time is changed, the Pylon::CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera.RetrieveResult call starts timing out and the camera becomes unresponsive to further requests to change the exposure time. The exposure time is not set to be large enough that it should be causing a timeout.
This is the heart of the code in question:
void process_pylon(Pylon::String_t serial_number, int64_t width, int64_t height, int64_t packet_size, int64_t inter_packet_delay) {
try {
Pylon::CBaslerUniversalInstantCamera camera;
Pylon::CTlFactory& tlFactory = Pylon::CTlFactory::GetInstance();
Pylon::CDeviceInfo info;
Pylon::DeviceInfoList_t filter;
Pylon::DeviceInfoList_t devices;
while (1) {
try {
while (1) {
if (tlFactory.EnumerateDevices(devices, filter) > 0) {
g_print("The camera is connected.\n");
else {
g_printerr("The camera is not connected.\n");
g_print("Attaching camera.\n");
g_print("Opening camera.\n");
g_print("Setting width: %li\n", width);
g_print("Setting height: %li\n", height);
g_print("Setting GevSCPSPacketSize (packet size): %li\n", packet_size);
g_print("Setting GevSCPD (inter-packet delay): %li\n", inter_packet_delay);
g_print("Starting grabbing.\n");
Pylon::CGrabResultPtr ptrGrabResult;
exposure_auto_set = 1;
exposure_time_raw_set = 1;
gain_auto_set = 1;
gain_raw_set = 1;
while (1) {
// Exposure Time
int32_t epics_exposure_auto_req = exposure_auto_req;
int32_t epics_exposure_auto_set = exposure_auto_set;
if (epics_exposure_auto_set > 0) {
g_print("Setting auto exposure: %i\n", epics_exposure_auto_req);
camera.ExposureAuto.SetIntValue((int64_t) epics_exposure_auto_req);
exposure_auto_set = 0;
exposure_auto = camera.ExposureAuto.GetIntValue();
int32_t epics_exposure_time_raw_req = exposure_time_raw_req;
int32_t epics_exposure_time_raw_set = exposure_time_raw_set;
if (epics_exposure_time_raw_set > 0) {
g_print("Setting exposure time: %i\n", epics_exposure_time_raw_req);
camera.ExposureTimeRaw.TrySetValue((int64_t) epics_exposure_time_raw_req, Pylon::IntegerValueCorrection_Nearest);
exposure_time_raw_set = 0;
exposure_time_raw = camera.ExposureTimeRaw.GetValue();
// Gain
int32_t epics_gain_auto_req = gain_auto_req;
int32_t epics_gain_auto_set = gain_auto_set;
if (epics_gain_auto_set > 0) {
g_print("Setting auto gain: %i\n", epics_gain_auto_req);
camera.GainAuto.SetIntValue((int64_t) epics_gain_auto_req);
gain_auto_set = 0;
gain_auto = camera.GainAuto.GetIntValue();
int32_t epics_gain_raw_req = gain_raw_req;
int32_t epics_gain_raw_set = gain_raw_set;
if (epics_gain_raw_set > 0) {
g_print("Setting gain: %i\n", epics_gain_raw_req);
camera.GainRaw.TrySetValue((int64_t) epics_gain_raw_req, Pylon::IntegerValueCorrection_Nearest);
gain_raw_set = 0;
gain_raw = camera.GainRaw.GetValue();
try {
camera.RetrieveResult((unsigned int) timeout_ms, ptrGrabResult, Pylon::TimeoutHandling_ThrowException);
if (ptrGrabResult->GrabSucceeded()) {
if (image_mutex.try_lock()) {
else {
g_printerr("The grab failed.\n");
g_printerr("%s\n", ptrGrabResult->GetErrorDescription().c_str());
catch (const Pylon::TimeoutException e) {
g_printerr("%s\n", e.GetDescription());
catch (const Pylon::GenericException& e) {
if (camera.IsCameraDeviceRemoved()) {
g_printerr("The connection to the camera has been lost.\n");
else {
g_printerr("%s\n", e.GetDescription());
catch (const Pylon::GenericException& e) {
g_printerr("An exception occurred.\n");
g_printerr("%s\n", e.GetDescription());

