Alt+Enter in Win32 apps, manage resizing and resolution - c++

I'm struggling with resizing and full screen mode of my project. This is what I'm working on Mandelbrot in a Pixel Shader and here on GIT
The app crashes when Alt+Enter is pressed and I don't understand why.
case WM_SIZE:
int width = LOWORD(lParam); // Macro to get the low-order word.
int height = HIWORD(lParam); // Macro to get the high-order word.
pThis->D3D->OnResize(width, height);
pThis->D3D = std::shared_ptr<Direct3D>(new Direct3D(hWnd, width, height));
pThis->D2D = std::shared_ptr<Direct2D>(new Direct2D(hWnd, pThis->D3D));
I recreated the Direct3d and Direct2 objects on resize to solve issues with the navigation and to adjust the resolution of the window. But impossible so far to get the full screen working. The full screen works without recreating the D3D and D2D object but then I'm stucked with the original resolution and the navigation does not work properly. I use the OnResize() function from MSDN ( I tried passing on a BOOL argument to InitD3D to tell the program if the swapchain is full screen or not from swapchain->GetFullScreenState but it did not help.
The navigation works as long at the window size is not changed, then it's not precise. Adjusting the yDelta with the change in screen ratio helps, but only when the window width is changed. It becomes again unstable when the window height is changed. So as workaround I recreated the D3D and D2D object to start with fresh parameters and having a function navigation. But as a result the full screen now crashes.
void Direct3D::CenterScreen(int xPos, int yPos)
//float ratio = startRatio / currentRatio;
int xDelta = xPos - width / 2;
int yDelta = (yPos - height / 2); //could divide by ratio to capture window width change
realStart += (float)xDelta / (float)width * 2 * mandelWidth;
imagStart += (float)yDelta / (float)height * 2 * mandelHeight;
Any clue how I could solve these issues? Many thanks in advance.

Found the error, the Direct2D resources were not released causing the ResizeBuffers to fail with code 0x887A0001. The tutorial from has been very helpful.
hr = swapchain->ResizeBuffers(0, 0, 0, DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN, 0);
Lesson of the day, have a robust error handling system.


glReadPixels doesnt work for the first left click

I am working on a MFC app which is a MDI. One of the child frame uses OpenGL(mixed with fixed function and modern version) called 3d view and another child frame uses GDI called plan view. Both of the views use the same doc.
The 3d view has a function to detect if the mouse cursor is over rendered 3d model by reading pixels and check its depth value.
The function is used for WM_MOUSEMOVE and WM_LBUTTONDOWN events. Most time it works pretty well. But it failed when I move my cursor from the plan view(currently active) to the 3d view and left mouse click. The depth values read from the pixels(called from onLButtonDown) are always all zeros though it is over a model. There is no OpenGL error reported. It only fails on the first mouse click when the 3d view is not activated. Afterwards, everything works well again.
The issue doesn't happen on all machines. And it happens to me but not to another guy with the same hardware machine with me. Is that possible hardware related or a code bug?
Things tried:
I tried to increase the pixel block size much bigger but depths are still all zero.
If I click on the title bar of the 3d view to activate it first, then works.
I tried to set the 3d view active and foreground in the onLButtonDown method before reading pixels. But still failed.(btw, the 3d view should be active already before the OnLButtonDown handler via other message handler fired by the left button down).
I tried to invalidate rect before reading pixels, failed too.
The code is as below:
BOOL CMy3DView::IsOverModel(int x0, int y0, int &xM, int &yM, GLfloat &zWin, int width0 , int height0 )
int width = max(1,width0);
int height= max(1,height0);
CRect RectView;
GLint realy = RectView.Height() - 1 - (GLint)y0 ; /* OpenGL y coordinate position */
std::vector<GLfloat> z(width*height);
//Read the window z co-ordinates the z value of the points in a rectangle of width*height )
xM = max(0, x0-(width-1)/2);
yM = max(0, realy-(height-1)/2);
glReadPixels(xM, yM, (GLsizei)width, (GLsizei)height, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &z[0]); OutputGlError(_T("glReadPixels")) ;
/* check pixels along concentric, nested boxes around the central point */
for (int k=0; k<=(min(height,width)-1)/2; ++k){
for (int i=-k;i<=k;++i){
xM = x0+i;
for (int j=-k;j<=k;++j){
if (abs(i)==k || abs(j)==k) {
yM = realy+j;
if (zWin<1.0-FLT_EPSILON) break;
if (zWin<1.0-FLT_EPSILON) break;
if (zWin<1.0-FLT_EPSILON) break;
yM = RectView.Height() - 1 - yM;
if (zWin>1.0-FLT_EPSILON || zWin<FLT_EPSILON) {// z is the depth, between 0 and 1, i.e. between Near and Far plans.
xM=x0; yM=y0;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
Just found a solution for that: I called render(GetDC) before any processing in OnLButtonDown. somehow it fixed the issue though I don't think it's necessary.
InvalideRect wont fix the issue since it will update the view for the next WM_PAINT.
Weird, since it works for some machines without the fix. Still curious about the reason.

