Linear Search on Vector - c++

I have tests to pass online using my created methods. I have a feeling there is an issue with one of the tests. The final one i cannot pass.
Here is the test-
TEST_CASE ("Linear Search With Self-Organization 3") {
int searchKey = 191;
vector<int> searchArray(500);
for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
searchArray[i] = i + 1;
random_shuffle(searchArray.begin(), searchArray.end());
bool result, result2;
result = linearSearchSO(searchArray, searchKey);
int searchKey2 = 243;
result2 = linearSearchSO(searchArray, searchKey2);
REQUIRE (result == true);
REQUIRE (result2 == true);
REQUIRE (verifySearchArray(searchArray) == true);
REQUIRE (searchArray[0] == searchKey2);
REQUIRE (searchArray[1] == searchKey);
REQUIRE (searchArray.size() == 500);
The method in question here is linearSearchSO.
bool linearSearchSO(vector<int> & inputArr, int searchKey) {
for(int i=0; i < inputArr.size(); i++) {
int temp = inputArr[0];
if (inputArr[i] == searchKey) {
inputArr[0] = inputArr[i];
inputArr[i] = temp;
return true;
return false;
Worth noting that this method has passed all 3 of the other tests required. As you can see in the test, my tutor has called this method twice passing two different values.The idea is that there is a vector of 500 numbers.. In this instance he randomises the numbers. The best way for me to explain what is happening is that if he didn't randomise and the numbers were simply listed 1-500. The method gets called and I begin with the requested number 191, I move this to front of the vector.
Now it reads 191, 2, 3, 4 etc. 190, 1, 192 etc.
So he then calls the method again, and wants 243 to be moved to the front. His test wants the result to be 243, 191, 2, 3, 4. However what my code does is swap 191 to 243's position.
My result now reads 243, 2, 3, 4 etc. 242, 191, 244, 245 etc.
Every other test is simply taking one number and moving it to the front, the test then checks that each number is in the correct position. My question is, is there a way for me to achieve 243, 191, 2, 3.. without messing up every other test I've passed only using this one linearSearch function? or is there a problem with the test, and hes simply made a mistake.
EDIT- The actual question asked for this test.
Question 4
A self-organising search algorithm is one that rearranges items in a collection such that those items that are searched frequently are likely to be found sooner in the search. Modify the learning algorithm for linear search such that every time an item is found in the array, that item is exchanged with the item at the beginning of the array.

If I have understood correctly you need something like the following
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
bool linearSearchSO( std::vector<int> & inputArr, int searchKey )
bool success = false;
auto it = inputArr.begin();
while ( it != inputArr.end() && *it != searchKey ) ++it;
if ( ( success = it != inputArr.end() ) )
int value = *it;
inputArr.erase( it );
inputArr.insert( inputArr.begin(), value );
return success;
int main()
std::vector<int> inputArr = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
for ( const auto &item : inputArr )
std::cout << item << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
linearSearchSO( inputArr, 3 );
for ( const auto &item : inputArr )
std::cout << item << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
The program output is
1 2 3 4 5
3 1 2 4 5
Pay attention to that instead of writing manually a loop in the function you could use the standard algorithm std::find.


Is it okay to let a range view own a shared_ptr containing state it needs?

