UML modeling without deep knowledge of underlying libraries - c++

For my next project I would like to try UML modeling. There are several reason - mainly documentation + to break ground for development to avoid re-coding everything over and over again.
I've tried it several times in the past, but I had a feeling like without a deep knowledge of the background libraries my work will depend on, It's not a trivial task, as at the very beginning I don't know, what kind of member variables and functions I would need.
Usually I was coding to get familiar with the libraries and API my app was interface and I get into a state, where the work was almost done or let's say it was from 50% ready, where it made no sense to me to start modeling something.
Am I true you really need to understand well the background or there are ways/techniques how to overcome this?
Another point is, do you built up the model from bottom to top or from top to bottom or it depends on the use case?
Thank you for any recommendations how to proceed.

If I understand well, your main challenge is to get an understanding of the libraries and API that you are using.
If you intend to create an UML diagram for reverse-engineering the library and understand it, you might loose your time: You'd be able to make a meaningful model only once you've understood how the pieces fit together. And for this discovery and knowledge acquisition, you already use the most effective approach:
Usually I was coding to get familiar with the libraries and API my app was interfaced.
Now, if the library or the API is delivered with an UML model, it's another story: an existing design model (not all the details of the implementation, but the core elements of the design, and interaction scenario that are difficult to grasp from the code) could help you to grasp faster how the library works, which will help you to go faster through the exploratory phase.
It's also a different story when you are reverese-engineering an undocumented app: there you don't have a tutorial, and it's difficult to write code to use the existing elements in a meaninful way. There it could make sense to document the system post-mortem. But again, do not lose yourself in a detailed implementation model with all the details: focus on the core elements, whose understanding will really matter for your maintenance fellows.

The three main purposes of making UML class models when developing an app are:
Describing the entity types of the app's problem domain for analyzing and better understanding the requirements for the app in a conceptual (domain) model.
Designing the schema of the app's underlying database (this is typically an RDB schema defined with a bunch of CREATE TABLE statements).
Designing the model classes of the data model of your app, which will be coded, e.g., as Java Entity classes or C# classes with EF annotations.
For 1 and 2, you may take a look at my book An introduction to information modeling and databases, while for 3 you may check out a book on model-based development, e.g. for Java Backend Apps or JavaScript Frontend Apps.
If your goal is to model the dependencies of your app, this may indeed be another purpose. However, as argued by #Christope, reverse-engineering a library is itself a big project that may easily consume more time than you have for developing your app.


Example for a UML-Project of a plugin-based software.

