I am working in angular-9 , there are many things which works on reloading, but not after navigation. eg: there are two components A and B. and another component c have a reveal modal code(in foundation).
c component is to be included in both A and B.from component A through navigation I can move to component B which is a another page.
import { FormControl, Validators, FormBuilder,FormGroup, FormGroupDirective } from '#angular/forms';
ngOnInit() {
this.loginFormControl = this.formBuilder.group({
phone_number: ''
<div class="reveal" id="loginModal" data-reveal>
<form class="loginForm" [formGroup]="loginFormControl"
<input placeholder="Enter Mobile Number" formControlName="phone_number">
<button type="submit" class="button">LOGIN</button>
<button class="close-button" data-close aria-label="Close modal" type="button">
<span aria-hidden="true">×</span>
If I open the modal 'c' in both of the pages A and B on a click of two buttons on both pages with $('#loginModal').foundation('open'); in A.ts and B.ts files, it results me with some unexpected behavior.
1. the modal is open in both the pages. no issue related to view
2. But events of that modal(click,change) or if I enter phone number, It doesn't accept it from user. Even there no event works in a page until i refresh or reload the page.
3. After refreshing a page it will work on that page (including all
events and inputs), there won't be any issue in that page after reloading. but as i navigate to another component B, then it's(c) events and input won't work until i refresh this page too. this same will happen again with component A.
I haven't reach at any solution of this till now and why is this happening. Please let me know if anyone have solution of my problem. It would be fruitful for me.
When I add new list items to an existing dropdown button they do not show up on the front end. The dropdown just continues to show the original list items. All my caching systems are off and I cleared the cache locally, but I'm still getting the same issue. Anyone know what could be causing this?
<div class="sidebar-dropdown">
<button data-dropdown="drop" aria-controls="drop", aria-expanded="false" class="large alert round button dropdown">Select Type</button>
<ul id="drop" data-dropdown-content class="f-dropdown" role="menu" aria-hidden="false" tabindex="-1">
<li>All-Purpose (USA)</li>
<li>All-Purpose (CAN)</li>
<li>Tablet POS</li>
<li>High Risk</li>
The Foundation-generated dropdown needs to be refreshed when new content is added to it. This can be done by adding this to your javascript, which adds a listener to the dropdown element(s):
$(document).foundation('dropdown', 'reflow');
See the docs for more info
I'm using Ember CLI and have noticed odd behaviour. When the user clicks into the input and presses the enter key, the page refreshes.
My page has a basic element like this that is NOT part of any form:
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="per_page" value="50">
I am currently serving the page via:
ember cli
So node is hosting and has the fancy live reload thing going on so that when I update a page that is part of the underlying app.
So what is causing a page reload the enter key pressed inside an input? Could it be node or live reload? Are inputs just supposed to refresh a page when a user presses the enter key and I missed that in my HTML for dummies book?
**Better still, how can I intercept and instead call a function via:
{{action** "myFunction"}}
That happens because when you hit Enter, form gets submitted which results in page reload. what you need to do is set onsubmit="return false" on the form so nothing happens during submit. you can bind input to execute some action by adding action attribute action="doSomething"
<form onsubmit="return false">
{{input type="text" action="createComment" value=topic id="inputTopic"}}
Edit: In Ember 3+ you now use the {{on}} modifier to setup events on elements.
<form {{on 'submit' this.submitForm}}>
<!-- the rest of your form here -->
<button type='submit'>Submit</button>
And the action defined like so
submitForm(event) {
// Your code
Historically Ember has handled this use case with the following code:
<form {{action 'submitForm' on='submit'}}>
<!-- the rest of your form here -->
<button type='submit'>Submit</button>
This prevents the form from refreshing the page.
