adonis issue: error: `migration:run` is not a registered command - adonis.js

I Have installed #adonisjs/lucid.
create a migration to use command
adonis make:migration task
** task code**
'use strict'
const Schema = use('Schema')
class TaskSchema extends Schema {
up() {
this.create('tasks', table => {
down() {
module.exports = TaskSchema
i have run my migration to show this error
error: `migration:run` is not a registered command
i have not understand this bug. I know that if not install the
dependencies #adonisjs/lucid than show this error but After I
installed dependencies why the error occurred

What you need here is adonis/cli.
npm i -g #adonisjs/cli
But I think the you don't really need this extra dependencies. Using ace is enough
node ace make:migration task

Here is the solution to this question
In fact, I don’t need to install the CLI in production.
Run your server with node server.js and execute internal commands with node ace XXX.
node ace migration:run --force


Solana Anchor Lang: anchor init creates project with TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'methods')

Confused about what could have caused this to stop working, I installed solana and anchor and was able to test projects.
anchor --version anchor-cli 0.26.0
nvm use 16.16.0
Now using node v16.16.0 (npm v8.11.0)
anchor init hello-world
yarn install v1.22.19
warning package.json: No license field
info No lockfile found.
warning No license field
[1/4] Resolving packages...
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
Done in 6.07s.
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/Code/anchor-second-test/hello-world/.git/
hello-world initialized
cd hello-world && anchor build works. Making no changes, I run anchor run test
1) hello-world
Is initialized!:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'methods')
at /home/user/Code/anchor-second-test/hello-world/tests/hello-world.ts:13:30
at (<anonymous>)
at /home/user/Code/anchor-second-test/hello-world/tests/hello-world.ts:31:71
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at __awaiter (tests/hello-world.ts:27:12)
at Context.<anonymous> (tests/hello-world.ts:11:36)
at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:466:21)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
Here is hello-world.ts test file as generated:
import { Program } from "#project-serum/anchor";
import { HelloWorld } from "../target/types/hello_world";
describe("hello-world", () => {
// Configure the client to use the local cluster.
const program = anchor.workspace.HelloWorld as Program<HelloWorld>;
it("Is initialized!", async () => {
// Add your test here.
const tx = await program.methods.initialize().rpc();
console.log("Your transaction signature", tx);
I have tried using node lts 16.16.0 instead of the latest lts, starting in a clean directory, checking that typescript was installed, running yarn install before running anchor build command. I checked that the solana keypair and json file was generated in the correct folder.
Go to this ../target/types/hello_world directory and make sure it exports like this
export type HelloWorld = {}
since you have this import
import { HelloWorld } from "../target/types/hello_world";
also, you did not show anchor import . It should be
import * as anchor from "#project-serum/anchor";

Vendoring npm packages in deno

How does one vendor a npm package in deno?
"imports": {
"lume/": "",
Lume has some npm dependencies, like
"importMap": "import_map.json",
export * as lume from "";
$ deno vendor --force --unstable dev_deps.ts
# ...
# ...
thread 'main' panicked at 'Could not find local path
for npm:markdown-it-attrs#4.1.3', cli/tools/vendor/
I tried adding export * as ma from "npm:markdown-it-attrs"; to dev_depts.ts, but it did nothing.
I found the following issue on github.
Maybe this issue does have something to do with it.
I didn't find anything about how to resolve the problem in the official deno documentation and the lume documentation.
Unfortunately, currently you cannot use import_map in your Deno project if your goal is to publish a module that aims to be used in other applications, simply because you don't handle the way deno runtime will start.
From the application point of view, the deno run command cannot search every import_map configurations in your dependencies and handle them properly.
The import_map feature should be used only at end application level.
The fallback is to use by onvention a deps.ts source file to centralize all your dependencies.

Looking for documentation setup jest for unit test of admin plugin

my project was created with the swdc create-project ...
Is there a documentation, a tutorial or description for the right setup/configuration unit testing with JEST for custom plugin in administration?
This tutorial describes only how to write a test
But i think there must be a official setup documentation because of versions etc.
EDIT: a tutorial with code is now avialable
Using the suggested solution and execute the test, throws an configuration error:
● Test suite failed to run
Configuration error:
Could not locate module src/core/factory/module.factory mapped as:
Please check your configuration for these entries:
"moduleNameMapper": {
"/^src(.*)$/": "undefined/src$1"
"resolver": undefined
Cause of error:
process.env.ADMIN_PATH not setted but required in %Project%/custom/plugins/%MyPlugin%/src/Resources/app/administration/node_modules/#shopware-ag/jest-preset-sw6-admin/jest-preset.js
My solution:
set process.env.ADMIN_PATH in %Project%/custom/plugins/%MyPlugin%/src/Resources/app/administration/jest.config.js
// jest.config.js
const { join, resolve } = require('path');
process.env.ADMIN_PATH = resolve('../../../../../../../src/Administration/Resources/app/administration');
I think it is easiest to just copy and adapt from a plugin that already has jest tests set up. Look at the administration directory for SwagPayPal for example. Copy the dependency and script sections from their package.json. Also copy the entire jest.config.js. Then within the administration directory of your plugin you should be able to npm install followed by npm run unit or npm run unit-watch and it should find *.spec.js files within the test sub-directory.

How do I get vite to build entire project instead of just the index.html page?

I am new to vite and I can't figure out how to get it to build my entire project instead of just my index.html page. I run "npm run build" and every time it just does that index.html but in npm run dev it works fine. I have all my files on the same level as in the picture. How do I resolve this problem?
Create a vite.config.js file at the root of project and put this in it
const { defineConfig } = require('vite')
module.exports = defineConfig({
build: {
rollupOptions: {
input: {
main: './index.html',
about: './about.html',
shaderOne: './shaderOne.html',
// ...
// List all files you want in your build
If not, you will need to install vite locally. You can install it using npm install vite
See this documentation

How to use a native node.js addon in React

I have a react project in which I would like to use this native node.js addon, which is a wrapper for a C++ SDK.
I've successfully used this module in the past within an Electron project, and can run the sample successfully with node as well.
My question is how I would be able to use this in React, or write my own React friendly solution using the C++ SDK.
I've tried to clone the module and place it under a lib folder in my react project, I ran npm install within that folder to install it's dependencies and tried to run the included example directly with node. This went fine. But using the sample directly from within my React app fails with the following error code ts3client.on is not a function.
So it passes the line were the library is required with var ts3client = require('../../lib/node-ts3sdk-client/api.js'); but that's the furthest I managed to get. I could play around a little bit more, but would like to get some opinions on what might be the best approach here.
As requested I have added a small example to reproduce the issue I am facing.
Create a simple react app
npm init react-app so-node-addon-react
Clone this repository under src/lib/
git clone
Install the module's dependencies
cd node-ts3sdk-client
npm install
Expose some part of the client example by wrapping the try-catch block starting from line 160 in an exported function like so
export function connect() {
try { ... }
catch { ... }
Call the function from your project's App.tsx
import { connect } from './lib/node-ts3sdk-client/examples/client_minimal'
Run the project
npm start
This should result in the following error: ts3client.on is not a function