We are going to develop a strong plugin-based c++ software. There is only few source-code examples for it. Due to the big size of the project, we want to do a simple software modeling, before we start to implement it. First of all class and sequence diagramms. We are newbies to UML, due to this reason, it would be nice, to have an UML-Example for a plugin-based project. We haven't found any examples for it on the web. Design patterns we want to use are i.e. plugins, plugins manager, factory method, singleton and some others. And now my question:
Do you know a (simple) example for a UML-Project for a similar software design?
Thank you.
Cheers Alex.
I don't know about the examples of this kind, but I can suggest you a set of diagrams/views that you should probably create in this kind of project. UML is very flexible tool and software projects are so diverse in nature, that it is hard to set up rules. You should listen to your developer instinct and simply model what you need in order to go forward with the project.
1- Components (mandatory)
As this is a plug-in project, there are implicite external dependencies involved. You should make a component diagram to show your future plug-in (a component) as a black-box in its environment. Another obvious component will be the base-tool (to which your komponent will be plugged-in)
- Model all relevant interfaces between parts! This is fundamental
- Use stereotypes to show the implementation platform for each component (e.g. C++)
2- Use Cases (optional)
Here you can identify your Users (Actors) and what they can do with the plug-in (use cases). An alternative would be to capture reqs using wireframe model (non UML) or something like that.
3- Conceptual views (optional)
You did not tell anything about your plug-in functional logic. How complex is it? If the plug-in logic is very complex and has many concepts, algorithm, etc. then you should consider modelling this aspect on the conceptual level. Problem concepts and their relationships are captured using class diagrams. In addition you can use state machines (for active classes), activity diagrams (for complex algorithms), sequences (relevant scenarios), etc. all on conceptual analysis level (no implementation details)
If your plug-in domain logic is trivial, you can minimize this view. Sometimes a single state machine helps or an activity diagram, etc.
4- Architecture (mandatory)
Here you can use components and/or class diagrams to show the high-level view of your plug-in internal structure. This view extens the black-box view (explained in 1-), giving a white box complement. Only main modules are shown with an accent on interfaces between them and especially towards the external world.
5- Design (optional)
Here you should be pragmatic and not do this view just to have it done. If the plug-in is not very large and you have a trained team, the Architecture view will do the job. All depending on your plug-in complexity you can decide to show one or more levels of hierarchically related view. Components are typically on the top level, including more components and/or design classes.
Note that we speak the implementation-language on this level and ALL elements should have a clear stereotype (C++, DLL, EXE, etc).
Design view should also have some behavior diagrams of choice (sequences, activities, states, etc), again on the implementation level.
The last but not the least. All these views look at the same underlaying system from different points of view and in different stages. Therefore there are a lot of implicit or explicit dependencies and relationships between the elements in different view. You should be fully aware of them and even show some of them on separate diagrams or via traceability matrix (some tools support it). Some traces you can make between proposed views:
1->4 Black-box and the corresponding white-boxes
4->5 high-level to low-level map (a component on architecture level is implemented by classes on the design level)
2->4, 2->5 Which components/classes will participate in which use cases
2->3 a single use case logic can be further specified through some conceptual modelling
behavior diagrams are strongly related to structural elements (state machines belong to classes or components), sequence diagram includes collaborating instances of classes/components, activities can show lverall usage scenarios of components or a class's method algorithm, etc.
There are a lot of ways to do this work and nobody can give you a concrete winning formula. UML modelling should assist you in your analysis/design work, beign a natural side-product of it. If you feel that you don't know what to model or you don't see the clear purpose of a diagram - just don't do it.
As for "factory method, singleton and some others", expressed in class diagrams, read the Gang of Four book.
As for plugins, you are looking in bad places. They are to be expressed in means of component and package diagrams, not class ones.
As for sequence diagrams, (also state machines, timing, activity...) , they are not intended for showing the problems of structure. And plugin is a structural term. Behavioral diagrams are useful, but they don't have any specifics when used for plugins.
For interactions of plugins, also look for UML communication and interactions overview diagrams. And maybe look at diagrams in the book "Enterprise Integration Patterns...". Their diagrams are not UML standard ones, but IMHO, are very convenient and useful for modelling of interactions on the level of components and packages (or plugins).
Here is my small link collection for the plugin architecture topic:
C++ basic implementation
Dobbs article series for that topic with all the implementation details, c++
Microsoft article, using .net features
Implementation details considering loading dlls in c++

Common information model for SOA systems

We are looking at the possibility of implementing a Common Information Model for data across several systems in a SOA architecture.
Many of these services will be consumed by a composite UI, we therefore see a benefit in having common data types.
What we are wondering is if this is a feasible approach, or if we should just map to common types in the client?
This question is framed pretty broadly, so my answer is going to remain pretty broad as well.
The key consideration here would seem to be location independence - though you're working with several applications, they're all going to share certain sorts of data (though not, as far as I can see from your question, actual data). An obvious use case for this is authentication and authorization data.
If you have determined that the common data is truly cooked enough to isolate in the fashion you're describing then I think it makes perfect sense to layer it off into a service. I think the perfect example of this is Windows Identity Framework. It takes something that we as architects have always treated as data and turns it into a service.
What you lose with the location independence is a little bit of efficiency that you would otherwise have in making batches calls to the same server, though SOA applications lose this efficiency early in their design, in my experience. But the efficiency you gain from "patternizing" a section of your apps generally outweighs that enormously.
Having a common information model doesn't imply common data types or common classes. Simply defining the relationships between, for instance, Customer, Order, OrderItem and Product goes a great distance toward common business logic and the ability to have different services and applications be able to interoperate in an SOA environment.
You might consider having an actual common model in some modeling language. From this, concrete data types and classes could be generated for particular circumstances. One might use UML for this, but I personally prefer to use NORMA, an Object-Role Modeling tool. It works at the conceptual level, so creates models that are independent of the data store technology.
NORMA runs as an add-in to Visual Studio Standard edition or above, but out of the box generates artifacts for several databases, as well as LINQ to SQL classes and even PHP web services, all from the same model. It is extensible so that you can generate your own artifacts from the model. And of course, the model is represented as XML, so you can do whatever you like with it.

