amcharts - Adding ticks between categories - amcharts4

I would like to add ticks between categories on the category axis to separate them, as highlighted in the picture below.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I found the answer in a tutorial here
categoryAxis.renderer.ticks.template.location = 0;



Hello, people.
As you guys can see on the table above, I´have more than one "seller" per "order_num" and it’s ok. But I need to SUM the "sku_qtd" without repeating the items from the order. Right now, SUM is returning 6 instead of 3.
Pls help me, I have been looking for an answer for hours.
If you cannot modify the data model to properly represent the relationship between order_num and seller (many-to-one or many-to-many), this DAX formula should do it:
sum_qtd = SUMX(DISTINCT('table'[order_num]),FIRSTNONBLANK('table'[sku_qtd],0))

Get products according to chosen value

I am creating a shop with Opencart 1.5.6 & I'm new to opencart & php so please help me
I searched a lot but all of results are talking about adding a filter in SORT drop down list like manufacturer ..
but I don't want to sort,
I added a new custom field called COLOR to product and i want to create a new drop down list contains RED,BLUE,& BLACK options and it will get all the products with this chosen color.
I tried to create a drop down list like "Sort By:" one,
but i can't because i have no experience with PHP or Opencart.
PLEASE HELP ME !! and thanks in advance :)
As you said you are beginner so just go through step by step
In Opencart there is a feature called filter which exactly fulfills your requirement
**Step1 (Creating Filter)**
Admin panel>catalog>filter>Inset a new filter
->Filter Group Name "Color".
->click on add filter and add your colors "Red, Green, Blue...."
**Step2 (Adding Filter attribute to Product)**
Admin panel>catalog>products>edit product
->under the link tab there is a filter add the filter to product you want
eg if the product is red in color add "red"
->Do this to all product you wanted to be filtered.
**Step3 (Adding Filter Scope to category)**
Admin panel>catalog>categories>edit category
->under the data tab there is a filter add the filter you want to be displayed like "red, green etc.."
->Do this to all category you wanted filter to be displayed.
**Step4 (Enable Filter module or setting layout)**
Admin panel>Extensions>Modules
->Find Filter and click on install
->Now Edit the filter
->click on add module
->Set Layout to Category, Position to Content Top and Status to Enable
->Click on Save
Now you are done, In category you can see the filter feature in category,
If you still find difficulties you can follow the official documentation
Hope this helps.

Merit Gem: how to grab a User's points for a single day?

How can I grab a User's points for a single day (i.e. 'Today' or 'Yesterday') using the Merit gem?
I tried:
current_user.points.where("created_at >= ?",
but that doesn't work.
There's a models diagram for merit in With that in mind, lines like this makes it work:
user = User.first
points = user.sash.scores.first.score_points
points.where("created_at > '#{}'")
This is the final answer:
u.sash.scores.first.score_points.where("created_at > ?",
Thanks TuteC.

django queryset with count filter

I've done the entire Django Tutorial, but I couldn't figure out how to make the website display only Polls with Choices count bigger than 0.
I know that Poll.objects.get(pk=1).choice_set.count() would return the number of choices I have.
So I tried the filter Poll.objects.filter(choice_set.count()>0) and it didn't work.
Can someone help me please? Thanks
This is my actual queryset.
queryset=Poll.objects.annotate(count=Count('choice')).filter(, count__gt=0).order_by('-pub_date')[:5]

Django Distance Search by Zipcode

I want to search based on distance from inputted US zipcode.
First, I know I need a search form:
class SearchForm(forms.Form):
zipcode = forms.CharField(max_length=5)
Then I pass those options to next view where I filter based on inputted parameters. This is where it gets tricky for me.. I have searched around a lot and it seems there are many solutions to this. I have used this post as a reference would give me something like this:
def display_map(request, zipcode):
objects_near_zip = Thing.objects.filter(location__distance_lte=(Point([zipcode]), D(mi=5)))
But I need to turn the zipcode into a point. How would I do this? Is there a better solution that you have used? Thanks for your ideas!
I found this discussion, but the implementation is a little hard for me to understand. I create a Zipcode model, that makes sense.
But Im not sure how or where to load the zipcodes like he says in the post:
lm = LayerMapping(Zipcode, 'tl_2008_us_zcta5.shp',
{ 'code' : 'ZCTA5CE',
'mpoly' : 'MULTIPOLYGON',
Where do I place this code? The shp file is quite large and took a long time even on my desktop, so Im not sure this is the best solution.