In Visual Studio, After passing parameters by pointer or reference of visual studio function, the access parameter value in the function is null

This is the main code where error happened:
void VRInputRemapping::DigitalInputConfig() {
bool orginput = this->curVRConfig->GetorgDigitalInput();
uint32_t deviceId = this->curVRConfig->GetcurDeviceId();
uint32_t buttonId = this->curVRConfig->GetcurButtonId();
printf("Digital orginput: %d device:%d butonid:%d\n", orginput, deviceId, buttonId);
vrinputemulator::DigitalInputRemapping* m_currentRemapping =new vrinputemulator::DigitalInputRemapping(true);
vrinputemulator::DigitalBinding* m_currentBinding = new vrinputemulator::DigitalBinding;
if (orginput == false) {
m_currentBinding->type = vrinputemulator::DigitalBindingType::Disabled;
memset(&m_currentBinding->data, 0, sizeof(m_currentBinding->data));
m_currentBinding->data.openvr.buttonId = buttonId;
m_currentBinding->toggleEnabled = false;
m_currentBinding->toggleDelay = 0;
m_currentBinding->autoTriggerEnabled = false;
m_currentBinding->autoTriggerFrequency = 1;
m_currentRemapping->binding = *m_currentBinding;
else if (orginput == true) {
m_currentBinding->type = vrinputemulator::DigitalBindingType::NoRemapping;
memset(&m_currentBinding->data, 0, sizeof(m_currentBinding->data));
m_currentBinding->data.openvr.buttonId = buttonId;
m_currentBinding->toggleEnabled = false;
m_currentBinding->toggleDelay = 0;
m_currentBinding->autoTriggerEnabled = false;
m_currentBinding->autoTriggerFrequency = 1;
m_currentRemapping->binding = *m_currentBinding;
printf(" void VRInputRemapping::DigitalInputConfig() m_currentRemapping->binding.type:%d device:%d buttonId:%d\n", m_currentRemapping->binding.type, deviceId, buttonId, m_currentRemapping->;
//<--------------------Here is the function call-------------------------------------->
this->inputEmulator->setDigitalInputRemapping(deviceId, buttonId, m_currentRemapping);
//<--------------------Here is the function call-------------------------------------->
printf(" void VRInputRemapping::DigitalInputConfig() m_currentRemapping->binding.type:%d device:%d buttonId:%d\n", m_currentRemapping->binding.type, deviceId, buttonId, m_currentRemapping->;
delete m_currentBinding;
delete m_currentRemapping;
This is the Function:
void VRInputEmulator::setDigitalInputRemapping(uint32_t deviceId, uint32_t buttonId, DigitalInputRemapping* remapping, bool modal) {
printf("VRInputEmulator::setDigitalInputRemapping Digital orginput: %d device:%d butonid:%d remapping->\n", remapping->binding.type, deviceId, buttonId, remapping->;
if (_ipcServerQueue) {
ipc::Request message(ipc::RequestType::InputRemapping_SetDigitalRemapping);
memset(&message.msg, 0, sizeof(message.msg));
message.msg.ir_SetDigitalRemapping.clientId = m_clientId;
message.msg.ir_SetDigitalRemapping.messageId = 0;
message.msg.ir_SetDigitalRemapping.controllerId = deviceId;
message.msg.ir_SetDigitalRemapping.buttonId = buttonId;
message.msg.ir_SetDigitalRemapping.remapData = *remapping;
if (modal) {
uint32_t messageId = _ipcRandomDist(_ipcRandomDevice);
message.msg.ir_SetDigitalRemapping.messageId = messageId;
std::promise<ipc::Reply> respPromise;
auto respFuture = respPromise.get_future();
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
_ipcPromiseMap.insert({ messageId, std::move(respPromise) });
_ipcServerQueue->send(&message, sizeof(ipc::Request), 0);
auto resp = respFuture.get();