How do I get the window geometry of top level windows excluding any decorations like shadows?

I'm using the GetWindowRect function to get the bounding rectangle of native windows. For top level windows, this seems to include any 'decorations' around the window such as the drop shadows which are enabled by default on Windows 10. I would like to exclude such decorations, but I do want to include the rest (e.g. the minimise/maximise button). How would (Should?) I adjust the geometry returned by GetWindowRect to get this?
My first attempt was to consider the window style and then use the system metrics CM_CxSIZEFRAME (error handling omitted for brevity):
::GetWindowRect(handle, &r);
const bool isToplevelWindow = (::GetWindowLong(handle, GWL_STYLE) & WS_CHILD) == 0;
if (isToplevelWindow) {
const int frameWidth = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME);
const int frameHeight = ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME);
r.left += frameWidth;
r.right -= frameWidth; += frameHeight;
r.bottom -= frameHeight;
// process `r`
This seems to work mostly except that on the Windows 10 style, adding the frame height to the Y coordinate (i.e. appears to be wrong, it cuts out the top of the title bar.
By now, I noticed that not only does the ::GetSystemMetrics functin support querying other frame metrics:
...there is also a 'newer' GetThemeSysSize function which provides access to some further seemingly relevant metrics.
Does anybody know which of these (if any) I should respect when trying to get rid of window decorations such as rounded edges or shadows?

How to change an images size in c++, SDL

How can I change the images size in the code below:
const int XHome = 10, YHome = 10;
const int WHome = 50, HHome = 50;
SDL_Surface* Image = SDL_LoadBMP(Address);
SDL_Rect destRect;
destRect.x = WHome * x;
destRect.y = HHome * y;
destRect.w = WHome;
destRect.h = HHome;
SDL_BlitSurface(Image, NULL, mainScreen, &destRect);
When I put Image in mainScreen which is another SDL_Surface, It's bigger than 50*50. Is it possible to resize Image? Thank you.
this is what happens when I set the WHome and HHome, 50*50.
Since I have only 5 reputation, I can't post images. To see the image please click here.
But when I set them like the original images size, this is what I see:
According to the SDL_BlitSurface documentation:
Only the position is used in the dstrect (the width and height are ignored).
I highly recommend switching to SDL 2 for many reasons (hardware acceleration being a big one); this task would also become trivial with a texture and SDL_RenderCopy. If you're somehow stuck using SDL 1, you can either look into scaling surfaces manually, or use a library like SDL_gfx, which has custom blit functions.

Window resizing and scaling images / Redeclaring back buffer size / C++ / DIRECTX 9.0

