Let's assume I have got a multi producers and a single consumer scenario.
The pseudo code for a producer is:
product = produce()
array[in] = product
in = (in + 1) % n
The pseudo code for a consumer is:
product = array[out]
out = (out + 1) % n
What would happen if I swap semaphores in the consumer i.e. signal(empty) before wait(full) ??
I have tried to implement this scenario in java but I can't really see any change.
wait(full) is there to notify the consumer that there is something to consume. If you do not issue wait(full) first, the consumer can consume before a producer produced anything.
If you're testing this in Java, try starting the consumer before the producer, and let the producer wait a little bit before producing the first item to let the consumer "consume".
I have the situation I would like two C++ applications to run on Windows. One is writing lines to a file, the other is removing them - effectively using a file as a producer/consumer pattern.
fp = openFile(path,writeFlags);
fp = openFile(path, readWriteFlags);
while(!(stop || eof))
txt = removeLineFromFile(fp); //read and delete the line
This is conceptual only, because I am fairly sure on Windows that C/C++ doesn't allow you to delete from the start of a file like this i.e. removeLineFromFile() isn't really possible.
So how can I achieve my goal, in such a way that the Producer can continue to write to the file ignorant of what the Consumer is doing? In a perfect world the Producer would not even be aware the Consumer exists but I am not certain there are any file writing modes that allow that?
My thoughts so far run along the line of the Consumer repeatedly taking copies of the file and deleting the original, so the Producer keeps re-creating the file. In other words:
Possible Design(?)
Producer (unchanged)
fp = openFile(path,writeFlags);
Consumer (modified)
eraseFile(path); //needs to not stop Producer writing to the now-empty file
fp = openFile(tempPath, readWriteFlags);
txt = readLineFromFile(fp);
Is this a workable/reasonable approach? If so, how do I do it in such a way the Producer can continue to work while the file it is writing to keeps being removed? If not, how might I achieve the goal which is to avoid any IPC in which the Producer must listen for the Consumer? It is a design restriction that the Consumer cannot call in or otherwise interact with the Producer - it must only listen in some sense.
I am a beginner using multithreading in C++, so I'd appreciate it if you can give me some recommendations.
I have a function which receives the previous frame and current frame from a video stream (let's call this function, readFrames()). The task of that function is to compute Motion Estimation.
The idea when calling readFrames() would be:
Store the previous and current frame in a buffer.
I want to compute the value of Motion between each pair of frames from the buffer but without blocking the function readFrames(), because more frames can be received while computing that value. I suppose I have to write a function computeMotionValue() and every time I want to execute it, create a new thread and launch it. This function should return some float motionValue.
Every time the motionValue returned by any thread is over a threshold, I want to +1 a common int variable, let's call it nValidMotion.
My problem is that I don't know how to "synchronize" the threads when accessing motionValue and nValidMotion.
Can you please explain to me in some pseudocode how can I do that?
and every time I want to execute it, create a new thread and launch it
That's usually a bad idea. Threads are usually fairly heavy-weight, and spawning one is usually slower than just passing a message to an existing thread pool.
Anyway, if you fall behind, you'll end up with more threads than processor cores and then you'll fall even further behind due to context-switching overhead and memory pressure. Eventually creating a new thread will fail.
My problem is that I don't know how to "synchronize" the threads when accessing motionValue and nValidMotion.
Synchronization of access to a shared resource is usually handled with std::mutex (mutex means "mutual exclusion", because only one thread can hold the lock at once).
If you need to wait for another thread to do something, use std::condition_variable to wait/signal. You're waiting-for/signalling a change in state of some shared resource, so you need a mutex for that as well.
The usual recommendation for this kind of processing is to have at most one thread per available core, all serving a thread pool. A thread pool has a work queue (protected by a mutex, and with the empty->non-empty transition signalled by a condvar).
For combining the results, you could have a global counter protected by a mutex (but this is relatively heavy-weight for a single integer), or you could just have each task added to added to the thread pool return a bool via the promise/future mechanism, or you could just make your counter atomic.
Here is a sample pseudo code you may use:
// Following thread awaits notification from worker threads, detecting motion
while(true) { message_recieve(msg_q); ++nValidMotion; }
// Worker thread, computing motion on 2 frames; if motion detected, notify uysing message Q to nValidMotion_woker_Thread
WorkerThread(frame1 ,frame2)
x = computeMotionValue(frame1 ,frame2);
// main thread
// 1. create new message Q for inter-thread communication
msg_q = new msg_q();
// start listening thread
Thread a = new nValidMotion_woker_Thread();
// collect 2 frames
frame1 = readFrames();
frame2 = readFrames();
// start workre thread
Thread b = new WorkerThread(frame1 ,frame2);
I am trying to manage the count of native threads in PPL by using its Scheduler class, here is my code:
for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i ++)
// configure concurrency count 16 to 32.
concurrency::SchedulerPolicy policy = concurrency::SchedulerPolicy(2, concurrency::MinConcurrency, 16,
concurrency::MaxConcurrency, 32);
concurrency::Scheduler *pScheduler = concurrency::Scheduler::Create(policy);
HANDLE hShutdownEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
//for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i ++)
OutputDebugString(L"Task Completed\n");
WaitForSingleObject(hShutdownEvent, INFINITE);
The usage of SchedulerPolicy is from MSDN, but it didn't work at all. The expected result of my code above is, PPL will launch 16 to 32 threads to execute the 2000 tasks, but the fact is:
By observing the speed of console output, only one task was processed within a second. I also tried to comment the outter for loop and uncomment the inner for loop, however, this will cause 300 threads being created, still incorrect. If I wait a longer time, the threads created will be even more.
Any ideas on what is the correct way to configure concurrency in PPL?