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lock(_mutex);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Error while setting digital input remapping: ";
if (resp.status == ipc::ReplyStatus::InvalidId) {
ss << "Invalid device id";
throw vrinputemulator_invalidid(ss.str(), (int)resp.status);
} else if (resp.status == ipc::ReplyStatus::NotFound) {
ss << "Device not found";
throw vrinputemulator_notfound(ss.str(), (int)resp.status);
} else if (resp.status != ipc::ReplyStatus::Ok) {
ss << "Error code " << (int)resp.status;
throw vrinputemulator_exception(ss.str(), (int)resp.status);
} else {
_ipcServerQueue->send(&message, sizeof(ipc::Request), 0);
} else {
throw vrinputemulator_connectionerror("No active connection.");
You can See the Printf I had use before and after the function call, also used in the head of the dunction,This is the output:
void VRInputRemapping::DigitalInputConfig() m_currentRemapping->binding.type:0 device:1 buttonId:32 32
VRInputEmulator::setDigitalInputRemapping Digital orginput: 0 device:1 butonid:32 remapping-> 0
void VRInputRemapping::DigitalInputConfig() m_currentRemapping->binding.type 0 device:1 buttonId:32 32
The output in the consloe

rapid TS fragment ffmpeg decoding - memory leak

Ubuntu 16.04 (x64)
Multiple MPEG-TS fragments are rapidly decoded ( numerous every sec )
The format of the TS fragments is dynamic and can't be known ahead of time
The first A/V frames of each fragment are needed to be extracted
Problem statement
The code bellow successfully decodes A/V, BUT, has a huge memory leak ( MBytes/sec )
According to the docs seems all memory is freed as it should ( does it... ? )
Why do I get this huge mem leak, what am I missing in the following code snap ?
struct MEDIA_TYPE {
ffmpeg::AVMediaType eType;
union {
struct {
ffmpeg::AVPixelFormat colorspace;
int width, height;
float fFPS;
} video;
short sSampleFormat;
} audio;
} format;
struct FRAME {
enum { MAX_PALNES = 3 + 1 };
int iStrmId;
int64_t pts; // Duration in 90Khz clock resolution
uint8_t** ppData; // Null terminated
int32_t* pStride;// Zero terminated
HRESULT ProcessTS(IN Operation op, IN uint8_t* pTS, IN uint32_t uiBytes, bool(*cb)(IN const MEDIA_TYPE& mt, IN FRAME& frame, IN PVOID pCtx), IN PVOID pCbCtx)
uiBytes -= uiBytes % 188;// align to 188 packet size
struct CONTEXT {
uint8_t* pTS;
uint32_t uiBytes;
int32_t iPos;
} ctx = { pTS, uiBytes, 0 };
LOGTRACE(TSDecoder, "ProcessTS(%d, 0x%.8x, %d, 0x%.8x, 0x%.8x), this=0x%.8x\r\n", (int)op, pTS, uiBytes, cb, pCbCtx, this);
ffmpeg::AVFormatContext* pFmtCtx = 0;
if (0 == (pFmtCtx = ffmpeg::avformat_alloc_context()))
ffmpeg::AVIOContext* pIoCtx = ffmpeg::avio_alloc_context(pTS, uiBytes, 0, &ctx
, [](void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size)->int {
auto pCtx = (CONTEXT*)opaque;
int size = pCtx->uiBytes;
if (pCtx->uiBytes - pCtx->iPos < buf_size)
size = pCtx->uiBytes - pCtx->iPos;
if (size > 0) {
memcpy(buf, pCtx->pTS + pCtx->iPos, size);
pCtx->iPos += size;
return size;
, 0
, [](void* opaque, int64_t offset, int whence)->int64_t {
auto pCtx = (CONTEXT*)opaque;
switch (whence)
case SEEK_SET:
pCtx->iPos = offset;
case SEEK_CUR:
pCtx->iPos += offset;
case SEEK_END:
pCtx->iPos = pCtx->uiBytes - offset;
return pCtx->uiBytes;
return pCtx->iPos;
pFmtCtx->pb = pIoCtx;
int iRet = ffmpeg::avformat_open_input(&pFmtCtx, "fakevideo.ts", m_pInputFmt, 0);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != iRet) {
pFmtCtx = 0;// a user-supplied AVFormatContext will be freed on failure.