Basically I am trying to get around the fact that the following does not work with range-v3 ranges: (this is a toy example but illustrates the problem.)
namespace rv = ranges::views;
auto bad_foo() {
std::vector<int> local_vector = { 23, 45, 182, 3, 5, 16, 1 };
return local_vector |
rv::transform([](int n) {return 2 * n; });
int main() {
for (int n :bad_foo()) {
std::cout << n << " ";
std::cout << "\n";
return 0;
The above doesn't work because we are returning a view that references data that will go out of scope when bad_foo returns.
What I want to do is store the vector in a shared pointer in such a way that the range view will keep the shared pointer alive. Note that the obvious version of this idea does not work i.e.
auto still_bad_foo() {
auto shared_vector = std::make_shared<std::vector<int>>(
std::initializer_list{ 23, 45, 182, 3, 5, 16, 1 }
return *shared_vector |
rv::transform([](int n) {return 2 * n; });
still fails because shared_vector is not actually getting captured by the range view. What we want to do is force the range view to own the shared pointer.
The following seems to work to me.
auto good_foo() {
auto shared_vector = std::make_shared<std::vector<int>>(
std::initializer_list{ 23, 45, 182, 3, 5, 16, 1 }
return rv::single(shared_vector) |
rv::transform([](auto ptr) { return rv::all(*ptr); }) |
rv::join |
rv::transform([](int n) {return 2 * n; });
We use single to turn the shared pointer into a single item range view, turn the single item into a range of ints by dereferencing the pointer in transform and wrapping the vector in a range with all, yielding a composition of range views, which we then flatten via join.
My question is is the above really safe and if so is there a less verbose version of the same idea?
Edit: updated the question to just be about range-v3 ranges as #康桓瑋 has alerted me that this issue is not a problem with C++20 ranges as long as it is not a requirement for the owning range views to be copyable.
Basically I am trying to get around the fact that the following does
not work: (this is a toy example but illustrates the problem. I'm
using range-v3 but this question applies to standard ranges too)
If you are using the standard <ranges> then you don't have to worry about this, just move the vector into the pipe, which will move the ownership of the vector into owning_view
auto not_bad_foo() {
std::vector<int> local_vector = { 23, 45, 182, 3, 5, 16, 1 };
return std::move(local_vector) | // <- here
std::views::transform([](int n) {return 2 * n; });
How about capturing the vector in a lambda to extend its lifetime?
auto create_foo() {
std::vector<int> local_vector = { 23, 45, 182, 3, 5, 16, 1 };
return [captured_vector = std::move(local_vector)]() {
return captured_vector | rv::transform([](int n) {return 2 * n; });
int main() {
for (int n : create_foo()()) {
std::cout << n << " ";
std::cout << "\n";

Transposition Table is causing tests to fail(but runs fine in game)

I have added a transposition table to my TicTacToe minmax algorithm
int AI::findBestMove()
hash = tTable->recalculateHash();
int bestMove = minMax().second;
return bestMove;
std::pair<int, int> AI::minMax(int reverseDepth, std::pair<int, int> bestScoreMove, player currentPlayer, int alpha, int beta, int lastPlay)
Entry e = (*tTable)[hash];
if (e && e.depth == reverseDepth)
return e.scoreMove;
if (reverseDepth == 0)
return { 0, -2 };
else if (field->canDrawOrWin() && lastPlay != -1)
if (field->hasWon(lastPlay))
return { evaluateScore(currentPlayer), -1 };
else if (field->isDraw())
return { 0, -1 };
bestScoreMove.first = currentPlayer == player::AI ? INT_MIN : INT_MAX;
for (int i = 0; i < field->size(); i++)
if ((*field)[i] == player::None && field->isCoordWorthChecking(i))
(*field)[i] = currentPlayer;
hash = tTable->calculateHash(hash, i);
std::pair<int, int> scoreMove = minMax(reverseDepth - 1, bestScoreMove, getOpponent(currentPlayer), alpha, beta, i);
if (currentPlayer == player::AI)
alpha = std::max(alpha, scoreMove.first);
if (bestScoreMove.first < scoreMove.first)
bestScoreMove = { scoreMove.first, i };
beta = std::min(beta, scoreMove.first);
if (bestScoreMove.first > scoreMove.first)
bestScoreMove = { scoreMove.first, i };
hash = tTable->calculateHash(hash, i);
(*field)[i] = player::None;
if (beta <= alpha)
tTable->placeEntry(hash, bestScoreMove, reverseDepth);
return bestScoreMove;
To test it I made an acceptance test that plays every possible board and checks for human wins
TEST(AcceptanceTest, EveryBoard)
int winstate = 0;
std::shared_ptr<Field> field = std::make_shared<Field>(4);
AI ai(field);
playEveryBoard(ai, field, winstate);
std::cout <<"Human wins: " << winstate << std::endl;
void playEveryBoard(AI& ai, std::shared_ptr<Field> f, int& winstate)
int bestMove = 0;
auto it = f->begin();
while (true)
it = std::find(it, f->end(), player::None);
if (it == f->end())
*it = player::Human;
if (f->hasWon())
bestMove = ai.findBestMove();
if (bestMove == -1)//TIE
*it = player::None;
(*f)[bestMove] = player::AI;
if (f->hasWon())//AI WIN
*it = player::None;
(*f)[bestMove] = player::None;
playEveryBoard(ai, f, winstate);
*it = player::None;
(*f)[bestMove] = player::None;
if (it == f->end())
The test never returned any loosing states until I added the transposition table, to test when the loosing state appears I made a test that plays every permutation of the loosing field, but it never found a loosing state, what could cause the AI to loose only in the EveryBoard test?
TEST(LoosePossible, AllPermutations)
std::vector<int> loosingField = { 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15 };
std::shared_ptr<Field> field = std::make_shared<Field>(4);
AI *ai = new AI(field);
for (auto i : loosingField)
if ((*field)[i] != player::None || field->hasWon())
(*field)[i] = player::Human;
(*field)[ai->findBestMove()] = player::AI;
delete ai;
} while (next_permutation(loosingField.begin(), loosingField.end()));
I see at least two places these errors could be arising.
One potential problem is in this line:
Entry e = (*tTable)[hash];
if (e && e.depth == reverseDepth)
return e.scoreMove;
In addition to checking if the transposition table stores the result of a search that is the same depth, you also need to check that the stored bounds in the table are compatible with the bounds in the table.
I addressed this as part of an answer to another question:
When you store values in the transposition table, you also need to store the alpha and beta bounds used during the search. When you get a value back at a node mid-search it is either an upper bound on the true value (because value = beta), a lower bound on the true value (because value = alpha) or the actual value of the node (alpha < value < beta). You need to store this in your transposition table. Then, when you want to re-use the value, you have to check that you can use the value given your current alpha and beta bounds. (You can validate this by actually doing the search after finding the value in the transposition table to see if you get the same value from search that you got in the table.)
The way to test this is to modify AI::minMax. Set a flag to true when you have a value returned from the transposition table. Then, each time you return a value, if the transposition table flag is true, compare the value you are about to return to the value that was found in the transposition table. If they are not the same, then something is wrong.
In addition, minimax is typically used with zero-sum games, which means that the sum of scores for the two players should add to 0. I don't know what all the returned values mean in your code, but sometimes you are returning {0, -1} and sometimes {0, -2}. This is problematic, because now you have a non-zero-sum game and much of the theory falls apart.
In particular, the max player may treat {0, -1} and {0, -2} the same, but the min player will not. Thus, if the move ordering changes in any way you may see these in different orders, and thus the value at the root of the tree will not be stable.
As an aside, this is a fundamental issue in multi-player games. Practically speaking it arises when one player is a king-maker. They can't win the game themselves, but they can decide who does.