There is another method that gives you more control, by giving you the event so you can manage that yourself:
<form onsubmit={{action 'submitForm'}}>
<!-- the rest of your form here -->
<button type='submit'>Submit</button>
In this case, you will get an event and will have to call event.preventDefault() to stop the page refresh.
actions: {
submitForm(event) {
This is a running example of the two: https://ember-twiddle.com/827820958e054f7af57b7677630729fc?openFiles=controllers.application.js%2C
I had the same problem - what worked for me, was to overwrite the keyPress Event in the input component like this:
keyPress: function (e) {
var keyCodeEnter = 13;
if (e.keyCode === keyCodeEnter) {
return false;
Hope it will help someone in the future! :)
Hi I have a list of values contains different types of prices for the plans..
<div id="rs360">
<span class="font18">Rs.360</span> <span class="font20"></span>
<th width="20%" class="bdrL_blue valignT highlight">
<img src="../../Content/Images/Subscribe now on click.png" class="btn" onclick="return sms_confirm()"/>
<div id="rs1000">
<span class="font18">Rs.1000</span> <span class="font20"></span>
// the same button event...
when i click the button it should take the value of prices 360 ,1000.. then it redirects to the another page. on that page i click some payment options. so it should show which amount i select here like that...
i don't know what is the best way to do this? please give some ideas to do that?
So you want transfer the values 360, 1000... to your payment page?
public ActionResult YourActionName(double? price)
then your button event is call the controller with your value is price, for ex :
$.post("Controller/YourActionName",{ price : value_of_your_price });
In your payment's page you can use it by using Session("PickedPrice"), when you done, reset Session("PickedPrice").
This is my solution, it's may not the best way and I just newbie but I want to help you. Try!
We're building app that allows users to post messages to various social media outlets. Our designer has created a series of interactions which allow users to change various settings in their application by use of sliding panels. I've done a quick screen cap to illustrate:
The question I have is one of architecture. I'm not sure whether I should be using a View or a Controller (or both) to store some of the methods these panels will contain. Here's the HTML for the panels. They're not currently in a script tag or view:
<div id="panel-account-settings" class="panel closed">
<div class="panel-inner">
<i class="icon-cancel"></i>close
<h3>Account Settings</h3>
Google Analytics
Link Shortening
Disconnect Account
<div id="panel-google-analytics" class="panel-inner">
<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i>back
<h3>Google Analytics</h3>
<div class="toggle">
<p>We <strong>won't</strong> append stuff to your links, so they <strong>won't</strong> be trackable in your Google Analytics account.</p>
<img src="{{ STATIC_URL }}images/ga-addressbar.png" />
<div id="panel-disconnect" class="panel-inner">
<i class="icon-arrow-right"></i>back
<h3>Disconnect This Account</h3>
<p>If you disconnect this account you will lose all the metrics we tracked for each message. Are you absolute sure you want to get rid of them?</p>
<div class="button-group">
The gear icon shown in the video is contained with the accounts template
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="accounts">
{{#each account in controller}}
<div class="avatar-name">
<i class="icon-cog" {{action "openPanel" Social.SettingsView account }}></i>
which has a bare bones controller
Social.AccountsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
openPanel: function(view,account){
as well as a Route and a Model. Given the interaction I'm looking to accomplish, my question is where should I be putting the pieces and parts? At a minimum I need to pass in the current Account model so that I know which account I'll be applying changes to. I thought about creating a mainPanel view which would contain the other view...something like this:
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="panelView">
<div id="panel-account-settings" class="panel closed">
{{ partial "panelSettingsView" }}
{{ partial "panelAnalyticsView" }}
{{ partial "panelDisconnectView" }}
and then the action helper on the gear icon could pass in the account AND the required view. But I'm not sure if that's the right approach. I'd appreciate some input or suggestions. Thanks.
Ideally I'd like to eventually load in the content of each panel via AJAX but that's a want to, not a need to.
I tried creating a PanelView which would contain the logic on which panels to load:
Social.PanelView = Ember.View.extend({
tagName: 'div',
classNames: ['panel-inner'],
openPanel: function(view,account){
But when I tried to call it from the gear icon I got an error. This:
<i class="icon-cog" {{action openPanel target="Social.PanelView" }}></i>
Threw this error:
Uncaught Error: assertion failed: The action 'openPanel' did not exist on Social.PanelView
Isn't that the correct syntax?
