Visual studio 2019 Custom colors overridden - visual-studio-2017

I have just upgrade from VS2017 to VS2019 and I have my own colors on classes, enums etc. that I would like to be the same in VS2019. I export all my settings, install all the same extension (for example Viasfora, SemanticColorizer) from VS2017 in VS2019, and then import my settings from VS2017.
I open a .cs file and I see my colortheme and 1sec later the colors change to some standard colors.
I have tried the unchecking the "Use enhanced colors for C# and Basic" under options.
And hereĀ“s the kicker, the "code preview side-window" shows the right colors...
Anyone got an idea of what this is and how to solve it?

Ok, from what I have learned so far is that there are more parameters for color customizations in VS19 and there is some name changes that stops the import.
What I did was installing VS theme editor(VS19ThemeEditor)
Changed a bunch off settings in there.
Then I added SemanticColorizer and ViasFora, then went to Tools-->options-->Enviroment-->Font and colors. Changed alot of things there.
And for fun added ClaudiaIDE
You cant export from VS17 to VS19 and expect colors to be the same, you need to edit them again.


VSCode does not show errors before building

I use VSCode(code editor, not IDE) for C++ with only Microsoft's C++ extension and today I have encountered a problem here. When I write the wrong syntax, the "PROBLEMS" panel does not show errors. It only shows errors on building the code. Earlier that wasn't the case. How do I fix this ?
Before building:
After building:
I got that error by Disable error squiggles. If you don't reach that error in my case, don't read anymore.
After ignoring, I got your problem:
To fix this, open settings.json file:
Scroll to the end, then set "C_Cpp.errorSquiggles": from Disabled to Enabled.
After reading the question, and the comments, my understanding is that you want Visual Studio Code to tell you when you make a mistake on the sintax, without having to compile the project.
What could be wrong is your C++ IntelliSense, which is odd because it comes in bundle with the C/C++ extension from Microsoft. The extension itself might be disabled, corrupted during an aborted update, or uninstalled.
Have you tried the good old and helpful uninstall and reinstall the extension? That normally fixes my problems with extensions in Visual Studio and VS Code
Note: You have to install the extension first: C/C++ IntelliSense, debugging, and code browsing extension
This is because the C/C++ IntelliSense, debugging, and code browsing extension does not know about the current project.
Navigate to View | Command Palette, enter and select C/C++ Build and debug active file: Select
Project, and then select the correct project that you want to work with.
This will help you see the problems as you create your code without requiring you to run it.
The extension has to know that it is allowed to continuously check your code.
I hope this helps you in the future with other extensions too...
Try and close your current folder and open a different folder. Then come back to your original folder. This worked for me.

Red squiggles do not appear in VS2008

I am using VS2008 pro and while autocomplete works properly I get that problem. My project is in visual c++/MFC and advanced settings are there for C#, but not for C/C++ as you can see below in order to enable them.
I figured out that it may be Intellisense that does not work properly, so have tried to clean my solution file and deleted .ncb and rebuild my project as others suggest, but without success. I have tried to create other projects, and the problem insists.
Finally, as an alternative I have found that I can use Virtual Assist, but this is the last choice for me.
So, how could I make red squiggles work again?

Strange white bar in Visual Studio 2019

this is my first post here.
I have this problem that appears only by using Visual Studio (both 2017 and 2019) when working with Unity (2018.3.12f1): there is basically a white column on the left and I don't know what it should be.
I have no clue on how to remove it and it bothers me.
It appeared when I installed the first time VS 2019, since then it appeared on the 2017 version too. I uninstalled both and tried again only with the 2017 version but it is still there.
Does someone any way to remove that? Thanks in advance.
The colour of that element is set in Tools | Options | Environment | Fonts & Colors under the Text Editor category it is the background colour of "Indicator Margin".
In VS2019's (and VS2017's) dark theme it has a default value of RGB(51, 51, 51).
Maybe your setting is messed up?
PS. Many user settings (including this) are preserved in your profile including across re-installations and versions. These can be reset under Tools | Import or Export Settings.

visual studio code showing wrong autocomplete suggestions in c++

I am trying to learn SDL in C++ So auto-complete is very essential for me.VS code was working fine with SFML but due to android problems I started learning SDL and now auto-completions for SDL is not working correctly . It always suggest some wrong members ,even If I didn't include any library . I don't have enough experience with VS . I came to VS from neovim only for auto completions which not working properly :(
I had tried restring ,updating and deleting .vscode dir but nothing happened
Hover your cursor on the header file mentioned in the source code
You'll notice a red/green swiggly underline
A light bulb icon appears, click on it
select the option called "edit includepath setting"
It takes you to a new "c_cpp_properties.json"
In this json file, under your platform, add all the paths to the headerfiles
After doing this, most of the unwanted intellisense results disappear. Only releavent ones show up the top.
VS code is a very good tool which comes with source control features. Add C++ extension and a debugger and you are good to go.

Code Coverage Coloring in VS 2012 not working

As the title says, the coloring is not working. If I to go tools > options and look for 'Coverage Touched' etc in the list of Fonts and Colors, they don't exist there.
If I run the tests with the option to analyse them for coverage, no colors show up in the editor. I have VS 2012 Premium update 3 installed.
I already:
resetted usersettings
ran in safemode (can't run tests then, so useless)
re-installed VS
rebooted everything
A colleague of mine used the exact same installer/image, and it works for him...
Any ideas anyone?
I resetted Userdata (for the 10th time) and I noticed that by default it migrates the settings from 2010 or something. I now unmarked that checkbox, and the problem is now solved.
I'm not 100% sure if the checkbox was the problem, but thats the only difference I can recall.