Django, how to trigger functions at a specific time? [duplicate] - django

I've been working on a web app using Django, and I'm curious if there is a way to schedule a job to run periodically.
Basically I just want to run through the database and make some calculations/updates on an automatic, regular basis, but I can't seem to find any documentation on doing this.
Does anyone know how to set this up?
To clarify: I know I can set up a cron job to do this, but I'm curious if there is some feature in Django that provides this functionality. I'd like people to be able to deploy this app themselves without having to do much config (preferably zero).
I've considered triggering these actions "retroactively" by simply checking if a job should have been run since the last time a request was sent to the site, but I'm hoping for something a bit cleaner.

One solution that I have employed is to do this:
1) Create a custom management command, e.g.
python my_cool_command
2) Use cron (on Linux) or at (on Windows) to run my command at the required times.
This is a simple solution that doesn't require installing a heavy AMQP stack. However there are nice advantages to using something like Celery, mentioned in the other answers. In particular, with Celery it is nice to not have to spread your application logic out into crontab files. However the cron solution works quite nicely for a small to medium sized application and where you don't want a lot of external dependencies.
In later version of windows the at command is deprecated for Windows 8, Server 2012 and above. You can use schtasks.exe for same use.
**** UPDATE ****
This the new link of django doc for writing the custom management command

Celery is a distributed task queue, built on AMQP (RabbitMQ). It also handles periodic tasks in a cron-like fashion (see periodic tasks). Depending on your app, it might be worth a gander.
Celery is pretty easy to set up with django (docs), and periodic tasks will actually skip missed tasks in case of a downtime. Celery also has built-in retry mechanisms, in case a task fails.

We've open-sourced what I think is a structured app. that Brian's solution above alludes too. We would love any / all feedback!
It comes with one management command:
./ runcrons
That does the job. Each cron is modeled as a class (so its all OO) and each cron runs at a different frequency and we make sure the same cron type doesn't run in parallel (in case crons themselves take longer time to run than their frequency!)

If you're using a standard POSIX OS, you use cron.
If you're using Windows, you use at.
Write a Django management command to
Figure out what platform they're on.
Either execute the appropriate "AT" command for your users, or update the crontab for your users.

Interesting new pluggable Django app: django-chronograph
You only have to add one cron entry which acts as a timer, and you have a very nice Django admin interface into the scripts to run.

Look at Django Poor Man's Cron which is a Django app that makes use of spambots, search engine indexing robots and alike to run scheduled tasks in approximately regular intervals

I had exactly the same requirement a while ago, and ended up solving it using APScheduler (User Guide)
It makes scheduling jobs super simple, and keeps it independent for from request-based execution of some code. Following is a simple example.
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
job = None
def tick():
print('One tick!')\
def start_job():
global job
job = scheduler.add_job(tick, 'interval', seconds=3600)
Hope this helps somebody!

Django APScheduler for Scheduler Jobs. Advanced Python Scheduler (APScheduler) is a Python library that lets you schedule your Python code to be executed later, either just once or periodically. You can add new jobs or remove old ones on the fly as you please.
note: I'm the author of this library
Install APScheduler
pip install apscheduler
View file function to call
file name:
def FirstCronTest():
print("I am executed..!")
Configuring the scheduler
make file and add the below codes
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
Your written functions Here, the scheduler functions are written in scheduler_jobs
import scheduler_jobs
scheduler.add_job(scheduler_jobs.FirstCronTest, 'interval', seconds=10)
Link the File for Execution
Now, add the below line in the bottom of Url file
import execute
You can check the full code by executing
[Click here]

Brian Neal's suggestion of running management commands via cron works well, but if you're looking for something a little more robust (yet not as elaborate as Celery) I'd look into a library like Kronos:
# app/
import kronos
#kronos.register('0 * * * *')
def task():

RabbitMQ and Celery have more features and task handling capabilities than Cron. If task failure isn't an issue, and you think you will handle broken tasks in the next call, then Cron is sufficient.
Celery & AMQP will let you handle the broken task, and it will get executed again by another worker (Celery workers listen for the next task to work on), until the task's max_retries attribute is reached. You can even invoke tasks on failure, like logging the failure, or sending an email to the admin once the max_retries has been reached.
And you can distribute Celery and AMQP servers when you need to scale your application.

