Add an image to Rmarkdown Bookdown output before top level heading - r-markdown

The example below (i.e. saved as a file index.rmd ) has the same code chunk to display an image above and below the top level heading, but the image doesn't appear above the top level heading. This occurs if there is a file _output.yml with only this entry bookdown::gitbook: in the same directory.
That line seems to enforce a table of contents (which I want) and that appears to strip out anything (image or text) before the first top level heading by default (which I don't want) - so can this behaviour be modified?
site: bookdown::bookdown_site
```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
im <- load.image(system.file('extdata/Leonardo_Birds.jpg',package='imager'))
plot(im, axes=FALSE)
# R Markdown
```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
im <- load.image(system.file('extdata/Leonardo_Birds.jpg',package='imager'))
plot(im, axes=FALSE)

What follows is workaround to your Options 2 and 3, using Markdown and CSS to style images and HTML+CSS to style text; also, using base64 image (transparent gif) generator as an space separator between elements.
Beware of whitespaces! (at the end of each line - place two white spaces and hit ENTER)
Does one of these approaches/hacks work for you? If not, it would be better to delete the answer, it may be misleading to others.
title: |
![](www/image.png){width=300px style="display: block; margin:0 auto"}
![](www/image.png){width=300px height=90px align=left}
![](www/image.png){width=300px height=90px align=center}
![](www/image.png){width=300px height=90px align=right}
R Markdown Title
<center>R Markdown Title</center>
<p style="text-align: right;">R Markdown Title</p>
author: "Author Name"
date: "08/03/2020"
Using Markdown table to "style" images |-| (left-aligned), |:-:| (centered) and |-:| (right-aligned) will work well with simple RMarkdown outputs.
I realised that you have an image under # top level heading positioned at the very top of the page - with top:0px. causing image duplication and, possibly, hover problem:
<img src="" style="position:absolute;top:0px;height:100px;" />
replace with:
![]({width=50px style="display: block; margin:0 auto;"}
and see what will happen.
title: |
![]({width=300px style="display: block; margin:0 auto;"}
R Markdown Title
html_document: default
# I'm a top level heading {-}
![]({width=50px style="display: block; margin:0 auto;"}
Note, you need to replace the image with a local image if you want to show the image in the rstudio viewer.
The image will be visible in the html file created when you knit, if you open in a browser connected to the internet.
```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
Let's try to find a common ground, A Minimal Book Example, github here.
Adjustments made in index.Rmd:
title: |
author: "Author Name"
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
site: bookdown::bookdown_site
output: bookdown::gitbook
# Prerequisites
<img src="" style="position:absolute;top:50px;height:300px;align:center;" />
This is a _sample_ book written in **Markdown**. You can use anything that Pandoc's Markdown supports, e.g., a math equation $a^2 + b^2 = c^2$.
index.Rmd output:
Adjustments made in Chapter: Introduction (01-intro.Rmd):
# Introduction {#intro}
<img src="" style="position:absolute;top:50px;height:300px;align:center;" />
You can label chapter and section titles using `{#label}` after them, e.g., we can reference Chapter \#ref(intro). If you do not manually label them, there will be automatic labels anyway, e.g., Chapter \#ref(methods).
01-intro.Rmd output:
With this solution we are "masking" a top level heading (# Introduction) with .png image, which will appear in the Table of Content as text.
Disadvantage: besides the obvious hack, image width must be at least equal or wider than top level heading title.

Note: 3 options are provided here, and none of them are perfect. The perfect solution may rely on modifications to the bookdown package?
Option 1:
Use includes with before_body like this in your _output.yml file (suggested here):
css: assets/style.css
before_body: assets/big-image.html
after_body: assets/footer.html
i) Requires making a html file just to insert an image.
ii) If using a web-based image, won't show in Rstudio viewer.
iii) If using a local image, path can get mixed up and won't show in online web html rendering
iv) Includes image at the top of each chapter of bookdown if using before_body: my_image.html. Alternative option in_header: my_image.html does not seem compatible with the sidebar index.
Option 2
Insert image via yaml in index.rmd, using the solution under Tip 3 Add a Logo in your title/header/footer at this blog post
title: |
My title
i) When you hover over the image, it displays a copy of the image in a slightly different location (Can this "Hover" behaviour be disabled?)
ii) If using a web-based image, won't show in Rstudio viewer.
iii) If using a local image, path can get mixed up and won't show in online web html rendering
Option 3
The code below borrowed from here (which you can place below the top level heading) presumably goes direct through the knitting process and inserts itself in the final html. The issue is that the image doesn't make room for itself and ends up over the first text. Is there some simple html/css to sort this out?
<img src="" style="position:absolute;top:0px;height:100px;" />
i) Image doesn't make room for itself and ends up over the first text. You can get around this with a hack by coding extra space (trial and error) through the yaml title like this:
title: |
site: bookdown::bookdown_site

This is superseded by Radovan's accepted answer.
This was the best answer, taking option 3 from my previous answer, and combining a code approach to making the relevant space from Radovan's answer.
You will still have problems if you want to include a title in the YAML (I don't need this, as my title is in the image).
Also, on first loading the page, it presents nicely, but image is not seen if you go to the top of the document using the table of contents (the inheader approach used by this bookdown shows a better behaviour, but appears at the top of every chapter, which is not desired).
title: |
html_document: default
# I'm a top level heading {-}
<img src="" style="position:absolute;top:50px;height:300px;align:center;" />
Note, you need to replace the image with a local image if you want to show the image in the rstudio viewer.
The image will be visible in the html file created when you knit, if you open in a browser connected to the internet.
```{r echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}