Adding version information:
DEBUG: Ember.VERSION : 1.0.0-rc.1
DEBUG: Handlebars.VERSION : 1.0.0-rc.3
DEBUG: jQuery.VERSION : 1.9.1
The best practice is to always put any DOM- or UI-related logic into your view, and leave data representation to the controller (i.e., a reference to a 'selected' item in the controller is a common example).
Your Social.AccountsController.openPanel method has logic that touches the DOM, which is entirely a view concern. A good start would be to move that logic into the view (Social. SettingsView ?).
It'd be a bit easier to understand your goals and offer more suggestions if you had a jsfiddle of what you have so far.
EDIT: Another good practice is to decompose things into very small objects. So you could explore having a selectedAccount ObjectController whose content is the currently chosen Account (and a corresponding View for it).
I am using Twitter Bootstrap's modals throughout a web application. I am also using Mustache templates to generate the information to display inside the modals. The problem is that I find myself creating new modals for nearly every single form that is rendered to the screen and I feel that this violates DRY. I am considering creating a global modal object that is defined in the 'window' object and can be accessed throughout my application. When I want to display a new form I just render the form into the global modal object and then show it. Can anyone give me some advice on how to better handle numerous forms with modals?
I think you have the right idea. If you have a lot of modals, creating new ones can get repetitive. I've done something similar to what you proposed: create a single modal object that can be reused for a variety of modals.
In the past I used jQuery dialog, but the principle is entirely the same. Create a JavaScript module with some boilerplate HTML, that you can use to display any number of forms (essentially HTML content).
I'll try to propose a very basic implementation without knowing too much about your application.
HTML based from the Bootstrap example here:
<!-- Modal -->
<div id="myModal" class="modal hide fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
<h3 id="dynamicHeader">
<!-- Our header will go here -->
<div class="modal-body" id="dynamicBody">
<!-- Our body will go here -->
<div class="modal-footer">
Save changes
Notice the unique id's I've added to the h3 and the div.modal-body. We'll use those in JavaScript to dynamically inject each form's title and content.
var ModalManager = (function() {
// cache some DOM references
var $dynamicHeader = $('#dynamicHeader');
var $dynamicBody = $('#dynamicBody');
var $myModal = $('#myModal');
var launch = function(header, body) {
$myModal.modal(/* options here */);
return {
launch: launch
/* expose more API methods here! */
Here is an example usage!
HTML w/ JavaScript:
<div id="form1">
<div class="formHeader">
Form One
<div class="formBody">
<p>Html and stuff</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Using a closure to protect globals
// This would probably go in your click handler to launch a given modal
(function() {
var headerHtml = $('form1 .formHeader').html();
var bodyHtml = $('form1 .formBody').html();
ModalManager.launch(headerHtml, bodyHtml );
Finally, I wrapped all of that up in a jsFiddle which demonstrates the ability to launch two different forms.
Link: jsFiddle
I used jQuery as it should be included with the Bootstrap code for the modal. It will pull out the header and body HTML that are specific to each form, and populate your common modal HTML in the DOM. Then when you launch the modal it will display what looks like a different modal, but you've centralized the common aspects so you're not repeating them anymore!
There's a lot more you can do but that's basically the gist. My own implementation exposed means to configure the buttons dynamically, for example. Depending on what you want configurable, you can add an options parameter that passes on to the modal() function, or has other properties specific to your application that ModalManager can handle. You can definitely use templating to carry out some of these features, it's just not essential to the example I've setup.
I hope that helps!
I'm not quite sure what you are asking. Mustache does have looping functionality, so you could pass in an array of modals, and Mustache should generate all of the code.
I actually just created a video showing how to build a Mustache template for Twitter Bootstrap's Alert component, and implement it via PHP and JavaScript. It also features the looping functionality I spoke of. Maybe that will help? Here is the link: http://mikemclin.net/mustache-templates-for-php-and-javascript/