return E_FAIL;
struct DecodeContext {
ffmpeg::AVStream* pStream;
ffmpeg::AVCodec* pDecoder;
int iFramesProcessed;
int iStreamsProcessed = 0;
bool bVideoFound = false;
int64_t ptsLast = 0;
int64_t dtsLast = 0;
auto pContext = (DecodeContext*)alloca(sizeof(DecodeContext) * pFmtCtx->nb_streams);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pFmtCtx->nb_streams; i++) {
assert(pFmtCtx->streams[i]->index == i);
pContext[i].pStream = pFmtCtx->streams[i];
pContext[i].pDecoder = ffmpeg::avcodec_find_decoder(pFmtCtx->streams[i]->codec->codec_id);
pContext[i].iFramesProcessed= 0;
if (0 == pContext[i].pDecoder)
if ((iRet = ffmpeg::avcodec_open2(pFmtCtx->streams[i]->codec, pContext[i].pDecoder, NULL)) < 0) {
hr = E_FAIL;
goto ErrExit;
while (S_OK == hr) {
ffmpeg::AVFrame* pFrame = 0;
ffmpeg::AVPacket pkt;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (iRet = ffmpeg::av_read_frame(pFmtCtx, &pkt))) {
hr = E_FAIL;
if ((0 == dtsLast) && (0 != pkt.dts))
dtsLast = pkt.dts;
if ((0 == ptsLast) && (0 != pkt.pts))
ptsLast = pkt.pts;
DecodeContext& ctx = pContext[pkt.stream_index];
if (iStreamsProcessed == pFmtCtx->nb_streams) {
hr = S_FALSE;
goto Next;
if (ctx.iFramesProcessed > 0)
goto Next;
if (0 == ctx.pDecoder)
goto Next;
if (0 == (pFrame = ffmpeg::av_frame_alloc())) {
goto Next;
LOGTRACE(TSDecoder, "ProcessTS(%d, 0x%.8x, %d, 0x%.8x, 0x%.8x), this=0x%.8x, decode, S:%d, T:%d\r\n", (int)op, pTS, uiBytes, cb, pCbCtx, this, pkt.stream_index, ctx.pStream->codec->codec_type);
int bGotFrame = false;
int iBytesUsed = 0;
memset(&mt, 0, sizeof(mt));
mt.eType = ctx.pStream->codec->codec_type;
switch (mt.eType) {
case ffmpeg::AVMediaType::AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO:
if((iRet = ffmpeg::avcodec_decode_audio4(ctx.pStream->codec, pFrame, &bGotFrame, &pkt)) < 0) {
hr = E_FAIL;
goto Next;
_ASSERT(pkt.size == iRet);
// FFMPEG AAC decoder oddity, first call to 'avcodec_decode_audio4' results mute audio where the second result the expected audio
bGotFrame = false;
if ((iRet = ffmpeg::avcodec_decode_audio4(ctx.pStream->codec, pFrame, &bGotFrame, &pkt)) < 0) {
hr = E_FAIL;
goto Next;
_ASSERT(pkt.size == iRet);
if (false == bGotFrame)
goto Next;
iBytesUsed = ctx.pStream->codec->frame_size; = ctx.pStream->codec->channels; = ctx.pStream->codec->sample_rate; = ffmpeg::av_get_bytes_per_sample(ctx.pStream->codec->sample_fmt) * 8; = * / 8; = (short)pFrame->format;
case ffmpeg::AVMediaType::AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO:
if ((iRet = ffmpeg::avcodec_decode_video2(ctx.pStream->codec, pFrame, &bGotFrame, &pkt)) < 0) {
hr = E_FAIL;
if (false == bGotFrame)
goto Next;
assert(ffmpeg::AVPixelFormat::AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P == ctx.pStream->codec->pix_fmt);// Thats is the only color space currently supported
iBytesUsed = (ctx.pStream->codec->width * ctx.pStream->codec->height * 3) / 2; = ctx.pStream->codec->width; = ctx.pStream->codec->height; = ctx.pStream->codec->pix_fmt; = (float)ctx.pStream->codec->framerate.num / ctx.pStream->codec->framerate.den;
bVideoFound = true;
goto Next;
FRAME f = { ctx.pStream->index, ((0 == ptsLast) ? dtsLast : ptsLast), (uint8_t**)pFrame->data, (int32_t*)pFrame->linesize };
if ((iRet > 0) && (false == cb(mt, f, pCbCtx)))
hr = S_FALSE;// Breaks the loop
if (0 != pFrame) {
pFrame = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pFmtCtx->nb_streams; i++)
pIoCtx->buffer = 0;// We have allocated the buffer, no need for ffmpeg to free it 4 us
pFmtCtx->pb = 0;
return hr;
You need to unref the packets before reusing them. And there's no need to allocate and deallocate them all the time.