I personally use cron, but the Jobs Scheduling parts of django-extensions looks interesting.

Although not part of Django, Airflow is a more recent project (as of 2016) that is useful for task management.
Airflow is a workflow automation and scheduling system that can be used to author and manage data pipelines. A web-based UI provides the developer with a range of options for managing and viewing these pipelines.
Airflow is written in Python and is built using Flask.
Airflow was created by Maxime Beauchemin at Airbnb and open sourced in the spring of 2015. It joined the Apache Software Foundation’s incubation program in the winter of 2016. Here is the Git project page and some addition background information.

Put the following at the top of your file:
import os, sys
sys.path.append('/path/to/') # the parent directory of the project
sys.path.append('/path/to/project') # these lines only needed if not on path
os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'myproj.settings'
# imports and code below

I just thought about this rather simple solution:
Define a view function do_work(req, param) like you would with any other view, with URL mapping, return a HttpResponse and so on.
Set up a cron job with your timing preferences (or using AT or Scheduled Tasks in Windows) which runs curl http://localhost/your/mapped/url?param=value.
You can add parameters but just adding parameters to the URL.
Tell me what you guys think.
[Update] I'm now using runjob command from django-extensions instead of curl.
My cron looks something like this:
#hourly python /path/to/project/ runjobs hourly
... and so on for daily, monthly, etc'. You can also set it up to run a specific job.
I find it more managable and a cleaner. Doesn't require mapping a URL to a view. Just define your job class and crontab and you're set.

after the part of code,I can write anything just like my :)
import os,sys
from impor setup_environ
from store import settings

You should definitely check out django-q!
It requires no additional configuration and has quite possibly everything needed to handle any production issues on commercial projects.
It's actively developed and integrates very well with django, django ORM, mongo, redis. Here is my configuration:
# django-q
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# See:
# Match recommended settings from docs.
'name': 'DjangoORM',
'workers': 4,
'queue_limit': 50,
'bulk': 10,
'orm': 'default',
# Custom Settings
# ---------------
# Limit the amount of successful tasks saved to Django.
'save_limit': 10000,
# See
'catch_up': False,
# Number of seconds a worker can spend on a task before it's terminated.
'timeout': 60 * 5,
# Number of seconds a broker will wait for a cluster to finish a task before presenting it again. This needs to be
# longer than `timeout`, otherwise the same task will be processed multiple times.
'retry': 60 * 6,
# Whether to force all async() calls to be run with sync=True (making them synchronous).
'sync': False,
# Redirect worker exceptions directly to Sentry error reporter.
'error_reporter': {
'sentry': RAVEN_CONFIG,

Yes, the method above is so great. And I tried some of them. At last, I found a method like this:
from threading import Timer
def sync():
do something...
sync_timer = Timer(self.interval, sync, ())
Just like Recursive.
Ok, I hope this method can meet your requirement. :)

A more modern solution (compared to Celery) is Django Q:
It has great documentation and is easy to grok. Windows support is lacking, because Windows does not support process forking. But it works fine if you create your dev environment using the Windows for Linux Subsystem.

I had something similar with your problem today.
I didn't wanted to have it handled by the server trhough cron (and most of the libs were just cron helpers in the end).
So i've created a scheduling module and attached it to the init .
It's not the best approach, but it helps me to have all the code in a single place and with its execution related to the main app.

I use celery to create my periodical tasks. First you need to install it as follows:
pip install django-celery
Don't forget to register django-celery in your settings and then you could do something like this:
from celery import task
from celery.decorators import periodic_task
from celery.task.schedules import crontab
from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
#periodic_task(run_every=crontab(minute="0", hour="23"))
def do_every_midnight():
#your code

I am not sure will this be useful for anyone, since I had to provide other users of the system to schedule the jobs, without giving them access to the actual server(windows) Task Scheduler, I created this reusable app.
Please note users have access to one shared folder on server where they can create required command/task/.bat file. This task then can be scheduled using this app.
App name is Django_Windows_Scheduler

If you want something more reliable than Celery, try TaskHawk which is built on top of AWS SQS/SNS.

