How to get a row and select a specific td in cypress? - row

I have a table with 6 columns and variable rows. Now i want cypress to test the delete button. so i create a testitem in my table in the test before and want my program to delete this testitem.
How can i search in a table in column 2, filter the row and click on the button in column 6 with cypress?
I read the docu and guide on but i have not find any solutions.
<div class="row">
<div class="top-buffer"></div>
<div class="panel panel-primary">
<div class="panel-heading panel-head">Article</div>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="btn-group">
<a asp-action="Edit" asp-route-id="#Guid.Empty" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="" glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></i>NEW</a>
<div class="top-buffer"></div>
<table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-condensed">
#foreach (var att in Model)
<td>#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => att.1)</td>
<td>#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => att.2)</td>
<td>#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => att.3)</td>
<td>#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => att.4)</td>
<td>#Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => att.5)</td>
<a asp-action="Edit" asp-route-id="#att.Id" class="btn btn-info"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></i>EDIT</a>
<a asp-action="DeleteCategory" asp-route-id="#att.Id" class="btn btn-danger"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i>DELETE</a>

The code you show is ASP.Net source which gets compiled on the server, so the HTML in the browser (the HTML your test needs to work with) will be different.
i.e #foreach (var att in Model) gives you a row for each item in Model and #Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => att.2) will be translated into some concrete content for column 2.
Therefore, it would be easier to answer if you run the app in a browser and copy and paste that HTML from the console.
Since you want to search on column 2, that can go two ways.
If the content in column 2 is very unique, e.g names that do not appear in other columns, you can target it just by looking for the text
cy.contains('td', 'text-to-search-for') // gives you the cell
.parent() // gives you the row
.within($tr => { // filters just that row
.get('td a') // finds the buttons cell of that row
.contains('DELETE') // finds the delete button
cy.contains('td', 'text-to-search-for') // gives you the cell
.siblings() // gives you all the other cells in the row
.contains('a', 'DELETE') // finds the delete button
If text you want to search for can appear in columns other than column 2, it becomes more difficult, but chances are the above will suffice.
The other thing to note, if your test scenario always uses the same data, e.g from a fixture file, you can target specific row numbers but that's a fragile test which will need re-writing if the structure of the page changes.

Your Html only had one row, so clicking that button should be easy if that is the case..
I am betting that will cause problem later, because you will probably have more rows.
cy.get('table').find('tr').eq(ROW INDEX).find('td').eq(COLUMN INDEX).find('.btn-danger').click()
Now I don't think this is the best way to do this. I would suggest you add some classes to your code so you can easier get to your elements. For example add a class to the delete button that is class="delete-item" so you can use that in a selector
cy.get('table').find('tr').eq(ROW INDEX).find('td').eq(COLUMN INDEX).find('.delete-item').click()
I am not 100% sure about this answer because I did not try it.


Bootstrap-Select not updating on mobile

I am using Bootstrap-select for multi-select items with Django. It works fine on desktop, but when the native mobile drop-down is enabled, the selected values of the dropdown do not populate.
<!-- start product brand info -->
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6 col-xs-*">
<label for="id_brand-name" class="form-label">Products</label>
<select multiple class="form-control selectpicker mb-3" id="id_brand-name" name="brand-name" mobile="true" multiple required>
{% for product in products %}
<option value="{{}}" id="optiion">{{ | title }} - {{ | title}}</option>
<div class="invalid-feedback">
Select at least one product.
<!-- end product info -->
//Enble native drop down on mobile
window.onload = function () {
container: 'body'
if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
No matter how many items are selected, the selector always shows Nothing selected. When the data is posted, it is apart of the form though.
I like to use bootstrap-select, but this problem has been bothering me for a long time
Similar questions can be found on github, but no perfect answer.
The reason is that it will always refresh his title, no matter how remove() is done externally, and you can't change it's style on iphone Safari and Firefox.
So my solution is: if you can't remove it, then join it.
You have to change the original file: bootstrap-select.js
Search for: bs-title-option, next line you will find:
this.selectpicker.view.titleOption.value = '';
And add two lines down:
this.selectpicker.view.titleOption.value = '';
// new add
When you use $('#id_brand-name').selectpicker('mobile')
The title text show on first empty option, and it can't be choose.
try it!

How to sort table in columns using Django?

I have some tables in html like this:
<div class="d-flex align-items-center">
<p class="fw-normal size-12 text-label mb-0 d-inline-block"></p>
<i class="fas fa-arrow-down ms-2 text-gray-dark size-12"></i>
I want to sort them using an arrow, but I have to use Django here. I didn't find much materials online. Any suggestion?
make sure you have create every column header as a link, example :

Passing values from Django template to javascript-ajax function

Now my template displays a table having a link on each row to display more details. Each row passes unique column_name, db_name, schema_name, tablenm combination to get more details.
<a href="{% url 'moreDetails' column_name=row.colname db_name=row.dbname schema_name=row.schemaname table_name=row.tablenm %} " target="_blank">
The above code works , but open a new window for the result set. But, I would like to route it through a javascript(Jquery-django) and capture the result back in Javascript and display the result as a javascript message without refreshing the complete page.
How Can I pass there values (column_name, db_name, schema_name, tablenm) to the java script on the click event
I tried replacing href with button and set a value to it
<input type="button" value={% row.colname |","| row.dbname |","| row.schemaname |","| row.tablenm %} class="apireq" />
But seems not working. I welcome any help on this . Thanks In advance
Why not set them as data attributes?
<input type="button" class="apireq"
Then in your click event handler you will have a reference to the button that generated the event, all you need to to is read the attributes off of it. And they are already parsed out so no worries there too.

