AmCharts4: Multiple data arrays - amcharts4

In my application, I can view multiple charts at the same time. Those charts can be either displayed seperated or overlayed. Overlayed means, that those charts all are in the same chart-div, like this:
The problem is: if i want to add the data, i need to build an array out of all those datapoints, looking like this:
let data=[
But when i load it from the server, I have seperate data arrays which i have to merge. That means, I have to look at every single datapoint and create a new one in the "merged-array" if there is no datapoint at the given date.
Doing this with thousands of datapoints uses way too much resources. My question is: is it possible to supply multiple data arrays instead of only 1?

Using instead of solved the problem for me!


Line chart with a lot of data: skip labels

I'd like to draw a line chart with data for a year. Total number of points will be about 264 pieces.
I'd like to organize labels on x-axis not for every point. Say, in a month I have about 22 points, and I'd like to have 3 labels per month.
Could you help me: what is the most elegant way to do that?
Use an array that stores all values you have (if you want to update your chart, display other values or to reduce AJAX calls). Then use another array with the data you want to display. You need an appropriate function to copy and filter your old array.
Here I use every fifth element:
let delta = 5
let displayedData = []
for (let i = 0; i < allData.length; i=i+delta) {
You can calculate the delta in a different way or use a completely different approach to get your data.
Side note: don't use .filter(), you don't want to lop through all your data. Use a direct access like I did above.

ChartJS Tooltip displaying data from same dataset

Currently working on a chart that displays upwards ~1000 datapoints at any given moment between 2-3 datasets.
The only thing is that each of the points has a different timestamp (x-value).
Our goal is that upon hovering on one data point, it also brings the closest data point from the other datasets as well. We were able to achieve that with:
tooltips: {
mode: 'x'
I understand that there is a default pointHitRadius and that seems to be the reason why multiple values of the same dataset are appearing in the same tooltip.
I made a simple test case: TEST
I increased the pointBorderRadius and it seems to include 1-5 points at a time.
Is there a way to only include data from each dataset ONCE?
The closest thing I found (before having to extend functionality), is that there is a filter function available.
However, from what I can see, it looks like it only returns one instance from each dataset. Which wouldn't be too helpful.
Anyone run into this issue?

How can I make lines fully connected in a multi-line chart even when one dataset is more sparse than another?

I have a multi-line graph with 2 datasets, where one set has data for every label and the other has some missing entries.
Is there a way to draw the sparse line such that the data points that do exist are connected?
Found the answer here:
Add the following to the options object:
options: {
spanGaps: true,
I haven't been able to find documentation for this param, however, so not sure how well supported it is.

Exporting a map with changing number of elements to CSV

I need to export data from 3 maps to preferably a single CSV and would like to be able to do so without simply making a column for every possible key (there may be up to 65024 of them).
The output would be a CSV containing the value at each of the keys at each timestep (may be several hundred thousand).
Anyone got any ideas?
Reduce the granularity by categorizing your keys into groups and store them with one timestep per row. Then you can plot one datapoint per line.
Let me know if you need clarification, i'd need some more info.

Getting count of distinct groupings in RavenDB index

I have a number of documents within RavenDB of the form:
"Id": "composite of namespace and video id",
"Namespace": "youtube",
"VideoId": "12345678901",
"Start": "00:00:05"
I have a number of documents that reference different segments of the actual thing; in this case, I have multiple documents representing different timestamps within a video.
What I'd like to do is get a count of the distinct number of VideoId instances for a particular Namespace.
At first, I thought I could handle the distinct in the mapping:
from v in docs.Clips.Select(c => new { c.Namespace, c.VideoId }).Distinct()
But that doesn't work, as that query isn't run over the entire document set (so it's impossible to perform a Distinct call here).
I've thought about trying to handle this in the reduce part, but I can't think of an aggregate operation which would group this appropriately.
The shape of the map/reduce structure right now is:
new { Type = "providercount", Key = "youtube", Count = 1 }
As this is part of a multi-map which produces a summary.
How can I produce the count of distinct Namespace/VideoId values with this document structure?
One way to do it might be to group by NameSpace and VideoId. That will get you distinct items. Then you would have to count all of those groups in a TransformResults section. However, I don't recommend doing this with a large number of items. Transformation steps run as part of the query, so performance would be a big problem.
A better approach would be to keep an additional separate document per video (not per clip). For example:
"Title": "whatever",
"NumberOfClips": 3,
"Clips": ["clipid1","clipid2","clipid3"]
I put a few properties in there that might be useful for other purposes, but the main point is that there is only one document per video.
Building these documents could be done in a couple of different ways:
You could write code in your application to add/update the Video documents at the same time you are writing Clip documents.
You could write a map/reduce index for the Clip documents and group by the NameSpace/VideoId, and then use the Indexed Properties Bundle to maintain the Video documents from the results.
Either way, once you have the set of Video documents, you can then do a simple map/reduce on those to get the count of distinct videos.