understand design of C++ framework

From some browsing on net, I just understood that any framework is set of libraries provided by the framework and we can simply use those library functions to develop the application.
I would like to know more about
what is a framework with respect to C++.
How are C++ frameworks designed?
How can we use them and develop applications.
Can someone provide me some links to understand the concept of "framework" in C++
A "framework" is something designed to provide the structure of a solution - much as the steel frame of a skyscraper gives it structure, but needs to be fleshed out with use-specific customisations. Both assume some particular problem space - whether it's multi-threaded client/server transactions, or a need for air-conditioned office space, and if your needs are substantively different - e.g. image manipulation or a government art gallery - then trying to use a poorly suited framework is often worse than using none. Indeed, if the evolving needs of your system pass beyond what the framework supports, you may find your options for customising the framework itself are insufficient, or the design you adopted to use it just doesn't suit the re-architected solution you later need. For example, a single-threaded framework encourages you to program in a non-threadsafe fashion, which may be a nightmare to make efficiently multi-threaded post-facto.
They're designed by observing that a large number of programs require a similar solution architecture, and abstracting that into a canned solution framework with facilities for those app-specific customisations.
How they're used depends on the problems they're trying to solve. A framework for transaction dispatch/handling will typically define a way to list IP ports to listen on, nominate functions to be called when connections are made and new data arrives, register timer events that call back to arbitrary functions. XML document, image manipulation, A.I. etc. frameworks would be totally different.... The whole idea is that they each provide a style of use that is simple and intuitive for the applications that might wish to use them.
A big hassle with many frameworks is that they assume ownership of the applications that use them, and relegate the application to a secondary role of filling in some callbacks. If the application needs to use several frameworks, or even one framework with some extra libraries doing e.g. asynchronous communications, then the frameworks may make that very difficult. A good framework is designed more like a set of libraries that the client can control, but need not be confined by. Good frameworks are rare.
More often than not, a framework (as opposed to "just" a library or set of libraries), in OOP languages (including C++), implies a software subsystem that, among other things, supplies classes you're supposed to inherit from, overriding certain methods to specialize the class's functionality for your application's needs, in your application code. If it was just some collection of functions and typedefs it should more properly be called a library, rather than a framework.
I hope this addresses your points 1 and 3. Regarding point 2, ideally, the designers of a framework have a lot of experience designing applications in a certain area, and they "distill" their experience and skill into a framework that lets (possibly less-experienced) developers build their own applications in that area more easily and expeditiously. In the real world, of course, such ideals are not always followed.
With a tool like CppDepend you can analyze any C++ framework, reverse engineer its design in a minute, but also have an accurate idea of the overall code quality of the framework.
An application framework (regardless of language) is a library that attempts to provide a complete framework within which you plug in functionality for your specific application.
The idea is that things like web applications and GUI applications typically require quite a bit of boilerplate to get working at all. The application framework provides all that boilerplate code, and some sort of organization (typically some variation of model-view-controller) where you can plug in the logic specific to your particular application, and it handles most of the other stuff like automatically routing messages and such as needed.

Presenting MVC to Old C++ Spaghetti Coders?