It has been proved that I should not do concurrency::wait within the task body, PPL works in work stealing mode, when the current task was suspended by wait, it will start to schedule the rest of tasks in queue to maximize the use of computing resources.
When I use concurrency::create_task in real project, since there are a couple of real calculations within the task body, PPL won't create hundreds of threads any more.
Also, SchedulePolicy can be used to configure the number of virtual processors that PPL may use to process the tasks, which is not always same as the number of native threads PPL will create.
Saying my CPU has 8 virtual processors, by default PPL will just create 8 threads in pool, but when some of those threads were suspended by wait or lock, and also there are more tasks pending in the queue, PPL will immediately create more threads to execute them (if the virtual processors were not fully loaded).
I am a bit new to multi threading, so forgive me if these questions are too trivial.
My application needs to create multiple threads in a thread and perform actions from each thread.
For example, I have a set of files to read, say 50 and I create a thread to read these files using CreateThread() function.
Now this main thread creates 4 threads to access the file. 1st thread is given file 1, second file 2 and so on.
After 1st thread completed reading file 1 and gives main thread the required data, main thread needs to invoke it with file 5 and obtain data from it. Similar goes for all other threads until all 50 files are read.
After that, each thread is destroyed and finally my main thread is destroyed.
The issue I am facing is:
1) How to stop a thread to exit after file reading?
2) How to invoke the thread again with other file name?
3) How would my child thread give information to main thread?
4) After a thread completes reading the file and returns the main thread a data, how main thread would know which thread has provided the data?
This is a very common problem in multi-threaded programming. You can view this as a producer-consumer problem: the main thread "produces" tasks which are "consumed" by the worker threads (s. e.g. http://www.mario-konrad.ch/blog/programming/multithread/tutorial-06.html) . You might also want to read about "thread pools".
I would highly recommend to read into boost's Synchronization (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_50_0/doc/html/thread.html) and use boost's threading functionality as it is platform independent and good to use.
To be more specific to your question: You should create a queue with operations to be done (usually it's the same queue for all worker threads. If you really want to ensure thread 1 is performing task 1, 5, 9 ... you might want to have one queue per worker thread). Access to this queue must be synchronized by a mutex, waiting threads can be notified by condition_variables when new data is added to the mutex.
1.) don't exit the thread function but wait until a condition is fired and then restart using a while ([exit condition not true]) loop
2.) see 1.
3.) through any variable to which both have access and which is secured by a mutex (e.g. a result queue)
4.) by adding this information as the result written to the result queue.
Another advice: It's always hard to get multi-threading correct. So try to be as careful as possible and write tests to detect deadlocks and race conditions.
The typical solution for this kind of problem is using a thread pool and a queue. The main thread pushes all files/filenames to a queue, then starts a thread pool, ie different threads, in which each thread takes an item from the queue and processes it. When one item is processed, it goes on to the next one (if by then the queue is not yet empty). The main thread knows everything is processed when the queue is empty and all threads have exited.
So, 1) and 2) are somewhat conflicting: you don't stop the thread and invoke it again, it just keeps running as long as it finds items on the queue.
For 3) you can again use a queue in which the thread puts information, and from which the main thread reads. For 4) you could give each thread an id and put that together with the data. However normally the main thread should not need to know which thread exactly processed data.
Some very basic pseudocode to give you an idea, locking for threadsafety omitted:
for( all filenames )
queue.push_back( filename );
//start some thread
threadPool.StartThreads( 4, CreateThread( queue ) );
//wait for threads to end
class Thread
Thread( queue q ) : q( q ) {}
void Start();
bool Join();
void ThreadFun()
auto nextQueueItem = q.pop_back();
if( !nextQueuItem )
return; //q empty
ProcessItem( nextQueueItem );
Whether you use a thread pool or not to execute your synchronies file reads, it boils down to a chain of functions or groups of functions that have to run serialized. So let's assume, you find a way to execute functions in parallel (be it be starting one thread per function or by using a thread pool), to wait for the first 4 files to read, you can use a queue, where the reading threads push there results into, the fifth function now pulls 4 results out of the queue (the queue blocks when empty) and processes. If there are more dependencies between functions, you can add more queues between them. Sketch:
void read_file( const std::string& name, queue& q )
file_content f= .... // read file
q.push( f )
void process4files( queue& q )
std::vector< file_content > result;
for ( int i = 0; i != 4; ++i )
result.push_back( q.pop() );
// now 4 files are read ...
assert( result.size() == 4u );
queue q;
thread t1( &read_file, "file1", q );
thread t2( &read_file, "file2", q );
thread t3( &read_file, "file3", q );
thread t4( &read_file, "file4", q );
thread t5( &process4files, q );
I hope you get the idea.
Could someone please help me with synchronizing varied number of threads? The problem is when the number of threads can vary from one to 9 and when for instance two clients are connected to server, the communication should be synchronized in this form : client1, client2, client1, client2 ... until the communication is over.
I tried with pthread_join , pthread_mutex_lock and pthread_mutex_lock, but this blocks client1 until finish communicating to start client2.
Any help would be appreciated and thanks for your reply
I actually don't understand well how the threads should be synchronized. If there is some block of code that needs to be done in a serialized manner then the pthread_mutex_lock should be good enough. If the order of operation should be preserved (1,2,3,1,2,3) I suggest using pthread_mutex_lock along with some variable indicating which thread is allowed to enter the critical section now.
// id_to_go iterates from 0 up to number_of_thread - 1
// each thread has my_id from the same range
if (id_to_go == my_id)
// set to next thread id
id_to_go = (id_to_go + 1) % number_of_threads;
// it's not our turn, try again
The solution is to release the lock after you've sent a message, then take it again when you want to send another one.