Join two records from same model in django queryset - django

Been searching the web for a couple hours now looking for a solution but nothing quite fits what I am looking for.
I have one model (simplified):
class SimpleModel(Model):
name = CharField('Name', unique=True)
date = DateField()
amount = FloatField()
I have two dates; date_one and date_two.
I would like a single queryset with a row for each name in the Model, with each row showing:
{'name': name, 'date_one': date_one, 'date_two': date_two, 'amount_one': amount_one, 'amount_two': amount_two, 'change': amount_two - amount_one}
Reason being I would like to be able to find the rank of amount_one, amount_two, and change, using sort or filters on that single queryset.
I know I could create a list of dictionaries from two separate querysets then sort on that and get the ranks from the index values ...
but perhaps nievely I feel like there should be a DB solution using one queryset that would be faster.
union seemed promising but you cannot perform some simple operations like filter after that
I think I could perhaps split name into its own Model and generate queryset with related fields, but I'd prefer not to change the schema at this stage. Also, I only have access to sqlite.
appreciate any help!

Your current model forces you to have ONE name associated with ONE date and ONE amount. Because name is unique=True, you literally cannot have two dates associated with the same name
So if you want to be able to have several dates/amounts associated with a name, there are several ways to proceed
Idea 1: If there will only be 2 dates and 2 amounts, simply add a second date field and a second amount field
Idea 2: If there can be an infinite number of days and amounts, you'll have to change your model to reflect it, by having :
A model for your names
A model for your days and amounts, with a foreign key to your names
Idea 3: You could keep the same model and simply remove the unique constraint, but that's a recipe for mistakes
Based on your choice, you'll then have several ways of querying what you need. It depends on your final model structure. The best way to go would be to create custom model methods that query the 2 dates/amount, format an array and return it


Filter multiple Django model fields with variable number of arguments

I'm implementing search functionality with an option of looking for a record by matching multiple tables and multiple fields in these tables.
Say I want to find a Customer by his/her first or last name, or by ID of placed Order which is stored in different model than Customer.
The easy scenario which I already implemented is that a user only types single word into search field, I then use Django Q to query Order model using direct field reference or related_query_name reference like:
result = Order.objects.filter(
Piece of a cake, no problems at all.
But what if user wants to narrow the search and types multiple words into search field.
Example: user has typed Bruce and got a whole lot of records back as a result of search.
Now he/she wants to be more specific and adds customer's last name to search.So the search becomes Bruce Wayne, after splitting this into separate parts I'm having Bruce and Wayne. Obviously I don't want to search Orders model because order_id is a single-word instance and it's sufficient to find customer at once so for this case I'm dropping it out of query at all.
Now I'm trying to match customer by both first AND last name, I also want to handle the scenario where the order of provided data is random, to properly handle Bruce Wayne and Wayne Bruce, meaning I still have customers full name but the position of first and last name aren't fixed.
And this is the question I'm looking answer for: how to build query that will search multiple fields of model not knowing which of search words belongs to which table.
I'm guessing the solution is trivial and there's for sure an elegant way to create such a dynamic query, but I can't think of a way how.
You can dynamically OR a variable number of Q objects together to achieve your desired search. The approach below makes it trivial to add or remove fields you want to include in the search.
from functools import reduce
from operator import or_
fields = (
parts = []
terms = ["Bruce", "Wayne"] # produce this from your search input field
for term in terms:
for field in fields:
parts.append(Q(**{field: term}))
query = reduce(or_, parts)
result = Order.objects.filter(query).distinct()
The use of reduce combines the Q objects by ORing them together. Credit to that part of the answer goes to this answer.
The solution I came up with is rather complex, but it works exactly the way I wanted to handle this problem:
search_keys = user_input.split()
if len(search_keys) > 1:
first_name_set = set()
last_name_set = set()
for key in search_keys:
query = reduce(and_, [reduce(or_, first_name_set), reduce(or_, last_name_set)])
search_fields = [
query = reduce(or_, search_fields)
result = Order.objects.filter(query).distinct()

