I am trying to create a 2D, top down, style camera in OpenGL. I would like to stick to the convention of using model-view-projection matrices, this is so I can switch between a 3D view and a top down view while the application runs. I am actually using the glm::lookAt method to create the view matrix.
However there is something missing in my understanding. I am rendering a triangle on the screen, [very close to this tutorial][1], and that works perfectly fine (so no problems with windowing, display loops, vertex buffers, etc). The triangle is centered at (0, 0), and vertices are on -0.5/0.5 (so already in NDC).
I then added a uniform mat4 mpv; to the vertex shader. If I set the mpv matrix to:
glm::vec3 camera_pos = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
glm::vec3 target_pos = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glm::mat4 view = glm::lookAt(camera_pos, target_pos, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
I get the same, unmodified triangle as expected as these are (from my understanding) the default values for OpenGL.
Now I thought if I changed the Z value of the camera position it would have the same effect as zooming in and out, however all I get is the clear color, no triangle is rendered.
// Trying to simulate zoom in and out by changing z value of camera
glm::vec3 camera_pos = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -3.0f);
glm::vec3 target_pos = glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glm::mat4 view = glm::lookAt(camera_pos, target_pos, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
So I printed the view matrix, and noticed that all I was doing was translating the Z value, which makes sense.
I then added an ortho projection matrix, to make sure everything is in NDC, but I still get nothing.
// *2 cause im on a Mac/high-res screen and the frame buffer scale is 2.
// Doing projection * view in one step and just updating view uniform until I get it working.
view = glm::ortho(0.0f, 800.0f * 2, 0.0f, 600.0f * 2, 0.1f, 100.0f) * view;
Where is my misunderstanding taking place. I would like to:
Simulate a top down view where I can zoom in and out on the target.
Create a 2D camera that follows a target (racing car), so the camera_pos XY and target_pos XY will be the same.
Eventually add an option to switch to a 3D following camera, like a standard racing game 3rd person view, hence the MPV vs just using simple translations.
[1]: https://learnopengl.com/Getting-started/Hello-Triangle
The vertex coordinates are in the range [-0.5, 0.5], but the orthographic projection projects the cuboid volume with the left, bottom, near point _(0, 0, 0.1) and the right, top, far point (800.0 * 2, 600.0 * 2, 100) of the viewport.
Therefore, the triangle mesh just covers one fragment in the lower left of the viewport.
Change the orthographic projection:
view = glm::ortho(0.0f, 800.0f * 2, 0.0f, 600.0f * 2, 0.1f, 100.0f) * view;
view = glm::ortho(-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.1f, 100.0f) * view;
I'm trying to implement a camera all by myself in OpenGL (I use glfw and gml).
As for now, I don't have any class for it. I will create it later. So here is my try on coding the camera movements; it works fine with simple mouse movements, but otherwise, the camera tilts sideways. I'm still new to OpenGL so I don't have a lot to show but here is illustrated my problem: http://imgur.com/a/p9xXQ
I have a few (global as for now) variables :
float lastX = 0.0f, lastY = 0.0f, yaw = 0.0f, pitch = 0.0f;
glm::vec3 cameraPos(0.0f, 0.0f, 3.0f);
glm::vec3 cameraUp(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); // As a reminder, x points to the right, y points upwards and z points towards you
glm::vec3 cameraFront(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
With these, I can create a view matrix this way :
glm::mat4 view;
view = glm::lookAt(cameraPos, cameraPos + cameraFront, cameraUp);
I want to be able to move my camera perpendicularly (yaw) and laterally (pitch), i.e. up, down, right, left on my screen. For this, it is enough to rotate the cameraFront vector and the cameraUp vector appropriately and then update the view matrix with the updated vectors.
My Cursor Position Callback looks like this :
glm::vec3 rotateAroundAxis(glm::vec3 toRotate, float angle, glm::vec3 axisDirection, glm::vec3 axisPoint) { // angle in radians
toRotate -= axisPoint;
glm::mat4 rotationMatrix(1.0f);
rotationMatrix = glm::rotate(rotationMatrix, angle, axisDirection);
glm::vec4 result = rotationMatrix*glm::vec4(toRotate, 1.0f);
toRotate = glm::vec3(result.x, result.y, result.z);
toRotate += axisPoint;
return toRotate;
void mouseCallback(GLFWwindow* window, double xpos, double ypos) {
const float maxPitch = float(M_PI) - float(M_PI) / 180.0f;
glm::vec3 cameraRight = -glm::cross(cameraUp, cameraFront);
float xOffset = xpos - lastX;
float yOffset = ypos - lastY;
lastX = xpos;
lastY = ypos;
float sensitivity = 0.0005f;
xOffset *= sensitivity;
yOffset *= sensitivity;
yaw += xOffset; // useless here
pitch += yOffset;
if (pitch > maxPitch) {
yOffset = 0.0f;
if (pitch < -maxPitch) {
yOffset = 0.0f;
cameraFront = rotateAroundAxis(cameraFront, -xOffset, cameraUp, cameraPos);
cameraFront = rotateAroundAxis(cameraFront, -yOffset, cameraRight, cameraPos);
cameraUp = rotateAroundAxis(cameraUp, -yOffset, cameraRight, cameraPos);
As I said, it works fine for simple up-down, left-right camera movements, but when I start to move my mouse in circles or like a madman, the camera starts to rotate longitudinally (roll).
I've tried to force cameraRight.y = cameraPos.y so that the cameraRight vector doesn't tilt upwards/downwards due to numerical errors but it doesn't solve the problem. I've also tried to add a (global) cameraRight vector to keep track of it instead of computing it every time so the end of the function looks like this :
cameraFront = rotateAroundAxis(cameraFront, -xOffset, cameraUp, cameraPos);
cameraRight = rotateAroundAxis(cameraRight, -xOffset, cameraUp, cameraPos);
cameraFront = rotateAroundAxis(cameraFront, -yOffset, cameraRight, cameraPos);
cameraUp = rotateAroundAxis(cameraUp, -yOffset, cameraRight, cameraPos);
but it doesn't solve the problem. Any pieces of advice ?
It seems you have global X-axis to the right, Y-axis going deep in the screen and Z-axis going up. And you local camera axis system is similar.
The desired behaviour is rotate the camera over its current position, left-right mouse movement is rotation around global Z, and up-dowm mouse movement is rotation around local X. Think a bit around these rotations until you understand them well, and why one is around global but the other around local directions. Imagine a security camera and its movements to visualize the axis systems and rotations.
The goal is getting the parameters used to define the View transformation by lookAtfunction.
First rotate around local X. We convert this local vector into global axis system by inverting the current View-matrix, you call view
glm::vec3 currGlobalX = glm::normalize((glm::inverse(view) * glm::vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)).xyz);
We need to rotate not only the cameraUp vector, but also the current target defined in global coordinates, what you call cameraPos + cameraFront:
cameraUp = rotateAroundAxis(cameraUp, -yOffset, currGlobalX, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); //vector, not needed to translate
cameraUp = glm::normalize(cameraUp);
currenTarget = rotateAroundAxis(currenTarget, -yOffset, currGlobalX, cameraPos); //point, need translation
Now rotate around global Z-axis
cameraUp = rotateAroundAxis(cameraUp, -xOffset, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); //vector, not needed to translate
cameraUp = glm::normalize(cameraUp);
currenTarget = rotateAroundAxis(currenTarget, -xOffset, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), cameraPos); //point, need translation
Finally, update view:
view = glm::lookAt(cameraPos, currenTarget, cameraUp);
I'm currently trying to rotate the camera around its local axis based on keyboard/mouse input and the code I currently have uses DirectXMath and works nicely, however it is using the world axis to rotate around rather than the cameras local axis. Because of this, some of the rotations are not as expected and causes issues as the camera rotates. For example, when we tilt our camera, the Y axis will change and we will want to rotate around another axis to get our expected results.
