End a regular expression pattern with a string - regex

all. I have spent some time now to learn regular expression, but eventually there is a problem I cannot solve properly.
Lets assume the following 'string' (html-extract):
"{'2018-05-02', '2018-01-05', r, '2018-07-01', '2017-07-02', '2016-07-31' random_text XYCCC Letters and 55565798 ]}"
My intention is, to extract all values from '2018-05-02' ... to (and excluding) random_text. I tried to achieve this through chosing the "anything but" structure to achieve this [^a] (not a):
The above does not do the job, because random is not a string, but a set of characters, hence the 'r' in the string will split my extracted value.
If there is no r in the text before the word random_text, this would work fine:
Is there any way to include a specific string as the end of my sequence. e.g.
start: \'
repeated characters unlike string: [^{my_string}]*
Appreciate any insight :)

This regex will do the job:
'.+'(?= random)
Just replace random with the string you want to exclude at the end.
Demo & explanation


Substitute every character after a certain position with a regex

I'm trying to use a regex replace each character after a given position (say, 3) with a placeholder character, for an arbitrary-length string (the output length should be the same as that of the input). I think a lookahead (lookbehind?) can do it, but I can't get it to work.
What I have right now is:
regex: /.(?=.{0,2}$)/
input string: 'hello there'
replace string: '_'
current output: 'hello th___' (last 3 substituted)
The output I'm looking for would be 'hel________' (everything but the first 3 substituted).
I'm doing this in Typescript, to replace some old javascript that is using ugly split/concatenate logic. However, I know how to make the regex calls, so the answer should be pretty language agnostic.
If you know the string is longer than given position n, the start-part can be optionally captured
and replaced with e.g. $1_ (capture of first group and _). Won't work if string length is <= n.
See this demo at regex101
Another option is to use a lookehind as far as supported to check if preceded by n characters.
See other demo at regex101 (replace just with underscore) - String length does not matter here.
To mention in PHP/PCRE the start-part could simply be skipped like this: ^.{1,3}(*SKIP)(*F)|.

Regex parse a command line string but don't return spaces between quotes

I am using python to parse a string that is passed in by the optparse module.
I want to split the string on certain delimiters but not in between quote marks.
A sample string is:
--state-basedir /dir/dir/dir/ --cmd=\"param load $v2param\" --master=/dev/ttyUSB0 --console --map --out=udp:
This string is passed in as a single optparse argument, I am then going to pass it to another process.
I have been trying various things at http://pythex.org/
The closest I have gotten is:
The issue is that the = sign after --cmd and the space before --master are not matched.
In plain English, this is how I am reading my regex:
match either a space character or an equal character as long as it is not preceded by a quotation mark and as long as it is not proceeded by a combination of any other letter,numbers,punctuation and another quotation mark
I had a feeling that there was something else I was missing, like greediness, so I tried adding ? after my look-ahead and look-behind terms. If I put a ? after my look-behind one I can get the space before --master but if I put the ? after my look-ahead term I get the spaces in the quotation marks now, which I don't want.
The idea here is that I am going to use re.split to handle things.
Thanks for any explanations as to what I am doing wrong.
This is not a regex answer and it's also not pretty, but it is one line.
sum([[x] if '"' in x else re.split(' |=',x) for x in re.split('=(\".+?\" )',a)],[])
['--state-basedir', '/dir/dir/dir/', '--cmd', '"param load $v2param" ', '--master', '/dev/ttyUSB0', '--console', '--map', '--out', 'udp:']
Starting from the re.split('=(\".+?\" )',a)] this splits out text surrounded by quotes (more specifically ="something another thing"). The split pieces are then split further with re.split(' |=',x) if they do not have a " in them, or are just returned as is [x] if they do. The last step is collapsing the resulting 2d list by overloading sum with sum(two_d_list,[]).
I hope this answer helps but I understand if it isn't what you're looking for

