My ByteBuddy generated classes can't see each other - classloader

I try to basically implement deep mocking graphs of classes (which I won't control in the wild) in order to record what is being called. The quick and dirty version using simply Mockito was surprisingly robust, but I ran into a wall trying to implement it 'properly' (and not have people ask funny questions why they need mockito in the runtime classpath).
Because this is scala, default constructors are unheard of, null values are very rarely handed gracefuly and deeply nested member classes are a norm, hence when I need to instrument a class, I need to provide actual arguments for the constructor, requiring me to instrument those in turn. Relevant snippets from my code:
private def createTracerClass(tpe :Type, clazz :Class[_]) :Class[_] = {
val name = clazz.getName + TracerClassNameSuffix + tpe.typeSymbol.fullName.replace('.', '_')
val builder =
if (clazz.isInterface) //todo: implement abstract methods!!!
ByteBuddy.subclass(clazz, new ForDefaultConstructor).name(name)
else {
val constructors = clazz.getDeclaredConstructors
.filter { c => (c.getModifiers & (PUBLIC | PROTECTED)) != 0 }.sortBy(_.getParameterCount)
if (constructors.isEmpty)
throw new PropertyReflectionException(
s"Can't instrument a tracer for class ${clazz.getName} as it has no accessible constructor."
val best = constructors.head
new ByteBuddy().subclass(clazz, NO_CONSTRUCTORS).name(name)
println("instrumenting " + name + "; class loader: "+clazz.getClassLoader)
val mockClass = builder
.method(not(isConstructor[MethodDescription]())).intercept(to(new MethodInterceptor()))
.defineMethod(TypeMethodName, classOf[AnyRef], PUBLIC).intercept(FixedValue.value(tpe))
.defineField(TraceFieldName, classOf[Trace], PUBLIC)
.make().load(getClassLoader, ClassLoadingStrategy.Default.WRAPPER_PERSISTENT).getLoaded
println("created class " + mockClass +"with classloader: " + mockClass.getClassLoader)
private def instrumentedInstance(clazz :Class[_], modifiers :Int = PUBLIC | PROTECTED) :AnyRef =
if ((clazz.getModifiers & FINAL) != 0)
else {
val mockClass = MockCache.getOrElse(clazz,
clazz.synchronized {
MockCache.getOrElse(clazz, {
println("creating mock class for "+clazz.getName)
clazz.getDeclaredConstructors.filter { c => (c.getModifiers & modifiers) != 0 }
.sortBy(_.getParameterCount) { cons =>
val subclass = ByteBuddy.subclass(clazz, NO_CONSTRUCTORS)
.name(clazz.getName + MockClassNameSuffix)
invoke(cons).onSuper.`with`( :_*)
).make().load(getClassLoader, ClassLoadingStrategy.Default.WRAPPER_PERSISTENT).getLoaded
MockCache.put(clazz, subclass)
println("creating a mock for " + clazz.getName + "; class loader: " + mockClass.getClassLoader)
The issue is in the constructor generator at the bottom of the first method, which uses createInstance to create. That method in turn falls back to instrumentInstance.
The result is that I get a NoClassDefFoundError during load (LoadedTypeInitializer$ForStaticField.onLoad()) because each class is loaded with its own class loader. Unfortunately, though the reason was immediately apparent, it helped me not a bit in trying to make ByteBuddy share a class loader or somehow else make those classes available. I played with all provided arguments to make, load but to no avail; having all calls share a TypePool, different type resolution strategies - nothing except the INJECTION ClassLoaderStrategy which I don't want to use due to its reliance on private APIs which wouldn't make investing my effort into this strategical.
It seems like its a very basic issue and simple to solve, but I browsed through many code samples from other projects and I can't see anything they do differently that should make any difference. Ideas?

It's very likely related to your use of ClassLoadingStrategy.Default.WRAPPER_PERSISTENT. Using this strategy, classes are loaded in an isolated class loader that makes classes invisible to anybody not inheriting from that classes class loader.
For loading a group of classes, you'd probably want to combine all unloaded classes (.merge) and load them alltogether in a single class loader.
Note that you can also create a ByteArrayClassLoader yourself and leave it open for injection. This way later classes can be added using the injecting class loading strategy.


Spock - How to work with repeated interactions

For few test cases I'm trying to follow a DRY principle, where only the interactions are different with same test case conditions. I'm not able to find a way to implement multiple methods in the interaction { } block.
As mentioned in, I'm using interaction { } in the then: block like below:
Java Code:
// legacy code (still running on EJB 1.0 framework, and no dependency injection involved)
// can't alter java code base
public voidGetData() {
DataService ds = new DataService();
ds = ds.findByOffset(5);
Long len = ds.getOffset() // happy path scenario; missing a null check
// other code
// other varieties of same code:
public voidGetData2() {
ItemEJB tmpItem = new ItemEJB();
ItemEJB item = tmpItem.findByOffset(5);
if(null != item) {
Long len = item.getOffset();
// other code
public voidGetData3() {
ItemEJB item = new ItemEJB().findByOffset(5);
if(null != item) {
Long len = item.getOffset();
// other code
Spock Test:
def "test scene1"() {
given: "a task"
// other code ommitted
DataService mockObj = Mock(DataService)
when: "take action"
// code omitted
then: "action response"
interaction {
verifyNoDataScenario() // How to add verifyErrorScenario() interaction to the list?
private verifyDataScenario() {
1 * mockObj.findByOffset(5) >> mockObj // the findByOffset() returns an object, so mapped to same mock instance
1 * mockObj.getOffset() >> 200
private verifyErrorScenario() {
1 * mockObj.findByOffset(5) >> null // the findByOffset() returns null
0 * mockObj.getOffset() >> 200 // this won't be executed, and should ie expected to throw NPE
The interaction closure doesn't accept more than one method call. I'm not sure if it's design limitation. I believe more can be done in the closure than just mentioning the method name. I also tried interpolating the mockObj as a variable and use data pipe / data table, but since it's referring the same mock instance, it's not working. I'll post that as a separate question.
I ended up repeating the test case twice just to invoke different interaction methods. Down the line I see more scenarios, and wanted to avoid copy & paste approach. Appreciate any pointers to achieve this.
Modified shared java code as the earlier DataService name was confusing.
As there's no DI involved, and I didn't find a way to mock method variables, so I mock them using PowerMockito, e.g. PowerMockito.whenNew(DataService.class).withNoArguments().thenReturn(mockObj)
Your application code looks very strange. Is the programming style in your legacy application really that bad? First a DataService object is created with a no-arguments constructor, just to be overwritten in the next step by calling a method on that instance which again returns a DataService object. What kind of programmer creates code like that? Or did you just make up some pseudo code which does not have much in common with your real application? Please explain.
As for your test code, it also does not make sense because you instantiate DataService mockObj as a local variable in your feature method (test method), which means that in your helper method mockObj cannot be accessed. So either you need to pass the object as a parameter to the helper methods or you need to make it a field in your test class.
Last, but not least, your local mock object is never injected into the class under test because, as I said in the first paragraph, the DataService object in getData() is also a local variable. Unless your application code is compeletely fake, there is no way to inject the mock because getData() does not have any method parameter and the DataService object is not a field which could be set via setter method or constructor. Thus, you can create as many mocks as you want, the application will never have any knowledge of them. So your stubbing findByOffset(long offset) (why don't you show the code of that method?) has no effect whatsoever.
Bottom line: Please provide an example reflecting the structure of your real code, both application and test code. The snippets you provide do not make any sense, unfortunately. I am trying to help, but like this I cannot.
In my comments I mentioned refactoring your legacy code for testability by adding a constructor, setter method or an overloaded getData method with an additional parameter. Here is an example of what I mean:
Dummy helper class:
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q58470315;
public class DataService {
private long offset;
public DataService(long offset) {
this.offset = offset;
public DataService() {}
public DataService findByOffset(long offset) {
return new DataService(offset);
public long getOffset() {
return offset;
public String toString() {
return "DataService{" +
"offset=" + offset +
Subject under test:
Let me add a private DataService member with a setter in order to make the object injectable. I am also adding a check if the ds member has been injected or not. If not, the code will behave like before in production and create a new object by itself.
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q58470315;
public class ToBeTestedWithInteractions {
private DataService ds;
public void setDataService(DataService ds) {
this.ds = ds;
// legacy code; can't alter
public void getData() {
if (ds == null)
ds = new DataService();
ds = ds.findByOffset(5);
Long len = ds.getOffset();
Spock test:
Now let us test both the normal and the error scenario. Actually I think you should break it down into two smaller feature methods, but as you seem to wish to test everything (IMO too much) in one method, you can also do that via two distinct pairs of when-then blocks. You do not need to explicitly declare any interaction blocks in order to do so.
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q58470315
import spock.lang.Specification
class RepeatedInteractionsTest extends Specification {
def "test scene1"() {
given: "subject under test with injected mock"
ToBeTestedWithInteractions subjectUnderTest = new ToBeTestedWithInteractions()
DataService dataService = Mock()
subjectUnderTest.dataService = dataService
when: "getting data"
then: "no error, normal return values"
1 * dataService.findByOffset(5) >> dataService
1 * dataService.getOffset() >> 200
when: "getting data"
then: "NPE, only first method called"
thrown NullPointerException
1 * dataService.findByOffset(5) >> null
0 * dataService.getOffset()
Please also note that testing for exceptions thrown or not thrown adds value to the test, the interaction testing just checks internal legacy code behaviour, which has little to no value.

Mocking Test : How-to refactor legacy singleton used in static

Well, I'm looking for the best way to refactor a (huge) legacy code-base and introducing some tests in it..There was no test framework. (yeah, I mean not at all)
It was an JEE 5 application. The goal is to revamp that in JEE7
Let me introduce a quick overview .
The end-users (those of them who are authorized) are free to evolve , configure many aspect of the application behavior by setting in the UI a bunch of preferences.
Theses are stored in an SQL table for the main part (the rest in some xml and properties files).
To fulfill this requirement, there is an #Startup object dedicated to build a sort-of huge map with all key-values.
Then all across the code base when a use case needs to adapt it's processing it checks the current value of the parameter(s) needed to its task.
A real case is that the app has to do a few operations on images;
For instance, Class ImgProcessing has to create thumbnail of a picture via this method :
Optional<Path> generateThumb_fromPath(Path origImg);
for this the method generateThumb_fromPath, calls Thumbnailer,
which uses a generic ImageProcessingHelper,
which holds a few set of generic image related tools and methods,
and specially an static method returning the wished dimensions of the thumbnail to be generated based on the original image constraints and some thumbnail preferences (keys = "THUMBNAIL_WIDTH" and "THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT").
These preferences are the user wishes for what size a thumbnail should have.
So far so good, nothing special.
Now the dark side of this :
The original JEE5 config loader is an bad old fashioned infamous singleton pattern as :
OldBadConfig {
private static OldBadConfig instance ;
public static getInstance(){
// create, initialize and populate our big preferences' map
return instance;
Then all across the whole code-base these preferences are used. In my refactoring effort I've already done using #Inject for injecting the singleton object.
But in static utilities ( no injection point available ) you have lots of this nasty calls :
OldBadConfig.getInstance.getPreference(key, defaultValue)
(Briefly I will explain that I use testNg + Mockito, I don't think the tools are relevant here, it seems to be more about an original terrible design,
but if I HAVE to change my toolbox (Junit or whatever) I will. But again I don't think the tooling is the root problem here. )
Trying to refactor the image part and make it test-friendly., I want to do this test with cut = instance of my Class Under Test:
public void firstTest(){
Optional<Path> op = cut.generateThumb_fromPath(targetPath);
// ..assertThatTheThumbnailWasCreated........
So in a few words ,
the execution flow will be like :
class under test --> some business implementation --> someutilities --> static_global_app_preference ---> other_class-othermethod.finalizingProcessing,
then return to the caller.
My testing effort halts here. How to mock the static_global_app_preference ?
How can I refactor the static_global_app_preference part from
*OldBadConfig.getInstance.getPreference(key, defaultValue)*
to something mockable where I could mock like :
Mockito.when(gloablConf.getPreference("THUMBNAIL_WIDTH", anyString)).thenReturn("32");
I've spent quite a time reading boks, blog posts etc all saying
'(these kind of) Singleton is EVIL'. You should NOT do that !
I think we all agree , thanks.
But what about a real word and effective solution to such really trivial, common tasks?
I can not add the singleton instance (or the preferences'map ) as parameters (because as it is already spread all across the code-base it will pollute all and every classes and methods . For instance in the exposed use case, it will pollute 5 methods in 4 classes just for one, poor, miserable, access to a parameter.
It's really not feasible.
So far I tried to refactor OldBadConfig class in two part : one with all initialization/write stuff,
and the other with only the read parts. that way I can at least make this a real JEE #Singleton and benefits from concurrent access once the startup is over and the configuration all loaded.
Then I tried to make this SharedGlobalConf accessible via a factory, called like :
SharedGlobalConf gloablConf= (new SharedGlobalConfFactory()).getShared();
then gloablConf.getPreference(key, defaultValue); is accessible.
It seems to be a little better than the original bottleneck, but didn't help at all for the testing part.
I thought the factory will ease everything but nothing like that comes out.
So there is my question :
For myself, I can split the OldBadConfig to an startup artefact doing the init and refesh, and to an SharedGlobalConf which is a JEE7 pure Singleton,
Then, as for the legacy use case described here, How Can I make this reasonably mock-able ? Real word solutions are all welcomed.
Thanks sharing your wisdom and skills !
I will like to share my own answer.
Let's say we got these classes after the initial large OldBadConfig class was splitted :
#Startup AppConfigPopulator in charge of loading all information and populating the kind-of internal cache,
which is now a distinct SharedGlobalConf object. The populator is the only one in charge of feeding the SharedGlobalConf via :
public SharedGlobalConf sharedGlobalConf() {
if (sharedGlobalConf.isDirty()) {
return sharedGlobalConf;
private void refreshSharedGlobalConf() {
In all components (by that I mean all Classes holding valid injection points) you just do your classic
#Inject private SharedGlobalConf globalConf;
For static utilities that can not do #Inject, we got an SharedGlobalConfFactory which handles the shared data to everything in a one-liner :
SharedGlobalConf gloablConf = (new SharedGlobalConfFactory()).getShared();
That way our old code base can be smoothly upgraded : #Inject in all valid components, And the (too many) old utilities that we can not reasonably rewrite them all in this refactoring step can get these
*OldBadConfig.getInstance.getPreference(key, defaultValue)*
,simply replaced by
(new SharedGlobalConfFactory()).getShared().getPreference(key, defaultValue);
And we are test-compliant and mockable !
Proof of concept :
A really critical Business demands is modeled in this class :
public class Usage {
static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Usage.class);
private SharedGlobalConf globalConf;#Inject
private BusinessCase bc;public String doSomething(String argument) {
logger.debug(" >>doSomething on {}", argument);
// do something using bc
Object importantBusinessDecision = bc.checks(argument);
logger.debug(" >>importantBusinessDecision :: {}", importantBusinessDecision);
if (globalConf.isParamFlagActive("StackOverflow_Required", "1")) {
logger.debug(" >>StackOverflow_Required :: TRUE");
// Do it !
return "Done_SO";
} else {
logger.debug(" >>StackOverflow_Required :: FALSE -> another");
// Do it another way
String resultStatus = importantBusinessDecision +"-"+ StaticHelper.anotherWay(importantBusinessDecision);
logger.debug(" >> resultStatus " + resultStatus);
return "Done_another_way " + resultStatus;
public void err() {
private void xx() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(" WTF !!!");
To get it's job done , we need a hand from our old companion StaticHelper :
class StaticHelper {
public static String anotherWay(Object importantBusinessDecision) {// System.out.println("zz #anotherWay on "+importantBusinessDecision);
SharedGlobalConf gloablConf = (new SharedGlobalConfFactory()).getShared();
String avar = gloablConf.getParamValue("deeperParam", "deeperValue");
//compute the importantBusinessDecision based on avar
return avar;
Usage of this =
#Named public class Usage {
static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Usage.class);
private SharedGlobalConf globalConf;
private BusinessCase bc;
public String doSomething(String argument) {
logger.debug(" >>doSomething on {}", argument);
// do something using bc
Object importantBusinessDecision = bc.checks(argument);
logger.debug(" >>importantBusinessDecision :: {}", importantBusinessDecision);
if (globalConf.isParamFlagActive("StackOverflow_Required", "1")) {
logger.debug(" >>StackOverflow_Required :: TRUE");
// Do it !
return "Done_SO";
} else {
logger.debug(" >>StackOverflow_Required :: FALSE -> another");
// Do it another way
String resultStatus = importantBusinessDecision +"-"+ StaticHelper.anotherWay(importantBusinessDecision);
logger.debug(" >> resultStatus " + resultStatus);
return "Done_another_way " + resultStatus;
public void err() {
private void xx() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(" WTF !!!");
As you see the old shared key/value holder is still used every where but this time, we can test
public class TestingAgainstOldBadStaticSingleton {
private final Boolean boolFlagParam;
private final String deepParam;
private final String decisionParam;
private final String argument;
private final String expected;
#Factory(dataProvider = "tdpOne")
public TestingAgainstOldBadStaticSingleton(String argument, Boolean boolFlagParam, String deepParam, String decisionParam, String expected) {
this.argument = argument;
this.boolFlagParam = boolFlagParam;
this.deepParam = deepParam;
this.decisionParam = decisionParam;
this.expected = expected;
SharedGlobalConf gloablConf = (new SharedGlobalConfFactory()).getShared();
BusinessCase bc = (new BusinessCase());
Usage cut = new Usage();
public void testDoSomething() {
String result = cut.doSomething(argument);
assertEquals(result, this.expected);
public void setUpMethod() throws Exception {
Mockito.when(gloablConf.isParamFlagActive("StackOverflow_Required", "1")).thenReturn(this.boolFlagParam);
Mockito.when(gloablConf.getParamValue("deeperParam", "deeperValue")).thenReturn(this.deepParam);
#DataProvider(name = "tdpOne")
public static Object[][] testDatasProvider() {
return new Object[][]{
{"**AF-argument1**", false, "AF", "DEC1", "Done_another_way DEC1-AF"},
{"**AT-argument2**", true, "AT", "DEC2", "Done_SO"},
{"**BF-Argument3**", false, "BF", "DEC3", "Done_another_way DEC3-BF"},
{"**BT-Argument4**", true, "BT", "DEC4", "Done_SO"}};
The test is with TestNG and Mockito : it shows how we don't need to do the complex stuff (reading the sql table, the xml files etc..) but simply mock different set of values targeting just our sole business case. (if a nice fellow would accept to translate in other frameworks for those interested...)
As for the initial request was about the design allowing to reasonably refactor a -huge- existing code-base away from the 'static singleton anti-pattern' , while introducing tests and mocks I assume this a quite valid answer.
Will like to hear about your opinion and BETTER alternatives

NUnit 3.X - How to pass dynamic parameters into a TestCase or TestCaseSource?

CGrunddaten m_grdDaten;
public void Init()
m_grdDaten = new CGrunddaten();
m_grdDaten.m_cwdGeoH.m_dW = 325.0;
m_grdDaten.m_cwd_tl.m_dW = 15;
public void TestMethod()
Assert.That(m_grdDaten.m_cwd_pl.m_dW, Is.EqualTo(93344).Within(.1),"Außenluftdruck");
Assert.That(m_grdDaten.m_cwd_pl_neb.m_dW, Is.EqualTo(93147.3).Within(.1), "Außenluftdruck Nebenluftberechnung");
Assert.That(m_grdDaten.m_cwd_pl_pmax.m_dW, Is.EqualTo(92928.2).Within(.1), "Außenluftdruck max. zul. Unterdruck");
Assert.That(m_grdDaten.m_cwdRho_l.m_dW, Is.EqualTo(1.124).Within(.001), "Dichte Außenluft");
Assert.That(m_grdDaten.m_cwdRho_l_neb.m_dW, Is.EqualTo(1.184).Within(.001), "Dichte Außenluft Nebenluftberechnung");
Assert.That(m_grdDaten.m_cwdRho_l_pmax.m_dW, Is.EqualTo(1.249).Within(.001), "Dichte Außenluft max. zul. Unterdruck");
Is there a way to get this in a TestCase or TestCaseSource, so that I have only one Assert-line ?
I'm talking about this:
m_grdDaten.m_cwd_pl.m_dW, 93344
m_grdDaten.m_cwd_pl_neb.m_dW, 93147.3
m_grdDaten.m_cwd_pl_pmax.m_dW, 92928.2
I know that TestCase and TestCaseSource are static.... but is there another way?
The best way to do this test would be using the not-yet-implemented multiple asserts feature, so that all the asserts would run even if some failed.
Since that's not available yet, I can understand your wanting to make this into multiple tests, where each gets reported separately. Using test cases makes this possible, of course, even though this is really logically just one test.
The fact that a test case source method must be static doesn't prevent it from creating an instance of your CGrunddaten class. The tests themselves are all just comparing two doubles for equality and don't need to know anything about that class.
You could write something like this:
private static IEnumerable<TestCaseData> GrundDatenDaten
var gd = new CGrunddaten();
gd.m_cwdGeoH.m_dW = 325.0;
gd.m_cwd_tl.m_dW = 15;
yield return new TestCaseData(gd.m_cwd_pl.m_dW, 93344, .1, "Außenluftdruck");
// und so weiter
public void testMethod(object actual, object expected, object tolerance, string label)
Assert.That(actual, Is.EqualTo(expected).Within(tolerance), label);
However, I don't like that very much as it hides the true function of the test in the data source. I think your original formulation is the best way to do it for now and leaves you with the ability to include the code in an Assert.Multiple block once that feature is implemented.

When using a mocking framework and MSPEC where do you set your stubs

I am relatively new to using MSpec and as I write more and more tests it becomes obvious to reduce duplication you often have to use a base class for your setup as per Rob Conery's article
I am happy with using the AssertWasCalled method to verify my expectations, but where do you set up a stub's return value, I find it useful to set the context in the base class injecting my dependencies but that (I think) means that I need to set my stubs up in the Because delegate which just feels wrong.
Is there a better approach I am missing?
The initialization/setup of stubs belongs to the arrange phase. The arrange phase is used to get the system into a known state before you exercise it.
In MSpec, the arrange phase is performed in Establish fields. For example:
public class When_the_temperature_threshold_is_reached
static ITemperatureSensor Sensor;
static Threshold Threshold;
Establish context = () =>
Sensor = MockRepository.GenerateStub<ITemperatureSensor>();
.Stub(x => x.GetTemperature())
Threshold = new Threshold(Sensor);
Because of = () => Reached = Threshold.IsReached(40);
It should_report_that_the_threshold_was_reached =
() => Reached.ShouldBeTrue();
When you write more tests using that kind of ITemperatureSensor, you should extract a base class that does complicated or repeated setup.
public abstract class TemperatureSpecs
protected static ITemperatureSensor CreateSensorAlwaysReporting(int temperature)
var sensor = MockRepository.GenerateStub<ITemperatureSensor>();
.Stub(x => x.GetTemperature())
return sensor;
public class When_the_temperature_threshold_is_reached : TemperatureSpecs
// Everything else cut for brevity.
Establish context = () =>
Sensor = CreateSensorAlwaysReporting(42);
Threshold = new Threshold(Sensor);
This gives you the advantage that you can influence the stub's return value from the context itself: You do this by keeping as much information as possible local to the context and provide a good name for the "setup" method in the base class.
There is no need to specifiy or expect anything stub-related in Because. When Because is run, your system should be in a state where it can be exercised without further preparation.

Code Design / Testability How To?

My team is designing a library that is wrapping calls to Active Directory to search and return a list of people.
