create request body and template API GATEWAY CDK - amazon-web-services

Please tell me two things:
1. How to configure request body via sdk
2. how to configure template, for pulling pass or query param, converting to json, and then passing it to lambda
This is all in the api gateway and via cdk

Assume you have the following setup
const restapi = new apigateway.RestApi(this, "myapi", {
// detail omit
const helloWorld = new lambda.Function(this, "hello", {
runtime: lambda.Runtime..PYTHON_3_8,
handler: 'index.handler',
code: Code.asset('./')
restapi.root.addResource("test").addMethod("POST", new apigateway.LambdaIntegration(helloWorld))
and inside the lambda function (in python)
def handler(event, context):
request_body = event['body']
parameters = event[queryStringParameters]


Direct traffic to Lambda function with API Gateway in CDK

I am trying to create a REST API to return data to my front-end using a Lambda function all done in CDK.
Basically my api-gateway would route traffic from /uploads to my Lambda function. However, I'm having a bit of difficulty incorporating this.
const s3UploaderUrlLambda = new lambda.Function(
//defined my Lambda function
const api = new apigateway.LambdaRestApi(this, 's3uploader', {
handler: s3UploaderUrlLambda, //I believe this handler means that it will target this
//Lambda for every single route but I only want it for /uploads
proxy: false
const uploads = api.root.addResource('uploads');
Can anyone help?
Define default integration for resource:
const uploads = api.root.addResource('uploads', {
defaultIntegration: new apigateway.LambdaIntegration(
or directly for method:
new apigateway.LambdaIntegration(

How to Reuse the api gate TokenAuthorizer

I want to reuse the TokenAuthorizer which I have created in another stack. If a do the below it gives an error that it already exists, and if I change the authorizerName it creates a new one.
Is there a way I can reuse this resource?
const authzHandler = lambda.Function.fromFunctionName(this, 'AuthHandlerLookup', 'auth-handler');
const authorizer = new apigateway.TokenAuthorizer(this, 'WebApiTokenAuthorizer', {
handler: authzHandler,
resultsCacheTtl: Duration.seconds(600),
authorizerName: 'test-Authorizer',
assumeRole: lambdaExecutionRole
test.addMethod('GET', new apigateway.LambdaIntegration(TestLambda , { proxy: true }),
i am able to get the authorizer information in cli , but now sure how to do the same using cdk
aws apigateway get-authorizer --rest-api-id wrrt25mzme0m --authorizer-id vffawds

How can I change default parameter values for lambda?

I'm playing with AWS lambda and I am unable to change the default parameters that are used in the lambda. Is there a workaround for this?
Lambda "iAmInvoked" is created by a stack in cloudformation which has default parameter values set (I set these defaults thinking that, these will be used in case invoker doesn't provide values for the parameters required and can be overridden). I'm invoking this iAmInvoked lambda asynchronously using a lambda called "iWillInvoke" and providing the payload which contains new values for parameters to be used by iAmInvoked instead of its defaults.
iWillInvoke code:
import json
import boto3
client = boto3.client('lambda')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
payloadForLambda = { 'parameter1' : 'abc,def' , 'parameter2' : '123456' , 'parameter3' : '987654' }
iAmInvoked Code:
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: |
"Creates required IAM roles to give permission to get and put SSM parameters and creates lambda function that shares the parameter(s)."
Type: String
Default: parameterValueThatShallBeOverridden1
Type: String
Default: parameterValueThatShallBeOverridden2
Type: String
Default: parameterValueThatShallBeOverridden3
Doesn't matter what I provide in the payload of iWillInvoke, iAmInvoked is using its default values. Is there a way I can override the defaults?
iAmInvoked Code is not your function code nor its parameters. Its CloudFormation template and parameters for the template. Using client.invoke does not affect in any form and shape the CloudFormation template.
To work with CloudFormation in boto3, there is cloudformation SDK.

Lambda Function working, but cannot work with API Gateway

I have a working Lambda function when I test it using a test event:
"num1_in": 51.5,
"num2_in": -0.097
import json
import Function_and_Data_List
#Parse out query string parameters
def lambda_handler(event, context):
num1_in = event['num1_in']
num2_in = event['num2_in']
coord = {'num1': num1_in, 'num2': num2_in}
output = func1(Function_and_Data_List.listdata, coord)
return {
"Output": output
However, when I use API gateway to create a REST API I keep getting errors. My method for the REST API are:
1.) Build REST API
2.) Actions -> Create Resource
3.) Actions -> Create Method -> GET
4.) Integration type is Lambda Function, Use Lambda Proxy Integration
5.) Deploy
What am I missing for getting this API to work?
If you use lambda proxy integration, your playload will be in the body. You seem also having incorrect return format.
Therefore, I would recommend trying out the following version of your code:
import json
import Function_and_Data_List
#Parse out query string parameters
def lambda_handler(event, context):
body = json.loads(event['body'])
num1_in = body['num1_in']
num2_in = body['num2_in']
coord = {'num1': num1_in, 'num2': num2_in}
output = func1(Function_and_Data_List.listdata, coord)
return {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": json.dumps(output)
In the above I also added print(event) so that in the CloudWatch Logs you can inspect the event object which should help debug the issue.

How to get the AWS IoT custom endpoint in CDK?

I want to pass the IoT custom endpoint as an env var to a lambda declared in CDK.
I'm talking about the IoT custom endpoint that lives here:
How do I get it in context of CDK?
You can ref AWS sample code:
const getIoTEndpoint = new customResource.AwsCustomResource(this, 'IoTEndpoint', {
onCreate: {
service: 'Iot',
action: 'describeEndpoint',
physicalResourceId: customResource.PhysicalResourceId.fromResponse('endpointAddress'),
parameters: {
"endpointType": "iot:Data-ATS"
policy: customResource.AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromSdkCalls({resources: customResource.AwsCustomResourcePolicy.ANY_RESOURCE})
const IOT_ENDPOINT = getIoTEndpoint.getResponseField('endpointAddress')
AFAIK the only way to recover is by using Custom Resources (Lambda), for example (IoTThing):