What am I doing wrong in the code or what do I need to change in order to rotate around its local axis?
vector.x, vector.y, vector.z (The vector to rotate around, i.e. (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
//define our camera matrix
XMFLOAT4X4 cameraMatrix;
//position, lookat, up values for the camera
XMFLOAT3 position;
XMFLOAT3 lookat;
void Camera::rotate(XMFLOAT3 vector, float theta) {
XMStoreFloat4x4(&cameraMatrix, XMMatrixIdentity());
//set our view quaternion to our current camera's lookat position
XMVECTOR viewQuaternion = XMQuaternionIdentity();
viewQuaternion = XMVectorSet(lookat.x, lookat.y, lookat.z, 0.0f);
//set the rotation vector based on our parameter, i.e (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
//to rotate around the x axis
XMVECTOR rotationVector = XMVectorSet(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z, 0.0f);
//create a rotation quaternion to rotate around our vector, with a specified angle, theta
XMVECTOR rotationQuaternion = XMVectorSet(
XMVectorGetX(rotationVector) * sin(theta / 2),
XMVectorGetY(rotationVector) * sin(theta / 2),
XMVectorGetZ(rotationVector) * sin(theta / 2),
cos(theta / 2));
//get our rotation quaternion inverse
XMVECTOR rotationInverse = XMQuaternionInverse(rotationQuaternion);
//new view quaternion = [ newView = ROTATION * VIEW * INVERSE ROTATION ]
//multiply our rotation quaternion with our view quaternion
XMVECTOR newViewQuaternion = XMQuaternionMultiply(rotationQuaternion, viewQuaternion);
//multiply the result of our calculation above with the inverse rotation
//to get our new view values
newViewQuaternion = XMQuaternionMultiply(newViewQuaternion, rotationInverse);
//take the new lookat values from our newViewQuaternion and put them into the camera
lookat = XMFLOAT3(XMVectorGetX(newViewQuaternion), XMVectorGetY(newViewQuaternion), XMVectorGetZ(newViewQuaternion));
//build our camera matrix using XMMatrixLookAtLH
XMStoreFloat4x4(&cameraMatrix, XMMatrixLookAtLH(
XMVectorSet(position.x, position.y, position.z, 0.0f),
XMVectorSet(lookat.x, lookat.y, lookat.z, 0.0f),
XMVectorSet(up.x, up.y, up.z, 0.0f)));
The view matrix is then set
//store our camera's matrix inside the view matrix
XMStoreFloat4x4(&_view, camera->getCameraMatrix() );
I have tried an alternative solution without using quaternions, and it seems I can get the camera to rotate correctly around its own axis, however the camera's lookat values now never change and after I have stopped using the mouse/keyboard, it snaps back to its original position.
void Camera::update(float delta) {
XMStoreFloat4x4(&cameraMatrix, XMMatrixIdentity());
//do we have a rotation?
//this is set as we try to rotate, around a current axis such as
//(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
if (rotationVector.x != 0.0f || rotationVector.y != 0.0f || rotationVector.z != 0.0f) {
//yes, we have an axis to rotate around
//create our axis vector to rotate around
XMVECTOR axisVector = XMVectorSet(rotationVector.x, rotationVector.y, rotationVector.z, 0.0f);
//create our rotation matrix using XMMatrixRotationAxis, and rotate around this axis with a specified angle theta
XMMATRIX rotationMatrix = XMMatrixRotationAxis(axisVector, 2.0 * delta);
//create our camera's view matrix
XMMATRIX viewMatrix = XMMatrixLookAtLH(
XMVectorSet(position.x, position.y, position.z, 0.0f),
XMVectorSet(lookat.x, lookat.y, lookat.z, 0.0f),
XMVectorSet(up.x, up.y, up.z, 0.0f));
//multiply our camera's view matrix by the rotation matrix
//make sure the rotation is on the right to ensure local axis rotation
XMMATRIX finalCameraMatrix = viewMatrix * rotationMatrix;
/* this piece of code allows the camera to correctly rotate and it doesn't
snap back to its original position, as the lookat coordinates are being set
each time. However, this will make the camera rotate around the world axis
rather than the local axis. Which brings us to the same problem we had
with the quaternion rotation */
//XMVECTOR look = XMVectorSet(lookat.x, lookat.y, lookat.z, 0.0);
//XMVECTOR finalLook = XMVector3Transform(look, rotationMatrix);
//lookat.x = XMVectorGetX(finalLook);
//lookat.y = XMVectorGetY(finalLook);
//lookat.z = XMVectorGetZ(finalLook);
//finally store the finalCameraMatrix into our camera matrix
XMStoreFloat4x4(&cameraMatrix, finalCameraMatrix);
} else {
//no, there is no rotation, don't apply the roation matrix
//no rotation, don't apply the rotation matrix
XMStoreFloat4x4(&cameraMatrix, XMMatrixLookAtLH(
XMVectorSet(position.x, position.y, position.z, 0.0f),
XMVectorSet(lookat.x, lookat.y, lookat.z, 0.0f),
XMVectorSet(up.x, up.y, up.z, 0.0f)));
An example can be seen here: https://i.gyazo.com/f83204389551eff427446e06624b2cf9.mp4
I think I am missing setting the actual lookat value to the new lookat value, but I'm not sure how to calculate the new value, or extract it from the new view matrix (which I have already tried)
In order to be able to determine whether the user clicked on any of my 3D objects I’m trying to turn the screen coordinates of the click into a vector which I then use to check whether any of my triangles got hit. To do so I’m using the XMVector3Unproject method provided by DirectX and I’m implementing everything in C++/CX.