Checking if reducing iterator points to a valid element

I need to know if I can reduce the iterator and have a valid object. The below errors out because I reduce the iterator by 1 which doesn't exist. How can I know that so I don't get the error?
ticks.push_front(Tick(Vec3(0, 0, 5), 0));
ticks.push_front(Tick(Vec3(0, 0, 8), 100));
ticks.push_front(Tick(Vec3(0, 0, 10), 200));
bool found = false;
list<Tick, allocator<Tick>>::iterator iter;
for (iter = ticks.begin(); iter != ticks.end(); ++iter)
Tick t = (*iter);
if (214>= t.timestamp)
prior = t;
if (--iter != ticks.end())
next = (*--iter);
found = true;
I'm trying to find the entries directly "above" and directly "below" the value 214 in the list. If only 1 exists then I don't care. I need above and below to exist.
After your edits to the question, I think I can write a better answer than what I had before.
First, write a comparison function for Ticks that uses their timestamps:
bool CompareTicks(const Tick& l, const Tick& r)
return l.timestamp < r.timestamp;
Now use the function with std::upper_bound:
// Get an iterator pointing to the first element in ticks that is > 214
// I'm assuming the second parameter to Tick's ctor is the timestamp
auto itAbove = std::upper_bound(ticks.begin(), ticks.end(), Tick(Vec3(0, 0, 0), 214), CompareTicks);
if(itAbove == ticks.end())
; // there is nothing in ticks > 214. I don't know what you want to do in this case.
This will give you the first element in ticks that is > 214. Next, you can use lower_bound to find the first element that is >= 214:
// get an iterator pointing to the first element in ticks that is >= 214
// I'm assuming the second parameter to Tick's ctor is the timestamp
auto itBelow = std::lower_bound(ticks.begin(), ticks.end(), Tick(Vec3(0, 0, 0), 214), CompareTicks);
You have to do one extra step with itBelow now to get the first element before 214, taking care not to go past the beginning of the list:
if(itBelow == ticks.begin())
; // there is nothing in ticks < 214. I don't know what you want to do in this case.
Now, assuming you didn't hit any of the error cases, itAbove is pointing to the first element > 214, and itBelow is pointing to the last element < 214.
This assumes your Ticks are in order by timestamp, which seems to be the case. Note also that this technique will work even if there are multiple 214s in the list. Finally, you said the list is short so it's not really worth worrying about time complexity, but this technique could get you logarithmic performance if you also replaced the list with a vector, as opposed to linear for iterative approaches.
The answer to your core question is simple. Don't increment if you are at the end. Don't decrement if you are at the start.
Before incrementing, check.
if ( iter == ticks.end() )
Before decrementig, check.
if ( iter == ticks.begin() )
Your particular example
Looking at what you are trying to accomplish, I suspect you meant to use:
if (iter != ticks.begin())
instead of
if (--iter != ticks.end())
It seems you are relying on the contents of your list being sorted by timestamp.
After your comment, I think what you need is:
if (214>= t.timestamp)
prior = t;
if (++iter != ticks.end())
next = *iter;
if ( 214 <= next.timestep )
found = true;
Update 2
I agree with the comment made by #crashmstr. Your logic can be:
if (214 <= t.timestamp)
next = t;
if ( iter != ticks.begin())
prior = *--(iter);
found = true;
I think you can do what you want with std::adjacent_find from the standard library <algorithm>. By default std::adjacent_find looks for two consecutive identical elements but you can provide your own function to define the relationship you are interested in.
Here's a simplified example:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
struct matcher
matcher(int value) : target(value) {}
bool operator()(int lo, int hi) const {
return (lo < target) && (target < hi);
int target;
int main()
std::list<int> ticks = { 0, 100, 200, 300 };
auto it = std::adjacent_find(ticks.begin(), ticks.end(), matcher(214));
if (it != ticks.end()) {
std::cout << *it << ' ' << *std::next(it) << '\n';
} else {
std::cout << "not found\n";
This outputs 200 300, the two "surrounding" values it found.

