(MalformedXML) when calling the PutBucketReplication - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to put a bucket replication cross account by AWS CLI:
aws s3api put-bucket-replication --bucket "mybucket"
--replication-configuration "{\"Role\": \"arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxx:role/buckets-replication\", \"Rules\": [{
\"Status\": \"Enabled\", \"Priority\": 1, \"DeleteMarkerReplication\":
{ \"Status\": \"Enabled\" }, \"Destination\": { \"Bucket\":
\"arn:aws:s3:::mybucket-destination\", \"AccessControlTranslation\": {
\"Owner\": \"Destination\" } } }]}" --region "eu-west-1" --profile
and I get this error:
An error occurred (MalformedXML) when calling the PutBucketReplication
operation: The XML you provided was not well-formed or did not
validate against our published schema
The corresponding Xml is:
<ReplicationConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">
I really don't see what is wrong in the syntax. I followed this documentation: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_PutBucketReplication.html#AmazonS3-PutBucketReplication-request-Role

It seems that
is required, even if set to Disabled.


aws get an embedded dashboard url

I'm trying to use the cli to retrieve an embedded quicksight dashboard url.
However, I keep getting the error QuickSightUserNotFoundException.
I was following this guide to retrieve the url link.
The steps:
aws sts assume-role --role-arn "<ARN>" --role-session-name testsession
which returns
"Credentials": {
"AccessKeyId": "<KEY>",
"SecretAccessKey": "<KEY>",
"SessionToken": "<TOKEN>",
"Expiration": "2019-07-04T04:54:21Z"
"AssumedRoleUser": {
"AssumedRoleId": "<ID>:testsession",
"Arn": "<ARN>/testsession"
Then I execute
aws quicksight get-dashboard-embed-url --aws-account-id <ID> --dashboard-id <ID> --identity-type IAM
which returns the error
An error occurred (QuickSightUserNotFoundException) when calling the GetDashboardEmbedUrl operation: Could not find user information in QuickSight
Assuming now that the user is not part of QuickSight, I execute the command below to add the user
aws quicksight register-user --aws-account-id <ID> --namespace default --identity-type IAM --iam-arn "<ARN>" --user-role READER --session-name "testsession" --email user123#example.com --region us-east-1
which returns
"Status": 201,
"User": {
"Arn": "<ARN>/testsession",
"UserName": "<NAME>/testsession",
"Email": "user123#example.com",
"Role": "READER",
"Active": false,
"PrincipalId": "<ID>"
"RequestId": "<ID>"
Now trying the get url from before again I still get the same error...
Did you create a Policy for the QuickSight user and attach it to the same?
You can check which user is allowed on QuickSight by running the following command:
aws quicksight list-users --aws-account-id <account-id> --namespace default --region <region-name>
This will list all the users who are allowed to use and access your QuickSight instance.
Also, check this latest blog about embedding the QuickSight Analytics:

How pass json value for admin-update-user-attributes operation via cli in aws?

Consider the example:
aws cognito-idp admin-update-user-attributes --user-pool-id myUserPollId
--username myUser
--user-attributes [{"Name": "custom:roles","Value": "ROLE1,ROLE2"}] --region us-east-1
This gets me error:
Invalid JSON:
You can always try using shorthand syntax:
--user-attributes Name="custom:roles",Value="ROLE1,ROLE2"
If you really want to use the JSON syntax, try this:
--user-attributes '[{"Name" : "custom:roles","Value" : "ROLE1,ROLE2"}]'
Ensure that the user-attributes list is enclosed in single quotes
--user-attributes '[{"Name": "phone_number", "Value": "+123434532"},
{"Name": "name", "Value":"name_your"}]'
In case someone get stuck in the same problem again, below are the tested steps to have user attributes updated via aws cli with json file.
Step 0: Setup AWS CLI in case you haven't already. Mac users can run:
brew install awscli
Step 1: Have a valid json handy with you, saved in a file. Sample json with valid format:
"UserAttributes": [{
"Name": "custom:additional-attribute1",
"Value": "Value for additional attribute 1"
"Name": "custom:additional-attribute2",
"Value": "Value for additional attribute 2"
Step 2: Run the following in your console:
aws cognito-idp admin-update-user-attributes --user-pool-id XX-XXXX-X_XXXXXXXXX --username XXXXX#XXXXX.com --cli-input-json file:///Users/YOUR_PATH_TO_THE_FILE/user-attributes.json
--user-pool-id :: Your user pool ID.
--username :: The user you want to udpate.
--cli-input-json :: This is the command that loads json file and parses it.
That's it. If your json is valid and aws cli authorises, the given user record should be updated instantly.