C++ / Windows 8 / Win api / DirectX 9.0
I am having real big issues with this:
Problem is that I have defined some adjust coordinate functions. They are for when a window is resized and I need to offset all of my coordinates so that my mouse cooridnates are working out the correct collisions and also to scale and yet keep ratio locked for the images I am drawing to the screen.
For example, If I had a screen at 1920 x 1080 and then resized to 1376 x 768, I need to make sure that the bounding boxes for my objects (for when my mouse hovers over them) is adjusted on the mouse coordinates I use to use to check if the mouse was in the bounding box.
I found out that I originally had problems because when I resized my window, directX was automatically scaling everything.. and on top of that, I too was rescaling things, so they would get utterly screwed... I was told by someone that I need to re-declare my screen buffer width and height, which I have done keeping in mind there is a border to my window and also a menu at the top.
Can anyone see why... regardless of doing all this stuff, I am still getting the incorrect results.
If you manage to run my application: Pressing the 1 key will make the resolution 1920 x 1080, pressing the 2 key will make it 1376 x 768. The resize is entirely wrong:
float D3DGraphics::ResizeByPercentageChangeX( float point )
float lastScreenWidth = screen.GetOldWindowWidth();
float currentScreenWidth = screen.GetWindowWidth();
if( lastScreenWidth > currentScreenWidth + screen.GetWidthOffsetOfBorder() )
float percentageMoved = currentScreenWidth / lastScreenWidth;
point = point * percentageMoved;
return point;
float D3DGraphics::ResizeByPercentageChangeY( float point )
float lastScreenHeight = screen.GetOldWindowHeight();
float currentScreenHeight = screen.GetWindowHeight();
if( lastScreenHeight > currentScreenHeight + screen.GetHeightOffsetOfBorderAndMenu() )
float percentageMoved = currentScreenHeight / lastScreenHeight;
point = point * percentageMoved;
return point;
and yet if you put the return point above this block of code and just do nothing to it, it scales perfectly because of blooming directX regardless of this which is being called correctly (presparams are previously declared in the D3DGraphics construct and a reference held in the class its self:
void D3DGraphics::ResizeSequence()
presParams.BackBufferWidth = screen.GetWindowWidth() - screen.GetWidthOffsetOfBorder();
presParams.BackBufferHeight = screen.GetWindowHeight() - screen.GetHeightOffsetOfBorderAndMenu();
d3dDevice->Reset( &presParams );
This is the problem at hand:
Here is the code that makes this abomination of a rectangle:
void Game::ComposeFrame()
gfx.DrawRectangle( 50, 50, screen.GetWindowWidth() - screen.GetWidthOffsetOfBorder() - 100, screen.GetWindowHeight() - screen.GetHeightOffsetOfBorderAndMenu() - 100, 255, 0, 0 );
I noticed that On MSDN it says:
Before calling the IDirect3DDevice9::Reset method for a device, an
application should release any explicit render targets, depth stencil
surfaces, additional swap chains, state blocks, and D3DPOOL_DEFAULT
resources associated with the device.
I have now released the vbuffer and reinstantiated it after the presparams and device are reset.
I placed an HRESULT on my reset in which I now manage to trigger an error... But, well.. it doesn't really help me! :
Basically, the issue was I was being a complete derp. I was putting into my rectangle the window width and then readjusting that size based on the oldwidth / newwidth.. well the new width was already the screen size... GRRRRRRR.

DirectX problems

I have a couple of queries regarding programming in DirectX using C++.
The first problem that I am having is that I have a texture that doesn't display on screen properly. The window is set to 800x600 when it is created and the texture is also 800x600 but when the program is loaded, only part of the texture is displayed. The code is shown below for the texture loading and drawing.
//This sets the image
helpFileTexture = new Texture(d3dDevice, L"../Resources/Help Guide.png");
//This is the draw function
helpFileTexture->Draw(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT);
//Which calls this
void Texture::Draw(long xPos, long yPos, long width, long height)
RECT imageRectangle;
imageRectangle.left = xPos; = yPos;
imageRectangle.right = imageRectangle.left + width;
imageRectangle.bottom = + height;
sprite->Draw(texture, &imageRectangle, &D3DXVECTOR3(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), &D3DXVECTOR3((float)xPos, (float)yPos, 0.0f), D3DCOLOR_XRGB(255, 255, 255));
As I said the SCREEN_WIDTH is set to 800 and the SCREEN_HEIGHT is set to 600 (which are also the same dimensions as the image). It draws from the top left as it should do but will only show part of the image. The window size was set to about 1100x1100 when the entire image could be seen. Have I done something wrong in the coding to set the image size.
The next thing is that I am having a problem hiding the cursor. I want to hide the cursor when I click the left mouse button and then have it reappear when I let go. But the cursor does not disappear. The coding for this is below.
input->mousePosition.x -= SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
mainCamera->UpdateYaw(input->mousePosition.x * rotationSpeed);
indexYaw += mainCamera->GetYaw();
D3DXMatrixRotationY(&viewMatrix, indexYaw);
d3dDevice->SetTransform(D3DTS_VIEW, &viewMatrix);
As you can see the cursor is suppose to disappear when the left mouse button is click for the camera control but it still shows.
The last couple of things is what is the best way to implement collision detection between objects and terrain following or can you link me to where a good place to find these would be.
I know this is a lot I have asked but any help would be great
The fix you implemented is not correct (the scaling one). The reason for the sizing issue is that when the texture is loaded using the D3DXLoadTextureFromFile method, DirectX changes the size of the image to the nearest power of 2 higher than the actual size. Hence the reason for it appearing larger than the screen.
So, in order to prevent it from doing this, you should use the D3DXLoadTextureFromFileEx method, and specify D3DX_DEFAULT_NONPOW2 for parameters 3 and 4. This will stop DirectX from scaling up the size of the texture. For more information on the method, refer to the MSDN page:
Note: Be sure to use D3DPOOL_MANAGED as the D3DPOOL option, otherwise if you use D3DPOOL_DEFAULT your models will become see through! (as I found out).