Postman:Execute request in collection runner after successfully completing first request - postman

I am trying to deploy cloud VM’s using Postman and below is the workflow that I am trying accomplish.
1.) Send request to deploy VM image. (it may take few minutes for the vm to be successfully deployed).
2.) Send another request to check the status of VM deployment , check response for completion.
3.) If response is not completed , send another health check request after 10 seconds, until response contains completed.
4.) If response for above health is successful , execute next request in collection.

Add the below logic as test script for the request to check the status of VM deployment.
Send a request to check for the deploy status.
If deploy is not complete, add a wait time of 10 seconds.
setTimeout(function(){}, 10000);
Set the next request as check status
postman.setNextRequest("request name of check deploy status")
If the deploy is complete, using postman.setNextRequest() continue with the next request in collection
If deploy is not complete, repeat with a delay and using postman.setNextRequest(), run the check status request again.


gUnicorn/Flask/GAE - two processes started for processing the same http request

I have an app on Google AppEngine (Python39 standard env) running on gUnicorn and Flask. I'm making a request to the server from client-side app for a long-running operation and seeing that the request processed twice. The second process (worker) started after a while (a hour and a half) after the first one has been working.
I'm not sure is it related to gUnicorn specifically or to GAE.
The server controller has logging at the beginning :
#app.route("/api/campaign/generate", methods=["GET"])
def campaign_generate():'Entering campaign_generate');
# some very long processing here
The controller is called by clicking a button from the UI app. I checked the network in DevTools in the browser that only one request fired. And I can see that there's only one request in server logs at the moment of executing of workers (more on this follow).
The whole app.yaml is like this:
runtime: python39
default_expiration: 0
instance_class: B2
max_instances: 1
entrypoint: gunicorn -b :$PORT server.server:app --timeout 0 --workers 2
So I have 2 workers with infinite timeouts, basic scaling with max instances = 1.
I expect while the app is processing one request for a long-running operation, another worker is available for serving.
I don't expect the second worker will used to processing the same request, it's a nonsense (if only the user won't start another operation from another browser).
Thanks to timeout=0 I expect gUnicorn will wait indefinitely till the controller finishes. And only one thing that can hinder is GAE'e timeout. But thanks to basic-scaling it's 24 hours. So I expect the app should process requests for several hours without problem.
But what I'm seeing instead is that after the processing the request for a while another execution is started. Here's simplified logs I see in Cloud Logging:
13:00:58 GET /api/campaign/generate
13:00:59 Entering campaign_generate
13:39:13 Starting generating zip-archive (it's something that takes a while)
14:25:49 Entering campaign_generate
So, at 14:25, 1:25 after the current request came another processing of the same request started!
And now there're two request processings running in parallel.
Needless to say that this increase memory pressure and doubles execution time.
When the first "worker" finished (14:29:28 in our example) its processing, its result isn't being returned to the client. It looks like gUnicorn or GAE simply abandoned the first request. And the client has to wait till the second worker finishes processing.
Why is it happening?
And how can I fix it?
Regarding http requests records in the log.
I did see only one request in Cloud Logging (the first one) when the processing was active, and even after the controller was called for the second time ('Entering campaign_generate' in logs appeared) there was not any new GET-request in the logs. But after that everything completed (actually the second processing returned a response) a mysterious second GET-request appeared. So technically after everything is done, from the server logs' view (Cloud Logging) it looks like there were two subsequent requests from the client. But there weren't! There was only one, and I can see it in the browser's DevTools.
Those two requests have different traceId and requestId http headers.
It's very hard to understand what's going on, I tried running the app locally (on the same data) but it works as intended.