The problem that I’m facing is that the vector that results from unprojecting the screen coordinates is not at all as I expect it to be. The below image illustrates this:
The cursor position at the time that the click occurs (highlighted in yellow) is visible in the isometric view on the left. As soon as I click, the vector resulting from unprojecting appears behind the model indicated in the images as the white line penetrating the model. So instead of originating at the cursor location and going into the screen in the isometric view it is appearing at a completely different position.
When I move the mouse in the isometric view horizontally while clicking and after that moving the mouse vertically and clicking the below pattern appears. All lines in the two images represent vectors resulting from clicking. The model has been removed for better visibility.
So as can be seen from the above image all vectors seem to originate from the same location. If I change the view and repeat the process the same pattern appears but with a different origin of the vectors.
Here are the code snippets that I use to come up with this. First of all I receive the cursor position using the below code and pass it to my “SelectObject” method together with the width and height of the drawing area:
void Demo::OnPointerPressed(Object^ sender, PointerEventArgs^ e)
Point currentPosition = e->CurrentPoint->Position;
if(m_model->SelectObject(currentPosition.X, currentPosition.Y, m_renderTargetWidth, m_renderTargetHeight))
m_RefreshImage = true;
The “SelectObject” method looks as follows:
bool Model::SelectObject(float screenX, float screenY, float screenWidth, float screenHeight)
XMMATRIX projectionMatrix = XMLoadFloat4x4(&m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->projection);
XMMATRIX viewMatrix = XMLoadFloat4x4(&m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->view);
XMMATRIX modelMatrix = XMLoadFloat4x4(&m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->model);
XMVECTOR v = XMVector3Unproject(XMVectorSet(screenX, screenY, 5.0f, 0.0f),
XMVECTOR rayOrigin = XMVector3Unproject(XMVectorSet(screenX, screenY, 0.0f, 0.0f),
// Code to retrieve v0, v1 and v2 is omitted
if(Intersects(rayOrigin, XMVector3Normalize(v - rayOrigin), v0, v1, v2, depth))
return true;
Eventually the calculated vector is used by the Intersects method of the DirectX::TriangleTests namespace to detect if a triangle got hit. I’ve omitted the code in the above snipped because it is not relevant for this problem.
To render these images I use an orthographic projection matrix and a camera that can be rotated around both its local x- and y-axis which generates the view matrix. The world matrix always stays the same, i.e. it is simply an identity matrix.
The view matrix is calculated as follows (based on the example in Frank Luna’s book 3D Game Programming):
void Camera::SetViewMatrix()
XMFLOAT3 cameraPosition;
XMFLOAT3 cameraXAxis;
XMFLOAT3 cameraYAxis;
XMFLOAT3 cameraZAxis;
XMFLOAT4X4 viewMatrix;
// Keep camera's axes orthogonal to each other and of unit length.
m_cameraZAxis = XMVector3Normalize(m_cameraZAxis);
m_cameraYAxis = XMVector3Normalize(XMVector3Cross(m_cameraZAxis, m_cameraXAxis));
// m_cameraYAxis and m_cameraZAxis are already normalized, so there is no need
// to normalize the below cross product of the two.
