Operator<< in base class not visible in derived class [duplicate] - c++

I am trying to understand why the following code does not compile, apparently the solution relies in specifically declaring the dependency on method_A in the derived class.
Please refer to the following code:
class Base
void method_A(int param, int param2)
std::cout << "Base call A" << std::endl;
//does not compile
class Derived : public Base
void method_A(int param)
std::cout << "Derived call A" << std::endl;
class Derived2 : public Base
using Base::method_A; //compile
void method_A(int param)
std::cout << "Derived call A" << std::endl;
int main ()
Derived myDerived;
Derived2 myDerived2;
return 0;
"test.cpp", (S) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "Derived::method_A(int)".
What is the technical reason that prevents the derived class to know its base class is implementing the method it's trying to overload?
I am looking in understanding better how the compiler/linker behaves in this case.

Its called Name Hiding. When you define a non virtual method with the same name as Base method it hides the Base class method in Derived class so you are getting the error for
To avoid hiding of Base class methods in Derived class use using keyword as you did in Derived2 class.
Also if you want to make it work you can do it explictly
Check out this for better explanation why name hiding came into picture.

Well, for one you're calling
with 2 arguments, whereas both in base and derived the method is declared to take only one argument.
Secodnly, you're not overriding anything, because method_A is not virtual. You're overloading.

If your intention is to override void Base::method_A(int param, int param2) then you should mark it virtual in the base class:
virtual void method_A(int param, int param2)
Any function overriding this must have the same parameters and almost the same return type ('almost' loosely meaning that the differing return types must be polymorphically related, but in most cases it should have the identical return type).
All you're currently doing is overloading the function in the base class. The using keyword is bringing the base class function into the child class' namespace, as the language behaviour is not to do this by default.


Method Overriding C++

I got a Question in my Exam which was this:
Function Overriding means the functions have the same prototype but
differ in their body
Justify the Statement with the help of an Example.
Now I quoted this code snippet as Example :
using namespace std;
class A {
public: virtual void print() {
cout << "I am Base Class's print Function" << endl;
class B: public A {
public: void print() {
cout << "I am Derived's Class print function" << endl;
Here I have made two classes, Class A and Class B and Class B is inheriting Class A. Now, by definition of Method Overriding, we mean that the Function which gets created in the Base Class gets overridden in the Derived Class.
I made the Function in the Base Class as a Virtual Function.
Now, my main() file:
int main() {
A * a1;
B b1;
a1 = & b1;
a1 - > print();
Now, I want to ask that is my above code snippet example for above question is right or not. I have performed Function Overriding at run time. In my main file, the Base Class Object is a Pointer that is having the Address of the Derived Class. When I will call print() function using a1, it will execute the print() function of the Derived Class.
So isn't my example justified? Am I right or not?
You could use the classical Cat vs Dog example where both classes inherit from a common base class, i.e. Animal. The common base class can then have a pure virtual function that is then overridden with a differing implementation (method body) in each subclass.
#include <iostream>
class Animal
virtual ~Animal() = default;
virtual void MakeSound() const = 0;
class Dog : public Animal
virtual void MakeSound() const override;
class Cat : public Animal
virtual void MakeSound() const override;
void Dog::MakeSound() const
std::cout << "Woof!" << std::endl;
void Cat::MakeSound() const
std::cout << "Meow!" << std::endl;
int main()
const Dog dog{};
const Cat cat{};
const Animal& firstAnimal{dog};
const Animal& secondAnimal{cat};
* These functions have the same prototype, void MakeSound(),
* but differ in their implementation.
return 0;
If you teacher expected this as answer and considers your example as wrong then I would argue that they teach you overriding the wrong way.
From cppreference:
Virtual functions are member functions whose behavior can be overridden in derived classes.
Of course this does not strictly imply the reverse statement: "functions that can be overriden are virtual". But if this wasnt true, the quoted sentence would make little sense.
Non-virtual methods are not really meant to be overriden. From the C++ FAQ:
Should a derived class redefine (“override”) a member function that is non-virtual in a base class?
It’s legal, but it ain’t moral. [...]
Note that they put "override" in quotes, because strictly speaking it is not overriding but merely redefining.
Further, you can read on cpprefernce about the override specifier (emphasize mine):
In a member function declaration or definition, override ensures that the function is virtual and is overriding a virtual function from a base class. The program is ill-formed (a compile-time error is generated) if this is not true.
TL;DR If I had to judge I would consider this as a misleading bad example for overriding, while your code seems fine. It could benefit from using override and A should have a virtual destructor, but thats details.

Is it possible to force non-const virtual methods from superclasses to take precedence over const methods of the same name in a subclass?

Consider the following class definitions:
class foo {
virtual absl::Span<const Input *const> GetInputs() const = 0;
virtual absl::Span<Input *const> GetInputs() {
auto mutable_inputs = GetMutableInputs();
return absl::MakeSpan(mutable_inputs.begin(), mutable_inputs.end());
class bar : public foo {
absl::Span<const Input *const> GetInputs() const override {
return absl::MakeConstSpan(inputs_);
When calling bar.GetInputs() it seems like the only implementation found is the the one that returns a span of constant inputs. If I have an instance of bar, and want to create a span of non-const inputs, then I must cast bar to foo, and then call GetInputs.
If I cast bar to foo, then call GetInputs, I am then able to assign the result to a span of non-const inputs. Why does the compiler fail to identify the inherited non-const method with the correct return type? Is there a way to make the subclass identify that method?
In other words, is there a way to make the following code compile:
absl::Span<Input *const> tmp = bar.GetInputs()
If I understand your question, it has nothing to do with virtual functions or "precedence" of const, but is plain old "name hiding".
#include <iostream>
class Base {
virtual void f(int) { std::cout << "Base(int)\n"; }
virtual void f(double) { std::cout << "Base(double)\n"; }
class Derived : public Base {
virtual void f(double) { std::cout << "Derived(double)\n"; }
int main() {
Derived d;
int x=0;
output: Derived(double)
The issue is, name lookup doesn't work the way it seems you expect.
For a given scope, it searches for names to build an overload set. Within the context of Derived, there is only one f(), so when it's found, the compiler stops searching further for more overloads.
It finds Derived(double) and that's the entire overload set, and so it is selected. When you cast your derived class to a reference to the base, and then call something, both functions (declared in the base) are considered, and overload resolution selects the best match.
Now, normally, for polymorphic types you are working with the objects in terms of pointers/references to the base, so it's not an issue. But if you are calling directly on the derived class (perhaps from inside a member of derived?) then it'll have this issue of the derived declaration hiding the base names.
To make the base names visible in the derived class, it's easy:
class Derived : public Base {
using base::f; // <<<<<<<< just add this
virtual void f(double) { std::cout << "Derived(double)\n"; }
you should add
using foo::GetInputs;
in bar class to expose the base class function.
you will be able to call the base class function if the object is non-const

Overloaded function in derived class with Polymorphism (C++)

Considering this code example:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base
int number;
virtual void print()
cout << "Base class" << endl;
class Derived : public Base
void print(int value)
//printing number in Base class and paramter value
cout << "Derived with value " << value << " number is" << number << endl;
I wanted to use polymorphism and call theoverloaded print() function.
So use these classes as follows:
void somewhere_else()
Base* polymorphism = new Derived();
polymorphism->print(5); //Error indicating there are too many parameter
//thinking that I am trying to use print in Base class
//This works as I am casting the variable as Derived variable
Unfortunately, I can't call print() from the base class pointer (compilation error, see comment above). I can only call it with a cast.
Is there a better way to keep the polymorphism and still calls overloaded function based on derived class?
In your code you have two different member functions, that have different signatures:
a virtual print() that takes no argument. It is declared and defined in Base, and inherited in Derived
a non-virtual print() that takes one int argument. It is declared and defined ONLY for Derived
So the base object doesn't know a print function with an int parameter. This is why you need to cast (which is by the way a symptom that should ring alarm bells if you need it).
How to improve ?
First, if you want to override a virtual function in a derived class, use the keyword override:
class Derived : public Base
void print(int value) override
This will ensure an error message in case of subtle mismatch in the function signature:
prog.cpp:23:10: error: ‘void Derived::print(int)’ marked ‘override’, but does not override
void print(int value) override
Then make sure that the signatures are aligned in the base class and derived class (i.e. either both take an int argument or non of them.
Note that you can't access a private member of the base class in a derived class. You have to define number as protected to print it in Derived.
Finally, if you have a base class having a virtual member, it is a sound practice to systematically make the destructor virtual. This will avoid subtle bugs for more complex classes:
class Base
int number;
virtual ~Base(){}
virtual void print(int value)
Here the online demo
Now that the things are working, here a short article making the difference between overload and override.