I wish to present the idea of MVC to a bunch of old C++ spaghetti coders (at my local computer club).
One of them that has alot of influence on the rest of the group seems to finally be getting the idea of encapsulation (largely due in part to this website).
I was hoping that I could also point him in the right direction by showing him Model View Controller, but I need to do it in a way that makes sense to him, as well as it probably needs to be written in C/C++!
I realize that MVC is a very old architectural pattern so it would seem to me that there should be something out there that would do the job.
I'm more of a web developer, so I was wondering if anybody out there who is a good C/C++ coder could tell me what it is that made the MVC light switch turn on in your head.
Don't start off with MVC. Start off with Publish / Subscribe (AKA the "listener" pattern).
Without the listener pattern fully understood, the advantages of MVC will never be understood. Everyone can understand the need to update something else when something changes, but few think about how to do it in a maintainable manner.
Present one option after another, showing each option's weaknesses and strengths: making the variable a global, merging the other portion of code into the variable holder, modifying the holder to directly inform the others, and eventually creating a standard means of registering the intent to listen.
Then show how the full blown listener can really shine. Write a small "model" class and add half a dozen "listeners" and show how you never had to compromise the structure of the original class to add "remote" updates.
Once you get this down, move the idea into to the "model view" paradigm. Throw two or three different views on the same model, and have everyone amazed on how comparatively easy it is to add different views of the same information.
Finally discuss the need to manage views and update data. Note that the input is partially dependent on items which are not in the view or the model (like the keyboard and mouse). Introduce the idea of centralizing the processing where a "controller" needs to coordinate which models to create and maintain in memory, and which views to present to the user.
Once you do that, you'll have a pretty good introduction to MVC.
You might find it easier to sell them on the Document/View or Document/Presenter patterns. MVC was invented on Smalltalk where everything about the different UI elements had to be coded by the developer (as I understand, never used the thing). Thus the controller element was necessary because didn't have things like TextElement::OnChange. Now days, more modern GUI API's use Document/View but Document/Presenter is something I've seen proposed.
You might also consider reading Robert Martin's article on the TaskMaster framework.
You might also consider that any C++ developer who is not familiar with these patterns and already understands their purpose and necessity is either a complete newb or a basket-case best avoided. People like that cause more harm than good and are generally too arrogant to learn anything new or they already would have.
Get some spaghetti C++ code (theirs?), refactor it to use MVC, and show them what advantages it has, like easier unit testing, re-use of models, making localized changes to the view with less worry, etc.

Relational databases application [closed]