m_cameraXAxis = XMVector3Cross(m_cameraYAxis, m_cameraZAxis);
// Fill in the view matrix entries.
float x = -XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(m_cameraPosition, m_cameraXAxis));
float y = -XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(m_cameraPosition, m_cameraYAxis));
float z = -XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(m_cameraPosition, m_cameraZAxis));
XMStoreFloat3(&cameraPosition, m_cameraPosition);
XMStoreFloat3(&cameraXAxis , m_cameraXAxis);
XMStoreFloat3(&cameraYAxis , m_cameraYAxis);
XMStoreFloat3(&cameraZAxis , m_cameraZAxis);
viewMatrix(0, 0) = cameraXAxis.x;
viewMatrix(1, 0) = cameraXAxis.y;
viewMatrix(2, 0) = cameraXAxis.z;
viewMatrix(3, 0) = x;
viewMatrix(0, 1) = cameraYAxis.x;
viewMatrix(1, 1) = cameraYAxis.y;
viewMatrix(2, 1) = cameraYAxis.z;
viewMatrix(3, 1) = y;
viewMatrix(0, 2) = cameraZAxis.x;
viewMatrix(1, 2) = cameraZAxis.y;
viewMatrix(2, 2) = cameraZAxis.z;
viewMatrix(3, 2) = z;
viewMatrix(0, 3) = 0.0f;
viewMatrix(1, 3) = 0.0f;
viewMatrix(2, 3) = 0.0f;
viewMatrix(3, 3) = 1.0f;
m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->view = viewMatrix;
It is influenced by two methods which rotate the camera around the x-and y-axis of the camera:
void Camera::ChangeCameraPitch(float angle)
XMMATRIX rotationMatrix = XMMatrixRotationAxis(m_cameraXAxis, angle);
m_cameraYAxis = XMVector3TransformNormal(m_cameraYAxis, rotationMatrix);
m_cameraZAxis = XMVector3TransformNormal(m_cameraZAxis, rotationMatrix);
void Camera::ChangeCameraYaw(float angle)
XMMATRIX rotationMatrix = XMMatrixRotationAxis(m_cameraYAxis, angle);
m_cameraXAxis = XMVector3TransformNormal(m_cameraXAxis, rotationMatrix);
m_cameraZAxis = XMVector3TransformNormal(m_cameraZAxis, rotationMatrix);
The world / model matrix and the projection matrix are calculated as follows:
void Model::SetProjectionMatrix(float width, float height, float nearZ, float farZ)
XMMATRIX orthographicProjectionMatrix = XMMatrixOrthographicRH(width, height, nearZ, farZ);
XMFLOAT4X4 orientation = XMFLOAT4X4
1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
XMMATRIX orientationMatrix = XMLoadFloat4x4(&orientation);
XMStoreFloat4x4(&m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->projection, XMMatrixTranspose(orthographicProjectionMatrix * orientationMatrix));
void Model::SetModelMatrix()
XMFLOAT4X4 orientation = XMFLOAT4X4
1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
XMMATRIX orientationMatrix = XMLoadFloat4x4(&orientation);
XMStoreFloat4x4(&m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->model, XMMatrixTranspose(orientationMatrix));
Frankly speaking I do not yet understand the problem that I’m facing. I’d be grateful if anyone with a deeper insight could give me some hints as to where I need to apply changes so that the vector calculated from the unprojection starts at the cursor position and moves into the screen.
Edit 1:
I assume it has to do with the fact that my camera is located at (0, 0, 0) in world coordinates. The camera rotates around its local x- and y-axis. From what I understand the view matrix created by the camera builds the plane onto which the image is projected. If that is the case it would explain why the ray is at a somehow "unexpected" location.
My assumption is that I need to move the camera out of the center so that it is located outside of the object. However, if simply modify the member variable m_cameraPosition of the camera my model gets totally distorted.
Anyone out there able and willing to help?
Thanks for your hint, Kapil. I tried the XMMatrixLookAtRH method but could not change the camera's pitch / yaw using that approach so I discarded that approach and came up with generating the matrix myself.