Here's how I do it which might help you:
// Initialise a packet queue
std::list<AVPacket *> packets;
for (int c = 0; c < MAX_PACKETS; c++) {
while (!quit) {
... get packet from queue
int err = av_read_frame(ff->context, packet);
... process packet (audio, video, etc)
av_packet_unref(packet); // add back to queue for reuse
// Release packets
while (ff->packets.size()) { // free packets
AVPacket *packet = ff->packets.front();
In your code you've freed a packet which wasn't allocated in the first place.

What is the fastest way to extract a thumbnail from an image?

I want to extract a thumbnail from an image, so I tried to use GDI+. What I did was to create a new small Bitmap to hold the thumbnail, and using Graphics::DrawImage() to draw the bitmap into it (and hence getting a thumbnail).
But when using this approach on a large number of images, it gets really slow. So is there a way to speed it up (by using only Windows API and not an external library).
Note: I know that some images store a thumbnail inside of them, but I am looking to extract a thumbnail from the ones that don't.
You can increase speed by loading thumbnail from EXIF (for JPEG and some other formats). But GetThumbnailImage's result isn't good. Here is another implementation:
Gdiplus::Bitmap* thumb = GetThumbnail(filename, thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
PropertyItem* GetPropertyItemFromImage(Gdiplus::Image* bm, PROPID propId) {
UINT itemSize = bm->GetPropertyItemSize(propId);
if (!itemSize) {
return 0;
PropertyItem* item = reinterpret_cast<PropertyItem*>(malloc(itemSize));
if (bm->GetPropertyItem(propId, itemSize, item) != Ok) {
return 0;
return item;
UINT VoidToInt(void* data, unsigned int size) {
switch (size) {
case 8:
return *reinterpret_cast<UINT*>(data);
case 4:
return *reinterpret_cast<DWORD*>(data);
case 2:
return *reinterpret_cast<WORD*>(data);
return *reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(data);
typedef IStream * (STDAPICALLTYPE *SHCreateMemStreamFuncType)(const BYTE *pInit, UINT cbInit);
SHCreateMemStreamFuncType SHCreateMemStreamFunc = 0;
bool IsVista() {
static int isVista = -1;
if (isVista == -1)
osver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
isVista = (::GetVersionEx(&osver) &&
osver.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT &&
(osver.dwMajorVersion >= 6));
return isVista != FALSE;
Gdiplus::Bitmap* BitmapFromMemory(BYTE* data, unsigned int imageSize) {
if (WinUtils::IsVista()) {
if (!SHCreateMemStreamFunc) {
HMODULE lib = LoadLibrary(_T("Shlwapi.dll"));
SHCreateMemStreamFunc = reinterpret_cast<SHCreateMemStreamFuncType>(GetProcAddress(lib, "SHCreateMemStream"));
if (!SHCreateMemStreamFunc) {
return 0;
Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap;
IStream* pStream = SHCreateMemStreamFunc(data, imageSize);
if (pStream) {
bitmap = Gdiplus::Bitmap::FromStream(pStream);
if (bitmap) {
if (bitmap->GetLastStatus() == Gdiplus::Ok) {
return bitmap;
delete bitmap;
} else {
HGLOBAL buffer = ::GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, imageSize);
if (buffer) {
void* pBuffer = ::GlobalLock(buffer);
if (pBuffer) {
Gdiplus::Bitmap * bitmap;
CopyMemory(pBuffer, data, imageSize);
IStream* pStream = NULL;
if (::CreateStreamOnHGlobal(buffer, FALSE, &pStream) == S_OK) {
bitmap = Gdiplus::Bitmap::FromStream(pStream);
if (bitmap) {
if (bitmap->GetLastStatus() == Gdiplus::Ok) {
return bitmap;
delete bitmap;
return 0;
// Based on original method from
Gdiplus::Bitmap* GetThumbnail(Gdiplus::Image* bm, int width, int height, Gdiplus::Size* realSize = 0) {
using namespace Gdiplus;
if (realSize) {
realSize->Width = bm->GetWidth();
realSize->Height = bm->GetHeight();
Size sz = AdaptProportionalSize(Size(width, height), Size(bm->GetWidth(), bm->GetHeight()));
Bitmap* res = new Bitmap(sz.Width, sz.Height);
Graphics gr(res);
UINT size = bm->GetPropertyItemSize(PropertyTagThumbnailData);
if (size) {
// Loading thumbnail from EXIF data (fast)