The problem of hovering the image duplicating the image can be fixed by removing the line below from the css file that is generated at \libs\gitbook-2.6.7\css\style.css
.book .book-header h1 a:hover{color:inherit;text-decoration:none}#media (max-width:1000px){.book .book-header h1{display:none}}
as a result, this code below places the image right above the title:
title: |
![class='btn noHover'](images/Stats.png){width=400px style="display: block; margin:0 auto; align:center;" }
<center>GEOG380 Basic Stats with R</center>


Using R Quarto With Mermaid and FontAwesome Does Not Render Icons

I am trying to include FontAwesome icons in R Quarto. I am rendering to a presentation in PPTX. However, it does not matter which presentation final type I select or any other output type.
Sample code to replicate issue:
flowchart TD
B["fab:fa-twitter for peace"]
B-->C[fa:fa-ban forbidden]
B-->E(A fa:fa-camera-retro perhaps?)
The nodes render but none of the fa:* items are showing. I see the class is created in the HTML (if rendered to Reveal.JS or HTML):
<i class="fab fa-twitter"></i>
How can I get R Quarto (or other R markdown) using mermaid to include the font awesome icons?
You may want to look at the fontawesome extension which works at least for HTML outputs. I assume that by initializing in the text instead of only using the mermaid environment, it has the necessary HTML font awesome dependency to render the icons correctly.
format: html
Initialize {{< fa thumbs-up >}} and then it should work:
flowchart TD
B["fab:fa-twitter for peace"]
B-->C[fa:fa-ban forbidden]
B-->E(A fa:fa-camera-retro perhaps?)

How to control line under heading with image in rmarkdown's knitr outputs?

