Can't detect mouse down on MFC Picture control - c++

I am trying to add a picture control in a mfc dialog. I want to get the x,y coordinates of the pixel when I click on the picture control. I am using this code as a reference code and following this discussion to detect the click on the picture control.
A separate class has been derived for the picture control and PreTranslateMessage has been implemented.
BOOL CPictureCtrl::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
if (pMsg->message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN && GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_BITMAP)->GetSafeHwnd() == pMsg->hwnd)
CPoint point(pMsg->pt);
OnLButtonDown(pMsg->wParam, point); //passes the coordinates of the clicked Point in the dialog box
return CStatic::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
In the main Dialog class I am calling the OnLButtonDown as follows
void CCPictureCtrlDemoDlg::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
CRect rect;
if (rect.PtInRect(point))
// Do something
CDialog::OnLButtonDown(nFlags, point);
PreTranslateMessage is only triggered when i hover the mouse over the picture control, it does not trigger when i click on the picture. and the OnLButtonDown of the main dialog is does not trigger when
I click on the picture control, it only triggers when I click anywhere other than the picture control.


MFC ribbon home button closes app with double click

I've faced with strange behaviour of a home ribbon button.
I've created standard MFC application in Visual Studio 2010 with Office template that has a ribbon control. But if I double click on the Home ribbon button at the upper position the application is closed.
Could you please tell me if it is standard MFC application handlers behaviour and how I can change it?
I've looked at Prevent double click on MFC-Dialog button but couldn't apply it to my case (more clearly - I don't know how to add double click handler to a ribbon home button).
CMFCRibbonApplicationButton is not derived from CWnd so cannot handle WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message.
One solution is to derive from CMFCRibbonBar.
class CCustomRibbonBar : public CMFCRibbonBar
// ...
afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CCustomRibbonBar, CMFCRibbonBar)
void CCustomRibbonBar::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* pHit = HitTest(point);
if (pHit->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMFCRibbonApplicationButton)))
// the user double-clicked in the application button
// do what you want here but do not call CMFCRibbonBar::OnLButtonDblClk
CMFCRibbonBar::OnLButtonDblClk(nFlags, point);
Another solution: override PreTranslateMessage in CMainFrame class;
BOOL CMainFrame::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
if ((WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK == pMsg->message) && (pMsg->hwnd == m_wndRibbonBar))
CPoint point(pMsg->pt);
CMFCRibbonBaseElement* pHit = m_wndRibbonBar.HitTest(point);
if (pHit && pHit->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CMFCRibbonApplicationButton)))
// do what you want but do not call CMDIFrameWndEx::PreTranslateMessage
return TRUE; // no further dispatch
return CMDIFrameWndEx::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
Derive your own derived class of CMFCRibbonApplicationButton.
Create a message handler for CMFCRibbonApplicationButton::OnLButtonDblClk
Provide your own implementation of what you want to do on the double click. If nothing should happen, just leave the body empty.
In your CMainFrame you find a definition of CMFCRibbonApplicationButton m_MainButton. Replace the class name with your implementation.

