Cannot test AsyncTypeahead from react-bootstrap-typeahead with Enzyme - enzyme

I am trying to test AsyncTypeahead from react-bootstrap-typeahead.
I have a very simple test component :
class AsyncTypeahead2 extends Component<Props, State> {
constructor(props: Props) {
this.state = {
isLoading: false,
render() {
return ( <AsyncTypeahead
onSearch={query => {
this.setState({isLoading: true});
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(json => this.setState({
isLoading: false,
options: json.items,
labelKey={option => `${option.stateName}`}
/> )
const url = ""
items: [
{id:1, stateName:"Alaska"},
{id:2, stateName:"Alabama"}
(Note that the URL is mocked to return two elements)
When I run this in my storybook it looks fine :
But if I want to test it (with Enzyme) it does not recognise the < li > items that pop up.
let Compoment =
<div>Basic AsyncTypeahead Example
const wrapper = mount(Compoment);
let json = wrapper.html();
let sel = wrapper.find(".rbt-input-main").at(0)
sel.simulate('change', { target: { value: "al" } });
expect(wrapper.find(".dropdown-item").length).toBe(2) //but get just 1 element "Type to Search..."
Instead of finding two "dropdown-item" items there is just one item with the text "Type to Search...".
Is the AynchTypeahead not updating the DOM correctly with respect to Enzyme?

<AsyncTypeahead> is asynchronous. On the other hand simulate() is synchronous. So at the time you get to expect() AsyncTypeahead not even started to populate the dropdown with <li> elements. You need to wait for it.
It's not specified, but it looks like you are using fetch-mock package.
There is the flush function which
Returns a Promise that resolves once all fetches handled by fetch-mock have resolved
So this:
sel.simulate('change', { target: { value: "al" } });
await fetchMock.flush() // !!!
should work.
...But probably it won't. Because
await fetchMock.flush()
does work, but
setTimeout(() => fetch(...), 0)
await fetchMock.flush()
does not. await fetchMock.flush() returns right away if there was no call of fetch. And probably there won't be. Because <AsyncTypeahead> debounces.
(By the way, you can also try to mock fetch on a per-test basis. Just in case.)
So I see two options:
Use something else instead of fetch-mock package. Where you can resolve your own Promises on mocked requests completion.
import waitUntil from 'async-wait-until';
test("test name", async () => {
let Compoment = <AsyncTypeahead2/>
await waitUntil(() => wrapper.state().isLoading === false);
// or even
// await waitUntil(() => wrapper.find(".dropdown-item").length === 2, timeout);
This options if not pretty. But maybe it's your only option - there is not only the fetch-mock you should worry about. setState also asynchronous... and it looks like there is no pretty way to check when it's done updating the state and the DOM without changing the real code (which is quite undesirable).

The exact solution to my problem is in the following code (copy and paste into a JS file to see it work).
Things to note :
I needed to use the waitUntil function from the async-wait-until library. fetch-mock on its own does not provide the functionality to test async code.
I needed to add an ugly hack at global.document.createRange because of some tooltip issue with react-bootstrap-typeahead and jest.
use waitUntil to wait on changes on the internal state of the component
It is very important to call wrapper.update() to update the DOM afterwards.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import waitUntil from 'async-wait-until';
import {mount} from "enzyme";
import fetchMock from "fetch-mock";
import {AsyncTypeahead} from "react-bootstrap-typeahead";
describe('Autocomplete Tests ', () => {
test(' Asynch AutocompleteInput ', async () => {
class AsyncTypeaheadExample extends Component<Props, State> {
constructor(props: Props) {
this.state = {
isLoading: false,
finished: false
render() {
return (<AsyncTypeahead
onSearch={query => {
this.setState({isLoading: true});
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(json => this.setState({
isLoading: false,
options: json.items,
finished: true
labelKey={option => `${option.stateName}`}
const url = ""
items: [
{id: 1, stateName: "Alaska"},
{id: 2, stateName: "Alabama"}
let Compoment =
// ugly hacky patch to fix some tooltip bug
global.document.createRange = () => ({
setStart: () => {
setEnd: () => {
commonAncestorContainer: {
nodeName: 'BODY',
ownerDocument: document,
let wrapper = mount(Compoment);
let sel = wrapper.find(".rbt-input-main").at(0)
sel.simulate('change', {target: {value: "al"}});
//now the async stuff is happening ...
await waitUntil(() => {
return wrapper.state().finished === true;
}, 3000); //wait about 3 seconds
wrapper.update() //need to update the DOM!
expect(wrapper.find(".dropdown-item").length).toBe(2) //but get just 1 element "Type to Search..."
I can also compare on wrapper items rather than doing a direct comparison on the state :
//now the async stuff is happening ...
await waitUntil(() => {
wrapper.update() //need to update the DOM!
return wrapper.find(".dropdown-item").length > 1
}, 3000); //wait about 3 seconds
This is probably better because it means i dont need to know about the component internals.