Find minimum value different than zero given some conditions

I've started learning C++ Sets and Iterators and I can't figure if I'm doing this correctly since I'm relatively new to programming.
I've created a Set of a struct with a custom comparator that puts the items in a decreasing order. Before receiving the input I don't know how many items my Set will contain. It can contain any number of items from 0 to 1000.
Here are the Setdefinitions:
typedef struct Pop {
int value_one; int node_value;
} Pop;
struct comparator {
bool operator() (const Pop& lhs, const Pop& rhs) const {
if (rhs.value_one == lhs.value_one) {
return lhs.node_value < rhs.node_value;
} else { return rhs.value_one < lhs.value_one;}
set<Pop, comparator> pop;
set<Pop>::iterator it;
And this is the algorithm. It should find a minimum value and print that value. If it does not find (the function do_some_work(...) returns 0), it should print "Zero work found!\n":
int minimum = (INT_MAX) / 2; int result;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
//After reading input and adding values to the SET gets to this part
Pop next;
Pop current;
for (it = pop.begin(); it != pop.end() && minimum != 1; it++) {
current = *it;
temp_it = it;
if (temp_it != pop.end()) {
next = *temp_it;
// This function returns a integer value that can be any number from 0 to 5000.
// Besides this, it checks if the value found is less that the minimum (declared as global) and different of 0 and if so
// updates the minimum value. Even if the set as 1000 items and at the first iteration the value
// found is 1, minimum is updated with 1 and we should break out of the for loop.
result = do_some_work(current.node_value);
if (result > 0 && next.value_one < current.value_one) {
} else {
result = do_some_work(current.node_value);
if (minimum != (INT_MAX) / 2) {
printf("%d\n", minimum);
} else {
printf("Zero work found!\n");
return 0;
Here are some possible outcomes.
If the Set is empty it should print Zero work found!
If the Set as one item and do_some_work(current.node_value) returns a value bigger than 0 it should printf("%d\n", minimum); or Zero work found! otherwise.
Imagine I have this Set (first position value_one and second position node_value:
4 2
3 6
3 7
3 8
3 10
2 34
If in the first iteration do_some_work(current.node_value) returns a value bigger than 0, since all other items value_one are smaller, it should break the loop, print the minimum and exit the program.
If in the first iteration do_some_work(current.node_value) returns 0, I advance in the Set and since there are 4 items with value_one as 3 I must analyze this 4 items because any of these can return a possible valid minimum value. If any of these updates the minimum value to 1, it should break the loop, print the minimum and exit the program.
In this case, the last item of the Set is only analysed if all other items return 0 or minimum value is set to 1.
For me this is both an algorithmic problem and a programming problem.
With this code, am I analysing all the possibilities and if minimum is 1, breaking the loop since if 1 is returned there's no need to check any other items?

