"Failed to setup GCP Project" when creating new Dialogflow agent - google-cloud-platform

The title says it all... is there a quota of some sorts? I just deleted one agent and it still throws the error.
I have a total of 6 (now 5) agents.

Yes, there is a quota on the number of projects you can get, and 5 sounds about right from memory. They will generally increase it upon request, but you need to do so through the cloud console.
Additionally, deleting a project won't immediately free up that space. The project will still count against your quota for about 30 days, during which it can be restored.

You can ask for limits augmentation on Google Cloud Console, create another account, or delete a project.
If you try to delete a project, then you must wait for 30 days before the space is freed up. This is because, while deleting it will immediately keep it from appearing in the console, you can still recover it within 1 month of its deletion.


AlphaFold on VertexAI - Stuck in setting up notebook for 2 hours

I am trying to run AlphaFold on VertexAI as explained here. However, my instance creation is stuck in this state for roughly two hours now. There is no error message either. I am wondering if something has gone wrong or this is just the expected time it will take to setup a new instance?
I actually tried with two different notebooks. One is the default one linked in the above article and the other is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/deepmind/alphafold/main/notebooks/AlphaFold.ipynb
Both are in the same state for roughly the same time.
I finally gave up and Canceled the notebook creation. When I went back to the Workbench screen, THEN it displayed me this error message:
So, turns out that the new Google Cloud account I created has no quota for GPUs. In order to increase the quota, I first had to upgrade to a full GCP account. And now I need to update for a couple of days before I can actually request the quota increase because I got this automated response when I submitted the quota increase request.
I have also contacted Sales on the link given at the end of this email to see if they can escalate the process in any way.

How do I delete a Project in Google Cloud Platform and bypass the 30 day hold?

I am trying to create a new project, but I get an error indication I have reached my project quota, I have shut down/deleted multiple projects but there seems to be a 30 day period during which the project still exists and I still cant create a new project. Is there a way to bypass the 30 day hold?
Project quota is the number of projects you are allowed to create within your organization. This is a bit more special then resource quotas you see under the quota page. Partially because this quota is tied to your Org/Billing account, also because deletion of the project has a 30 day grace period.
At the end of the 30-day period, the project and all of its resources are deleted and cannot be recovered. Until it is deleted, the project will count towards your project quota.
I recommend you to follow the project quota increase procedures:
Request Billing Quota Increase
Further explanation about project quotas.

Sorry, you've reached your maximum limit of Lightsail Instances : 2

In a normal account (no AWS Free Tier), when attempting to create more than two Lightsail instances in the same region I get
CreateInstances [eu-west-2]
Sorry, you've reached your maximum limit of Lightsail Instances : 2.
If you're new to Lightsail, please try again later. If the issue
persists, please contact Customer Support.
Thing is, in the Service Quotas page can read that the Number of instances per Region is 20.
Can see that I can request an increase in this limit and could create the instance in a different location - I've tested and that's allowed - but want all services/products in the same region so that's not an option for me).
Shouldn't I be allowed 20 per region? What am I missing here?
As stated in the error message, considering I'm new to Lightsail (less than one month of usage), will "try again later" and see if that solves.
Following John Rotenstein's suggestion, I went to the AWS's Contact Page and under Billing/Account Support raised in 2020-10-03 a case with the following text
Hi AWS support team
In a normal account (no AWS Free Tier), when attempting to create more than two Lightsail instances in the same region I get
> "CreateInstances [eu-west-2]
> Sorry, you've reached your maximum limit of Lightsail Instances : 2. If you're new to Lightsail, please try again later. If the issue persists, please contact Customer Support."
Thing is, in the Service Quotas page can read that the Number of instances per Region is 20. Shouldn't I be allowed 20 per region? What am I missing here?
As stated in the error message, considering I'm new to Lightsail (less than one month of usage), I "tried again" after 8 hours and then after 21 hours but the problem remained and hence the question.
Tiago Peres
and one day after received a response including
Thank you for reaching us regarding this matter, and we apologize for any inconvenience. In order to reach a resolution to this matter, I have engaged our Service Team to dive deep into this request.
Rest assured, I have shared the necessary details to make sure that the investigation is completed as effectively as possible, if there's any information missing from your end I will be reaching you directly.
Since I understand how important this is for you, I will be requesting periodical updates in order to ensure a prompt resolution. Once we have received information, we will be reaching back to you.
The problem now solved. The limit of LightSail instances has been updated successfully to 20 on the EU (London) region.
In my case, I submitted the support ticket asking for more instances. After a few NEXT buttons, the support guy over the chat told me:
"please check again".
He said there is a validation process for your account, after submitting the request for more instances. It takes a few minutes.
I just tried the same again, and it worked.

Google Cloud virtual instances disappear after trial?

I created two virtual machine instances. After the trial they disappear. I already search in the compute engine menu but i can't find anything. Do you know if i can recover them or what can i do?.
After your trial ends, the resources you created during the trial are stopped, but can be restored if you upgrade to a paid account within 30 days.
Within that 30-day period, you can also contact Google Billing Support to export any data you stored in Google GCP services (other than on Compute Engine). After 30 days, your data and resources are not available, even if you upgrade.
You can find more detail at this link.
Update: 2020-12-18
I just have had a chat with google billing support. They confirm that they remove data after 30 days as state here https://cloud.google.com/free/docs/gcp-free-tier#end (They gave me this link )
After the VMs are removed , they will gone forever. You cannot do anything about it.
And they also said that they DO NOT give any email warning that the service is ending and the VMs will be removed.
Very surprised about this and this is like a problem for at least 2 years. And they do nothing about it. It is just one email and very very important one!
They also said "we will send a feedback to our engineering team regarding this incident" Hope that their engineering team will create this email next time.
However, if you have a paid account, it will be different. You will get a warning email ( just one , as I understand) and you will have 7 + 30 days before your vm will be deleted. This is from the chat:
If the account missed a payment, the billing account will go to "Delinquent Status" and after 7 days, the account will be suspended and the service will be interrupted. Which means, the VM's will stop to function.
Once the account is in a delinquent status, the moment it was entered delinquency, you'll receive a notice via email that you need to update the form of payment to remove the delinquency, if not, the account will be suspended.
Once it's suspended, the project will start to go to the period when the project needs to be link to an active account within 30 days, otherwise, the data and resources are gradually deleted from the project if not linked to a working billing account in a span of 30 days.
After the 30 day recovery period, all resources on the project are fully deleted and there are no more means of recovering them, that's what will happen and the stages will experience "if" the account missed a payment or when the card link in the account expires.
As I understand , it will be one email only.

Dialogflow can't create more agent due to gcp quota

i am trying to create another agent in my dialogflow account but i can't because my gcp project limit is reached so i deleted the other useless agent but still the same issue now i tried deleting some project from gcp but still same error persist. how can i increase the quota of my dialogflow agent ?
Thank you
regards saif
Google Cloud Projects that are deleted take 30 days to completely delete. In the meantime, they are counted against your quota.
The limit is in place to make sure people don't abuse the resource or that a wayward process doesn't suddenly create tons of projects. They are reasonable about allocating more.
As the orange box indicates, you can request more projects through that link, which probably goes to https://support.google.com/code/contact/project_quota_increase. In it, be reasonable in your request, and mention that you're experimenting, that this is why you've used up all the projects initially allocated, and that you've already deleted some, but need more to continue your work in the meantime.
While use of the Dialogflow Standard Edition is free, there are limits on the amount of requests that you can make. You must bay Google Cloud Platform resources.