Virtual keyword use in C++

I understand that C++ implements runtime polymorphism thorugh virtual functions and that virtual keyword is inherited but I don't see use of virtual keyword in derived class.
e.g. In below case even if you dropped virtual keyword in derived class still ptr->method() call goes to derived::method. So what extra this virtual keyword is doing in derived class?
using namespace std;
class base
virtual void method()
std::cout << std::endl << "BASE" << std::endl;
class derived: public base
virtual void method()
std::cout << std::endl << "DERIVED" << std::endl;
int main()
base* ptr = new derived();
return 9;
If the method of the derived class matches a virtual method of one of the base classes by name and signature, and the matched method is virtual, then the method of a derived class becomes virtual as well. So, technically, there is no need to mark such methods as «virtual» in derived classes. However, before C++11 it used to be a good practice just because it is a great hint to those reading the code (it could be hard to keep in mind all of the virtual functions of base class(es)).
Starting with C++11, there are two additional keywords for doing this in the derived classes that help both readability and code robustness. They are «override» and «final». For example, putting «override» in a derived class`s method ensures that a corresponding method of a base class is, in fact, virtual. The «final» keyword does the same plus it prevents the method from being further overriden.
I also wrote about this with more real-world rationales and code examples in my blog, here.
Hope it helps. Good Luck!
Nothing. Just to help remind you what functions are virtual or not.
virtual is only necessary in the base class declaration. It's optional in the derived class(es), and probably serves mostly as a reminder in those cases.
C++11 introduces override to make things even more explicit : it explicitely marks a method in a derived class as being an override of a virtual method of a base class.
Implicitly virtual methods in derived classes are virtual in derived classes, no need to explicitly define them virtual.If you declare it will be redundant declaration.
When the compiler came across the above statement
-> It will try to resolve the above statement, as the method() function is virtual, compiler postpone the resolving of that call to run time.
->As you created the object of derived class at run time, now the compiler will get to know that this method is of derived class.
what extra this virtual keyword is doing in derived class?
Consider this scenario there is one more derived class called Derived2 inherting form derived and it has its own virtual method.
class derived2: public derived
virtual void method()
std::cout << std::endl << "DERIVED2" << std::endl;
If you call the method() in main like below
int main()
base* ptr = new derived2();
ptr->method(); //derived2 class method() will get called
return 9;
If the method() in derived2 is not virtual by default, you will end up calling teh derived version of method(), loosing the benefit of runtime polymorphism.
Hence the authors of c++ did a wonderful job here, by making the virtual key word inheritance hierarchical.
virtual keyword is optional in drive class because according to the rule when you drive a class with the base class which have virtual function and when you override the virtual function in drive class compiler implicitly assign virtual keyword along with the function. So you not need to explicitly assign the virtual keyword. But this keyword is necessary during multilevel inheritance.
In your code we add this code.
class derived: public base {
virtual void method() { // In this line virtual keyword is optional.
std::cout << std::endl << "DERIVED :: method function" << std::endl;
virtual void display() {
std::cout << std::endl << "DERIVED :: display function" << std::endl;
class deriveChild: public derived {
void method() {
std::cout << std::endl << "DERIVECHILD :: method" << std::endl;
void display() {
std::cout << std::endl << "DERIVECHILD:: display" << std::endl;
In the main() if you use below code it will give you different output.
base *ptr = new deriveChild();
ptr->method(); // will compile and execute
ptr->display(); // will generate error because display() is not part of base class.
Now if you want to use display() of deriveChild class then use this code.
derived *ptr = new deriveChild();
ptr->method(); // Compile and Execute
ptr->display(); // Compile and Execute

overloading base class method in derived class

I am trying to understand why the following code does not compile, apparently the solution relies in specifically declaring the dependency on method_A in the derived class.
Please refer to the following code:
class Base
void method_A(int param, int param2)
std::cout << "Base call A" << std::endl;
//does not compile
class Derived : public Base
void method_A(int param)
std::cout << "Derived call A" << std::endl;
class Derived2 : public Base
using Base::method_A; //compile
void method_A(int param)
std::cout << "Derived call A" << std::endl;
int main ()
Derived myDerived;
Derived2 myDerived2;
return 0;
"test.cpp", (S) The wrong number of arguments have been specified for "Derived::method_A(int)".
What is the technical reason that prevents the derived class to know its base class is implementing the method it's trying to overload?
I am looking in understanding better how the compiler/linker behaves in this case.
Its called Name Hiding. When you define a non virtual method with the same name as Base method it hides the Base class method in Derived class so you are getting the error for
To avoid hiding of Base class methods in Derived class use using keyword as you did in Derived2 class.
Also if you want to make it work you can do it explictly
Check out this for better explanation why name hiding came into picture.
Well, for one you're calling
with 2 arguments, whereas both in base and derived the method is declared to take only one argument.
Secodnly, you're not overriding anything, because method_A is not virtual. You're overloading.
If your intention is to override void Base::method_A(int param, int param2) then you should mark it virtual in the base class:
virtual void method_A(int param, int param2)
Any function overriding this must have the same parameters and almost the same return type ('almost' loosely meaning that the differing return types must be polymorphically related, but in most cases it should have the identical return type).
All you're currently doing is overloading the function in the base class. The using keyword is bringing the base class function into the child class' namespace, as the language behaviour is not to do this by default.