Multipart Upload in AWS failed

I am trying to upload an 18GB .vhd file to S3.
I have done the following process :
aws s3api create-multipart-upload --bucket amcaebucket --key 'multipart/01'
where my-bucket is the name of my bucket.
I got the following response :
"Bucket": "amcaebucket",
"UploadId": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"Key": "multipart/01"
My next command :
aws s3api upload-part --bucket amcaebucket --key 'multipart/01' --part-number 1 --upload-id "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
I got the following error :
An error occurred (AllAccessDisabled) when calling the UploadPart operation: All access to this object has been disabled.
What do I do??

AWS Key management service CLI commands

I am using command :
put-key-policy --key-id <keyid> --policy-name <default> --policy <value>
I get the error
I think its because I didn’t understand the value –policy parameter takes.
Any links I can refer?
I came across the same thing myself and I hope this helps. This was done on a FreeBSD server, so windows users will have to make appropriate adjustments. If you run something like:
$ aws kms put-key-policy --generate-cli-skeleton
You'll get back a skeleton of what the cli is looking for as input:
"KeyId": "",
"PolicyName": "",
"Policy": "",
"BypassPolicyLockoutSafetyCheck": true
Meaning that the allowable input is a piece of JSON with up to 4 possible parameters. In this case we're looking to create a new policy so the only one we really need is "Policy". What's required is a JSON policy in the form of a string. Using the following as an example:
"Version" : "2012-10-17",
"Id" : "key-consolepolicy-3"
First escape the double quotes, giving:
\"Version\" : \"2012-10-17\",
\"Id\" : \"key-consolepolicy-3\"
Then replace the newlines by \n characters, giving:
{\n \"Version\" : \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Id\" : \"key-consolepolicy-3\"\n }
And then we put this into double quotes:
"{\n \"Version\" : \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Id\" : \"key-consolepolicy-3\"\n }"
And finally our file looks like this:
"Policy" : "{\n \"Version\" : \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Id\" : \"key-consolepolicy-3\"\n }"
If you already have a key with a policy you'd like to use then you can simply retrieve it:
$ aws kms get-key-policy --policy-name default --key-id XXXXXXXXX > policy
Whichever way you create it, you can then use the policy in the file to update the policy for the new key:
$ aws kms put-key-policy --key-id YYYYYYYY --policy-name default --cli-input-json file://policy
On Windows, the "file://policy" would be something like: "file://C:\path\to\policyfile.json"
If you're going to use the --policy command line argument rather than a policy in a file, --policy is also looking for a JSON policy in the form of a string, so you need
$ aws kms put-key-policy --key-id YYYYYYYY --policy-name default --policy "{\n \"Version\" : \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Id\" : \"key-consolepolicy-3\"\n }"

Unable to filter on AWS RDS stack-name

Why doesn't this just work? Pulling the tags listed with my rds instance:
aws rds list-tags-for-resource --resource-name arn:aws:rds:eu-central-1:12345678901:db:pa1jyg4oc56mipf
"TagList": [
"Value": "DatabaseRdsInstance",
"Key": "aws:cloudformation:logical-id"
"Value": "production-test-123",
"Key": "aws:cloudformation:stack-name"
"Value": "arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-central-1:12345678901:stack/production-test-123/1234abc-56f9-11e5-b10e-50d501fbb66e",
"Key": "aws:cloudformation:stack-id"
Filtering on one of those tags fails:
aws rds describe-db-instances --filters Name="tag:aws:cloudformation:stack-name",Values=production-test-123
A client error (InvalidParameterValue) occurred when calling the DescribeDBInstances operation: Unrecognized filter name: tag:aws:cloudformation:stack-name
Nor does it work when I leave the tag part from the Name:
aws rds describe-db-instances --filters Name="aws:cloudformation:stack-name",Values="production-test-123"
A client error (InvalidParameterValue) occurred when calling the DescribeDBInstances operation: Unrecognized filter name: aws:cloudformation:stack-name
What am I missing here?
According to the documentation the --filters option is currently unsupported unfortunately.
You will have to perform the filtering on the tags on the client side instead.
Instead of using list-tag-resources you can try with resourcegroupstaggingapi.
aws resourcegroupstaggingapi get-resources --resource-type-filters rds:db --tag-filters Key=aws:cloudformation:stack-id,Values=arn:aws:cloudformation:eu-central-1:12345678901:stack/production-test-123/1234abc-56f9-11e5-b10e-50d501fbb66e. It should work