What resolved my problem was transposing the model, view and projection matrices using XMMatrixTranspose before passing them to XMVector3Unproject. So instead of having the code as follows
XMMATRIX projectionMatrix = XMLoadFloat4x4(&m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->projection);
XMMATRIX viewMatrix = XMLoadFloat4x4(&m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->view);
XMMATRIX modelMatrix = XMLoadFloat4x4(&m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->model);
XMVECTOR rayBegin = XMVector3Unproject(XMVectorSet(screenX, screenY, -m_boundingSphereRadius, 0.0f),
it needs to be
XMMATRIX projectionMatrix = XMMatrixTranspose(XMLoadFloat4x4(&m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->projection));
XMMATRIX viewMatrix = XMMatrixTranspose(XMLoadFloat4x4(&m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->view));
XMMATRIX modelMatrix = XMMatrixTranspose(XMLoadFloat4x4(&m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->model));
XMVECTOR rayBegin = XMVector3Unproject(XMVectorSet(screenX, screenY, -m_boundingSphereRadius, 0.0f),
It's not entirely clear to me why I need to transpose the matrices before passing them to the unproject method. However, I suspect that it is related to the issue that I'm facing when I move my camera. That problem has already been described here on StackOverflow by this posting.
I did not manage to solve that problem yet. Simply transposing the view matrix does not resolve it. However, my main problem is solved and my model is finally clickable.
If anyone has anything to add and shine some light on why the matrices need to be transposed or why moving the camera distorts the model please go ahead and post comments or answers.
I used the XMMatrixLookAtRH API in Model::SetViewMatrix() function to calculate the view matrix and got decent values of v and rayOrigin vectors.
For eg:
XMMatrixLookAtRH(m_cameraPosition, XMVectorSet(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
XMVectorSet(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
Though I haven't been able to visualize the output on screen, I checked the result by computing for simple values in a console application and the vector values seem to be correct. Please check in your application and confirm.
NOTE: You have to give focal point and up direction vector parameters to use XMMatrixLookAtRH API instead of your current approach.
I am able to get equal values of v and rayOrigin vectors using XMMatrixLookAtRH method as well as your custom view matrix with this code without needing matrix transpose operations:
#include <directxmath.h>
using namespace DirectX;
XMVECTOR m_cameraXAxis;
XMVECTOR m_cameraYAxis;
XMVECTOR m_cameraZAxis;
XMVECTOR m_cameraPosition;
void SetViewMatrix()
XMVECTOR lTarget = XMVectorSet(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f);
m_cameraPosition = XMVectorSet(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
m_cameraZAxis = XMVector3Normalize(XMVectorSubtract(m_cameraPosition, lTarget));
m_cameraXAxis = XMVector3Normalize(XMVector3Cross(XMVectorSet(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), m_cameraZAxis));
XMFLOAT3 cameraPosition;
XMFLOAT3 cameraXAxis;
XMFLOAT3 cameraYAxis;
XMFLOAT3 cameraZAxis;
XMFLOAT4X4 viewMatrix;
// Keep camera's axes orthogonal to each other and of unit length.
m_cameraZAxis = XMVector3Normalize(m_cameraZAxis);
m_cameraYAxis = XMVector3Normalize(XMVector3Cross(m_cameraZAxis, m_cameraXAxis));
// m_cameraYAxis and m_cameraZAxis are already normalized, so there is no need
// to normalize the below cross product of the two.
m_cameraXAxis = XMVector3Cross(m_cameraYAxis, m_cameraZAxis);
// Fill in the view matrix entries.