Continue request django rest framework

I have a request that lasts more than 3 minutes, I want the request to be sent and immediately give the answer 200 and after the end of the work - give the result
The workflow you've described is called asynchronous task execution.
The main idea is to remove time or resource consuming parts of work from the code that handles HTTP requests and deligate it to some kind of worker. The worker might be a diffrent thread or process or even a separate service that runs on a different server.
This makes your application more responsive, as the users gets the HTTP response much quicker. Also, with this approach you can display such UI-friendly things as progress bars and status marks for the task, create retrial policies if task failes etc.
Example workflow:
user makes HTTP request initiating the task
the server creates the task, adds it to the queue and returns the HTTP response with task_id immediately
the front-end code starts ajax polling to get the results of the task passing task_id
the server handles polling HTTP requests and gets status information for this task_id. It returns the info (whether results or "still waiting") with the HTTP response
the front-end displays spinner if server returns "still waiting" or the results if they are ready
The most popular way to do this in Django is using the celery disctributed task queue.
Suppose a request comes, you will have to verify it. Then send response and use a mechanism to complete the request in the background. You will have to be clear that the request can be completed. You can use pipelining, where you put every task into pipeline, Django-Celery is an option but don't use it unless required. Find easy way to resolve the issue

Cloud Run Error 504 (Upstream Request Timeout) after successful deploy

I was following this tutorial from Google to deploy a servise to Cloud Run ( In Cloud Shell my project is deployed successfully (screenshot below). However, once I click on the link I get timeout. If I test it locally from Cloud Shell it works fine.
Why could this be happening? Where could I get more data about the issue?
As mentioned in the Documentation :
For Cloud Run services, the request timeout setting specifies the time
within which a response must be returned by services deployed to Cloud
Run. If a response isn't returned within the time specified, the
request ends and error 504 is returned.
The timeout is set by default to 5 minutes and can be extended up to
60 minutes. You can change this setting when you deploy a container
image or by updating the service configuration. In addition to
changing the Cloud Run request timeout, you should also check your
language framework to see whether it has its own request timeout
setting that you must also update.
You can refer to this Public group issue which will be helpful in resolving the current error.
You can increase timeout by clicking EDIT & DEPLOY NEW REVISION and then adjust new Request timeout value

Cloud Run finishes but Cloud Scheduler thinks that job has failed

I have a Cloud Run service setup and I have a Cloud Scheduler task that calls an endpoint on that service. When the task completes (http handler returns), I'm seeing the following error:
The request failed because the HTTP connection to the instance had an error.
However, the actual handler returns HTTP 200 and successfully exists. Does anyone know what this error means and under what circumstances it shows up?
I'm also attaching a screenshot of the logs.
Does your job take longer than 120 seconds? I was having the same issue and figured out node versions prior to 13 has 120 seconds server.timeout limit. I installed node 13 on docker and problem is gone.
Error 503 is returned by the Google Frontend (GFE). The Cloud Run service either has a transient issue, or the GFE has determined that your service is not ready or not working correctly.
In your log entries, I see a POST request. 7 ms later is the error 503. This tells me your Cloud Run application is not yet ready (in a ready state determined by Cloud Run).
One minute, 8 seconds before, I see ReplaceService. This tells me that your service is not yet in a running state and that if you retry later, you will see success.
I've run an incremental sleep test on my FLASK endpoint which returns 200 within 1 min, 2 min and 10 min of waiting time. Having triggered the endpoint via the Cloud Scheduler, the job failed only in the 10 min test. I've found that it was one of the properties of my Cloud Scheduler job causing the failure. The following solved my issue.
gcloud scheduler jobs describe <my_test_scheduler>
There, you'll see a property called 'attemptDeadline' which was set to 180 seconds by default.
You can update that property using:
gcloud scheduler jobs update http <my_test_scheduler> --attempt-deadline 1000s
Ref: scheduler update

Can Control-M execute a http service endpoint to GET job status?

I am very new to control-m and wanted to ask if control-m supports this scenario:
We have a http webservice that runs a log running job e.g.
This will then start job A on the server and returns a job id back. I return job id so i can get status of the job from the server when ever i want to. The job has many statuses e.g. Waiting, In progress, error
I want the control-m job status to be updated as soon as the job on the server updates. For that, I have created a webservice url:
This url request will get the job status of the job id 1
Can control-m poll a web service url for a job status and can I call a web service to run a job and get its id back?
Apologies for asking this basic level question. Any help will be really appreciated.
Welcome to the Control-M community :-)
You can implement 2 Control-M WebServices jobs (available with BPI – Business Process Integration Suite), one to submit your job and get its ID, and one to track its status.
Alternatively you can implement this in 1 Control-M OS type job using the ctmsubmit command inside a script…
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