Unable to download aptitude on AWS through Ubuntu - amazon-web-services

I am trying to harden my instance on AWS by downloading the Aptitude software package through Ubuntu. This is according to the steps listed in this website:
Typically, I would use apt-get, but I know that AWS uses yum instead. That being said, the aptitude software package is not found when using yum.
Does anyone know that installing aptitude is possible? If so, how?


How to install Bioinformatics libraries like trimmomatic, bowtie2, samtools, seqtk etc. in AWS linux OS?

I am not able to find a way to install Bioinformatics and other supported packages in AWS linux based OS while these works in ubuntu and their documentation says they support linux based OS. Is there any command to fix this issue?
Use conda to install many common bioinformatics packages. For example: use conda install seqtk or conda create --name seqtk seqtk to install the seqtk package.
This docker container has most of the bioinformatics software you'll ever need. You can get the image and work in the running container.
If you're not comfortable working with Docker containers yet you can go to each software's own website and download it according to their suggestions.

aws-RunPatchBaseline doesn´t install new packages through apt-get

After running a few tests through AWS SSM Document aws-RunPatchBaseline, the content code used for Debian based OS like Ubuntu doesn´t truly install any required packages even setting this with "install" parameter and being executed. Is this something that needs to be fixed or why does this SSM document work this way without truly installing packages.
From documentation, please see below:
apt-get update downloads the package lists from the repositories and "updates" them to get information on the newest versions of packages and their dependencies. It will do this for all repositories and PPAs. From http://linux.die.net/man/8/apt-get:
Used to re-synchronize the package index files from their sources. The indexes of available packages are fetched from the location(s) specified in /etc/apt/sources.list(5). An update should always be performed before an upgrade or dist-upgrade.
apt-get upgrade will fetch new versions of packages existing on the machine if APT knows about these new versions by way of apt-get update.
From http://linux.die.net/man/8/apt-get:
Used to install the newest versions of all packages currently installed on the system from the sources enumerated in /etc/apt/sources.list(5). Packages currently installed with new versions available are retrieved and upgraded; under no circumstances are currently installed packages removed, nor are packages that are not already installed retrieved and installed. New versions of currently installed packages that cannot be upgraded without changing the install status of another package will be left at their current version. [Emphasis mine] An update must be performed first so that apt-get knows that new versions of packages are available.
Currently code content has this:
" apt-get update >/dev/null",
" fi",
¿Should I add a custom line or create a custom ssm with apt-get upgrade -y after apt-get update?, this document is supossed to work by installing packages, but so far on Ubuntu for example it just doesn´t do anything besides updating the package lists from repos (without installing any).
In my experience, on Ubuntu 20.04, it works. You can verify this by checking apt logs after you run AWS-RunPatchBaseline on such an instance. The logs are located in:
Since you have provided any details on what where your tests, which linux distribution did you use, nor provided any log output with possible errors of ssm agent or apt, it is difficult to speculate why it does not work for you.
The actual upgrade is performed by a python script, not the command you listed. You can inspect its code after you run AWS-RunPatchBaseline:

How to install latest awscli using yum on CentOS 7?

I installed on CentOS 7 awscli using this command:
yum install awscli
But it turned out that it is old version of awscli:
awscli.noarch 1.14.28-5.el7_5.1
How could I update or install using yum on CentOS 7 to get awscli 1.18?
AWS documentation here clearly mentions as below. Looks like it is not recommended to use the yum appraoch.
Although the awscli package is available in repositories for other package managers such as apt and yum, these are not produced, managed, or supported by AWS. We recommend that you install the AWS CLI from only the official AWS distribution points, as documented in this guide.

Installing and Enabling PHP7.1 on AWS Elastic beanstalk

Most PHP vital libraries have been mandating PHP7.1 in their releases lately and I happen to have an API staged on AWS elastic beanstalk PHP7.0 platform that I'd like to make compliant with this recent change.
Seeing as Amazon has greatly delayed this shift since December 1, 2016 release of PHP7.1, I've tried so many things to make PHP7.1 available on this AWS Elastic beanstalk platform originally intended for PHP7.0
Below is my sample upgrade script:
sudo su
yum -y remove php70
wget http://rpms.famillecollet.com/enterprise/remi-release-6.rpm
sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm
yum-config-manager --enable remi-php71
rpm -Uvh scl-utils-20120229-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
yum -y install php71
source /opt/remi/php71/enable
yum -y install php71-php-soap php71-php-bcmath php71-php-devel php-71-php-intl php71-php-mbstring php71-php-mcrypt php71-php-mysqlnd php71-php-opcache php71-php-pgsql php71-php-odbc php71-php-pecl-uuid php71-php-pecl-memcache php71-php-igbinary php71-php-oauth php71-php-xml php71-php-xmlrpc php71-php-process php71-php-apcu
But unless I run the source /opt/remi/php71/enable every time, I can't seem to get PHP71 by default as the PHP cli runtime.
In a bid to fix that, I did yum remove php70* to clean up the old PHP7.0 installation but that led to a problem with the AWS EBS deployment hook scripts.
Right now, I'm in a fix and it seems like I have to be forced to work with PHP7.0 and downgrade most of my PHP libraries. I just want to know if anyone can get me out of this messed up state.
Thank you.
Remi repository provides 2 way to install PHP 7.1
base packages (php-*) 1 repository by version, single version allowed, so you need remi-php71 repository enabled
SCL packages (php71-php-*) designed for parallel installation in remi-safe repository (which you have installed)
As explain in the FAQ.
Also see the Wizard instructions.
Amazon released a new version of Elastic beanstalk with PHP 7.1 support.
Upgrade your environment to use this configuration.

How to restore gsutil command?

I have updated Google Cloud SDK to the latest version 135.0.0 from
After the update , I got the following message.
WARNING: There are older versions of Google Cloud Platform tools on
your system PATH. Please remove the following to avoid accidentally
invoking these old tools:
So I have deleted all the above folders.
After that gsutil stopped working.
Please help me how can I resolve the issue.
The issue that it was installed via
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk
and you should have used the same mechanism to upgrade.
gcloud is also kind of a package manager, and is able to upgrade itself and its depended packages. Unfortunately if you use gcloud itself to upgrade it installs it in different location. It likely does not work because new location needs to be added to your path.
You can try to reinstall googcle-cloud-sdk package via apt-get.