float x = -XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(m_cameraPosition, m_cameraXAxis));
float y = -XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(m_cameraPosition, m_cameraYAxis));
float z = -XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(m_cameraPosition, m_cameraZAxis));
XMStoreFloat3(&cameraPosition, m_cameraPosition);
XMStoreFloat3(&cameraXAxis, m_cameraXAxis);
XMStoreFloat3(&cameraYAxis, m_cameraYAxis);
XMStoreFloat3(&cameraZAxis, m_cameraZAxis);
viewMatrix(0, 0) = cameraXAxis.x;
viewMatrix(1, 0) = cameraXAxis.y;
viewMatrix(2, 0) = cameraXAxis.z;
viewMatrix(3, 0) = x;
viewMatrix(0, 1) = cameraYAxis.x;
viewMatrix(1, 1) = cameraYAxis.y;
viewMatrix(2, 1) = cameraYAxis.z;
viewMatrix(3, 1) = y;
viewMatrix(0, 2) = cameraZAxis.x;
viewMatrix(1, 2) = cameraZAxis.y;
viewMatrix(2, 2) = cameraZAxis.z;
viewMatrix(3, 2) = z;
viewMatrix(0, 3) = 0.0f;
viewMatrix(1, 3) = 0.0f;
viewMatrix(2, 3) = 0.0f;
viewMatrix(3, 3) = 1.0f;
gView = XMLoadFloat4x4(&viewMatrix);
gView2 = XMMatrixLookAtRH(m_cameraPosition, XMVectorSet(2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f),
XMVectorSet(1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f));
//m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->view = viewMatrix;
void SetProjectionMatrix(float width, float height, float nearZ, float farZ)
XMMATRIX orthographicProjectionMatrix = XMMatrixOrthographicRH(width, height, nearZ, farZ);
XMFLOAT4X4 orientation = XMFLOAT4X4
1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
XMMATRIX orientationMatrix = XMLoadFloat4x4(&orientation);
gProj = XMMatrixTranspose( XMMatrixMultiply(orthographicProjectionMatrix, orientationMatrix));
void SetModelMatrix()
XMFLOAT4X4 orientation = XMFLOAT4X4
1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
XMMATRIX orientationMatrix = XMMatrixTranspose( XMLoadFloat4x4(&orientation));
gModel = orientationMatrix;
bool SelectObject(float screenX, float screenY, float screenWidth, float screenHeight)
XMMATRIX projectionMatrix = gProj;
XMMATRIX viewMatrix = gView;
XMMATRIX modelMatrix = gModel;
XMMATRIX viewMatrix2 = gView2;
XMVECTOR v = XMVector3Unproject(XMVectorSet(screenX, screenY, 5.0f, 0.0f),
XMVECTOR rayOrigin = XMVector3Unproject(XMVectorSet(screenX, screenY, 0.0f, 0.0f),
// Code to retrieve v0, v1 and v2 is omitted
auto diff = v - rayOrigin;
auto diffNorm = XMVector3Normalize(diff);
XMVECTOR v2 = XMVector3Unproject(XMVectorSet(screenX, screenY, 5.0f, 0.0f),
XMVECTOR rayOrigin2 = XMVector3Unproject(XMVectorSet(screenX, screenY, 0.0f, 0.0f),
auto diff2 = v2 - rayOrigin2;
auto diffNorm2 = XMVector3Normalize(diff2);
return true;
int main()
SetProjectionMatrix(1000, 1000, 0.0f, 1.0f);
SelectObject(500, 500, 1000, 1000);
return 0;
Please check your application with this code and confirm. You'll see the code is the same as your earlier code. The only addition is initial values of camera parameters, calculation of 2nd view matrix in SetViewMatrix() using XMMatrixLookAtRH method and calculating vectors using both the view matrices in SelectObject().
No need to Transpose
I did not have to transpose any matrix. Transpose should not be required for Projection and Model matrices because they are both diagonal matrices and transposing them will give the same matrix. I don't think a transpose of View matrix is required either. The formula of XMMatrixLookAtRH explained here provides the view matrix exactly like yours. Also, the sample project given here does not transpose its matrices while checking intersection. You can download and check the sample project.
Possible problem sources
1) Initialization: The only code I have not been able to see is your initialization of m_cameraZAxis, m_cameraXAxis, nearZ, farZ parameters, etc. Also, I have not used your camera rotation functions. As you can see, I have initialized camera by using position, target and direction vectors for calculation. Do check if your initial calculation of m_cameraZAxis accords with my sample code.
2) LH/RH look: Make sure there is no accidental mix-up of left-hand and right-hand looks anywhere in your code.
3) Check if your rotation code (ChangeCameraPitch or ChangeCameraYaw) is accidentally creating camera axes which are not orthogonal. You are using the camera's Y-axis as input in ChangeCameraYaw and as output in ChangeCameraPitch. But the Y-axis is being reset in SetViewMatrix by the cross-product or X and Z axes. So the earlier value of Y-axis may get lost.
