django : py runserver command doesnt work - django

I installed python 3.8.1 and django 3.0.3
Following tutorials I already created project but couldnt run server
PS D:\Study\django> django-admin startproject mysite
PS D:\Study\django> py --version
Python 3.8.1
PS D:\Study\django> py -m django --version
PS D:\Study\django> cd .\mysite\
PS D:\Study\django\mysite> py .\ runserver
PS D:\Study\django\mysite> py .\ runserver
PS D:\Study\django\mysite>
My working directory is
and terminal is
I read similar questions here, nothing doesnt help.
What's the issue?

Try this -
PS D:\Study\django\mysite> .\ runserver
PS D:\Study\django\mysite> python runserver
If still nothing seems to work, maybe python or django installation was not successful. In this case, try installing django first, if still not works, try installing python. Hope it will do.


Django 2.1.1 Import Errors

i use vscode on windows10. I just created a Django project+app like this:
In the vscode powershell terminal:
python -m venv venv #createing a virtual environment called venv
.\scripts\activate #activate the virtual environment
pip install django==2.1.1 #install the newest version of Django
python -m pip install --upgrade pip #upgrading pip
pip install requests #install requests for api-requests
django-admin startproject api_order . #creates a django project called api_order
python migrate #create database
python runserver #starting the server
because of the server running in my powershell terminal i take a second powershell terminal and continue with activating the venv and creating a app.
python startapp api_order_app #creating a app called api_order_app
When i now open the python is reporting an problem "E0401:Unable to import 'django.db'" Same for all other imports in every other script.
What did go wrong?
I did this twice always the same problem.
This is how it looks like in the IDE
<img src="">
Thanks in Advance for helping me out.
I figured it out... I wasnt on the right virtualenvironment. But Django was only installed at the venv.
In Visual Studio Code you can choose the environment u want to use in the bottom left corner.
Now everything works just fine.

How do I run Django project in Python 2.7 without using PyCharm IDE

How do I run Django project in Python 2.7 on windows 7 32 bits without using PyCharm IDE?
You can do that by Command Prompt or Terminal
Use this command $ python runserver
For more information check this official documentation of django
Try following these steps:
Open a windows console (cmd)
Install python from: official website
Install django via pip: pip install django
Create your django-project: django-admin startproject project_name
Run it via: python runserver 8000

How can I run a Django server in the Ubuntu subsytem for Windows 10?

I used these commands (Ubuntu Bash in Windows 10 subsystem):
$ pip install virtualenv
$ cd ~
$ virtual venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install django
(venv) $ django-admin startproject mysite
(venv) $ cd mysite
(venv) $ python makemigrations
(venv) $ python migrate
(venv) $ python runserver
Starting development server at
(in Windows 10)
open web browser
typed in URL:
... no response....
Did I miss something? This video show it working, but for me, it doesn't.
your port 8000 could be in use. Run the server on a different port num.
python runserver

"Unknown command syncdb" running "python syncdb"

I want to create the tables of one database called "database1.sqlite", so I run the command:
python syncdb
but when I execute the command I receive the following error:
Unknown command: 'syncdb'
Type ' help' for usage.
But when I run help
I don`t see any command suspicious to substitute
python syncdb
Version of Python I use: 3.4.2 Version of Django I use:1.9
I would be very grateful if somebody could help me to solve this issue.
Regards and thanks in advance
If you look at the release notes for django 1.9, syncdb command is removed.
Please use migrate instead. Moving forward, the migration commands would be as documented here
Please note that the django-1.9 release is not stable as of today.
Edit: Django 1.9 is stable now
the new django 1.9 has removed "syncdb",
run "python migrate",
if you are trying to create a super user, run "python createsuperuser"
$python syncdb is deprecated and not supported now.
So instead of this follow below instructions..
Whatever model you have created:
First run:
$python makemigrations
After running this command you model will be reflected in a migration.
Then you have to run:
$python migrate
Then run server:
$python runserver
Now, your project will run perfectly.
In Django 1.9 onwards syncdb command is removed. So instead of use that one, you can use migrate command,eg: python migrate.Then you can run your server by python runserver command.
Django has removed python syncdb command now you can simply use python makemigrations followed bypython migrate. The database will sync automatically.
You can run the command from the project folder as: "python.exe migrate", from a commandline or in a batch-file.
You could also downgrade Django to an older version (before 1.9) if you really need syncdb.
For people trying to run Syncdb from Visual Studio 2015:
The option syncdb was removed from Django 1.9 (deprecated from 1.7), but this option is currently not updated in the context menu of VS2015.
Also, in case you didn't get asked to create a superuser you should manually run this command to create one: python.exe createsuperuser
Run the command python makemigratons,and than python migrate to sync.
Alternarte Way:
Uninstall Django Module from environment
Edit Requirements.txt a type Django<1.9
Run Install from Requirments option in the enviroment
Try Syncdb again
This worked for me.
I also tried this command. Lastly I found the release note from django
Features removed in 1.9
The syncdb command is removed.
Djnago Releases note 1.9
I had the same problem, the only thing worked for me was this command.
python3 migrate --run-syncdb
Running this got me this result.
Ranvijays-Mac:djangodemo rana.singh$ python3 migrate --run-syncdb
Operations to perform:
Synchronize unmigrated apps: messages, staticfiles
Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, msg, sessions
Synchronizing apps without migrations:
Creating tables...
Running deferred SQL...
Running migrations:
Applying msg.0001_initial... OK

south django migrate

I installed south and I try to use it to migrate now:
./ schemamigration myapp --initial
I get a :
-bash: ./ Permission denied
and if I sudo I get:
sudo: ./ command not found
Whats wrong?
Your isn't executable. Simply pass it to the interpreter instead.
python ...
You could also make it executable:
sudo chmod u+x
So you can run it like ./