DB publish issue on always encrypted db, Value cannot be null. Parameter name: reportedElement - visual-studio-2017

I'm using Visual Studio database projects to publish db.
Added column encryption on columns of existing table. When I try to publish, I get a popup in Visual Studio that says "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: reportedElement".
If I don't encrypt the column, it works.
Visual Studio Error
What can do to solve this?
Using SQL server 2016, VS2017

Understood the issue. Due to encryption default constraint was removed which made column nullable. So just removed the default value and made column not nullable Publish was also having some default basic data inserts. So changed scripts to remove them, or other option could be to use sql execute in case to insert


I did Migration process and I didn't get error but I am missing my database and table in sql. VS not transferring the data to sql

Hi I am the beginner developer, I am trying to send my data to sql from VS and I did Migration process. in packing manager console I wrote enable-migration and now I got configuration file also and after than I changed the value from false to true and wrote update-database I am not getting error its just says
PM> update-database
Specify the '-Verbose' flag to view the SQL statements being applied to the target database.
No pending explicit migrations.
Running Seed method.
and when I checked sql there is no my database also any tables
I am trying to make travel website and there are some page exist and I got some models files of them and I guess I need to create connection between sql and vs I had the code in vstudio but when I try to create database and tables with my datas in studio, its not happening

PowerBI Athena Beta Connector Details: "We cannot convert the value null to type Record."

I am trying to connect to AWS Athena from Power BI using the new Athena connector. The first page prompts for a DSN which I supply (and which works when connecting through the old ODBC method) but when the new connector attempts to connect with this DSN the following error is thrown:
Unable to connect
We encountered an error while trying to connect. Details: "We cannot
convert the value null to type Record."
I had the same issue and I figured out the reason it was happening. When you mention your DSN in the Amazon Athena (Beta), the next thing it will ask is your login (which has two options).Do not take the 2nd option. Pick the first option where the all setting are pulled from your DSN settings, which you did to setup your datasource.
Now if you once did it wrong, It won't ask you again the same things to fix it. Create a new powerbi file and do the steps.
As Janzaib mentioned above, you picked the wrong option when you set up your datasource. But you don't need to create a new file. You can click Data source settings and then find the name of the DSN and edit the permissions. Then the setting is pulled from your DSN and you are good to go.
I had to do a strange workaround to get this to work for me. When I selected the Amazon Athena connection type in PowerBI, typed in the DSN name, and hit OK, I got the error above with no way to correct it. To get it to work, I typed a dummy name in the Role entry ("xyz") before hitting OK. Then I was presented with an authentication dialog - where I could select "Use Data Source Configuration," which would work.

Connect Power BI to Greenplum error "unrecognized configuration parameter ssl_renegotiation_limit"

I've encountered "unrecognized configuration parameter ssl_renegotiation_limit" when im trying to connect Power BI to Greenplum DB (PostgreSQL 8.2.15 and this GP DB using SSL) and I've already add my GP DB SSL certificate to my machine.
in the online documentation suggest to set ssl_renegotiation_limit parameter in postgresql.conf to '0' to avoid this kind of error, but the problem is I can't find any ssl_renegotiation_limit parameter in my postgresql.conf file.
is there any other way to setup the ssl_renegotiation_limit parameter in GP DB or there's another way to avoid the error above?
This Power BI thing seems to be vintage software. ssl_renegotiation_limit has been removed from PostgreSQL years ago. Greenplum, on the other hand, maybe never had the parameter at all, because it is such an old fork.
You should use a version of Power BI that has got hip to the fact that there is no such parameter in PostgreSQL. If there is no such version, report it as a bug.

Auto Create statistics in Azure SQL DW

In Azure SQL Datawarehouse i just used the below tsql code to enable auto statistics creation.The command ran successfully , but when i checked in database properties under option tab Auto Create Statistics is till set to False.
Please let me know if i'm missing here something. I have the db_owner access for the database also.
I'm guessing that you are using SQL Server Management Studio.
I was able to reproduce the symptom by turning off and on auto_create_statistics.
The issue appears to be that the database metadata is cached in SSMS. Right-click the database name and select "Refresh" before selecting "Properties". Using this method I got the correct setting for auto_create_statistics showing up each time.
My tests were done using SSMS 17.7
(The need to refresh the database metadata can also occur when adding or removing tables, columns, etc)
You can also query sys.databases, the is_auto_create_stats_on column.

SSRS (SSDT 15.1.6, with Visual Studio 2017) no longer supports query building using query strings?

I haven't worked in SSRS for a few years. But I recently changed jobs and my new responsibilities include a heavy dose of report building. In my experience with SSRS I've always been able to build a dataset by including a query string. (See first image.) But I'm using SSRS via a Sql Server Data Tools install in Visual Studio 2017 for the first time, and I have been unsuccessful in sussing out how to include a query string when building a new report. This newer version seems to only offer a graphical, drag-n-drop solution. (See second image.)
How do I create a dataset that relies on a query string, or barring that, is there a way to build a dataset that relies on joined tables, with filters?
Old query designer in SSRS
New query dataset builder
You can still write your own queries. Skip the wizard and start a blank report. Right click data sources and add your SQL server. Then right click Datasets and add a new one. Select "Use a dataset embedded in my report" and your SQL server as the data source.
Now you should see the query window and you can click Query Designer below it. In the top left of the query designer there is an "Edit as Text" button that will allow you to write it out.
Once you have your dataset made you can quickly get back to the query designer by right clicking the dataset and selecting "Query..."