Good luck with your application! Do tell if you find a proper solution and root cause to your problem.
As mentioned the issue was not fully resolved even though clicking now works. The issue with the distortion of the model when moving the camera, which I suspected is related, was still present. What I meant with "the model gets distorted" is visible in the following illustration:
The left image shows how the model looks when the camera is located in the center of the world, i.e. (0, 0, 0) while the right image shows what happens when I move the camera in negative y-axis direction. As can be seen the model widens at the bottom and gets smaller at the top which is the same behavior described in the link I already provided above.
What I eventually did to resolve both issues is:
Transpose the matrices before passing them to XMVector3Unproject (already described above)
Transposed my view matrix by changing the code of the SetViewMatrix method (code see below)
The SetViewMatrix method now looks as follows:
void Camera::SetViewMatrix()
XMFLOAT3 cameraPosition;
XMFLOAT3 cameraXAxis;
XMFLOAT3 cameraYAxis;
XMFLOAT3 cameraZAxis;
XMFLOAT4X4 viewMatrix;
// Keep camera's axes orthogonal to each other and of unit length.
m_cameraZAxis = XMVector3Normalize(m_cameraZAxis);
m_cameraYAxis = XMVector3Normalize(XMVector3Cross(m_cameraZAxis, m_cameraXAxis));
// m_cameraYAxis and m_cameraZAxis are already normalized, so there is no need
// to normalize the below cross product of the two.
m_cameraXAxis = XMVector3Cross(m_cameraYAxis, m_cameraZAxis);
// Fill in the view matrix entries.
float x = -XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(m_cameraPosition, m_cameraXAxis));
float y = -XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(m_cameraPosition, m_cameraYAxis));
float z = -XMVectorGetX(XMVector3Dot(m_cameraPosition, m_cameraZAxis));
//XMStoreFloat3(&cameraPosition, m_cameraPosition);
XMStoreFloat3(&cameraXAxis, m_cameraXAxis);
XMStoreFloat3(&cameraYAxis, m_cameraYAxis);
XMStoreFloat3(&cameraZAxis, m_cameraZAxis);
viewMatrix(0, 0) = cameraXAxis.x;
viewMatrix(0, 1) = cameraXAxis.y;
viewMatrix(0, 2) = cameraXAxis.z;
viewMatrix(0, 3) = x;
viewMatrix(1, 0) = cameraYAxis.x;
viewMatrix(1, 1) = cameraYAxis.y;
viewMatrix(1, 2) = cameraYAxis.z;
viewMatrix(1, 3) = y;
viewMatrix(2, 0) = cameraZAxis.x;
viewMatrix(2, 1) = cameraZAxis.y;
viewMatrix(2, 2) = cameraZAxis.z;
viewMatrix(2, 3) = z;
viewMatrix(3, 0) = 0.0f;
viewMatrix(3, 1) = 0.0f;
viewMatrix(3, 2) = 0.0f;
viewMatrix(3, 3) = 1.0f;
m_modelViewProjectionConstantBufferData->view = viewMatrix;
So I just exchanged row and column coordinates. Note that I had to make sure that my ChangeCameraYaw method gets called before my ChangeCameraPitch method. This is necessary because the orientation of the model otherwise is not as I want it.
There is also another approach that could be used. Instead of transposing the view matrix by exchanging the row and column coordinates and transposing it before passing it to XMVector3Unproject I could use the row_major keyword in the vertex shader together with the view matrix:
cbuffer ModelViewProjectionConstantBuffer : register(b0)
matrix model;
row_major matrix view;
matrix projection;
I came across this idea in this blog post. The keyword row_major influences on how the shader compiler interprets the matrix in memory. The same could also be achieved by changing the order of the vector * matrix multiplication in the vertex shader, i.e. using pos = mul(view, pos); instead of pos = mul(pos, view);
That's pretty much it. The two issues are indeed interconnected but using what I posted in this question I was able to resolve both issues so I'm accepting my own reply as answer to this question. Hope it helps someone in the future.