For simple dockerized projects, I could not really see any existing answer fit.
So I wrote a very barebones solution without the need of external libraries or triggers, which runs on its own. No external os-cron needed, should work in every environment.
It works by adding a middleware:
import threading
def should_run(name, seconds_interval):
from application.models import CronJob
from django.utils.timezone import now
c = CronJob.objects.get(name=name)
except CronJob.DoesNotExist:
CronJob(name=name, last_ran=now()).save()
return True
if (now() - c.last_ran).total_seconds() >= seconds_interval:
c.last_ran = now()
return True
return False
class CronTask:
def __init__(self, name, seconds_interval, function): = name
self.seconds_interval = seconds_interval
self.function = function
def cron_worker(*_):
if not should_run("main", 60):
# customize this part:
from application.models import Event
tasks = [
CronTask("events", 60 * 30, Event.clean_stale_objects),
# ...
for task in tasks:
if should_run(, task.seconds_interval):
def cron_middleware(get_response):
def middleware(request):
response = get_response(request)
return response
return middleware
from django.db import models
class CronJob(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=10, primary_key=True)
last_ran = models.DateTimeField()

Simple way is to write a custom shell command see Django Documentation and execute it using a cronjob on linux. However i would highly recommend using a message broker like RabbitMQ coupled with celery. Maybe you can have a look at
this Tutorial

One alternative is to use Rocketry:
from rocketry import Rocketry
from rocketry.conds import daily, after_success
app = Rocketry()
def do_daily():
def do_after_another():
if __name__ == "__main__":
It also supports custom conditions:
from pathlib import Path
def file_exists(file):
return Path(file).exists()
#app.task(daily & file_exists("myfile.csv"))
def do_custom():
And it also supports Cron:
from rocketry.conds import cron
#app.task(cron('*/2 12-18 * Oct Fri'))
def do_cron():
It can be integrated quite nicely with FastAPI and I think it could be integrated with Django as well as Rocketry is essentially just a sophisticated loop that can spawn, async tasks, threads and processes.
Disclaimer: I'm the author.

Another option, similar to Brian Neal's answer it to use RunScripts
Then you don't need to set up commands. This has the advantage of more flexible or cleaner folder structures.
This file must implement a run() function. This is what gets called when you run the script. You can import any models or other parts of your django project to use in these scripts.
And then, just
python runscript


django how to automate functions inside file

Well, this question will surely make the delights of the downvotes brigade and may be tagged as" too broad etc", but it is not!, but precisely because it requires "general" knowledge of how things work, I cannot find an answer in the books I have to ask it.
Having my Django application, yes, I can make it interactive by means of the MVC flow. The issue that I have is when I have methods that are not in connection with an html page (that the user sees) but are methods that are supposed to be running constantly in the background. For example, just to illustrate, imagine a code snippet that queries a DB and sends an email with news every 2 hours. It is just not doing anything because I dont know how to "wake that code snippet up".
I dont have that problem if I am writing a desktop application in just python without Django. If I right click and say, run this file, the code will running in the background alright.
Yes, naturally I have heard of cron jobs etc, but so far I see that you can cron-tab a file but how do I crontab a method inside but I suppose that is not either the way to go. I am find that you downvote it, as long as I get an answer.
thank you
I've been using a combination of commands and cron jobs for that purpose.
Write your command, set up your cronjob:
30 3 * * * /home/ubuntu/project/env/bin/python /home/ubuntu/project/ command_name
If you want to execute periodic tasks in Django, then there are multiple options.
Using Crontab.
There are multiple Django crontab apps are available. (django-crontab)
You just need to add the cron function in your settings file.
('*/5 * * * *', 'myapp.cron.my_scheduler')
from myapp.views import send_email
def my_scheduler():
# add logic
Using Celery Beat
I personally prefer Celery over crontab . You can check it here