Python Selenium Click on object inside specific row

I have site and the HTML looks like this:
<tr role="row" class="odd">
<td class="sorting_1">555</td>
FruitType1 : Fruit1
<button class="copy_button btn_gray_inverse" id="555">Copy</button>
<button class="fruit check_btn" id="555" href="" value="0">
<i class="bt_check"></i>
<a class="fruit remove_btn" id="555" href="#">
<i class="bt_remove">
Im trying to click on button (<button class="fruit check_btn" id="555" href="" value="0">) inside this specific row. Rows can be different only in text under tr (Fruit1, Fruit2), with this code and its not working:
FruitList = self.driver.find_elements_by_xpath\
('//tr[#role="row" and contains (., "Fruit1")]')
for Fruit in FruitList:
Enabled = Fruit.find_element_by_xpath('//i[#class="bt_check"]')
It allways clicks on button from first awailable row on the page, not the one that is containing text "Fruit1".
Please help
To find the check button for Fruit1, I suggest you to do it in two steps.
First find the row for Fruit1:
fruit_row = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//td[text()='Fruit1']/..")
Note that I use /.. at the end of the Xpath in order to select the tr element that contains the td with text 'Fruit1' instead of the td himself.
Second step, find the button and click on it:
To click on <td> with text as Fruit1, you can use the following line of code :
You can be more generic with :

How to handle dynamically changing id's with similar starting name using Webdriver

I am automating the test for web application. I have a scenario for creating an admin, for which i have to enter the name, email address and phone number text boxes. But ids of this text boxes are dynamic.
userName, id='oe-field-input-41'
Email, id='oe-field-input-42'
phone number, id='oe-field-input-43'
First Query:
The numbers in the ids are dynamic, it keep changes
I tired to use the xpath for handling the dynamic value.
xpath = //*[starts-with(#id,'oe-field-input-')]
In this it enter the text into first text box successfully
Second Query:
I am not able use the same xpath for next two text boxes, as it enters the email and phone number into name field only
Please help me to resolve this dynamic value handling.
Edited: added the html code,
<table class="oe_form_group " cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<tr class="oe_form_group_row">
<td class="oe_form_group_cell oe_form_group_cell_label" width="1%" colspan="1">
<td class="oe_form_group_cell" width="99%" colspan="1">
<span class="oe_form_field oe_form_field_many2one oe_form_field_with_button">
<a class="oe_m2o_cm_button oe_e" tabindex="-1" href="#" draggable="false" style="display: inline;">/</a>
<tr class="oe_form_group_row">
<td class="oe_form_group_cell oe_form_group_cell_label" width="1%" colspan="1">
<td class="oe_form_group_cell" width="99%" colspan="1">
<span class="oe_form_field oe_form_field_email">
<input id="oe-field-input-35" type="text" maxlength="240">
<tr class="oe_form_group_row">
<td class="oe_form_group_cell oe_form_group_cell_label" width="1%" colspan="1">
<td class="oe_form_group_cell" width="99%" colspan="1">
<span class="oe_form_field oe_form_field_char">
<input id="oe-field-input-36" type="text" maxlength="32">
<tr class="oe_form_group_row">
<td class="oe_form_group_cell oe_form_group_cell_label" width="1%" colspan="1">
<td class="oe_form_group_cell" width="99%" colspan="1">
<span class="oe_form_field oe_form_field_char">
<input id="oe-field-input-37" type="text" maxlength="32">
<tr class="oe_form_group_row">
you can try alternate way for locating unique element by label or so. For example:
css=.oe_form_group_row:contains(case_sensitive_text) input
xpath=//tr[#class = 'oe_form_group_row'][contains(.,'case_sensitive_text')]//input
If you are using ISFW you should create custom component for such form fields.
You do have some classes which are good for identification, e.g. oe_form_field_email, oe_form_field_char. It's a little complicated to use them because they're not on the input fields themselves, and the second one is not unique; but it's quite possible:
.//span[contains(#class, 'oe_form_field_email')]//input
That is an xpath which identifies the Email field as being the input which is a descendant of a span with the oe_form_field_email class. You could also use the same logic in a css selector like this, more efficiently:
span.oe_form_field_email input
For the two other fields, there is no unique class which can tell them apart so you're going to have to rely on the order (I'm assuming username comes before phone number), and that means you have to use xpaths:
(//tr//span[contains(#class, 'oe_form_field_char')])[1]//input
(//tr//span[contains(#class, 'oe_form_field_char')])[2]//input
Those xpaths pick out the first and second fields respectively, which are inputs which are descendants of a span of class oe_form_field_char.
P.S. I used Firepath in firefox to verify the xpath and css locators.
The problem here is, that your XPath does the correct selection, but Selenium will always pick the first one if multiple results are returned for your query.
You can select each of the input fields directly by using:
If there are other input fields, you can tighten your selection by selecting only input nodes with oe-field-input in their id attribute like this:
Use the following xpath works like a charm. Although I don't recommend this kind of an xpath. Since we don't have text against the text box no other choice.
//div/input[contains(#id, 'oe-field-input')] - First text box
//tr[#class = 'oe_form_group_row'][2]//input - Second text box
//tr[#class = 'oe_form_group_row'][3]//input - Third text box
You can use below XPATH.
//tr[#class = 'oe_form_group_row'][2]//input for First Text box
//tr[#class = 'oe_form_group_row'][3]//input for Second Text box
//tr[#class = 'oe_form_group_row'][4]//input for Third text box.
I have tested avove xpath.
But the better way if you have development access then ask developers to make is standaralized and recommand tags like "name" , "value", or attach text e.g. Email:, Password. So you can use these in your xpath.