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When developing an application which mostly interacts with a database, what is a good way to start? The application requires a lot of filtering based on user input, sorting and structuring.
The best way to start is by figuring out "user stories" (or "use cases" -- but the "story" approach tends to really work great and start dragging shareholder into the shared storytelling...!-); on top of that, designing the database schema as the best-normalized idea you can find to satisfy all data layer needs of the user stories.
Thirdly, you may sketch layers such as views on top of the schema; fourthly, and optionally, triggers and stored procedures that might live in the DB to ensure consistency and ease of use for higher layers (but, no matter how strongly DBAs will push you towards those, don't accept their assurances that they're a MUST: they aren't -- if your storage layer is well designed in terms of normalization and maybe useful views on top, non-storage-layer functionality CAN always reside elsewhere, it's an issue of convenience and performance, NOT logical consistency, completeness, correctness).
I think the business layer and user-experience layers should come after. I realize that's a controversial position, but my point is that the user stories (and implied business-rules that come with them) have ALREADY told you a LOT about the business and user layers -- so, "nailing down" (relatively speaking -- agility and "embrace change!" should always rule;-) the data storage layer is the next order of business, and refining ("drilling down") the higher layers can and should come after.
When you get to the database layer you'll want to handle the database access via stored procedures. This will help give you additional protection against SQL Injection attacks, and make it much easier to push logic changes to the database layer.
If it's mostly users interacting with data, you can design using a form perspective.
What forms are needed for user input?
What forms are needed for output reports?
Once you've determined that, the use of the forms will dictate the business logic needed to be coded behind the scenes. You'll take the inputs, create the set of procedures or methods to deal with them, and output what is necessary. Once you know the inputs and outputs, you will be able to easily design the necessary functions.
The scope of the question is very broad. You are expecting me to tell what to do. I can only do a good job of telling how to do things. Do investigate upon using Hibernate/Spring. Since most of your operations looks like querying db, hibernate should help. Make sure the tables are sufficiently indexed so your queries can run faster if filtered based on index fields. The challenging task is design your DB layer which will be the glue between your application and db. Design your db layer generic enough so that it can build queries based on the params that you pass to it. Then move on to develop the above presentation layer. Developing your application layer by layer helps since it will force you to decouple the db logic from the presentation logic. When you develop the db layer, assume that not just your presentation layer but any client can call it. This will help you to design applications that can be scalable and adaptable to new requirements.
So bottom line : Start with DB, DB integeration layer, Controller and last Presentation Layer.
For the purpose of discussion, I'm going to assume that you are working with a starting application that doesn't have a pre-existing database. If this is false, I'd probably move the order of steps around quite a bit.
1 - Understand the Universe
First, you've got to get a sense of what's around you so you can really understand the problem that you are trying to solve.
User stories or use cases are often a good starting point. Starting with what tasks the user will try to do, and evaluating how frequently they are likely to be is a great starting point. I like to start with screen mockups as well, with or without lots of hands on time with users, I find that having a screen gives our team something really finite to argue about.
What other tools exist in this sphere? These days, it seems to me that users never use just one tool, they swap around alot. You need to know two main things about the other tools you users use:
(1) - what will they be using as part of the process, along side your tool? Consider direct input/output needs - what might they want to cut/copy/paste from or to? What tools might you want to offer file upload/download for with specific formats, what tools are they using alongside your tool that you might want to share terminology, layout, color coding, icons or other GUI elements with. Focus especially on the edges of the tools - a real gotcha I hit in a recent project was emulating the databases of previous tools. It turned out that we had massive database shift, and we would likely have been better starting fresh.
(2) What (if anything) are you replacing or competing with? Steal the good stuff, dump and improve the bad stuff. Asking users is always best. If you can't at least understanding the management initiative is important - is this tool replacing a horrible legacy tool? It may be legacy, but there may be the One True Feature that has kept the tool in business all these years...
At this stage, I find that things are really mushy - there's some screen shots, some writing, some schemas or ICDs - but not a really gelled clue.
2 - Logical Entities
Or at least that's what the OO books call it.
I don't care much for all the writing I see on this task - but I find that any any given system, I have one true diagram that I draw over and over. It's usually about 3-10 boxes, and hopefully less than an exponentially large number of lines connecting them. W
The earlier you can get that diagram the better.
It doesn't matter to me if it's in UML, a database logical model, something older, or on the back of a napkin (as long as the napkin is shrouded in plastic and hung where everyone can see it).
The earlier you can make this diagram correctly, the better.
After the diagram is made, you can start working on the follow on work that may be more official.
I think it's a chicken and egg question on whether you start with your data or you start with your screens and business logic. I know that you certianly want to optimize for database sizing and searchability... but how do you know exactly what your database needs are without screens and interfaces giving you a sense for the data?
In practice, I think this is an ever-churning cycle. You do a little bit everywhere, and then you change it all.
Even if you don't get to do a formal agile lifecycle, I think you're best bet is to view design as agile -- it will take many repetitions and arguments before you really feel it's "right".
The most important thing to keep in mind is that your first, and most likely 2nd 3rd attempt at designing the database will be wrong in some way. That might sound negative, maybe even a little rash, (it's certainly more towards the 'agile' software design philosophy) but it's important thing to keep in mind.
You still need to do your analysis thoroughly of course, try to implement one feature at a time, but try to get all layers working first. That way you won't have to do to much rework when the specs change and you understand the issues better. One you have a lot of data loaded into a system, changing things becomes increasingly difficult.
The main benefit of this approach is you find out quickly where you design is broken, where you haven't separated you design layers correctly. One trick I find extremely useful is to do both a sqllite and a mysql version, so seamless switching between the two is possible. Because the two use a different accent of SQL it highlights where you have too tight a coupling between the layers.
A good start would be to get familiar with Multitier architecture
Then you design your presentation layer.
In your business logic layer implement all logic
And finally you implement your data access layer.
Try to setup a prototype with something that is more productive then C++ for example Ruby, Python and well maybe even PHP.
When the prototype works and you see your data model is okay and your queries are too slow then you can start using C++.
But as your questions suggests you have more options then data and in this case the speed of a scripting langauge should be enough.