Use of arithmetic if in fortran 77 - fortran

I have a question about arithmetic if in f77. If I get it properly it was supposed to be used that way:
if(integer) st-,st0,st+
and meant that st- was done if the integer was <0, st0 was done if integer = 0, and st+ for integer > 0.
I have a case like this:
IF(number) test=0
I am right assuming test=0 statement will be done if number is lower than 0?

Your example code is a normal logical if, but with an integer instead of a logical expression for the condition. Some compilers (Intel and predecessors - DEC, Compaq) do allow that as a non-standard extension, gfortran does not. As far as I know not even with an option like -fdec.
See Implicit conversion integer <--> logical in Fortran if statement for more.
What an arithmetic if does is that it selects one of the three branches using numeric statement labels, you cannot put executable statements after an arithmetic if.
if(integer) label-,label0,label+
That means, e.g.,
if (i) 10, 20, 30
10 do something
20 do something else
30 do something else


Can overindexing in FORTRAN 77 modify the program itself?

Here is a little program in FORTRAN 77
dimension totlev(20)
do 100 i=1,24
write(0,*) 'totlev i=',i, totlev(i)
100 continue
I compile it using MinGW by typing gfortran test.f and I do get a warning (not an error):
do 100 i=1,25
Warning: Array reference at (1) out of bounds (25 > 20) in loop beginning at (2)
do 100 i=1,25
write(0,*) 'totlev i=',i, totlev(i)
Warning: Array reference at (1) out of bounds (25 > 20) in loop beginning at (2)
However, not always such a warning would be produced if it was a longer program. An executable is created. When I run it it behaves like an infinite loop.
And this is my problem: How is an infinite loop even possible with the DO iteration? Isn't it a logical impossibility? My only explanation is that overindexing in this case reaches to the program code itself and changes it. Is that possible?
I use Windows 7 OS if that's relevant.
It's not changing the code, it's changing the variable i. Both the array totlev(20) and the scalar i are local variables, and thus typically stored in the program's stack frame (though the standard leaves this choice to the 'processor', Fortran-speak for implementation). In this case the compiler apparently put i 4 'real's (probably 16 bytes) after the end of totlev, so assigning to totlev(24) actually changes i. Fortran basically requires that an integer and single/default-precision real variable be the same size, and while it doesn't require any particular relationship between the representations for integers and reals, most machines today use 'IEEE 754' floating-point and in that system a real 0.0 has the same representation as an integer 0.
On many though not all computer architectures it is possible to address code by indexing an array out of range, but this almost always requires indexes far out of range: millions or billions or more, not one or two. On older architectures it was often possible both to read and write code this way, but most systems since about 1980 have memory protection so that you can't write to code. In particular all Windows NT-series systems do this, which includes Windows 7.

gfortran Error: Integer too big for its kind at (1) [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Fortran: Integer too big for its kind
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I want to see integer kind number of gfortran
so I write this line
write(*,"(1X,I20,'correspond to kind ',I2)"),11111111111,kind(11111111111)
There will be compilation error says
precision of type test.f90:67:57: Error: Integer too big for its kind
at (1). Th is check can be disabled with the option -fno-range-check
So I tried recompile with -fno-range-check. But it gives result
-1773790777correspond to kind 4
What is wrong? On the other hand, intel fortran gives no error and correct answer
An integer literal without any kind designation is always of the default kind no matter what value you enter1. There is therefore no much sense to even inquire
the kind of any such literal is always the default kind, provided the value is valid. So the same as kind(1).
All integer kinds have a limited range of values. The largest one you can get using
write(*,*) HUGE(1)
Here instead of 1 you can use any other constant or variable of the integer kind you examine. Most often, the default value of HUGE will be 2147483647 which corresponds to 32-bit integers.
To use larger integer literal constants, use larger non-default kinds.
It doesn't matter if you use the methods from Fortran 90:
integer, parameter :: lk = selected_int_kind(15)
write(*,*) 11111111111_lk
or from Fortran 2008
use iso_fortran_env
integer, parameter :: lk = int64
write(*,*) 11111111111_lk
Both will work. Of course kind(11111111111_lk) will return the value of lk.
1 That is in standard Fortran. Some compilers may promote a large value to a larger kind for you, but only as a non-standard extension. You may be unpleasantly surprised when moving to a compiler, which keeps the standard behaviour.
There may be a better explanation, but this is how I understand it. The short answer is the compiler defaults to a 4 byte integer.
Fortran is statically typed and you have not declared a variable type. The compiler is forced to use the default integer kind, 4 bytes in this case. The kind function simply returns the 'kind' of integer used. The compiler is letting you know that you are trying to assign a value too large for a 4 byte integer. When you apply -fno-range-check the compiler ignores this fact and the value overflows, thus the negative value returned. You can specify that the default integer kind be 8 bytes, -fdefault-integer-8. See the gfortran docs
Example foo.f90:
program foo
write(*,"(1X,I20,' correspond to kind ',I2)"),111111111111,kind(111111111111)
write(*,"(1X,I20,' correspond to kind ',I2)"),11,kind(11)
end program foo
Compiled with:
$ gfortran -fdefault-integer-8 -o foo.exe foo.f90
$ foo
Results in:
111111111111 correspond to kind 8
11 correspond to kind 8
So you can see the compiler is indifferent to the actual value you are testing.
However, I don't think this gets at the root of what you are trying to do, which I assume is to discover the minimum size of integer necessary for a specific numeric value. I don't know of a way to do this off hand with fortran. See this here and here for solutions you might be able to port from C. The second approach looks promising. In a dynamically typed language like Python the type assignment is handled for you.
>>> type(111111111111)
<type 'long'>
>>> type(11111)
<type 'int'>