Testing a trigger click on a button does not work in Vue using Jest

Testing a trigger click on a button does not work in Vue using Jest.
When I try to find the button in the wrapper the test passes, but when I try a trigger click on the same button so a method will be called it does not work.
Here is the vue file snapshot of the button:
<v-btn #click="viewAppointment(appointment)" class="ma-2" dark small color="orange" id="view-appointment" data-viewAppointmentBtn>
<v-icon left>mdi-eye</v-icon>
Here is the js file that contains the simple method call::
viewAppointment(appointment) {
this.appointment = appointment;
this.viewAppointmentDialog = !this.viewAppointmentDialog;
Here is the .spec.js file for the test::
import './setup.js';
import CoachAppointmentsRequests from '../dashboard/coach/appointments/requests/overview/Overview.vue';
import {shallowMount, createLocalVue} from "#vue/test-utils";
import Vuex from "vuex";
const localVue = createLocalVue();
describe("CoachAppointmentsRequests", () => {
let wrapper;
let store;
let actions;
let state;
let getters;
const $route = {
path: 'appointment/requests/:application_id',
params: { application_id: 123 }
actions = {
state = {
user_appointments: [ {id:1, date: 'May 20, 2020'} ],
all_user_appointments: [ {id:1, date: 'May 20, 2020'} ],
getters = {
user_appointments: state => state.user_appointments,
all_user_appointments: state => state.all_user_appointments
store = new Vuex.Store({
const getUserAppointments = jest.fn(() => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
process.nextTick(() => {
data: [
{ id:1, appointee_id:2}
beforeEach(() => {
wrapper = shallowMount(CoachAppointmentsRequests, {
propsData: {},
mocks: {
stubs: {},
methods: {
it('click on the view appointment button calls the viewAppointment method', () => {
const viewAppointment = jest.fn();
wrapper.setMethods({ viewAppointment })
const viewAppBtn = wrapper.find('#view-appointment');
Please I will appreciate your assistance with this issue.
The click handler isn't called immediately after trigger(), but rather it's called in the next tick. However, trigger() returns a Promise that resolves when the component is updated, so you could await the result of the call, as shown in the docs example:
it('clicked it', async () => {
// ...
await viewAppBtn.trigger('click')
I had a similar problem. I've used shallowMount to mount vue component and click on button wasn't working. The solution was to change shallowMount to mount.

How can i coverage a promise response with Jasmine and Karma

I have a function that returns and treats a promise, I need to cover the return that is inside then but I don't know how I can do this, I'm currently trying as follows:
confirmRemoveUser(user: IUser) {
.open('Confirma a exclusão do usuário selecionado?', {
titleText: 'Confirmando exclusão',
confirmButtonText: 'Sim',
cancelButtonText: 'Cancelar',
closeButtonText: 'Fechar',
buttonType: 'danger'
(result: BentoModalConfirmationCloseReason) => {
if (result === BentoModalConfirmationCloseReason.Confirm) {
if (this.removeUser(user)) {'Usuário excluído com sucesso!', { type: 'success', close: true });
} else {'Falha ao excluir o usuário!', { type: 'warning', close: true, duration: 0 });
I'm currently using callthrough () and imagine that with some parameter I can get the promise but I don't know how:
it('Given_ConfirmRemoveUser_When_UserStepIsCalled_Then_UserIsRemoved', (done) => {
component.selectedJob = {
component.selectedArea = {
component.users = [{
spyOn(modalService, 'open').withArgs('This is modal msg').and.callThrough();
And my coverage is like the image below:
Image here!
New Error
Your test should work when it is rewritten as follows:
it('Given_ConfirmRemoveUser_When_UserStepIsCalled_Then_UserIsRemoved', (done) => {
spyOn(modalService, 'open').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(BentoModalConfirmationCloseReason.Confirm));
spyOn(toastService, 'open').and.stub();
.then(r => {
.catch(e => fail(e));
You probably also want to know what will be displayed in the toast. Therefore it makes sense to rather use expect(;.
Above solution only works if confirmRemoveUser would return a Promise.
confirmRemoveUser(user: IUser) {
return this.modalService
In your case, the use of the done function does not make sense. You need to use async and await.
it('Given_ConfirmRemoveUser_When_UserStepIsCalled_Then_UserIsRemoved', async () => {
spyOn(modalService, 'open').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(BentoModalConfirmationCloseReason.Confirm));
spyOn(toastService, 'open').and.stub();
await component.confirmRemoveUser(component.users[0]);
The same can be achieved with fakeAsync and flush.
import { fakeAsync, flush } from '#angular/core/testing';
it('Given_ConfirmRemoveUser_When_UserStepIsCalled_Then_UserIsRemoved', fakeAsync(() => {
spyOn(modalService, 'open').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(BentoModalConfirmationCloseReason.Confirm));
spyOn(toastService, 'open').and.stub();

How to write a unit test with data fetching, that alters data based on respone in vuejs?

