Drupal-8 Commerce - Adding multiple add to cart buttons to multiple product variations - drupal-8

I want to display multiple variations for a product as follows:
each variation has different colors which can be purchased in different sizes.
I want all the color variations to be displayed on the product display but have a separate add to cart for each different size for the ordering.
Something like how the product variations and prices are displayed according to color here:
I am using the Commerce Variation Cart Form and it displays all my color options nicely but I need to add in different prices (for the different quantities) for each color variation.
The pricing table will not work here since I need different add to cart buttons per variation.


SSAS Tabular / Dax: Show sum of a measure on parent level in Parent-Child-hierarchy

I have a SSAS tabular model with a parent-child hierarchy and around 10 measures within different display folders.If I open up the parent level of the hierarchy the measures of the parent level are not shown any more. Only the children elements are showing those measures. Is there any option to show also the measures on parent level ? (In the image I would expect the sum of the child elements in the yellow marked row.) Any help is much appreciated.
enter image description here

Product colour swatches connected to colour selection

The way that colour selection works is it's not connected when a customer clicks on a certain selection it won't bring up the product swatch to match the colour they've selected, I'm only allowed 5 templates that they have to manually swipe through with the inability to show all colours past 5 as well. Is there a solution or possibly a way to incorporate a new feature on the big cartel e-commerce platform to allow this?

Power BI. Drill down on pie chart by filtering

I have a pie chart which shows the distribution of groups, and when I drill down on it, it will show the distribution of departments by selected group. I also have a slicer to filter the pie chart by groups.
I want to be able to drill down to the second level. Basically getting to the second image by using the slicer. Is it possible in Power BI, or do I need custom visuals?
Ok, I have a 'hack' for you to consider.
1) Create two pie charts, one for group and one for department
2) Add a row to your dataset
Group:"_All" | Department:"_All"
3) Modify your interactions so that chances to the slicer don't filter the 'Groups' pie chart
4) Add a filter to both of the pie charts to exclude group _All
5) Drag the Department pie exactly on top of the Group pie.
When you have _All selected in the slicer, that will collide with the filters in your departments pie, it won't show anything at all, and the 'Groups' pie will be visible underneath. Otherwise, filtering for any of the other groups will cause the Departments pie to show on top, filtered properly.
There's a lot of drawbacks. Data labels, differences in size, titles -- all that stuff has to be turned off because they cause overlapping and it looks horrible. Mouseover is a little weird, and all cross filtering / highlighting from other visuals has to be considered and managed.
But, in the golden path, it will at least look like it's supposed look.

Cfimage and dynamically naming the "name" portion of the cfimage tag

I have a page that displays a series of available items for the public to purchase. Each of these items displays the image for the related product. My cfimage code is made to scale-to-fit the stored image.
Normally the displayed results will all show different products and their corresponding images. However, when I use the code all of my products show the same image, instead of showing the images that are linked to each product via a file path stored in the database. Is there a way to set the "name="myImage" dynamically so that each image will display and scale properly?

Infragistics UltraGrid rows displayed from bottom to top

I need to display rows in UltraGrid starting from bottom and going towards the top rather then normally where they are displayed from the top to the bottom.
Is there a setting of a property that needs to be set to achieve this display? I can't seem to find it.
Example of required layout
This functionality isn't built into the WinGrid control and you should log a new product idea on the NetAdvantage for Windows Forms product idea page for this if you are looking for this functionality.
You may be able to do something like this using a creation filter to move the existing rows if there are not enough rows to fill the grid. If you do pursue this you would still need to sort the rows so that they are already in the correct order first and they you would move the existing rows down when they don't fill the entire grid. There are more details on creation filters in the help.