Using recursion and backtracking to generate all possible combinations

I'm trying to implement a class that will generate all possible unordered n-tuples or combinations given a number of elements and the size of the combination.
In other words, when calling this:
NTupleUnordered unordered_tuple_generator(3, 5, print);
print() being a callback function set in the constructor.
The output should be:
This is what I have so far:
class NTupleUnordered {
NTupleUnordered( int k, int n, void (*cb)(std::vector<int> const&) );
void Start();
int tuple_size; //how many
int set_size; //out of how many
void (*callback)(std::vector<int> const&); //who to call when next tuple is ready
std::vector<int> tuple; //tuple is constructed here
void add_element(int pos); //recursively calls self
and this is the implementation of the recursive function, Start() is just a kick start function to have a cleaner interface, it only calls add_element(0);
void NTupleUnordered::add_element( int pos )
// base case
if(pos == tuple_size)
callback(tuple); // prints the current combination
tuple.pop_back(); // not really sure about this line
for (int i = pos; i < set_size; ++i)
// if the item was not found in the current combination
if( std::find(tuple.begin(), tuple.end(), i) == tuple.end())
// add element to the current combination
add_element(pos+1); // next call will loop from pos+1 to set_size and so on
If I wanted to generate all possible combinations of a constant N size, lets say combinations of size 3 I could do:
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < 5; ++i1)
for (int i2 = i1+1; i2 < 5; ++i2)
for (int i3 = i2+1; i3 < 5; ++i3)
std::cout << "{" << i1 << "," << i2 << "," << i3 << "}\n";
If N is not a constant, you need a recursive function that imitates the above
function by executing each for-loop in it's own frame. When for-loop terminates,
program returns to the previous frame, in other words, backtracking.
I always had problems with recursion, and now I need to combine it with backtracking to generate all possible combinations. Any pointers of what am I doing wrong? What I should be doing or I am overlooking?
P.S: This is a college assignment that also includes basically doing the same thing for ordered n-tuples.
Thanks in advance!
Just wanted to follow up with the correct code just in case someone else out there is wondering the same thing.
void NTupleUnordered::add_element( int pos)
if(static_cast<int>(tuple.size()) == tuple_size)
for (int i = pos; i < set_size; ++i)
// add element to the current combination
And for the case of ordered n-tuples:
void NTupleOrdered::add_element( int pos )
if(static_cast<int>(tuple.size()) == tuple_size)
for (int i = pos; i < set_size; ++i)
// if the item was not found in the current combination
if( std::find(tuple.begin(), tuple.end(), i) == tuple.end())
// add element to the current combination
Thank you Jason for your thorough response!
A good way to think about forming N combinations is to look at the structure like a tree of combinations. Traversing that tree then becomes a natural way to think about the recursive nature of the algorithm you wish to implement, and how the recursive process would work.
Let's say for instance that we have the sequence, {1, 2, 3, 4}, and we wish to find all the 3-combinations in that set. The "tree" of combinations would then look like the following:
| |
__1_____ 2
| | |
__2__ 3 3
| | | |
3 4 4 4
Traversing from the root using a pre-order traversal, and identifying a combination when we reach a leaf-node, we get the combinations:
{1, 2, 3}
{1, 2, 4}
{1, 3, 4}
{2, 3, 4}
So basically the idea would be to sequence through an array using an index value, that for each stage of our recursion (which in this case would be the "levels" of the tree), increments into the array to obtain the value that would be included in the combination set. Also note that we only need to recurse N times. Therefore you would have some recursive function whose signature that would look something like the following:
void recursive_comb(int step_val, int array_index, std::vector<int> tuple);
where the step_val indicates how far we have to recurse, the array_index value tells us where we're at in the set to start adding values to the tuple, and the tuple, once we're complete, will be an instance of a combination in the set.
You would then need to call recursive_comb from another non-recursive function that basically "starts off" the recursive process by initializing the tuple vector and inputting the maximum recursive steps (i.e., the number of values we want in the tuple):
void init_combinations()
std::vector<int> tuple;
tuple.reserve(tuple_size); //avoids needless allocations
recursive_comb(tuple_size, 0, tuple);
Finally your recusive_comb function would something like the following:
void recursive_comb(int step_val, int array_index, std::vector<int> tuple)
if (step_val == 0)
all_combinations.push_back(tuple); //<==We have the final combination
for (int i = array_index; i < set.size(); i++)
recursive_comb(step_val - 1, i + 1, tuple); //<== Recursive step
tuple.pop_back(); //<== The "backtrack" step
You can see a working example of this code here:
Note that this is not the fastest version of the algorithm, in that we are taking some extra branches we don't need to take which create some needless copying and function calls, etc. ... but hopefully it gets across the general idea of recursion and backtracking, and how the two work together.
Personally I would go with a simple iterative solution.
Represent you set of nodes as a set of bits. If you need 5 nodes then have 5 bits, each bit representing a specific node. If you want 3 of these in your tupple then you just need to set 3 of the bits and track their location.
Basically this is a simple variation on fonding all different subsets of nodes combinations. Where the classic implementation is represent the set of nodes as an integer. Each bit in the integer represents a node. The empty set is then 0. Then you just increment the integer each new value is a new set of nodes (the bit pattern representing the set of nodes). Just in this variation you make sure that there are always 3 nodes on.
Just to help me think I start with the 3 top nodes active { 4, 3, 2 }. Then I count down. But it would be trivial to modify this to count in the other direction.
#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
#include <iostream>
class TuppleSet
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, TuppleSet const& data);
boost::dynamic_bitset<> data; // represents all the different nodes
std::vector<int> bitpos; // tracks the 'n' active nodes in the tupple
TuppleSet(int nodes, int activeNodes)
: data(nodes)
, bitpos(activeNodes)
// Set up the active nodes as the top 'activeNodes' node positions.
for(int loop = 0;loop < activeNodes;++loop)
bitpos[loop] = nodes-1-loop;
data[bitpos[loop]] = 1;
bool next()
// Move to the next combination
int bottom = shiftBits(bitpos.size()-1, 0);
// If it worked return true (otherwise false)
return bottom >= 0;
// index is the bit we are moving. (index into bitpos)
// clearance is the number of bits below it we need to compensate for.
// [ 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 ] => { 3, 2, 1 }
// ^
// The bottom bit is move down 1 (index => 2, clearance => 0)
// [ 0, 1, 1, 0, 1] => { 3, 2, 0 }
// ^
// The bottom bit is moved down 1 (index => 2, clearance => 0)
// This falls of the end
// ^
// So we move the next bit down one (index => 1, clearance => 1)
// [ 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]
// ^
// The bottom bit is moved down 1 (index => 2, clearance => 0)
// This falls of the end
// ^
// So we move the next bit down one (index =>1, clearance => 1)
// This does not have enough clearance to move down (as the bottom bit would fall off)
// ^ So we move the next bit down one (index => 0, clearance => 2)
// [ 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]
int shiftBits(int index, int clerance)
if (index == -1)
{ return -1;
if (bitpos[index] > clerance)
int nextBit = shiftBits(index-1, clerance+1);
bitpos[index] = nextBit-1;
return bitpos[index];
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, TuppleSet const& data)
stream << "{ ";
std::vector<int>::const_iterator loop = data.bitpos.begin();
if (loop != data.bitpos.end())
stream << *loop;
for(; loop != data.bitpos.end(); ++loop)
stream << ", " << *loop;
stream << " }";
return stream;
Main is trivial:
int main()
TuppleSet s(5,3);
std::cout << s << "\n";
Output is:
{ 4, 3, 2 }
{ 4, 3, 1 }
{ 4, 3, 0 }
{ 4, 2, 1 }
{ 4, 2, 0 }
{ 4, 1, 0 }
{ 3, 2, 1 }
{ 3, 2, 0 }
{ 3, 1, 0 }
{ 2, 1, 0 }
A version of shiftBits() using a loop
int shiftBits()
int bottom = -1;
for(int loop = 0;loop < bitpos.size();++loop)
int index = bitpos.size() - 1 - loop;
if (bitpos[index] > loop)
bottom = --bitpos[index];
for(int shuffle = loop-1; shuffle >= 0; --shuffle)
int index = bitpos.size() - 1 - shuffle;
bottom = bitpos[index] = bitpos[index-1] - 1;
return bottom;
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% combinations.m
function combinations(n, k, func)
assert(n >= k);
n_set = [1:n];
k_set = zeros(k, 1);
recursive_comb(k, 1, n_set, k_set, func)
function recursive_comb(k_set_index, n_set_index, n_set, k_set, func)
if k_set_index == 0,
for i = n_set_index:length(n_set)-k_set_index+1,
k_set(k_set_index) = n_set(i);
recursive_comb(k_set_index - 1, i + 1, n_set, k_set, func);
>> combinations(5, 3, #(x) printf('%s\n', sprintf('%d ', x)));
3 2 1
4 2 1
5 2 1
4 3 1
5 3 1
5 4 1
4 3 2
5 3 2
5 4 2
5 4 3