R digit-expression and unlist doesn't work

So I've bought a book on R and automated data collection, and one of the first examples are leaving me baffled.
I have a table with a date-column consisting of numbers looking like this "2001-". According to the tutorial, the line below will remove the "-" from the dates by singling out the first four digits:
yend_clean <- unlist(str_extract_all(danger_table$yend, "[[:digit:]]4$"))
When I run this command, "yend_clean" is simply set to "character (empty)".
If I remove the ”4$", I get all of the dates split into atoms so that the list that originally looked like this "1992", "2003" now looks like this "1", "9" etc.
So I suspect that something around the "4$" is the problem. I can't find any documentation on this that helps me figure out the correct solution.
Was hoping someone in here could point me in the right direction.
This is a regular expression question. Your regular expression is wrong. Use:
unlist(str_extract_all("2003-", "^[[:digit:]]{4}"))
or equivalently
sub("^(\\d{4}).*", "\\1", "2003-")
of if really all you want is to remove the "-"
sub("-", "", "2003-")
Repetition in regular expressions is controlled by the {} parameter. You were missing that. Additionally $ means match the end of the string, so your expression translates as:
match any single digit, followed by a 4, followed by the end of the string
When you remove the "4", then the pattern becomes "match any single digit", which is exactly what happens (i.e. you get each digit matched separately).
The pattern I propose says instead:
match the beginning of the string (^), followed by a digit repeated four times.
The sub variation is a very common technique where we create a pattern that matches what we want to keep in parentheses, and then everything else outside of the parentheses (.* matches anything, any number of times). We then replace the entire match with just the piece in the parens (\\1 means the first sub-expression in parentheses). \\d is equivalent to [[:digit:]].
A good website to learn about regex
A visualization tool to see how specific regular expressions match strings
If you mean the book Automated Data Collection with R, the code could be like this:
yend_clean <- unlist(str_extract_all(danger_table$yend, "[[:digit:]]{4}[-]$"))
yend_clean <- unlist(str_extract_all(yend_clean, "^[[:digit:]]{4}"))
Assumes that you have a string, "1993–2007, 2010-", and you want to get the last given year, which is "2010". The first line, which means four digits and a dash and end, return "2010-", and the second line return "2010".

Regex for searching strings matching the following one

I am searching strings matching the following one in my source code:
<CONSTANT_STRING_1>, <CONSTANT_STRING_2> and <CONSTANT_STRING_3> are constant strings like "ABC", ""DEF" and "GHI".
<VARIABLE_DIGITS> is a random number of 14 digits like "12345678901234"
Note: there are white spaces between words.
What I am looking for is to search <CONSTANT_STRING_1> <CONSTANT_STRING_2> <WHATEVER> <CONSTANT_STRING_3>. How can I build the Regex?
I am reading that by "constant string" you mean character strings? If so the below should work to find that full string you are looking for. Btw the website linked below is really great for visualizing this type of problem... give it a try :)
Debuggex Demo
To break it down...
(([a-zA-Z]+\s){2}) means a string of one or more characters comprised of either LC or UC letters followed by a space and that whole thing (chars + space) repeated twice
[0-9]{14}\s 14 digits followed by a space. As #Avinash said \d{14}\s is another way of writing this portion
([a-zA-Z]+)$ Another string of one or more characters. The $ indicates that this ends the string you are searching for
You could try the below regex.
Where, \d{14} matches exactly the 14 digit number.

RegEx matching variable names but not string values

It is hard to find. I need to write lexer and tokenizer for it.
I've got a problem in finding a regex which matches variable names but not string values.
The following should not be matched:
"ala ma kota"
This should be matched:
I already got something like this:
but I don't know how to exclude " chars from the beginning and end of a match.
Thanks for any reply or google links (I couldn't find it - it can be from lmgify ;)).
I interpret variable names as all word character sequences with a min length of 1 and starting with a letter. Your regexp was almost correct then: