why AWS file size is different between Redshift and S3? - amazon-web-services

I'm UNLOADing tables from Redshift to S3 for backup. So I am checking to make sure the files are complete if we need them again.
I just did UNLOAD on a table that has size = 1,056 according to:
select "table", size, tbl_rows
FROM svv_table_info;
According to the documentation, the size is "in 1 MB data blocks", so this table is using 1,056 MB. But after copying to S3, the file size is 154 MB (viewing in AWS console).
I copied back to Redshift and all the rows are there, so this has to do with "1 MB data blocks". This is related to how it's saved in the file system, yes?
Can someone please explain? Thank you.

So you're asking why the SVV_TABLE_INFO view claims that the table consumes 1 GB, but when you dump it to disk the result is only 154 MB?
There are two primary reasons. The first is that you're actively updating the table but not vacuuming it. When a row is updated or deleted, Redshift actually appends a new row (yes, stored as columns) and tombstones the old row. To reclaim this space, you have to regularly vacuum the table. While Redshift will do some vacuuming in the background, this may not be enough, or it may not have happened at the time you're looking.
The second reason is that there's overhead required to store table data. Each column in a table is stored as a list of 1 MB blocks, one block per slice (and multiple slices per node). Depending on the size of your cluster and the column data type, this may lead to a lot of wasted space.
For example, if you're storing 32-bit integers, one 1MB block can store 256,000 such integers, requiring a total of 4 blocks to store 1,000,000 values (which is probably close to number of rows in your table). But, if you have a 4-node cluster, with 2 slices per node (ie, a dc2.large), then you'll actually require 8 blocks, because the column will be partitioned across all slices.
You can see the number of blocks that each column uses in STV_BLOCKLIST.


Redshift table sizes & flavours of

Confused by the term 'table size' in Redshift.
We have :
"Size of table in 1MB blocks"
"Percent of available space used"
... so I assume that a lot of the 'size' is empty space due to sort keys etc
Then we have this..
.. which uses the term 'minimum' table size.
But nowhere can I find an explanation of what they means in the real world ? Is this a theoretical minimum if optimally configured ?
Ultimately I need to find out the basic size of original tangible data without any overheads.
Then yes, how much disc space is it actually costing to store it in Redshift.
So if I took 1TB out of our on-prem database and shoved it into Redshift, I'd be looking to see something like 1TB (data) & 1.2TB (data + Redshift overheads).
Hope someone can help clarify 🤞
Redshift stores data in 1MB blocks and blocks are associated with a slice and a column. So if I have 2 slices in my cluster and a table with 4 columns (plus the 3 system columns to make 7) distributed as EVEN containing at least 2 rows, then my table will minimally take up 2 X 7 X 1MB of space (14MB on disk). This is all that article is saying.
Now if I insert 2 additional rows into this table, Redshift will makes new blocks for this data. So now my 4 rows of data take up 28MB of space. However, if I Vacuum the table the wasted space will be reclaimed and the table size will come back down to 14MB. (yes this is a bit of an oversimplification but trying to get the concepts across)
As a rule of thumb a single 1MB block will typically hold between 100,000 rows and 2,000,000 rows of compressed data. (yes this depends on the data not being monster varchars) So for our table above I can keep adding rows (and vacuuming) without increasing the table size on disk until I get a few hundred thousand rows (per slice) in the table. Redshift is very efficient at storing large chunks of data but very inefficient at storing small ones.
What Redshift knows about your data size is how many blocks it takes on disk (across all the nodes, slices, and columns). How big your data would be if it was stored differently (not in blocks, compressed or uncompressed) is not data that is tracked. As John noted, for big tables, Redshift stores data more efficiently than most other database (when compression is used).
You cannot translate from an existing database size to the size of a table in Redshift. This is because:
Columns are stored separately
Minimum block size is 1MB
Data in Redshift is compressed, so it can take considerably less space depending on the type of data and the compression type chosen
Given compression, your data is likely to be smaller in Redshift than an original (uncompressed) data source. However, you can't really calculate that in advance unless you have transferred similar data in the past and apply a similar ratio.

How does Amazon Redshift reconstruct a row from columnar storage?

