Is there an example of a multiline text field in GTK+3 written in c++ without using css? - c++

I'm having trouble figuring out the basic multi-line text field stuff in GTK+3. I was hoping someone could help me out with a simple example with no css formatting. I've done some googling and haven't found anything which I wouldn't have to deconstruct to get at the answer. Thanks.

Alright, I figured out how to do it.
GtkTextBuffer *textBufferName = gtk_text_buffer_new(NULL);
GtkWidget *widgetName = gtk_text_view_new_with_buffer(textBufferName);


Use rst-class within rst replace or alternative?

Good morning everyone, I'm updating a documentation and I'm trying to add icons using fonts.
I've reached the point where if I type:
.. rst-class:: n-icons n-face
the icon will correctly display within my docs.
I'm now trying to combine this syntax with the substitution syntax so it can be retrieved with a simple placeholder (e.g. |n-face|)
Unfortunately the following syntax is not valid:
.. |nu-face| rst-class:: n-icons n-face
If anyone have any clue how to achieve this (even using other methods) I'll be super thankful. :)

error with inserting image into book down book

i'm trying to insert an image into my gitbook themed bookdown book, but it doesn't seem to be working. I've used the code: knitr::include_graphics(""). However, instead of putting in my image, it instead shows me the attached screenshot. Am I doing this wrong?
Not sure what's going on there (you may want to include a larger code snippet), but since you are not doing anything special, simple Markdown syntax should do:
![boolean operators](

Is there a way to suppress chunk name in figure captions when using R markdown?

Is there a way to set R markdown so that the chunk name does not get included with the figure caption.
Below is an example. I would like to use "Figure Caption" as the caption instead of "chunkname Figure Caption". I just want to use chunkname as a reference for navigating through the markdown file when editing.
```{r chunkname, fig.cap="Figure Caption"}
I was using blogdown. The error was caused by using an underscore in the chunk name.
I'm not sure what the proper etiquette on this site is. Should I remove this post?
Not exactly sure what your other code looks like in the Rmarkdown file, but that is not how Rmarkdown normally works, when I use your Code, I get the outcome you are wanting

Server Side Includes are not being shown

I've gone through every fix online I'm pretty sure but I just can't seem to get this to work. I'm trying to have <#include virtual="footer.ssi" but not matter what it doesn't work.
footer.ssi and the page are in the same place
I really have no clue how to fix this issue but I can't get ANY server sides to show up on any of my pages so I know it's on my end. If anyone has any thoughts they're greatly appreciated!
I believe your code should be this: <!--#include virtual="footer.ssi" -->, this is what I use on my website, and it works perfectly!
See this reference: Html Goodies, and scroll down to The File Argument section.

emacs flyspell disable for custom latex macros

I have the following LaTeX code which has some custom macro's and environments which i would like to exclude from flyspell.
Some normal text
Please dont flyspell-this
again some normal text (please flyspell this) and some \customcode{dont-flyspell-this}.
I know I need to write a function to pass to flyspell-mode-predicate but I'm haveing some trouble getting it to work for both the \customcode and the \begin{customenv} and \end{customenv}.
Any suggestions are welcome.
It seems i can set the following:
(setq flyspell-tex-command-regexp
"\\(\\((\\(begin\\|end\\)[ \t]*{\\|\\(cite[a-z*]*\\|label\\|ref\\|eqref\\|usepackage\\|documentclass\\|customcode\\)[ \t]*\\(\\[[^]]*\\]\\)?{[^{}]*\\)\\|\\\\begin{\\(customenv[1-9]*\\)}\\(.\\|\n\\)*\\\\end{\\(customenv[1-9]*\\)}\\)")
This seems to work for the \customcode{stuff} but it still doesn't skip the text in customenv