A line appears under a heading (#) in certain output formats (e.g. output: github_document) in R Markdown, but not in others. Is there a way to control this parameter explicitly?
Desired output, using
output: github_document
Output using:
output: html_document
Output using:
output: distill::distill_article
My ideal would be to replicate the output of github_document (with the line underneath, and the text beside the image) in the distill_article format, but I would also settle just for replicating the line in html_document format.
Full code for the target output below:
output: github_document
body {text-align: justify}
# distill for R Markdown <img src="rmarkdown.png" align="right" height="200" style="margin-left: 60px" />
This is some text underneath of the title. Lasciate ogne speranza voi ch'entrate. I grow old, I grow old. I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled. Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach? I shall wear white flannel trousers and walk upon the beach. I have heard the mermaids singing each to each.
I do not think that they will sing to me.
You can use a dashed line ---- to get the same effect:
# distill for R Markdown
This is some text underneath of the title. Lasciate ogne speranza voi ch'entrate. I grow...
distill for R Markdown
This is some text underneath of the title. Lasciate ogne speranza voi ch'entrate. I grow...
Here is the html output with image:

Ordering of code chunk outputs in Rmd/HTML reports

I have a summary figure that I want to insert at the top of my HTML report generated using knitr/rmarkdown. But the inputs of this figure depend on outputs generated from downstream code chunks and child documents. Is there a way to do this without having to put the summary figure at the end of the document?
I have tried ref.label='last' option in the top level code chunk (with eval=FALSE) to add a duplicate code chunk in the end of the document {r last, eval=TRUE}, but has not worked for me.
Any suggestions?
You can insert HTML anywhere into your document referencing the figure by the name knitr will use for it.
To figure out the name, temporarily change the YAML header to something like this:
self_contained: FALSE
This won't embed figures in the output, they'll be kept in a separate directory. Open the output in an editor, or view source in a browser, and look for the line that displays the figure. In my test example below, it was being displayed by this code:
<p><img src="Untitled2_files/figure-html/rnormplot-1.png" width="672" /></p>
I copied that line into the document, and removed the self_contained setting, and got this source code:
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
This is the figure before it was generated:
<p><img src="Untitled2_files/figure-html/rnormplot-1.png" width="672" /></p>
And here it is being generated:
```{r rnormplot}
x <- rnorm(100)
One key is to name the code chunk that generates the plot (mine is named rnormplot) because that helps to make sure the figure name is independent of the rest of the document.

R Markdown - HTML Output in Powerpoint

I try to get Highouts Output in my Powerpoint presentation, but the suggestion does not work .This feature is still pretty new and I was not able to find something valueable in the docu.
title: "Untitled"
beamer_presentation: default
powerpoint_presentation: default
ioslides_presentation: default
always_allow_html: yes
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
### R Markdown
This is an R Markdown presentation. Markdown is a simple formatting
syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more
details on using R Markdown see <>.
When you click the **Knit** button a document will be generated that
includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code
chunks within the document.
### Slide with Bullets
- Bullet 1
- Bullet 2
- Bullet 3
### Slide with R Output
```{r cars, echo = TRUE}
highchart() %>%
hc_add_series(data = mtcars, type = "bar", hcaes(y = cyl))
### Slide with Plot
```{r pressure}
Functions that produce HTML output found in document targeting pptx output.
Please change the output type of this document to HTML. Alternatively, you can allow
HTML output in non-HTML formats by adding this option to the YAML front-matter of
your rmarkdown file:
always_allow_html: yes
Note however that the HTML output will not be visible in non-HTML formats.
I added the always_allow_html: yes part to the top, but it still does not work. Can anyone help me?

Self-contained rmarkdown file contains only some embedded images

I'm seeing different behaviour in an R Markdown (Rmd) file depending on how I reference the image I'd like to embed in an HTML document. In the simple example below, the second image is embedded in the document, but the first (using the R chunk) is not.
title: "title"
mode: selfcontained
theme: null
```{r packages, echo=FALSE}
```{r imgTest, echo=FALSE}
img(src = "")
<img src="">
This is the output in the HTML (for the relevant bit):
<p><img src=""/></p>
<p><img src="<SNIPPED>"></p>
In summary, using the htmltools function img() within a code chunk does not embed the image but instead it remains a link.
For various reasons, I need the document to be truly self-contained (no links) and to also avoid raw HTML.
Can anyone explain why this is happening and offer a solution? I've tried a variety of chunk options without success so far.