We have a person class that wraps up the information for a person found. We then use the List to wrap them up. When we call the search it uses the internal System.Directory library and returns a SearchResultCollection object. We then iterate through it to build up the list<> and return that.
We have designed the person class to only have read only (get) properties since we don't want the callee to change the person info. We pass in the SearchResult object from the System.Directory library on the constructor of the person.
My issue is we can't test this easily.
My thoughts so far have been:
Pass variables into the person constructor for each property needing to be set.
Unfortunately, this will make for a very long constructor parameter list.... Smells bad to me.
Allow the person class to have setters on the properties.
Again, smells bad to me since we can't control the callee from using this.
I have looked at the extract to interface and adapt parameter techniques. It seems the adapt parameter has the most promise? Adapt parameter seems nice because it does help break the dependency I have on the Directory Library's SearchResult object. So if in the future I wanted to do some other kind of search we are in good shape. At least I think we are?
Sub class the person object and create a test Person with setters....
Seems like it would work but not sure if it's the right way to go?
Mock it
Haven't done any mocking yet so again not sure on this one.
EDIT: If mocking is best idea please let me know... However, I would be interested to know how this would be done without mocking also (or perhaps it really isn't do able without mocking)....
I would appreciate guidance on this one.
Here's a snippet of the code:
public class PeopleSearcher
.... declarations left out....
public List<Person> FindPerson(string FirstName, string LastName, string Login)
...filter setup left out for brevity....
_peopleFound = _directoryToSearch.FindAll();
//Convert to list of persons....
int cnt = 0;
_listOfPeople = new List<Person>();
while (cnt < _peopleFound.Count)
Person p = new Person(_peopleFound[0]);
return _listOfPeople;
public class Person
private string sn;
....further declarations left out for brevity....
public Person(SearchResult PersonFound)
sn = PersonFound.Properties["sn"].Count == 0 ? string.Empty : PersonFound.Properties["sn"][0].ToString();
givenName = PersonFound.Properties["givenName"].Count == 0 ? string.Empty : PersonFound.Properties["givenName"][0].ToString();
sAMAccountName = PersonFound.Properties["sAMAccountName"].Count == 0 ? string.Empty : PersonFound.Properties["sAMAccountName"][0].ToString();
adsPath = PersonFound.Path == null ? string.Empty : PersonFound.Path;
public string LastName
return sn;
.... more getters...
"Mocking" is a word that is usually used for all kinds of test doubles. And most times people or not "mocking", they're faking or stubbing. Anyway, your 4th option (subclass and add setters) sounds to me like the easiest way to go given your codebase assuming you want Person objects to pass toother methods. Because I don't think you're talking about testing that the person object gets the properties set correct by the constructor, right?
Mock it. This is the sort of situation that mocking was invented for. I've only done mocking in Ruby, so I'm not sure of the state of the art for .net, but it should work well.
When mocking it you might realize some areas that should be refactored. This is also a good plan.
In your mock (by framework or otherwise), you're still going to end up having to create Person objects with values, which leads you right back to your original problem.
Fortunately, there are two excellent solutions:
1) Go ahead and add setters to the Person class, but make them protected. This means your mock and test code would have to be in the same package, but would block other users from mutating your Persons. (and we don't want mutants running around - there's been enough of that in the movies lately).
2) Use a Builder class (as Joshua Bloch describes in Effective Java). You'd create a public static PersonBuilder class inside Person, which would export a build method and chainable parameter specifiers (like setters, but not separately callable):
public class Person ....
public static class PersonBuilder {
public PersonBuilder (String firstName, String lastName) {...} // my sample has two required values
public Person build() { ... }
public PersonBuilder ssn (String value) { ... }
public PersonBuilder adsPath (String value) { ... }
The chainable value specifiers look like this:
public PersonBuilder ssn (String value) { = value;
return this;
Then a call to create a Person looks like this:
Person thisPerson = new Person.PersonBuilder ("John", "Smith").ssn("123-45-6789").adsPath("whatever");
This method completely hides the methods which can set the values (indeed, you have no "setters"), but keeps you from having to deal with long constructor argument lists (which makes it easier to deal with optional values).
Incidentally, you also probably want to make Person's constructor private.