I am trying to write a unit test for a function that does an async call, but it doesnt seem to alter the data prop, maybe I am doing something wrong.
Check the code below:
getSomething() {
response => {
this.status = true;
).catch(error => {})
describe('test', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
// To ignore the created hook, but this doesnt work, any idea?
spyOn(CustomerData, 'created');
spyOn(MyService, 'getThis').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve(list));
wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent, {
propsData: {
data: {}
it('should work', () => {
The status should be true, but it is false, but if I print the value of status in the getSomething() function it is indeed true. I have no idea what the issue can be.
In the test case I wrote
it('should work', async () => {
await wrapper.vm.getSomething();
and this seems to work. Is this a good way to solve it? Would love to hear other solutions.
Also I am very interested if it is possible to ignore the created hook, I havent been able to figure that out yet.
Code that running inside getSomething() is asynchronous. MyService.getThis() returns promise, and its execution takes time, in case if you fetching some data from remote serivce.
So first of all you need to return promise from getSomething()
getSomething() {
return MyService.getThis()
.then(response => { this.status = true; })
.catch(error => {})
And inside the test you need to return promise outside, to let jest know that your test is asynchronous.
it('should work', () => {
return wrapper.vm.getSomething().then(() => {
Or as you mentioned in the edited part you can use async version:
it('should work', async () => {
await getSomething();

Jest test redux action with thunk doesn't cover statemets

Hello i have been trying to test a function with thunk and all the test passes but can't figure it out why the coverage doesn't not update or the test function does not cover the statement.
This is my function:
export const setFinished = (campaignId, userId, actionId, callback) => {
return async (dispatch, getState) => {
await`${campaignId}/progress`, {
}, { headers: { token: getState().app.token } })
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
This is my last test (I have done like 3 different types and cant get the coverage to work)
describe("setFinished", () => {
it("works", () => {
const dispatch = jest.fn();
const callback = jest.fn(() => 'callback');
const getState = jest.fn();
let a = setFinished(1, 1, 1, callback)
expect(a).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1, 1, 1, callback);
a(dispatch, getState);
and i just get this in the coverage:
Maybe im doing it wrong? or should use another library?
There might be some things missing in your test setup. Especially the way you're making an assertion about the dispatch mock looks unusual. Without going into too much detail, just consider the following:
import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import { setFinished } from 'path/to/your/actions';
const middlewares = [thunk];
const mockStore = configureMockStore(middlewares);
describe('setFinished', () => {
it('works', () => {
// You have to make sure axios calls are mocked out properly
// at this point. I don't have a snippet handy for this so I
// left it out. But it would be similar to the following:
axios.mockImplementationOnce(() => ({
// Let the promise return whatever your response is for a
// positive test case
post: () => Promise.resolve({ isFinished: true })
const expected = [
// I'm assuming something like this is dispatched in the
// .then handler of your action:
const store = mockStore({});
// Mock some arguments here
return store.dispatch(setFinished(1, 2, 3, () => null))
.then(() => expect(store.getActions()).toEqual(expected));
If axios is mocked out correctly, this will definitely achieve 100% coverage for this action if you also add a negative test case for the catch block.

Unit Test RxJS Observable.timer using typescript, karma and jasmine

Hi I'm relatively new to Angular2, Karma and Jasmine. Currently I'm using Angular 2 RC4 Jasmine 2.4.x
I have an Angular 2 service which periodically calls an http service like this:
getDataFromDb() { return Observable.timer(0, 2000).flatMap(() => {
return this.http.get(this.backendUrl)
Now I want to test the functionality. For testing purposes I have just tested the "http.get" on a separate function without the Observable.timer by doing:
const mockHttpProvider = {
deps: [MockBackend, BaseRequestOptions],
useFactory: (backend: MockBackend, defaultOptions: BaseRequestOptions) => {
return new Http(backend, defaultOptions);
describe('data.service test suite', () => {
var dataFromDbExpected: any;
beforeEachProviders(() => {
return [
provide(Http, mockHttpProvider),
it('http call to obtain data',
[DataService, MockBackend],
fakeAsync((service: DataService, backend: MockBackend) => {
backend.connections.subscribe((connection: MockConnection) => {
dataFromDbExpected = 'myData';
let mockResponseBody: any = 'myData';
let response = new ResponseOptions({ body: mockResponseBody });
connection.mockRespond(new Response(response));
const parsedData$ = service.getDataFromDb()
.subscribe(response => {
I obviously want to test the whole function with the Observable.timer. I think one might want to use the TestScheduler from the rxjs framework, but how can I tell to only repeat the timer function for x times? I couln't find any documentation using it in the typescript context.
Edit: I'm using rxjs 5 beta 6
Edit: Added working example for Angular 2.0.0 final release:
describe('when getData', () => {
let backend: MockBackend;
let service: MyService;
let fakeData: MyData[];
let response: Response;
let scheduler: TestScheduler;
beforeEach(inject([Http, XHRBackend], (http: Http, be: MockBackend) => {
backend = be;
service = new MyService(http);
fakeData = [{myfake: 'data'}];
let options = new ResponseOptions({ status: 200, body: fakeData });
response = new Response(options);
scheduler = new TestScheduler((a, b) => expect(a).toEqual(b));
const originalTimer = Observable.timer;
spyOn(Observable, 'timer').and.callFake(function (initialDelay, dueTime) {
return, initialDelay, dueTime, scheduler);
it('Should do myTest', async(inject([], () => {
backend.connections.subscribe((c: MockConnection) => c.mockRespond(response));
scheduler.schedule(() => {
myData => {
'should have expected ...');
}, 2000, null);
You need to inject the TestScheduler into the timer method inside a beforeEach part:
beforeEach(function() {
this.scheduler = new TestScheduler();
this.scheduler.maxFrames = 5000; // Define the max timespan of the scheduler
const originalTimer = Observable.timer;
spyOn(Observable, 'timer').and.callFake(function(initialDelay, dueTime) {
return, initialDelay, dueTime, this.scheduler);
After that you have full control of the time with scheduleAbsolute:
this.scheduler.schedule(() => {
// should have been called once
// You can put your test code here
}, 1999, null);
this.scheduler.schedule(() => {
// should have been called twice
// You can put your test code here
}, 2000, null);
this.scheduler.schedule(() => {
// should have been called three times
// You can put your test code here
}, 4000, null);
You need scheduler.flush() to start the TestScheduler.
edit: so if you want to only test it X times, use the schedule functions as often (and with the right absolute times in milliseconds) as you wish.
edit2: I added the missing scheduler start
edit3: I changed it so should be working with RxJs5
edit4: Add maxFrames setting since the default is 750ms and will prevent testing longer-running sequences.
I had issues with the TestScheduler() approach because the schedule() arrow function would never execute, so I found another path.
The Observable.timer function just returns an Observable, so I created one from scratch to give me complete control.
First, create a var for the observer:
let timerObserver: Observer<any>;
Now in the beforeEach() create the spy and have it return an Observable. Inside the Observable, save your instance to the timer:
beforeEach(() => {
spyOn(Observable, 'timer').and.returnValue(Observable.create(
(observer => {
timerObserver = observer;
In the test, just trigger the Observable:
it('Some Test',()=>{
// do stuff if needed
// trigger the fake timer using the Observer reference'');
You can test Observable timers pretty easily with fakeAsync(). Here's a component that displays a countdown timer (using a momentJS duration):
selector: 'app-timeout-modal',
templateUrl: './timeout-modal.component.html'
export class TimeoutModalComponent implements OnInit {
countdownTimer: Observable<number>;
countdownSubscription: Subscription;
durationLeft = moment.duration(60000); // millis - 60 seconds
ngOnInit() {
this.countdownTimer = Observable.timer(0, 1000);
this.countdownSubscription = this.countdownTimer
.do(() => this.durationLeft.subtract(1, 's'))
.takeWhile(seconds => this.durationLeft.asSeconds() >= 0)
.subscribe(() => {
if (this.durationLeft.asSeconds() === 0) {
beforeEach(async(() => {
beforeEach(() => {
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(TimeoutModalComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
it('should show a count down', fakeAsync(() => {
I was struggling with this for a while also. Since apparently a lot has changed in the frameworks since this question was asked, I thought maybe someone would be helped by my solution. My project uses rxjs 5, jasmine 2.8 and angular 5.
In my component a timer was used to call a http-get function in a service every minute. My problem was that when using fakeAsync zone the (stubbed) get function was never called and I received the error: "Error: 1 periodic timer(s) still in the queue.".
The error is showing up because the timer keeps firing and isn't stopped at the end of the test. This can be resolved by adding "discardPeriodicTasks();" to the end of the test, which causes the timer to stop. Tick(); can be used to fake to passage of time untill a next call. I used a spy on my get-function in my service to see if it worked:
'should call getTickets from service every .. ms as defined in refreshTime',
fakeAsync(() => {
// let 2 * refreshtime pass
tick(2 * component.refreshTime);
The refreshTime is the parameter that I used in the timer. I hope this prevents someone from spending half a day trying to figure this out.