Send Weekly Email Notifications to Users regarding any changes in data

What are ways to send automatic weekly email notifications to users upon any update or changes in the data in a django project ?
I'll describe the simplest solution I'm aware of. There are also much, much more sophisticated approaches to this problem.
Fundamentally, you need three things:
A task runner (I recommend configuring cron jobs with django-kronos)
An SMTP provider (I recommend Mailgun, which is super simple to set up with Django and gives you some test credits out of the box).
Email templates (write yourself & render to string w/ Django -- Mailgun has some good open source templates as well on their blog)
Example: django-kronos provides decorators for registering functions as cron jobs (this assumes your web server is Linux-based). These jobs can be installed as part of your deploy process from the command line:
./ installtasks
For kronos to find tasks, they must be located in files inside of your apps.
# myapp/
import kronos
from django.contrib.auth.models import user
from import check_for_changes, notify_user_of_change
# Register cron job to run once a week (every Sunday) at midnight
#kronos.register('0 0 * * 0')
def notify_about_changes():
"""Sets up a cron job and runs this service function once a day.
Installed With:
``./ installtasks``
all_my_users = User.objects.all()
for user in all_my_users:
changes = check_for_changes(user)
for change in changes:
notify_user_of_change(user, change)
Note that it's a good practice to keep your task function as "thin" as possible. In your case, you're (a) checking for changes, then (b) notifying about each change. These could each be a function that accepts a user instance as a param, or they could be model methods. In any case, the hard work should be handled elsewhere.
This is a very broad question, so unfortunately the answer is going to be broad as well. The general workflow you're looking for probably starts off with a Signal which you can set up to be activated on update of data.
That signal would then store data about the changes and then use one of many different email options to send email. You could use either built-in Django emails, or use a 3rd party API such as django-mailchimp.
Hopefully this gets you headed in the right direction.

celery save task to database

so in my previous project i used django-celery but in my current project i am using celery because djcelery THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER REQUIRED
Im using Redis as my backend, and i would like to keep track of all the tasks that have executed so that in the future i can do some comparisons like for instance average time that it used to take for a task to complete 6 months ago and now.
I know there are apps like flower but i find it a little buggy and im not sure the tasks are saved or not. I need something a bit more reliable even if that means creating my own model and forcing celery to save the task and the parameters i want and reading it in the admin.
Is this approach correct or is there a built in celery way to keep track of that information?
I'm still using django-celery with recent versions of Celery, because it works well (Django 1.6 and 1.7). It's not needed anymore but you can still use it. The celerycam management command is simple to use, and enables admin monitoring of tasks.
If you're after the official way of doing things, I cannot see better than the celery documentation
django-celery celerycam seems to use the celery console event viewer to do its stuff (code below). The admin integration, however, seems to be the sole work of djcelery. Have a look at djcelery/
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from celery.bin import events
from import app
from import CeleryCommand
ev =
class Command(CeleryCommand):
"""Run the celery curses event viewer."""
options = (CeleryCommand.options
+ ev.get_options()
+ ev.preload_options)
help = 'Takes snapshots of the clusters state to the database.'
def handle(self, *args, **options):
"""Handle the management command."""
options['camera'] = 'djcelery.snapshot.Camera'*args, **options)

Alternative to django-celery to perform asynchronous task in Django?

In my admin I have a form allowing to upload a file to fill the DB.
Parsing and filling the DB take a long time, so I'd like to do it asynchronously.
As recommended by several SO users I tried to install python-celery, but I can't manage to do it (I'm on Webfaction).
Is there any simple, easy-to-install alternative?
If webfaction supports cron jobs you can create your own pseudo broker. You could save your long running tasks to the db and in a 'tasks' table, this would allow you to return a response to the user instantaneously. Then there could be a cron that goes through very frequently and looks for uncompleteled tasks and processes them.
I believe this is what django mailer does
Try Gearman along with it's python client library
It's very easy to setup and run gearman. Try few examples.

Django: can functions within views run continuously even as other requests are made?

I'm trying to create a function that, when called, will extract information from an external source at irregular (and undefined) intervals. This data will then be placed in a database for later retrieval. I want this to be then running in the background even as other page requests are made. Is this possible?
The best way to run a Django function outside the request/response cycle is to implement it as a custom management command, which you can then set to run periodically using cron.
If you're already using it, celery supports periodic tasks using celerybeat, but this requires configuring and running the celerybeat daemon, which can be a headache. Celery also supports long-running tasks (things started in a view, but completing in their own time), as described in your question title.
Since you seem to need the function to be called when a page is loaded, you can put it inside your view as
def my_view(request):
#Call the long running function
#Do view logic and return
return HttpResponse(...)
To handle the long_running_function you could use celery and create a which implements your external data source logic. Creating tasks, adding to the queue and configuring celery is summarized here
If you just need a simpler solution for trying it out, take a look at the subprocess module.
A very similar answer here Django: start a process in a background thread?