Amazon describes columnar storage like this:
So I guess this means in what PostgreSQL would call the "heap", blocks contain all the values for one column, then the next column, and so on.
Say I want to query for all people in their 30's, and I want to know their names. So columnar storage means less IO is required to read just the age of every row and find those that are 30-something, because all the other columns don't need to be read. Also maybe some efficient compression can be applied. That's neat, I guess.
Then what? This data structure alone doesn't explain how anything useful can happen after that. After determining what records are 30-something, how are the associated names found? What data structure is used? What are its performance characteristics?
If the Age column is the Sort Key, then the rows in the table will be stored in order of Age. This is great, because each 1MB storage block on disk keeps data for only one column, and it keeps note of the minimum and maximum values within the block.
Thus, searching for the rows that contain an Age of 30 means that Redshift can "skip over" blocks that do not contain Age=30. Since reading from disk is the slowest part of a database, this means it can operate much faster.
Once it has found the blocks that potentially contain Age=30, it reads those blocks from disk. Blocks are compressed, so they might contain much more data than the 1MB on disk. This means many rows can be read with fewer disk accesses.
Once those blocks are decompressed into memory, it finds the rows with Age=30 and then loads the corresponding blocks for the Name column. The compression ratio would be different for the Name column since it is text and is not sorted, so this might result in loading more blocks from disk for Name than for Age.
Redshift then assembles the data from Name and Age for the desired rows and performs any remaining operations.
These operations are also parallelized across multiple nodes based on the Distribution Key, which distributed data based on a given column (or replicates it between nodes for often-used tables). Data is typically distributed based upon a column that is frequently used in JOIN statements so that similar data is co-located on the same node. Each node returns its data to the Leader Node, which combines the data and provides the final results.
Bottom line: Minimise the amount of data read from disk and parallelize operations on separate nodes.
AFAIK every value in the columnar storage has an ID pointer (similar to CTID you mentioned), and to get the select results Redshift needs to find and combine the values with the same ID pointer for each column that's selected from the raw data. If memory allows it's stored in memory, unless it's spilling to disk. This process is called materialization (don't confuse with materialized view materialization). In your case there are 2 technically possible scenarios:
materialize all Age/Name pairs, then filter by Age=30, and output the result
filter Age column by Age=30, get IDs, get Name values with corresponding IDs, materialize pairs and output
I guess in this case #2 is what happens because materialization is more expensive than filtering. However, there is a plenty of scenarios where this is much less obvious (with complex queries and aggregations). It is the responsibility of the query optimizer to decide what's better. #1 is still better than the row oriented because it would still read just 2 columns.

Why Amazon Redshift UNLOAD performance is much better for fresh data?

I wonder why unloading from a big table (>100 bln rows) when selecting by a column, which is NOT a sort key or a part of sort key, is immensely faster for newly added data. How Redshift understands that it is time to stop sequential scan in the second scenario?
Time the query spent executing. 39m 37.02s:
UNLOAD ('SELECT * FROM production.some_table WHERE daytime BETWEEN
\\'2017-01-15\\' AND \\'2017-01-16\\'') TO ...
Time the query spent executing. 23.01s :
UNLOAD ('SELECT * FROM production.some_table WHERE daytime BETWEEN
\\'2017-06-24\\' AND \\'2017-06-25\\'') TO ...
Amazon Redshift uses zone maps to identify the minimum and maximum value stored in each 1MB block on disk. Each block only stores data related to a single column (eg daytime).
If the SORTKEY is not set to daytime, then the data is unsorted and any particular date could appear in many different blocks. If SORTKEY is used, then a particular date will only appear in a minimum number of blocks.
Your second query possibly executes faster, even without a SORTKEY, because you are querying data that was probably added recently and is therefore all stored together in just a few blocks. The historical data might be spread in many blocks because a VACUUM probably reordered the data based upon the correct SORTKEY. In fact, if you did a VACUUM now, you might find that your second query becomes slower.

VoltDB is exhausting the RAM while loading the data

I am trying to load the database tables into VoltDB database using csvloader utility of VoltDB. When I am trying to load one table of size 5GB, Voltdb eats the RAM so fast that free RAM become 200 MB from 55 GB, then the VoltDB process gets killed by the system.
What can be the reason for this and what are the recommended setting for VoltDB to avoid this?
Is the table you are loading partitioned? That's the first thing to check, because if you have the default sitesperhost=8 on a single server, and the table is not partitioned, there will be a complete copy of the table in each of the 8 partitions. If the table is partitioned, the data is distributed among the partitions based on the hashing assignment of the values of the partitioning key column.
If it's partitioned and you still can't load all of the data, the next thing to look at would be the schema. There are formulas in the Planning Guide that describe the memory usage for given datatypes and for indexes. The VMC interface also has a sizing worksheet that gives you the mins and maxes based on the schema. You could also post the definition of the table you are trying to load, along with any indexes you have defined on it, and we can explain more about the bytes it would use per row.

how gemfirexd store the table data file greater than its in_memory?

i have in-memroy of 4GB.the data file iam going to load into GEMFIREXD is of 8GB. how in-memory organize the Remaining data 4 GB data.i read about EVICTION Class but i didn't get any clarification.
While loading the data it copied into disk OR after filling the 4GB it start coping into disk?
help onthis ..
thank you
If you use the EVICTION clause without using the PERSISTENT clause, the data will start being written to disk once you reach the eviction threshold. The least recently used rows will be written to disk and dropped from memory.
If you have a PERSISTENT table, the data is already on disk when you reach your eviction threshold. At that point, the least recently used rows are dropped from memory.
Note that there is still a per row overhead in memory even if the row is evicted.
Doc reference for details:
- http://gemfirexd.docs.pivotal.io/latest/userguide/index.html#caching_database/eviction_limitations.html