Fortran DO loop, warning to use integer only

I installed gfortran on my Ubuntu 15.04 system. While compiling Fortran code, the DO loop asks to take integer parameters only and not real values or variables. That includes the loop variable and the step expression. Why can't it take real values too?
The following is a program taken from here, exercise 3.5 of the section nested do loops.
program xytab
implicit none
!constructs a table of z=x/y for values of x from 1 to 2 and
!y from 1 to 4 in steps of .5
real :: x, y, z
print *, ' x y z'
do x = 1,2
do y = 1,4,0.5
z = x/y
print *, x,y,z
end do
end do
end program xytab
The error shown after compiling is:
do y = 1,4,0.5
Warning: Deleted feature: Loop variable at (1) must be integer
do y = 1,4,0.5
Warning: Deleted feature: Step expression in DO loop at (1) must be integer
do x = 1,2
Warning: Deleted feature: Loop variable at (1) must be integer
The Fortran standard now requires that a do construct's loop control is given by (scalar) integer expressions and that the loop variable is a (scalar) integer variable. The loop control consists of the start, step, and stop expressions (your step expression is 0.5). See R818 and R819 ( of the Fortran 2008 document. That, then, is the short and simple answer: the standard says so.
It's a little more complicated than that, as the messages from the compiler suggest. Using other forms for loop control was present in Fortran up until Fortran 95. That is, from Fortran 95 onward using real expressions is a deleted feature.
What harm is there in using real expressions? Used correctly, one could imagine, there is no harm. But there's real difficulty in portability with them.
do x=0., 1., 0.1
end do
How many iterations? That would be (under the rules of Fortran 90) MAX(INT((m2 – m1 + m3) / m3), 0) where (m1 is the start value (0.), m2 the stop value (1.) and m3 the step value (0.1)). Is that 10 or 11 (or even 9)? It depends entirely on your numeric representation: we recall that 0.1 may not be exactly representable as a real number and INT truncates in converting to integer. You'd also have to worry about repeated addition of real numbers.
So, use integers and do some arithmetic inside the loop
do y_loop = 0, 6
y = 1 + y_loop/2.
end do
y = 1
if (y>4) exit
y = y+0.5
end do
Finally, you mention .f90 and .f95 file suffixes. gfortran doesn't take the first to mean that the source code follows the Fortran 90 standard (where the code would be fine). Further, the messages from the compiler are merely warnings, and these can be suppressed using the -std=legacy option. Conversely, using -std=f95 (or later standards) these become errors.
As a bonus fun fact consider the following piece of Fortran 90 code.
real y
integer i
loop_real: do y=1, 4, 0.5
end do loop_real
loop_integer: do i=1, 4, 0.5
end do loop_integer
While the loop named loop_real is valid, that named loop_integer isn't. In the calculation of the iteration count the three expressions are converted to the kind, with kind parameters, of the loop variable. INT(0.5) is 0.

How to implement a bit array in Modern Fortran?

I am new to Fortran 2008 and am trying to implement a Sieve of Atkin. In C++ I implemented this using a std::bitset but was unable to find anything in Fortran 2008 that serves this purpose.
Can anyone point me at any example code or explain an implementation strategy for one?
Standard Fortran doesn't have a precise analogue of what I understand std:bitset to be -- though I grant you my understanding may be defective. Generally, and if you want to stick to standard Fortran, you would use integers as sets of bits. If one integer doesn't have enough bits for your purposes, use arrays of integers. This does mean, though, that the responsibility for tracking where, say, the 307-th bit of your bitset is falls on you
Prior to the 2008 standard you have functions such as bit_size, iand, ibset, btest and others (see your compiler documentation or Google for language references, or try the Intel Fortran documentation) for bit manipulation.
If you are unfamiliar with Fortran's boz literals then familiarise yourself with them. You can, for example, set the bits of an integer using a statement such as this
integer :: mybits
mybits = b'00000011000000100000000000001111'
With the b edit descriptor you can read and write binary literals too. For example the statements
write(*,*) mybits
write(*,'(b32.32)') mybits
will produce the output
If you can lay your hands on a modern-enough compiler then you will find that the 2008 standard added new bit-twiddling functions such as bge, bgt, dshiftl, iall and a whole lot more. These are defined for input arguments which are integer arrays or integers, but I don't have any experience of using them to pass on.
This should be enough to get you started.
Fortran has bit intrinsics for manipulating the bits of default integers. Bit arrays are straightforward to build off that...
Determine how many bits you need, divide by number of bits in default integer, allocate an integer array of default kind of the size you computed +1 if the modulo of the division was non-zero, and you're essentially done. The bit intrinsics are well covered in Metcalf and Reid.
What you may want could look like:
program test
logical,allocatable:: flips(:)
call tris(ntris,...,flips)
subroutine tris(nnewtris, ...,flips)
logical flips(nnewtris)
if(flips(i)) then
end if

