Django Channels 2.x or Ajax? - django

I have a jQuery dataTable, with lots of data(10000+ rows), which can be used/updated in the real time from lots of users and I need that table to be refreshed and up to date all the time. I've tried with Ajax calls on 1 second, and I figured that that's not good, since every user is sending Ajax request every second * 50 or more users, and I think that there must be a better solution. I've been thinking to use Django Channels, or something similar(?) and i was wondering is that possible? Basically I need to set up some kind of listener on the model(database), and to pull the new data on change(that is almost every second). I would love to here an opinion from someone who has more experience than I do. Thank you in advance.
Ps. I've been told to use web sockets for that.

In short yes web socket would be the suggested way to do this.
If all the updates to the models that you need to subscribe to are being made through Djangos ORM.
I would suggest looking into using (or be inspired by) DjangoChannelsRestFramework as a starting point for subscribing to multiple models in your db.
This library is set up to let you subscribe to multiple object types over a single web socket connection and get ws messages whenever they objects change. It also provides some tools to let you re-use your existing DRF views over the web socket.
Disclaimer: I am the author of the DjangoChannelsRestFramework.


Looking for a way to detect database changes using Django Channels

I am looking for a way to detect if there is data insertion happened in my database, i will use this to create a notification badge in real time so that the user wont need to refresh the page to see if there is new notifications. I am planning to use django channels but i cannot see any tutorials that will fit my need.
I've tried to use timer but i don't think it is the best practice for this.

Django API beyond simple data handling

I have a django application that deploys the model logic and data handling through the administration.
I also have in the same project a python file ( that makes use of the model data to perform heavy calculations that take some time, per example 5 secs, to be processed.
I have migrated the project to the cloud and now I need an API to call this file ( passing parameters, process the computation accordingly to the parameters and data of the DB (maintained in the admin) and then respond back.
All examples of the django DRF that I've seen so far only contain authentication and data handling (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
Could anyone suggest an idea to approach this?
In my opinion correct approach would be using Celery to perform this calculations asynchronous.
Write a class which inherits from DRF APIView which handles authentication, write whatever logic you want or call whichever function, Get the final result and send back the JsonReposen. But as you mentioned if the Api takes more time to respond. Then you might have to think of some thing else. Like giving back a request_id and hit that server with the request_id every 5seconds to get the data or something like that.
Just to give a feedback to this, the approach that I took was to build another API using flask and normal python scripts.
I also used sqlalchemy to access the database and retrieve the necessary data.

How does Syndication work in Django?

Why this (hopefully) isn't a broad question:
I've been looking at the Django source code on syndication. I understand functionally what these feeds are and what they do but I'm not sure how the magic happens.
Actual question:
What is Django doing under the hood to send these changes out across the wire? Is Django just creating an object (like an XML file) the Client reads and not even using the network? What mechanism is employed to ensure users get those updates in a 'reasonable' amount of time - is it a combination of the browser (or some other software) knowing to go look for updates while Django diligently adds data to a file, or does Django do most of the work?
There's no magic, and Django does not do anything to even try to ensure clients get updates in any particular amount of time.
Feeds, like almost everything on the web, are an entirely pull-based mechanism. Feed readers are responsible for periodically requesting updates from the client.

How to create an API and then dynamically retrieve data from and add new data to it?

To start off, I am extremely sorry if my question is not clear but I have very little knowledge about web services in general and the vast nature of varying available information has driven me crazy over the past few weeks. So please do bear with me.
Summary: I want to create a live score update app for android. (I haven't added android as a tag because I do know how to retrieve data from say twitter's JSON api.) However, like the twitter JSON api, I want to be able to add(POST maybe?) data to the Apache 7.0 service that I have running. I then want the app to be able to be able to retrieve this data that I have posted.
I had asked a more generic question earlier and I was told that I should look up some api's. I did that but I have still not been unable to make a break through.
So my questions is:
Is setting up an API on my local web service the correct way to do this?
If so, how can I setup an API that will return JSON objects to the Android app. Also, I would need to be able to constantly update this API with new data.
Additionally, would I also need to setup a database for all this?
Any links to well explained matter would be appreciated too.
Note: I would like to carry this out using a RESTful Web Service through Jersey and use JSON Objects during retrieval.
Again, I am sorry about my terrible knowledge with web services in general despite trying my best to research a lot. The best I could do was get my RESTful Web to respond to a GET with some pre-defined text that I had set in Eclipse.
If I understand you correctly, what you try to do is something like this:
There will be a match or multiple matches of some sort. Whenever a team/player scores someone (i.e. you) will use the app to update the score. People who previously subscribed to the match, will be notified and see the updated score.
Even though I'm not familiar with backends based on Java, the implementation should be fairly similar to other programming languages.
First of all a few words to REST in general. REST is generally needed, when you need to share information between multiple devices and or users. This seems to be the case here. To implement the REST you are going to need an API of some sorts. Within the web APIs are implemented by webservers answering to certain predefined HTTP Requests.
Thus setting up an API on a web server is the correct way.
Next a few words on databases. A database is generally needed, if you want to store information persistently. This might, or might not be what you are planning to do. If there are just going to be a few matches at the same time and you don't care about persistence of the data, you can use Java to store a collection of match objects in memory. I'm just saying it is possible, not that it is a good idea. Once your server crashes or you run out of memory due to w/e reason, data is going to be lost. (Of course within the actual implementation you want to cache data for current matches in some way and keeping objects in memory is way to do so).
I'd recommend to use a database.
Within the database, you can then store and access information about the matches like the score, which users subscribed, who played, etc.
JSON is just a way to represent the data/objects that will be shared between the server and the client. You can use JSON to encode request and response data/bodies.
The user has to be informed about the updated score. There are two basic ways to do so. Push or Pull. With pull, the client will check for updated scores after fixed intervals or actions. With push, the server will notify the client about changed scores which will cause him to update the information. Since you are planning on doing a live application and using Java anyways, push seems to be the better way to go.
Last but not least let's have a look at a possible implementation using
Webserver (API endpoints + database)
Administrator (keeps score updated)
User (receives updates)
We assume that the server will respond to HTTP Requests (POST#/api/my-endpoint) with JSON-Objects.
Possible flow
First the administrator creates a match
POST # /api/matches
body: team1=someteam&team2=someotherteam
The server now will create a match object and store it in the database. The response will contain information about the object and whether the action was successful.
The user asks for a list of matches
GET # /api/matches/curret
The response will be a JSON object containing a list of current matches.
matches: [
{id: 1, teams:...}, ...
(If push)
A user subscribes to a match
GET # /api/SOME_MATCH_ID/observe
The user will now be added as an observer for the match. Again, the response contains information about whether the action was successful or not.
The administrator updates a score
body: team1scored...
The score now gets update on the server (in memory/database) and the user will be notified about the updated score.
The user gets the updated score
... (Updated score in some way)

Is it feasible to have a single sign on page for multiple datasources?

I am in the beginning stages of planning a web application using ColdFusion and SQL Server 2012.
In researching the pros and cons of using multiple databases (one per customer) vs one large database, for my purposes I have decided multiple databases would be the best approach.
With this in mind I am now wondering the best way to proceed regarding logging clients in. I have two thoughts here:
I could use sub-domains with each one being for a specific client. The sub-domain also being the datasource name.
I could have a single sign on page with the datasource for this client stored in a universal users table.
I like the idea of option 2 best however I am wondering how this may work in the real world. Making each user unique would not be ideal (although I suppose I could make this off of an email address instead of a username).
I was thinking of maybe adding something along the lines of a "company code" that would need to be entered along with the username and password.
I feel like this may be asking too much of clients though.
With all of this said, would you advise going with option 1 or option 2? Would also love to hear any thoughts or ideas that may differ.
If you are expecting to have a large amount of data per client, it may be a good idea to split each client into their own database.
You can create a global database that contains client information, client datasource, settings, etc. for each client and then set the client database in the application.cfc.
This also makes it easier at the end if a client request their data or you would like to remove a client from the system.