How to pay AWS charges if you are on free trial - amazon-web-services

I would like to learn how to use aws and for this purposes i have taken aws free trial,
however when i was doing some exersise/labs, i was charged for usinsg NAT's resoures.
I have deactivated all my instances but i am not able to pay my charges the system says:
there are no payments required for this account, i would like to pay this charge, what should
i do to be able to make this operation?

Any charges beyond the AWS Free Tier will be charged to your credit card after the end of the month.
You can monitor usage of the Free Tier in the management console.
A NAT Gateway in a USA region is charged at $0.045 per hour and $0.045 per GB processed.


AWS Free account renewal or closing after an year of free subscription

Just have a question around, AWS Free tier accoount, Will they be charging after one year?
Should I be closing it after an year?
The account that I am using is for my perssonal practice.
There is no such thing as an "AWS Free Account".
Rather, for the first 12 months of a new AWS Account, the AWS Free Tier provides some billing discounts that provide certain amounts of service at no charge, such as 5GB of Amazon S3 storage and an Amazon EC2 micro instance for Windows and Linux.
If you have been using services that fall under the Free Tier, then after 12 months you would start being charged normal prices for those services. You can look in your Billing Console to view historical usage information.
There are actually some services that provide a free tier every month, even after 12 months. Consult the AWS Free Tier page for details.

AWS EC2 Charging on Free Tier

I have enabled EC2, RDS and S3 for my spring boot application hosted on AWS. As i have selected free tier plan for those and i am really shocked that they are charging. I verified payment and can see most of the charges is for EC2 instance. I am running single instance.
Why they are charging me? How to avoid charging for the first year?
The AWS Free Tier is a billing discount. It is not a "free plan".
Each month, a certain quantity of services are included in the Free Tier. If you stay within these limits, there will be no charge.
You did not provide any details, but it seems that your usage exceeded the amounts provided under the Free Tier.
Calm down!
You can see it's charging in the Billing Dashboard that's right.
However, that's just a Forecast of your spend and at the end of the month AWS will cut zero of your money (unless you used service out of your free-tier limits)
Conclusion: The Billing Dashboard estimation doesn't separate between your usage if it's from your free-tier or not, it just estimates your usage, I know it looks stupid but that's how AWS Billing Dashboard works.
Note: In order to use the free tier you have to use both a free tier AMI and free tier instance types.
Update: to avoid that's from happening again read this link Avoiding unexpected charges

RDS console showing monthly estimated charges for Free Tier Limit in AWS

Why is RDS console on Amazon Web Services showing an estimated monthly charge if I start creating a RDS instance. I am using a free tier account and is well within free tier limit.
This is what my console is showing:
This is within the free tier limits, which I found here.
Why does this happen, and will it actually charge me anything?
The Amazon RDS console has no visibility into any other services you have (or will) consume during the month. It is simply showing an estimate of the costs for running the database.
The benefits of the free usage tier will be calculated separately, based upon actual usage.
So, if that's the only RDS instance you run during the month and it qualifies for the free tier, you will not be charged.

Is Amazon Web Services autoscaling in terms of price?

I would just like to know if I understand Amazon Web Services correctly. If I have an EC2 instance using the free tier, if my bandwidth or storage goes above the free tier limit, do I only pay per hour whilst it is going above the limit? Do I have to organise an upgrade or does it do it automatically? In other words, do you only pay for what you use?
The AWS Free-Tier is only available to new customers and for 12 months following your AWS sign-up date. If your usage gets exceeds the free-tier you will be paying standard, pay-as-you-go service rates. There is no need of upgradations of account.
Amazon Pricing
Hope it helps :-)

Amazon RDS database free tier storage limit

I wanted to use the free tier of RDS, but when I create instance, I was able to create one with 2000 GB (minimum 5GB, maximum 3072GB). But shouldn't the free RDS be only 20GB allowed? I've successfully created it and I'm very worried if I'll be charged for it.
Here's the screenshot:
The free tier works as a billing discount on certain services. You will be billed for any services used beyond the free tier discounts.