Importing data from file to array

I have 2 dimensional table in file, which look like this:
11, 12, 13, 14, 15
21, 22, 23, 24, 25
I want it to be imported in 2 dimensional array. I wrote this code:
DO I = 1, 3
But it imports everything in one dimensional array.
I've updated code:
program filet
integer :: reason
integer, dimension(2,5) :: small
open(10, file='boundary.inp', access='sequential', status='old', FORM='FORMATTED')
READ(UNIT=10, FMT='(5I4)', iostat=reason) SMALL
if (reason /= 0) exit
write (*,*) small(2,1)
end program
Here is output:
11 12 13 14 15
21 22 23 24 25
Well, you have defined SMALL to be a 1-D array, and Fortran is just trying to be helpful. You should perhaps have defined SMALL like this;
integer, dimension(2,5) :: small
What happened when the read statement was executed was that the system ran out of edit descriptor (you specified 5 integers) before either SMALL was full or the end of the file was encountered. If I remember rightly Fortran will re-use the edit descriptor until either SMALL is full or the end-of-file is encountered. But this behaviour has been changed over the years, according to Fortran standards, and various compilers have implemented various non-standard features in this part of the language, so you may need to check your compiler's documentation or do some more experiments to figure out exactly what happens.
I think your code is also a bit peculiar in that you read from SMALL 3 times. Why ?
EDIT: OK, we're getting there. You have just discovered that Fortran stores arrays in column-major order. I believe that most other programming languages store them in row-major order. In other words, the first element of your array is small(1,1), the second (in memory) is small(2,1), the third is small(1,2) and so forth. I think that your read (and write) statements are not standard but widely implemented (which is not unusual in Fortran compilers). I may be wrong, it may be standard. Either way, the read statement is being interpreted to read the elements of small in column-major order. The first number read is put in small(1,1), the second in small(2,1), the third in small(1,2) and so on.
Your write statement makes use of the same feature; you might have discovered this for yourself if you had written out the elements in loops with the indices printed too.
The idiomatic Fortran way of reading an array and controlling the order in which elements are placed into the array, is to include an implied-do loop in the read statement, like this:
READ(UNIT=10, FMT='(5I4)', iostat=reason) ((SMALL(row,col), col = 1,numCol), row=1,numRow)
You can also use this approach in write statements.
You should also study your compiler documentation carefully and determine how to switch on warnings for all non-standard features.
Adding to what High Performance Mark wrote...
If you want to use commas to separate the numbers, then you should use list-directed IO rather than formatted IO. (Sometimes this is called format-free IO, but that non-standard term is easy to confuse with binary IO). This is easier to use since you don't have to arrange the numbers precisely in columns and can separate them with spaces or commas. The read is simply "read (10, *) variables"
But sticking to formatted IO, here is some sample code:
program demo1
implicit none
integer, dimension (2,5) :: small
integer :: irow, jcol
open ( unit=10, file='boundary.txt', access='sequential', form='formatted' )
do irow=1, ubound (small, 1)
read (10, '(5I4)') (small (irow, jcol), jcol=1, ubound (small, 2))
end do
write (*, '( / "small (1,2) =", I2, " and small (2,1)=", I2 )' ) small (1,2), small (2,1)
end program demo1
Using the I4 formatted read, the data need to be in columns:
11 12 13 14 15
21 22 23 24 25
The data file shouldn't contain the first row "1234..." -- that is in the example to make the alignment required for the format 5I4 clear.
With my example program, there is an outer do loop for irow and an "implied do loop" as part of the read statement. You could also eliminate the outer do loop and use two implied do loops on the read statement, as High Performance Mark showed. In this case, if you kept the format specification (5I4), it would get reused to read the second line -- this is called format reversion. (On a more complicated format, one needs to read the rules to understand which part of the format is reused in format reversion.) This is standard, and has been so at least since FORTRAN 77 and probably FORTRAN IV. (Of course, the declarations and style of my example are Fortran 90).
I used "ubound" so that you neither have to carry around variables storing the dimensions of the array, nor use specific numeric values. The later method can cause problems if you later decide to change the dimension of the array -- then you have to hunt down all of the specific values (here 2 and 5) and change them.
There is no need for a rewind after an open statement.