How to use Elasticbeanstalk without ngnix (just with application load balancer) - amazon-web-services

I have my server application deployed in AWS with Beanstalk.
I'm using Beanstalk with Application Loadbalancer.
Beanstalk is very handy in autoconfiguring all for me and I like to use it, but,
for now, every Beanstalk instance contains NGNIX for proxy requests, but because I already have LoadBalancer that redirects requests to my server and responsible for SSL certificates, I don't see why I need NGNIX and I want to remove it from configuration (or at least not to use it between LoadBalancer and Application server).
Moreover, during my load testing and hight load, NGNIX causing me troubles (it takes a lot of CPU time, and crying about worker_connections)
But I can't find any option to use my beanstalk with load balancer without NGNIX

I've fixed my problem by configuring load balancer in my EBS. My application was listening on 5000 port (Java), and NGINX redirects from 80 to 5000, Load Balancer sends all requests to 80.
So I have following configuration by default
LB->80:NGNIX->5000:Java server
I've changed in LB Processes from 80 to 5000 so current configuration looks like following: LB->5000:Java server, so LB will redirect all requests directly to my service.
You can see configuration details in
documentation #processes paragraph


AWS Elastic Beanstalk load balancer is redirecting to HTTPS - does my app still need UseHttpsRedirection() and UseHsts()?

First, let me say that this is the first time I have written an ASP.NET Core 3.1 web app and first time learning AWS with Elastic Beanstalk. So if it seems like I'm confused... it's because I am. ;-)
I have two AWS environments - one is Staging and one is Production. The Staging environment has no SSL certificate and no load balancer. It only listens on port 80.
Production has a load balancer set up with my SSL certificate, and is set up to redirect all port 80 traffic to port 443.
Port 80 = Redirect to https://#{host}:443/#{path}?#{query}
Status code:HTTP_301
Port 443 = Forward to my-target-group: 1 (100%)
Group-level stickiness: Off
When I generated the new web app in VS 2019, I opted in on HTTPS/HSTS by checking "Configure for HTTPS". So it has this in Startup.cs:
if (env.IsDevelopment())
// The default HSTS value is 30 days. You may want to change this for production scenarios, see
I am getting this error in my Windows event log in Staging and Production: “Failed to determine the https port for redirect”
I tried the suggestion from Enforce HTTPS in ASP.NET Core
services.AddHttpsRedirection(options =>
options.HttpsPort = 443;
But that messed up the Staging environment because there's nothing listening on port 443.
Since Staging is only using HTTP, and Production is redirecting to HTTPS at the load balancer, should I just remove the UseHsts() and UseHttpsRedirection() altogether from my Startup? Will that pose any security problems - I do want traffic encrypted over the internet but I don't think it's necessary between the load balancer and the EC2 instance, correct?
Or do I need Forwarded headers, as suggested at Configure ASP.NET Core to work with proxy servers and load balancers?
I do want traffic encrypted over the internet but I don't think it's necessary between the load balancer and the EC2 instance, correct?
Correct. That's how it is usually setup. So you usually would have SSL termination on your load balancer (LB), and then from LB to your instance it would be regular http traffic:
does my app still need UseHttpsRedirection() and UseHsts()?
No, as your app is just recieving http traffic only from the LB.

Secure Web Socket (wss) using AWS Load Balancer

I have a small nodejs application containing a web socket server.
The app is hosted inside an ecs container so it is basically a docker image running on an ec2 instance.
The web socket works as expected over ws://. I use port 5000 for this.
In order to use it on my SSL secured website (https), i need to use a secured web socket connection over wss://.
To archive that I've created a certificate on aws (like many times before) and after I create a load balancer.
I tried an application load balancer, a network load balancer and the classic load balancer (previous generation).
I read a few answers here on StackOverflow and followed the instructions as well as some tutorials found using google.
I tried a lot without success. Of course, this takes a lot of time because the creation of a load balancer and other resources takes quite a bit of time.
How I create a load balancer on aws pointing to my instance with wss://. Could someone please provide an example or instructions?
The solution posted appears to work well.
Rather than selecting https and http, select the 'SSL' on port 443 and 'TCP' on your applications port (eg 5000)
You'll need to load your key/certificate via AWS and the loadbalancer will handle the secure part. I suspect you can not take advantage of 'sticky' features of the LB with this method.

AWS Beanstalk Load Balancer to non HTTP port

I created a AWS Beanstalk environment, which comes with the default url ( pointing to the load balancer on port 80. This is served by the default apache that runs on the instance I suppose.
On the instances, I also have Nginx running, listening on port 8001 (for my Django+Gunicorn app). When I use the above url with port 8001 ( in the browser, Nginx never gets the request. If I use the public IP of an instance instead it works fine.
Is what I am trying to do even supported ? To have the load balancer url go to any port on the EC2 ? Or do I need to create a new load balancer pointing to 8001 and use that instead ? How do I tell my beanstalk configuration then to use both load balancers ?
Just added a new listener to the existing load balancer (from EC2 management console), selected listening port as 8001 and instance port as 8001. Also made sure the security group of the load balancer and instances matches up.
The load balancer url now works with both, the default HTTP port and 8001.

Django Elastic Beanstalk App - Cannot Set Secure Listener Port to 443: LoadBalancerHTTPSPort

I'm a pretty new developer and deployed my first Django app via Elastic Beanstalk. I want to serve https requests and have configured my SSL certificate and have my load balancer set up correctly. When I go into EB > Configuration > Secure listener port and set it to 443 I'm getting the error upon saving:
LoadBalancerHTTPSPort: You have specified both the #deprecated(
option as well as one in the new aws:elb:listener:443 namespace.
The option will be ignored.
Not sure what I'm missing because I'm still not able to serve https requests
I had the same problem with a NodeJS Elastic Beanstalk app. However, I was able to get around it by updating the Listener/Certificate settings via the AWS EC2 console (, via the Load Balancers section (under LOAD BALANCING).
I was updating the certificate for a staging version of a cloned environment. This was the only way I could assign a different certificate to the staging environment.
See more at

Amazon Elastic BeansTalk Nginx configuration

I've been searching a solution how to configure nginx proxy server to work with websockets. I have ready found a bunch of solutions make that. But, these scripts patch nginx.conf in the instances. But my instances don't have nginx running. Nginx is run on a balancer.
So my question is how to patch nginx config on a balancer.
Your question is confusing, because you are saying you are using ELB and you want Nginx. But you can't get websockets in Nginx with normal ELB, and you probably don't need Nginx with ELB except in specific situations.
You have two choices:
1) Continue to use ELB and Elasticbeanstalk. The problem is that ELB doesn't support websockets at all. See this article. You'll need to stop using ELB as a HTTP proxy, and start using it as a TCP proxy. The downside is that your app will now be exposed to your servers going up and down. (In a HTTP proxy, each request can go to a different server. In a TCP proxy, the request stays alive for the whole session, so when the server goes down, your client must 'deal with it.')
2) Run your own load balancer. Best practice is EIP + Nginx + HAProxy. This is quite a different question.