Goto the class a method belong in Visual Studio - c++

In Visual Studio, suppose already jump to a method in a very huge C++ class in a header file, how to know which class the method belong to? Now the method is scroll up until the class shows up, but sometimes you miss the class and get into another class's body.

At the top of the code panel in visual studio, it shows the details like currently which project you are accessing and at which class you are in and which method you are looking into. Refer the below image,

You can hover your cursor over the function declaration and a tooltip should show you the name of the class that this method belongs to. Alternatively there is a dropdown menu in the main toolbar that shows the name of the class:


Changing button name MFC Visual Studio

I just started the GUI development, i had started on C++Builder but i switched to Visual Studio for differents reasons. But in Visual Studio, i've got a big problem :
In the GUI development interface (rc file) i can create buttons and place it, but i can't change there names. The name for all of MFC components i placed is initialize to a default name which i can't call and i can't change the property by the properties interface, i can change the Text, for change the Label of the Button, but not the name...
It's very incomfortable because by that i can't call my buttons for do anything, i have the same problem for Listboxs, so i can't modify my list because i can't call there
I just want to modify access my component by my c++ code for modifying this component
enter image description here
Thank for your help !
The MFC way of doing event handling is a bit more elaborate.
After the control is created on the form in the designer, an ID is generated ("IDC_BUTTON1" in the attached screenshot).
This is the ID that will be used for accessing this UI control from the code.
All this can be done via the designer also as shown in this article.
Basically, in the background this generated ID is put in a 'message map'
(more about message maps here).
In short 'message map' is used to specify what action needs to be performed when a certain type of action is done on the UI control by the user.
For, example if the button click is to be handled then in code:
the message map would look like:
'ON_BN_CLICKED' is a predefined event macro.
The 'CallMyFunction()' function has to be declared with 'afx_msg' in the class. Besides please, have a look at data exchange mechanism as well. This know-how about data exchange will come in handy going forward.

How to adjust Intellisense in the Visual Studio 2022 to display specific class member in C++

If we look at default std::wstring, the Intellisense in VS 2022 displays the contents of a string if I mouse over it:
I've written my own class, but is there a way to tell Intellisense which member of that class to display in the Intellisense popup during a mouse-over for? Because otherwise it displays the info that is not very useful:
In this case I would like it to display a value (cast to PCWSTR) from a derived class. Is such possible?

Rewrite CListBox as a CCheckListBox

I am working on a Windows application using MFC and Visual Studio C++ 17.
I have multiple tabs in the application, one of which is currently implemented using CListBox and needs to be reimplemented using CCheckListBox.
CCheckListBox is a child class of CListBox.
I have a vector of unique CString's I want to display in the box.
To start simple, I tried making the tab with CListBox and by using CListBox::AddString(), this worked exactly as I wanted it to. It sorted the strings alphabetically, and automatically added a scroll bar on the side when the vector had too many CString's to display all at once in the list.
However, when swapping the CListBox variable to a CCheckListBox variable, I have come across the error when I press run along the lines of:
Debug Assertion Failed! ..... \mfc\winctrl3.cpp Line: 588
I found this GitHub link that has the winctrl3.cpp file and on line 588, there is a function called OnLButtonDblClk which is somewhat explained here.
The trouble is I am unsure of how to swap a variable from a parent class to a child class. Is it so different for Windows classes? In the courses and programs I have taken and written in the past, switching from a parent to child variable was straightforward but this is quite the opposite !
Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance ! :D
There is no assertion in line 588 of the source file in your link. That github upload dates back to 2014. Why not search the winctrl3.cpp source file in your own Visual Studio installation instead? In my own installation, it is in function PreSubclassWindow() and there is indeed an assertion there:
// CCheckListBoxes must be owner drawn
That is the CCheckListBox must be owner-drawn. Find the CCheckListBox constructor code above, you will notice that it calls the CListBox (parent-class) constructor, applying either of the two owner-drawn styles. Instead, the CListBox constructor calls CWnd::Create() with the "LISTBOX" Windows Class-Name as a parameter. That is, it seems to be a MFC-implemented control, overriding the CListBox class, with an owner-drawn style. There is no mention of a native "Check-ListBox" class or style in the Win32 documentation either. Also the CCheckListBox documentation (in the link you posted) clearly states: CCheckListBox is only for owner-drawn controls because the list contains more than text strings.
If you are creating the control using a resource script, add an owner-drawn style (eg LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED) to the control (or set the Owner-Drawn property in the property editor).
If you are creating the control programmatically make sure you are calling the CCheckListBox constructor, not the CListBox one.
Not sure what you mean about the scroll-bar (and why you mention it), doesn't the list-box display a scroll-bar automatically (WS_VSCROLL style - or property), do you have to do something on your own?
Forgot to mention, if you are creating the control using a resource script use the Class Wizard to add a member variable (of "Control" type, not "Value") to the dialog class. The new variable must be of type CCheckListBox (MFC class). This will subclass the control. If the old project already had a CListBox member variable change it to CCheckListBox.

How to get a Window in visual studio having all prototypes of a class

I am making a CString class having a lot of functions in it.I have made it but when I call any func and navigate up and down to see it's def it's so time cosuming. Please tell me How can I get a Window having all prototypes of a function in a class ,so that I click and it would show me its def
You can use the class view window. To open it, go to the view menu and then select Class View. In the class view window you can select the class you are interested in. You can then see al its members and methods, wich you can double click to immediately go the definition.

How to resize Dialog window in mfc in vs 2010?

I looked for many code. All of them says of replacing "CDialog" class with user defined class. But the problem is, I have many other functions and member variable definition in Dialog that I can't omit, otherwise my application window functionality will be gone.