MFC click and move/drag dialog window

I am currently working on finishing some code handed off to me. It was written in MFC in Visual Studio 2005 years ago, was put on hold, and now is brought to me.
While I know C++, I have spent the last ~2 months studying the code and learning MFC and it's starting to come together.
The GUI for the code is an SWF flash file embedded in an invisible dialog window. I do not have the source code for the SWF file so will probably, in the future, redo it in WPF or something. I have the WMMode set to "Window" because in Transparent/Opaque mode it doesn't display properly, where it flashes/blinks everytime a mouse event is captured.
Anyhow, in Win XP/Vista, clicking and dragging the flash control works. In windows 7/8.1, it won't move.
Happy to provide any and all info needed. I'm still a little overwhelmed by MFC dialogs so unsure what you'd all like to see.
I found this question: Moving window by click-drag on a control
Which looks like it solves a lot of the issue. However, I don't want the whole control to be clickable like this, only the top part. Unfortunately, in the MS Resource view, the ActiveX control is blank as the SWF is only loaded at runtime; I've tried to find resources for this kind of thing but it's very difficult as I am unsure of the technical terms to use.
I have attempted this by creating a very simple MFC app that has a Static Text control and nothing else. I am trying to get it to work by clicking on the static text (though I may be painting myself into a corner as it does not have a built-in lButtonDown event).
Here is the relevant code:
class MyDialog : public CDialog
MyDialog(CWnd* pParent = NULL) : CDialog(MyDialog::IDD, pParent)
{ }
// Dialog Data, name of dialog form
enum{ IDD = INTERFACE1 };
virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); }
//Called right after constructor. Initialize things here.
virtual BOOL OnInitDialog()
pText = (CStatic *)GetDlgItem(ID_TEXT);
pText->SetWindowTextW(_T("Hello World!"));
return true;
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
CStatic * pText;
Overridden Method:
afx_msg void MyDialog::OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
CWnd::OnNcLButtonDown(HTCAPTION, point);
I have also tried setting nFlags to 0x2, calling OnLButtonDown (as opposed to onNcLButtonDown), various other things. The message fires but the window does not move (it does move from the title bar, as normal). What am I missing?
Actually lets try this code instead with ON_WM_NCHITTEST(). This will drag the dialog if you click the mouse anywhere in client area (client area acts as caption). There is a line rc.bottom = + 100 if you uncomment it then it will only drag if you click the top section (I picked the number 100 at random).
afx_msg LRESULT OnNcHitTest(CPoint point);
LRESULT MyDialog::OnNcHitTest(CPoint point)
CRect rc;
//rc.bottom = + 100;
if (rc.PtInRect(point))
return CDialog::OnNcHitTest(point);
Second option:
If we want to move the dialog by clicking on a child control, and if that control captures the mouse, then try this method instead. ***Note, test to make sure the control works properly after it is moved.
BOOL MyDialog::PreTranslateMessage(MSG *msg)
if (msg->message == WM_MOUSEMOVE && (msg->wParam & MK_LBUTTON))
CPoint p;
CRect r;
if (r.PtInRect(p))
return 1;
return CDialogEx::PreTranslateMessage(msg);

Apply button in CDialog

I have a dialog in which after pressing button OK, the program uses the data in the dialog and draws a plot. I need to draw the plot without having to close the dialog as with IDOK, hence the apply button.
The code with drawing the dialog is,
INT_PTR val = dlg->DoModal();
if ( val == IDOK) {
//draw plot
The code of onOK and onApply
void DLg::OnOK() {
void DLg::OnBnClickedApply()
How do I get DoModal() to return a value on onApply() without closing the dialog?
Any help would be appreciated.
A modal dialog can't return a value and leave the dialog open. You could either make your dialog non-modal, or post your main window a message from the OnBnClickedApply function that makes it draw the plot.
I tend to put drawing into a separate thread and would call it wherever needed. So you can either
(1) call the OnDrawPlot again in your Apply button
if ( val == IDOK) {
AfxBeginThread(...);//draw plot
void DLg::OnBnClickedApply()
AfxBeginThread(...);//draw plot
(2) send the return value back to the DoModal using EndDialog method
What parameters are there in EndDialog ?
An example can be found here.
Declare a variable in CDialog derived class preferably public. Then just at OnOK assign this variable to appropriate value. The caller would use it directly.
class Dlg : public CDialog
int TheVariable;
Call site:
dlg.TheVariable; // Use the variable
However, if you need to draw on the dialog itself (and not to other window, which has launched the dialog), then don't call CDialog::OnOK or EndDialog in your OnOK override. In this case, you need to do painting in dialog itself.

How to capture MouseMove event in a MFC Dialog Based application for a checkbox?