enum ThumbCompression { ThumbCompressionJPEG, ThumbCompressionRGB, ThumbCompressionYCbCr, ThumbCompressionUnknown }
compression = ThumbCompressionJPEG;
PropertyItem* thumbnailFormatItem = GetPropertyItemFromImage(bm, PropertyTagThumbnailFormat);
if (thumbnailFormatItem) {
UINT format = VoidToInt(thumbnailFormatItem->value, thumbnailFormatItem->length);
if (format == 0) {
compression = ThumbCompressionRGB;
} else if (format == 1) {
compression = ThumbCompressionJPEG;
} else {
compression = ThumbCompressionUnknown;
} else {
PropertyItem* compressionItem = GetPropertyItemFromImage(bm, PropertyTagThumbnailCompression);
if (compressionItem) {
WORD compressionTag = *reinterpret_cast<WORD*>(compressionItem->value);
if (compressionTag == 1) {
compression = ThumbCompressionRGB;
PropertyItem* photometricInterpretationItem = GetPropertyItemFromImage(bm, PropertyTagPhotometricInterp);
if (photometricInterpretationItem) {
WORD photoMetricInterpretationTag = VoidToInt(photometricInterpretationItem->value, photometricInterpretationItem->length);
if (photoMetricInterpretationTag == 6) {
compression = ThumbCompressionYCbCr;
} else if (compressionTag == 6) {
compression = ThumbCompressionJPEG;
int originalThumbWidth = 0, originalThumbHeight = 0;
if (compression == ThumbCompressionJPEG || compression == ThumbCompressionRGB) {
PropertyItem* thumbDataItem = GetPropertyItemFromImage(bm, PropertyTagThumbnailData);
if (thumbDataItem) {
if (compression == ThumbCompressionJPEG) {
Bitmap* src = BitmapFromMemory(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(thumbDataItem->value), thumbDataItem->length);
if (src) {
gr.DrawImage(src, 0, 0, sz.Width, sz.Height);
delete src;
return res;
} else if (compression == ThumbCompressionRGB) {
PropertyItem* widthItem = GetPropertyItemFromImage(bm, PropertyTagThumbnailImageWidth);
if (widthItem) {
originalThumbWidth = VoidToInt(widthItem->value, widthItem->length);
PropertyItem* heightItem = GetPropertyItemFromImage(bm, PropertyTagThumbnailImageHeight);
if (heightItem) {
originalThumbHeight = VoidToInt(heightItem->value, heightItem->length);
if (originalThumbWidth && originalThumbHeight) {
memset(&bih, 0, sizeof(bih));
bih.biSize = sizeof(bih);
bih.biWidth = originalThumbWidth;
bih.biHeight = -originalThumbHeight;
bih.biPlanes = 1;
bih.biBitCount = 24;
memset(&bi, 0, sizeof(bi));
bi.bmiHeader = bih;
BYTE* data = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(thumbDataItem->value);
BYTE temp;
// Convert RGB to BGR
for (unsigned int offset = 0; offset < thumbDataItem->length; offset += 3) {
temp = data[offset];
data[offset] = data[offset + 2];
data[offset + 2] = temp;
Bitmap src(&bi, thumbDataItem->value);
if (src.GetLastStatus() == Ok) {
gr.DrawImage(&src, 0, 0, sz.Width, sz.Height);
return res;
} else {
// other type of compression not implemented
// Fallback - Load full image and draw it (slow)
gr.DrawImage(bm, 0, 0, sz.Width, sz.Height);
return res;
Gdiplus::Bitmap* GetThumbnail(const CString& filename, int width, int height, Gdiplus::Size* realSize) {
using namespace Gdiplus;
Image bm(filename);
if (bm.GetLastStatus() != Ok) {
return 0;
return GetThumbnail(&bm, width, height, realSize);
Gdiplus::Size AdaptProportionalSize(const Gdiplus::Size& szMax, const Gdiplus::Size& szReal)
int nWidth;
int nHeight;
double sMaxRatio;
double sRealRatio;
if (szMax.Width < 1 || szMax.Height < 1 || szReal.Width < 1 || szReal.Height < 1)
return Size();
sMaxRatio = szMax.Width / static_cast<double>(szMax.Height);
sRealRatio = szReal.Width / static_cast<double>(szReal.Height);
if (sMaxRatio < sRealRatio) {
nWidth = min(szMax.Width, szReal.Width);
nHeight = static_cast<int>(round(nWidth / sRealRatio));
} else {
nHeight = min(szMax.Height, szReal.Height);
nWidth = static_cast<int>(round(nHeight * sRealRatio));
return Size(nWidth, nHeight);

Open file from memory buffer using minizip

I am searching how to open archive from memory buffer using minizip.