django subquery with a join in it

I've got django 1.8.5 and Python 3.4.3, and trying to create a subquery that constrains my main data set - but the subquery itself (I think) needs a join in it. Or maybe there is a better way to do it.
Here's a trimmed down set of models:
class Lot(models.Model):
lot_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True)
class Lot_Country(models.Model):
lot = models.ForeignKey(Lot)
country = CountryField()
class Discrete(models.Model):
discrete_id = models.CharField(max_length=200, unique=True)
master_id = models.ForeignKey(Inventory_Master)
location = models.ForeignKey(Location)
lot = models.ForeignKey(Lot)
I am filtering on various attributes of Discrete (which is discrete supply) and I want to go "up" through Lot, over the Lot_Country, meaning "I only want to get rows from Discrete if the Lot associated with that row has an entry in Lot_Country for my appropriate country (let's say US.)
I've tried something like this:
But, first of all that gives me the str back, which I don't really want (and changed it to be lot_id, but that's a hack.)
What's the best way to constrain Discrete through Lot and over to Lot_Country? In SQL I would just join in the subquery (or even in the main query - maybe that's what I need? I guess I don't know how to join up to a parent then down into that parent's other child...)
Thanks in advance for your help.
I'm not sure what you mean by "it gives me the str back"... Lot_Country.objects.filter(country='US') will return a queryset. Of course if you print it in your console, you will see a string.
I also think your models need refactoring. The way you have currently defined it, you can associate multiple Lot_Countrys with one Lot, and a country can only be associated with one lot.
If I understand your general model correctly that isn't what you want - you want to associate multiple Lots with one Lot_Country. To do that you need to reverse your foreign key relationship (i.e., put it inside the Lot).
Then, for fetching all the Discrete lots that are in a given country, you would do:
discretes_in_us = Discrete.objects.filter(lot__lot_country__country='US')
Which will give you a queryset of all Discretes whose Lot is in the US.

django queryset datetime values substraction

I have model with following field.
date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
When querying such model i`d like to have additional column that would keep difference between current date and previous one. So for 10 rows it would have 9 values, first one would be None. Are there any ways of achieving this with querysets? or maybe i should mess around and create additional list that would hold such differences before i pass queryset to template?
Please advise.
Create a property on the model that calls get_ {next,previous}_ by_*() and returns the timedelta. For advanced functionality, implement caching.

Django ORM: dynamic columns from reference model in resultset

Creating an app to track time off accrual. Users have days and days have types like "Vacation" or "Sick"
DayType (fk to DayType)
Value (+ for accrual, - for day taken)
I'm trying to generate the following resultset expanding the daytypes across columns. Is this possible in the ORM, or do I have to build this in code?
I think you'd have an easier time by not putting the DayType in another model. Is there a specific reason you went that route?
If not, you should take a look at the choices attribute of Django's fields. Your code would look something like this:
class UserDay(models.Model):
('vac', 'Vacation'),
('ill', 'Sick'),
day_type = models.CharField(max_length=3, choices=DAY_TYPES)
# Other fields here...
It seems like a somewhat cleaner solution since the types of days they have aren't likely to change very often. Plus, you can avoid a DB table and FK lookup by storing the values this way.

Django DB, finding Categories whose Items are all in a subset

I have a two models:
class Category(models.Model):
class Item(models.Model):
cat = models.ForeignKey(Category)
I am trying to return all Categories for which all of that category's items belong to a given subset of item ids (fixed thanks). For example, all categories for which all of the items associated with that category have ids in the set [1,3,5].
How could this be done using Django's query syntax (as of 1.1 beta)? Ideally, all the work should be done in the database.
Category.objects.filter(item__id__in=[1, 3, 5])
Django creates the reverse relation ship on the model without the foreign key. You can filter on it by using its related name (usually just the model name lowercase but it can be manually overwritten), two underscores, and the field name you want to query on.
lets say you require all items to be in the following set:
allowable_items = set([1,3,4])
one bruteforce solution would be to check the item_set for every category as so:
categories_with_allowable_items = [
category for category in
Category.objects.all() if
set([ for item in category.item_set.all()]) <= allowable_items
but we don't really have to check all categories, as categories_with_allowable_items is always going to be a subset of the categories related to all items with ids in allowable_items... so that's all we have to check (and this should be faster):
categories_with_allowable_items = set([
item.category for item in
Item.objects.select_related('category').filter(pk__in=allowable_items) if
set([ for siblingitem in item.category.item_set.all()]) <= allowable_items
if performance isn't really an issue, then the latter of these two (if not the former) should be fine. if these are very large tables, you might have to come up with a more sophisticated solution. also if you're using a particularly old version of python remember that you'll have to import the sets module
I've played around with this a bit. If QuerySet.extra() accepted a "having" parameter I think it would be possible to do it in the ORM with a bit of raw SQL in the HAVING clause. But it doesn't, so I think you'd have to write the whole query in raw SQL if you want the database doing the work.
This is the query that gets you part way there:
from django.db.models import Count
The problem is that for the query to work, "..." needs to be a correlated subquery that looks up, for each category, the number of its items in allowed_items. If .extra had a "having" argument, you'd do it like this:
Category.objects.annotate(num_items=Count('item')).extra(having="num_items=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM app_item WHERE in % AND app_item.cat_id =", having_params=[allowed_item_ids])