My application is a VC6 MFC dialog based application with multiple property pages.
I have to capture a mousemove event over a control, for example Checkbox.
How can I capture the mousemove events over a checkbox in MFC?
A checkbox is a button control (eg. CWnd). Derive your own class from CCheckBox and handle the OnMouseMove event.
Per request...assuming a class derived from CButton...
void CMyCheckBox::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
CButton::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point);
Thanks for your replies.. I found a way to get the mousemove event for my app.
WM_SETCURSOR windows message gets the mouse move. It returns the Cwnd pointer for a control and the dialog.
Find my code below.
BOOL CMyDialog::OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message)
CWnd* pWndtooltip = GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_TOOLTIP);
if (pWnd != this)
if (IDC_SN_START_ON == pWnd->GetDlgCtrlID())
return true;
I found in #raj's OnSetCursor() code, that the associated Member variable for IDC_STATIC_TOOLTIP is that variable to which you assign the desired tool tip text. For example, if the associated variable is m_strToolTip, assign the desired text to display during the hovering event as follows:
m_strToolTip.Format("%s", "Tool tip text goes here");
I also found that UpdateData() was required upon entry into the event handler and UpdateData(FALSE) was required before the return. The SetCursor() call seems to have no effect when commented.
You can also override CDialog::PreTranslateMessage:
BOOL CSomeDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
if (pMsg->message == WM_MOUSEMOVE && pMsg->hwnd == m_checkBox->m_hWnd)
return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);

Is there any function that removes icon, using visual studio 6.0?

I couldn't find any function which removes a loaded icon. Please help me:))
Or is there any other function which makes an icon hidden such as setVisible(false), or delete?
if(GetDlgItem (IDC_BUTTON1)->IsWindowEnabled())
m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_ICON1);
dc.DrawIcon(DT_CENTER,DT_CENTER, m_hIcon);
if(GetDlgItem (IDC_BUTTON1)->IsWindowEnabled()==0) //disabled
{ dc.SetTextColor(RGB(192,192,192));
m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->RemoveIcon(IDI_ICON1);//HERE! // I try another icon
//which is null, however it didn't work because it is transparent.
Instead of painting another icon when the button is disabled, either draw a rectangle using a null pen and a brush of the background colour or just invalidate the icon-rectangle with bErase as TRUE when you disable the button
This code is a bit strange, especially since you don't give us any context. What is dc, a device context? Is this code inside of a OnPaint message handler function? And either way, why are you drawing the icon manually instead of letting the button control do it automatically?
The simpler approach is to monitor the enabled state of the control by listening for WM_ENABLE messages via the OnEnable member function, and calling the SetIcon member function to update the button's icon. This way, the button control keeps track of the icon, so there's no need to keep it in a member variable (m_hIcon). And removing an icon is as simple as setting it to display a null icon. There's no need or all of these ugly hacks, like using a second transparent icon, or drawing over the icon with a solid color rectangle.
Sample code, where CMyButton extends CButton:
void CMyButton::OnEnable(BOOL bEnable)
CButton::OnEnable(bEnable); // call the base class
if (bEnable)
// The button was enabled, so load and set the icon.
const HICON hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_ICON1);
// The button was disabled.
// First, retrieve the current icon from the button.
const HICON hIcon = this->GetIcon();
// Then, remove the icon from the button by setting a null icon.
// Finally, delete the original icon to prevent memory leaks.
It is, of course, possible to do it your way inside of the OnPaint function, if you absolutely must (though this is poor design). The trick is that the icon only gets drawn if the code to draw it gets executed. Otherwise, no icon gets drawn. The base class will not draw an icon.
So all you need is:
void CMyWindow::OnPaint()
CPaintDC dc(this);
const CWnd* pBtn = GetDlgItem(IDC_BUTTON1);
if (pBtn->IsWindowEnabled())
m_hIcon = AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_ICON1);
dc.DrawIcon(DT_CENTER, DT_CENTER, m_hIcon);
// make sure that you delete m_hIcon when the window is destroyed!
// Do not draw the icon here!
// But write whatever other code you want, like...
Obviously this tactic will only work if your code is inside of the OnPaint function, but that is where you should do all of your drawing. Otherwise it will be lost whenever the window is repainted. For a demonstration, just try minimizing the window or moving it off the screen. Force a repaint by calling CWnd::Invalidate, followed by CWnd::UpdateWindow (or alternatively `CWnd::RedrawWindow).