I found from their page
I can't understand how to use it. Can some one give me an example?
I solved my problem for unziping:
I added this function to unzip.c
extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpenBuffer (const void* buffer, uLong size)
char path[16] = {0};
zlib_filefunc64_32_def memory_file;
uLong base = (uLong)buffer;
sprintf(path, "%x+%x", base, size);
return unzOpenInternal(path, &memory_file, 0);
And made some changes in ioapi_mem.c:
void fill_memory_filefunc64_32 (pzlib_filefunc_def)
zlib_filefunc64_32_def* pzlib_filefunc_def;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zopen32_file = fopen_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.zopen64_file = fopen_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.zread_file = fread_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.zwrite_file = fwrite_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->ztell32_file = ftell_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zseek32_file = fseek_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.zseek64_file = NULL;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.zclose_file = fclose_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.zerror_file = ferror_mem_func;
pzlib_filefunc_def->zfile_func64.opaque = NULL;
I hope this will help someone who will have the same problem.
And Here is simple class implementation how to use it:
void ZipArchiveImpl::OpenArchive()
ASSERT(!mInited, "Already opened.");
if ((mFileMode == FM_READ))
if (mArchiveName.size() == 0)
u32 sz = mFile->GetFileSize();
mFile->Read(mUnzBlock.Data(), mUnzBlock.GetSizeInBytes());
mUnzHandle = unzOpenBuffer(mUnzBlock.Data(), mUnzBlock.GetSizeInBytes());
mUnzHandle = unzOpen(mArchiveName.c_str());
if (!mUnzHandle) return;
else if (mFileMode == FM_WRITE)
mZipHandle = zipOpen(mArchiveName.c_str(), 0);
if (!mZipHandle) return;
mInited = true;
IFile* ZipArchiveImpl::OpenRead(const std::string& name)
if (IsExist(name))
ZipFileInfo info = mFileMap.find(name)->second;
MemoryBlock block(1);
int res = unzGoToFilePos(mUnzHandle, &info.filePosInfo);
if (UNZ_OK != res)
return false;
// open the current file with optional password
if (mArchivePassword != "")
res = unzOpenCurrentFilePassword(info.zipFileHandle, mArchivePassword.c_str());
res = unzOpenCurrentFile(info.zipFileHandle);
if (UNZ_OK != res)
return false;
// read uncompressed data
int readResult = unzReadCurrentFile(info.zipFileHandle, block.Data(), info.uncompressedSize);
// close the file
res = unzCloseCurrentFile(info.zipFileHandle);
if (UNZ_OK != res)
return false;
if (info.uncompressedSize == readResult)
return ROBE_NEW MemoryFile(block.Data(), info.uncompressedSize);
return NULL;
return NULL;
IFile* ZipArchiveImpl::OpenRead(u32 id)
ASSERT0(mFileNames.size() > id);
if (IsExist(mFileNames[id]))
return OpenRead(mFileNames[id]);
return NULL;
void ZipArchiveImpl::FillMap()
s32 walkRes = unzGoToFirstFile(mUnzHandle);
unz_file_info info;
while (UNZ_OK == walkRes)
// get info about current file
char currentFileName[512];
s32 fileInfoRes = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(mUnzHandle, &info, currentFileName, sizeof(currentFileName), 0, 0, 0, 0);
