Visual Studio 2019 C++ CodeLens - c++

Is there any way to enable CodeLens for C++? Either through extensions or native VS settings.
It's specifically this feature for C# I'm talking about
This is all official information I can find on the matter. Seems like they added it in C++17, however, it's focused on unit testing.


Can Intellisense in Visual Studio 2017 suggest C++ headers to include?

Coming from a primarily C# background, I used ReSharper for many years. Being able to place my cursor on an unresolved reference, hit Alt+Enter, and select an option to add the appropriate using statement was invaluable. Now, Visual Studio 2017 has this capability natively! With this (and many other features added in VS2017) I got rid of ReSharper and am enjoying a very fast and responsive Visual Studio experience.
I've recently started doing some work in C++, and while I do get suggestions from Intellisense about fields and methods, when it comes to an unresolved reference it doesn't suggest any headers to #include.
My question is whether or not Visual Studio 2017 added the feature to suggest #include options for C++ or not? After scouring around, it seems Visual Assist X and ReSharper C++ have this feature, but I can find nothing detailing whether this feature is now available natively (and if it is, how do I enable it?) or whether it is still an extension exclusive.
It seems Intellisense does not, as of Visual Studio 2017, support suggesting headers to include for C++ types. As recommended by #Jack Zhai-MSFT, I have opened a user-voice issue for this request.

Does Visual Studio 2017 use the Language Server Protocol?

Language Server Protocol was created for VS-Code (not the Visual Studio IDE).
It is a rather sensible idea about providing language services like various linting and code-completion (intillisense).
It is by no means the first-time that idea has been had,
but it has seen rather rapid and wide-scale support from a large number of languages.
Is it used by Visual Studio 2017?
I can't seem to find the creating extensions docs for 2017.
eg the 2015 docs here.
If not, is there an official language server plugin that allows LSP resources to be used?
Update (Feb 2019): support for the Language Server Protocol is now built in to Visual Studio 2017.
This question was not able to answer, as only Microsoft holds the key. But luckily after half a year, Microsoft did announce the fact that Visual Studio would support LSP,
The extension only works for Visual Studio Preview builds right now, and also lacks many important features,
We can see that there is still a long way to go.

how enable decorations is VS 2017?

what can i do in visual studio 2017 to enamble this wondelfull decoration in a C++ project?
Structure Guide Lines are not currently available for C++:
Structure Guide Lines are currently supported for C#, Visual Basic, F#, and XAML files, and for any files supported via TextMate grammars. (source)
This feature is unfortunately not available for C++ yet, but it is on our backlog to add in a future update. (source)

Static-code analyzer: unmanaged C++ Visual Studio 2008

I develop commercial unmanaged C++ app on Visual Studio 2008, and I want to add a static-code analysis tool.
Any recommendations?
I think it would be real nice if the tool can be integrated into MSVC.
I'm thinking about PC-Lint + Visual Lint
However, I have been taking a hard look at Coverity, Understand, and Klockwork as well.
Price isnt really the issue. I want opinions from people who actually used the tool for unmanaged C++ on MSVC, and they just absolutely loved it.
Lastly, VSTS and Intel Parallel Studio now also offer static code analysis. Nice~
Note: related post suggest Coverity is the best (?) (see last 2 posts)
Beyond all those you mentioned, VS Team Developer edition comes bundled with a nice static analysis tool called prefast. Its (obviously..) well integrated into the IDE, and accessible via the menus.
Its in fact a public release of an MS internal tool - a thin version of a tool called Prefix they run on their builds. Personally, when I faced the same decision, prefast sufficed.
I work for RedLizard building Goanna, a C++ static analysis plugin for Visual Studio. Its focus is on desktop use by a programmer. You can run it on individual files, just as you do the compiler, and it can give you results quickly.
There is a trial available. Right-click a file, select Run Goanna, and the results appear in the Visual Studio warnings list.
You can try CppDepend, a pretty complete c and c++ static analyzer, well integrated with VS 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2015.
I just started using cppcheck which I like very much due to the low noise.
Although it does not integrate directly with Visual Studio 2008, VS can be customized and you should be able to integrate it directly into the IDE.
I use PVS-Studio static code analyzer.
This static code analyzer good integrated with Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013.
It has many additional features:
Verification of files which were recently modified several days ago;
Verification of files by their filenames from within the text file
version control systems integration; ability to operate fro m command line
«False Alarms» marking; saving and loading of analysis
utilizing all available cores and processors;

What Visual Studio 2008 productivity features are missing from C++ Express edition?

I'm using Visual Studio C++ 2008 Express to learn a native API for a new project. What I'm wondering is: what productivity features present in the full version that you take for granted are missing from Visual Studio Express? I'm not referring to large "paid" features like MFC support - I'm thinking of small features (sometimes provided by Add Ins) like "Copy File to Output Dir"
Also, it doesn't have to be specific to C++ edition - that's just the exact release I happen to be using.
Note: I'm an experienced Java programmer and I most frequently use IntelliJ IDEA (disclaimer: that's just for reference - I'm not looking to compare VS vs. IDEA).
EDIT: Revised to include Add Ins that enhance the experience.
The ability to use addins are sorely missed, for example Visual Assist, which is the productivity booster.
I was all like "oh, let me google that for you", but Microsoft made life difficult indeed. Seems that Wikipedia is our best source at this moment:
If you plan to develop a C/C++ WIN32 GUI application then the major component that is missing is the resource editor (i.e. the GUI builder tool).
The express version will still compile resource files, but you will have to create the resource files by hand or use a third party resource editor.