std::string name = std::string(currentFileName);
InitInfo(name, &info);
walkRes = unzGoToNextFile(mUnzHandle);
if (UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE != walkRes)
void ZipArchiveImpl::InitInfo(const std::string& name, unz_file_info* info)
ZipFileInfo zfi;
mFileMap.insert(std::pair<std::string, ZipFileInfo>(name, zfi));
mFileMap[name].zipFileHandle = mUnzHandle;
int res = unzGetFilePos(mFileMap[name].zipFileHandle, &mFileMap[name].filePosInfo);
mFileMap[name].uncompressedSize = info->uncompressed_size;
char lastsymbol = name[name.size() - 1];
if (lastsymbol == '/' || lastsymbol == '\\')
mFileMap[name].type = ZFT_DIR;
mFileMap[name].type = ZFT_FILE;
if (mInited)
if (mUnzHandle) unzClose(mUnzHandle);
if (mZipHandle) zipClose(mZipHandle, 0);
bool ZipArchiveImpl::IsExist(const std::string& name)
return (mFileMap.find(name) != mFileMap.end());
void ZipArchiveImpl::SaveFileToZip(const std::string& path, IFile* file)
const u32 DefaultFileAttribute = 32;
MemoryBlock block(1);
file->Read(block.Data(), block.GetSizeInBytes());
zip_fileinfo zinfo;
memset(&zinfo, 0, sizeof(zinfo));
zinfo.internal_fa = 0;
zinfo.external_fa = DefaultFileAttribute;
::boost::posix_time::ptime pt = ::boost::posix_time::from_time_t(time(0));
std::tm ptm = ::boost::posix_time::to_tm(pt);
zinfo.dosDate = 0;
zinfo.tmz_date.tm_year = ptm.tm_year;
zinfo.tmz_date.tm_mon = ptm.tm_mon;
zinfo.tmz_date.tm_mday = ptm.tm_mday;
zinfo.tmz_date.tm_hour = ptm.tm_hour;
zinfo.tmz_date.tm_min = ptm.tm_min;
zinfo.tmz_date.tm_sec = ptm.tm_sec;
zipOpenNewFileInZip(mZipHandle, path.c_str(), &zinfo, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Z_DEFLATED, Z_BEST_SPEED);
zipWriteInFileInZip(mZipHandle, block.Data(), block.GetSizeInBytes());
unsigned long ZipArchiveImpl::GetFileAttributes(const std::string& filePath)
unsigned long attrib = 0;
#ifdef WIN32
attrib = ::GetFileAttributes(filePath.c_str());
struct stat path_stat;
if (::stat(filePath.c_str(), &path_stat) == 0)
attrib = path_stat.st_mode;
return attrib;
added this function to unzip.c
extern unzFile ZEXPORT unzOpenBuffer(const void* buffer, uLong size)
zlib_filefunc_def filefunc32 = { 0 };
ourmemory_t *punzmem = (ourmemory_t*)malloc(sizeof(ourmemory_t));
punzmem->size = size;
punzmem->base = (char *)malloc(punzmem->size);
memcpy(punzmem->base, buffer, punzmem->size);
punzmem->grow = 0;
punzmem->cur_offset = 0;
punzmem->limit = 0;
fill_memory_filefunc(&filefunc32, punzmem);
return unzOpen2(NULL, &filefunc32);
Looking at the code in the link, there is no obvious way to pass a memory buffer. Save your memory buffer as a file, unzip it.
Or you could implement your own zlib_filefunc_def variant that operates on a lump of memory instead of a file. I don't think that is very hard to do.
Checkout the nmoinvaz fork of minizip: To unzip from a zip file in memory use fill_memory_filefunc and supply a proper ourmemory_t structure
zlib_filefunc_def filefunc32 = {0};
ourmemory_t unzmem = {0};
unzmem.size = bufsize;
unzmem.base = (char *)malloc(unzmem.size);
memcpy(unzmem.base, buffer, unzmem.size);
fill_memory_filefunc(&filefunc32, &unzmem);
unzOpen2("__notused__", &filefunc32);